chapter 1

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It was a lovely morning but something interupt it... was my alarm clock
It seems my ear is bleeding because of my alarm clock...hehehe let's get back to story...

I immedeatly turn off my alarm and got ready for school...after i get a shower and brush my teeth i wore my school uniform and went downstairs,,,i greet my mom"good morning" and my mom says
Shinra: omo my beautiful daughter yuri how was your sleep?she says while preparing breakfast.

Yuri:great mom but my stupid alarm just ruined my mood. I said while pouting...

Shinra: awww your so cute,,by the way i just wanna ask something and pls son't be angry at me ok?...

Yuri:just tell it to me i won't be angry to you promise. I said...

Shinra: ummm ok,,,well...i am dating someone and we planned to be married... she says while smiling.

Yuri's POV

I'm so shock to hear that,,how can she forget dad!
By the way dad passed away 2 yrs ago due to car accident....
I guess its time to moved on besides i'm happy that my mom found a man that will make her happy like my dad so why not....

Me: wow mom i'm so happy for you!!i said while smiling.
I can feel she is so shock,,,maybe because she taught that i will disagree

Her face light up and then she hugged me,,,,i'm so happy because my mom si so happy...

Shinra[Mom]:omg yuri i taught you will gonna disagree..she says while smiling

Me:ofcourse not why would i do that!??
Mom:because you know,,your father...she said while looking sad..

Me: aww mom ofcourse not,,i do love dad but seeing you happy is enough for me...
Mom: awww that's why i love you...
Me:love yah tooo
Mom: here eat this,,,stop this drama already your going to be late...
Me: ok mom

Time skips

Me:Mom i gotta go bye!!
Mom:ok yuri be safe ok!!
I was walking until someone bump into me,,,i fell on the floor and i look up to see a beautiful eyes were looking at me then he reached out his hand for me to take it so itake it...
Guy:i'm so sorry i was'nt looking
Me:No its ok i was'nt looking either..
Guy:are you new here?
Me: ummm yes why?

Umm sorry guys i forgot to tell you it was my first day at school cuz i just transferred here so now you know...let's get back

Guy:ahh that's why i don't see you often at school.he said,,,you know to be honest he's so handsome. the way what's your name?
Guy: the names hueningkai but feel free to call me kai.he said while smiling at me,,,omg i'm about to die,,just kidding
Me: ahh ok kai
Hueningkai:so you,,what's your name?
Me:my name is yuri
Kai:what a cute name...
I blushed slightly because of his compliment,,gosh why am i like this.
Then we hear the "ringggggg" sound
Kai:so see you around.he said while smiling
Me: sure,,nice to see you
Kai:me too bye!!he bid while running.

Gosh wait,,,,i forgot to ask kai where is the principal's office ohh noo!!then i saw a teacher walking from garden to a classroom,,before she could enter her class i went to her and ask her where's the principal's office

Time skip(cuz imma lazy person)
(Outside the classroom)
I was nervous cuz you know what!!!
It's my first time and i will going to be late!!!the hell my first time and i will going to get detention such a shame for me,,,huhuhu wish me luck

I knock at the door and then i hear someone says "wait" the moment i hear that my heart is pounding so fast as if i run a 1 kilometer road gosh...inhale exhale repeat3×
The door openned o my gosh this is it
Teacher:what can i do for you?

Me:i'm the new student here...s-sorry i'm l-late.i said while i bowed to her.

And i get back to my positio to see her smiling.gosh why is she smiling!!😱

Teacher:it's ok besides it's your first time here so you must be confused where is the principals office.she says while smiling.

Me:thank you ma'am!! I said while smiling.she smiled back.

Teacher:attention pls...class we have a new beautiful student ,,c'mon sweetie come here,,,introduce your self.

Me:Annyeong haseyo ne...Park Yuri imnida...i hope we can be friends.
I said while smiling at them.

Then i hear gossipping
Guy1:damn she's so hot
Guy2:no she's cute
Guy3:no she's pretty
Girl1:yuck eww look at her face she look awful
Girl2:i admit she is pretty but not beautiful as me

To be continued...

I hope you all enjoy i will update again tomorrow bye loye yah💕💕

My Step brothers...[TXT FF]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें