From Victim to Lover

Par spencerreidluver224

660 34 9

She was the victim and now she's in love with the fellow agent that rescued her. Will it last or will their j... Plus

The Rescue
Come Back To Me
The Return
Hannah Evans
Lover's Lane
I'd Wait for you
Ghost from my past
Wedding Day
Girl's Night Out
Old Friends


6 1 0
Par spencerreidluver224

A/N: Hey guys. This chapter is going to get very intimate and I guess you can figure out why based on the title of this chapter. If it really bothers you I will tell you when to start reading again and you won't have the scenes.- Haley 

Spencer's POV

We are approaching the winter holiday season and you can feel the excitement in the BAU. Hannah was just cleared for field work and we all exchanged Secret Santa gifts. I got Matt, Hannah got Tara. and I really wanna know who got me. We are all sitting around the round table waiting for Emily to start Secret Santa. Each person put their gift in the middle of the table. Emily starts and find's the gift with her name on it. We all take our turn around the table meaning I will go last. Hannah opens her gift and it is a fine scrapbook. With a picture of the three of us on the front of it, she flips through it and there are moments from her first day in the BAU to our first day to our trip in aruba to the wedding to our holidays together and she begins to cry. She looks at the quality of the book and averages out who has already gone and figures JJ got it for her. She was right of course. I am next. 

I grab my gift and know it is from Morgan he is the only person who hasn't given a gift. I smile at him and rip open the package. It's the the oldest collection of these old english collection books written in gaelic. I laugh and thank him. "Wait the team got together and got the two of you ove birds a gift. We know the last year has been crazy with kidnappings and a baby and so much more that we wanted to give you something to show our love and appreciation for your strength and dedication." Derek says as Penelope hands us an envelope. Hannah opens the envelope and instantly squeals. "Tickets to Italy? First of all thank you Rossi but why now?" 'Well we remembered that you guys never got to go on an actual honeymoon so we are giving you the chance now. I already put your time in requests for leave and we have made a babysitting schedule for Grace. Everything is covered you just have to get on the plane." Emily says and i am just sitting there staring at the tickets in shock. "I don't speak Italian though." I say looking up at the team. 

"I do. I speak Italian." Hannah says and my head spins. I stare at her. "Why didn't I know that?" I ask "You never asked Doctor Reid." she says smirking. I stare around at the team. "Look at that two geniuses speechless. You're welcome guys. Now let's go get out of here." Emily says getting up and leaving the room. I stand up and start pacing the room. "You pace when you're anxious. Why are you anxious?" Hannah asks not even looking up from the tickets. "I hate profilers. Well I am anxious to go to Italy I have never been there before. What if I don't like it." "Exactly why we have to go, they have museums and the vatican. I mean nobody knows the bible better than us and I mean we can recite every word from the bible. They have huge museums or art and literature. Don't be a bummer." she says giving me the puppy dog eyes. "Fine. But those tickets have us leaving tomorrow morning so we have to go home and pack. our flight will be here at 8:45 so we have to drop Grace off at Penelope's at 7 to be at the airport by 7:30 so we can get through security and board." She gets up and walks towards me placing a hand on my chest and look up at me. "Babe you are cute when you nervous ramble but right now we need to get home and not stand here talking." she laughs and walks past me out the room putting the tickets in her purse. 


Hannah's POV

Honestly I am over the moon about this honeymoon. I am freaking out because I know this is going to be the best trip we have ever taken. Spencer and I get home we put Grace to bed after a night of watching Barney and Dora and once she was sleeping Spencer went and got our luggage. We spent most of the night packing and I set an alarm for 6:15 so we could be up and ready in time. 


The alarm goes off and Spencer groans and swears in that cute little morning tired voice of his. "Fuck. Shit Sorry I am up I am up." he says rolling over towards me and kissing me. We get up we shower get dressed in comfortable clothing and wake Grace up and get her ready. While I am dressing her Spence is packing her bag and we get in the car. Once we drop off our baby and say goodbye to her, Penelope, and Alvez we head to the airport. It is about a 11 hour flight to Italy. We get through Security and are sitting at our gate waiting to board the plane. 

"Ciao. Mi Chiamo Joseph. Perchè Voi Ragazzi andate in Italia?" Joseph ask sitting besides me on the plane. (Hello my name is Joseph. Why you guys go to Italy?). "Ciao. Sono Hannah, questo e mio marito Spencer. Andremo in Italia per la nostra luna di miele davvero tarda." I respond introducing myself and Spencer and telling him about our trip." he puts his headphones on and I grab Spencer's hand. "This is going to be great. I have always wanted to go to Italy." I say looking around Spencer and out the window. I fall asleep holding his hand with my head on his shoulder and his head is on top of mine. We wake up just as the place begins descending. I see his face light up with a huge smile and it makes me smile. While he grabs our bags I hail a taxi and have it take us to the hotel the team had set up as well. This hotel was beautiful, it was right on the beach and it wasn't right in Rome so it wasn't too busy. Spencer grabs my hand and pulls me to the room. "What do you want to do first? Unpack? Go walk the beach? Go play by the Trevi Fountain?" I say looking at him. 

If you get uncomfortable with intimacy stop reading here. 

He raises one eyebrow at me and giggle walking towards me. He pushes me up against the wall "I have an idea" he says kissing me and his hands move up the back of my shirt and unclasped my bra and it falls to the floor. I remove his shirt and his hands find their way up my shirt and across my chest. We continue to kiss as his tongue flies into my mouth he removes my shirt. I find the notch to his belt and remove his belt and my hands start removing his pants. His hands are in my hair and on my chest. He moves his mouth down my chest starting at my neck he kisses my shoulder then my collar bone and his lips land on boob as his hands work their way to removing my leggings. He continues down my stomach and his hands wind up inside of me. I start kissing his lips and then his neck and then his collar bone. We are just wrapped up in each other for what feels like 10 minutes but when I look at my phone I realized that it had almost been a full day. We fall asleep wrapped up in each others arms and I wake up to my cell phone ringing. 

Start reading here again

"Hannah. Listen I know you are probably busy doing uh Spencer right now but I wanted to make sure you guys got there okay and were enjoying Italy has to offer." I laugh. "Yes Emily we are fine. We are at the hotel, which is beautiful by the way, and I am telling you when we do come back there will probably be more hickeys on us than bare skin. But thank you for checking in but I am turning my cell phone to silent for the rest of this trip. I love you Em." "Love you too Hannah. Have funnn" she mocks me and I hang up. 

I grab one of Spencer's t shirts from his bag and go out onto the patio and take in the beauty of the Italian Hills and the water gazing it's way upon the shore. I smile and sip on the coffee I brewed earlier. As I sit down I watch the sun begin to set. I hear the door slide open next to me and look up. "Good morning Beautiful. How did you sleep?" "I slept amazing considering I couldn't stop my legs from shaking when I got up this morning. How did you sleep?" He looks at me with a seductive look in his eyes "Oh yeah I slept like a baby. Not a single problem with the functioning of my body." he laughs and I roll my eyes. "I am nowhere near that bad in bed you silly Doctor. You are lying." I say straddling his lap.

  Stop Here 

Since I am literally in just a T shirt and he is just wearing under when I sit I am ummm let's say Impaled by the friend between his legs. I begin to get wet and kiss his neck. Just as he begins to moan and get into I get up and head into the bathroom. "You evil little snake. I am going to get you good for this one." he laughs running up and stops me from opening the door. I bite my lip and attempt to hide since I am only 5'6 and he is 6'0 he still towers me and stops my every move. I half smile and bite my lip while he looks down on me. "I just want to shower." I say sarcastically raising one eyebrow at him. "Mmmmm too well you aren't alone in said shower." He laughs leaning around me to start the shower. He removes the shirt and picks me up and brings me against the shower wall. As the water is streaming down our bodies we pick up from where we left off the night before and he continues his way down my body. I swear with every kiss I fall more in love with this man. I laugh. We continue through the night and actually shower. Once we get out I pull away and look at him. 

Start Here
Once we get up the next morning we get dressed and while we are heading downstairs I look at Spencer. "Was the last two days you aiming to Grace a sibling?" I say sarcastically. "No but if it happens it happens. And don't try and say that like it was all me you played a part in it too. The whole shower scene was your fault." he giggles. I roll my eyes and we live the hotel. The rest of the day is sent doing what two geniuses do best, explore museums and gather information. 

We get to the colosseum on day 4. We went in a tour group and Spencer was losing all self control on not blurting out facts while on the trip so he would squeeze my hand and whisper the facts in my ear. We laughed and took a picture kissing in front of the trevi fountain. I was so happy the team gave this trip to us. Spencer was creepily taking pictures of me so one lady came over and tried to say something but he had to explain I was his wife and it was alright. He was so embarrassed. 

Spencer's POV

We are standing in line for Gelato and I am watching Hannah order and damn she has never looked so beautiful. We walk away and sit down at a nearby table watching the sunset and the fireworks over a hill go off. Hannah stares in awe, finishing her ice cream she walks up and takes my hand. Apparently she bought us a boat ride into the mediterranean sea, "Did you know that the mediterranean sea is enclosed by water on all sides so it is nearly impossible to get lost at sea while on a boat because eventually you will hit land." she rolls her eyes and cuddles into me as we float near the shore line and watch the fireworks. She kept us anchored to the dock but I can't help but stare at Hannah. She notices me staring and giggles. 

"Why are you staring?" she asks. "Because you are the most beautiful girl in this entire country and this moonlight is doing really good reflecting off your skin right now!" she giggle and rolls her eyes. I pull her in closer to me and kiss her forehead. She falls asleep the minute we get in the room. The next 2 days are us getting as much information about random stuff in the country so we can go back and tell the team all the new info we learned. Also Hannah insisted on shopping for christmas presents for the team and for Grace because we are here and you can "only get authentic italian stuff from italy."  she says "or you can get it from Rossi" I reply back. She laughs and rolls her eyes. We spend the last night packing up all of our stuff. 

Once we check out the next morning we get a taxi to the airport and Hannah gets us all checked in with her Italian speaking. We get through security and are waiting to board the plane. The fact that she can fluently speak and write Italian is crazy. "Where did you learn to speak and write Italian" I ask her "Sorry it's just been in the back of my mind since I found out." she looks over at me. "Well to be honest I took it as a class in college. I thought if my life wasn't going great in a few years I can up and start a new life in Italy so I learned the language fluently. What you think you're the only person who knows another language, I am a genius too ya know." she responds. "What stopped you from running away?" she breaths in and looks back out the window where our plane is. "Well Grace, Angelina, and Alanna to start with. Also the FBI, I fell in love with the job. But after Gary and Daniel I was going to resign and move here to try and escape the fact that there was nothing holding me in America anymore. I didn't have any family or friends, I was completely alone again. That's when Emily reached out and we became close instantly. As she worked her way through the ranks she promised me we would work together. The day I was offered the job at the BAU I stopped thinking about running away. I finally had a family." she says not making eye contact with me. We board the plane and are off. Hannah slept the whole ride and I slept or read.

That monday Hannah forces me to wake up by shoving  cup of coffee in front of my face. Not once in my life have I said no to a cup of coffee. I roll my eyes and get out of bed. Hannah is already up, showered, dressed and has Grace ready to go. "So I am heading out to drop Grace off with Joy and then I will be back you better be dressed mister we have to go into work today." I strategize that it takes 15 minutes to get to Joy's and 15 minutes to get back. So I have 15 minutes to lay down before I have to get up. Well too late now I have had coffee. I get up, grab clothes and walk past Hannah's mirror. I check my reflection and see the line of hickeys down my neck, "That little witch." I laugh. "Who me?" she laughs from the doorway. "Yes did you see these?" I ask pointing to my neck. She shakes her head and grins. "Well duh stupid I gave them too you. Now stop being baby I will cover them up. Let's go." she says grabbing her makeup and heading into the bathroom. The sneaky witch covers up all of them but one. She insisted on showing we made the most out of italy. 

We get to work and Hannah instantly goes off with the girls. While I am rushed by Morgan. "Hey pretty boy welcome back." He says approaching me. His eyes flash to my neck "Well well well, did you even see any of Italy or just the inside of the Hotel room?" he asks touching my neck. I roll my eyes and get lost in the files. 

Hannah's POV

"So tell us everything" the girls say the minute we get into Emily's office and close the door. I tell them about how we spent from the time we got into the hotel into the morning of day 3 having sex. I show them the hickeys and they all giggle. I show them the pictures of our time around the country and tell them about how Spencer and I learned random facts. I look out the door and see Spencer surrounded by the guys. We end up leaving that night with a bigger headache then you would get from a hangover. 

The girls and I are going out. Wanna join?- Emily. 

I get this message right after I put Grace to sleep. I agree and let Spencer know I will be back in a couple of hours. 

Continuer la Lecture

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