Willabe Williams(a HP fan-fic...

By sageravens

276 16 2

What if Harry Potter and his best friends had another? What if she was somehow related to Lord Voldemort? Wha... More

(1) Chapter 1: Willabe Williams
(1) Chapter 2: The Strange Woman
(1) Chapter 3: Animagus?
(1) Chapter 4: The Family from the Zoo
(1) Chapter 5: Father
(1) Chapter 6: Diagon Alley
(1) Chapter 7: Hogwarts Express
(1) Chapter 8: Hogwarts
(1) Chapter 9: Classes
(1) Chapter 10: Moaning Myrtle
(1) Chapter 11: Brooms and Duels
(1) Chapter 12
(1) Chapter 14: Break
(1) Chapter 15: William's Manor and Christmas

(1) Chapter 13: Quiditch

14 1 0
By sageravens

My eyes snapped open and were greeted by a blinding white light and familiar brown and greys eyes looking down at me.

"Nice to see you alive Williams." Theo remarked from a distance.

I sat up groaning and had to push Blaise out of the way so I could sit comfortably.

"How long was I out?" I questioned. I leaned back against the head board of the metal hospital bed. I reached over to the table next to the bed and grabbed the mirror. I brought it up and examined the scar on my cheek from the porcelain sink. I ran my finger along the healing skin.

"Two days, Draco kept on insisting we come and visit you." Theo snickered, he was now standing at the edge of the bed. My hand froze on my wound. I looked up to face him. I noticed behind him Crabbe and Goyle were standing there awkwardly with their hands in their pockets.

"Brought the whole crew huh?" I snickered, turning towards Draco. His's face hardened. "I appreciate you worring about- "

The Hospital Wing door swung open and foot steps came storming in. "WILLABE," A voice boomed. I knew who it was, I didn't even have to see their face from behind the curtain. It was the man who's voice I heard when I zoned out, it was the voice of the man who recently came back into my life. The man who's letters I have ignored. The curtain swung open so quickly, it startled me, causing me to drop the mirror on my lap. "Not once have you responded directly to my letters. When you did it was about a duel. Imagine my surprise when I receive a letter that you went an fought a bloody grown troll and ended up injured!"

I gulped. "W-why do you care? You've just been reintroduced into my life and I hardly know you." I mumbled.

"And you think fighting a troll is better then getting to know me?" He rubbed his temples with his hands. The sleeve of his suit slid down a little and I could see a little black smudge there.

"No, it wasn't even my fault entirely. I ran to the bathroom to cry my eyes and just so happened to run into the troll." I replied bluntly, not even thinking of my words. I clamped my hand over my mouth and stared down at my feet under the blanket. I wiggled my toes, pretending to be very interested in them.

I heard Blaise, Draco, and Theo shift uncomfortably.

"Why were you going to cry?" His voice softened.

"No reason, just stuff." I whispered. I picked up the mirror and ran my finger along the engravings. I pulled the blanket away from me and swung my legs over the bed and stood next to Draco. "I'll be going now." I took a step and felt a little dizzy but ignored it. I walked away from them. I stopped at the door and called over my shoulder. "Crabbe, Goyle? You comming?" The two idiots imedietly got up and followed me out the door. The two boys towered over me as we walked along the corridor. I turned around and faced them once we were quite aways from the door. A miscivious grin crawled its way into my face.

"Crabbe," I smiled up at him innocently. "Can you give me a piggyback ride? My head is pounding terribly."

"um.." He started.

"Please? I'll show you how to sneak into the kitchens," I shot him another innocent smile. He sighed and bent down so I could climb onto his back. I giggled in delight and hopped on. "Thank you Crabbe!" I turned my head to Goyle. "Can you collect my wand from Madam Pomfrey?" He nodded and set off back to the Wing. "Off we go!" I said happily.

He carried me in silence until we reached the Great Hall. Students gasped and gawked at us. "Oh to have my wand and I could easily blindfold all their faces." I sighed, resting my head on Crabbe's shoulder. We neared the entrance of the Hall. A Hufflepuff held open the door for us. "Let's go in, I'm hungry." I thanked the student and Crabbe marched over to Slytherin table, they were serving dinner. I lifted my head up and patted his shoulder for him to let me down. I slipped into the bench and piled food onto my plate.

"Woah" Crabbe exclaimed.

"Oh hush, I haven't eaten in two days, I'm starved." I took my fork and stabbed into the chicken. Goyle finally arrived with my wand and the rest of the crew. Goyle handed me my wand, which I took greatfully.

Dinner was ending and I had Crabbe carry me out of hall. We were stopped by the trio. "Willa!" They all yelled. Crabbe turned around and shot them an evil glare.

"Hi" I spoke softly.

"When did you get out of the hospital wing? Malfoy wouldn't let us through to see you." Ron said, spatting out Malfoy like it was a horrid curse.

"Oh, I got out right before dinner and had Crabbe here be my carrier," I answered. I looked up and saw a woman in a hospital uniform sturtting her way over to us. "I actually wasn't dismissed by madam Pomfrey so we should get going so I can hide because I see her coming down the hall. Go Crabbe!"

With that Crabbe turned and did his best running down the corridor. I saw professor Quirrell and Snape out of the corner of my eye as we sped past them. We reached the wall to the Slytherin common room. He muttered the password and entered the common room. We were met by immediate silence. Everyone turned to us, I climbed off Crabbe's back.

"Um, got a problem with starring or something? I just got out of the hospital and if you don't mind I'm going to my dorm." I expressed sassily, clutching my wand, I just wanted sleep now. I pushed past a group of people, just as I was in the entrance to the stairs, someone shouted.

"Did you really fight that troll?"

The whole room turned to chaos.

"Did you not see the scar on her face? She obviously did."

"Well, Carolus Rowle really messed up if she did."

"A first year taking down a troll? She had help from those Gryffindors."

"Even so that muggle-born Granger said she did most of the work." '

I sighed and continued on my way down to my dorm. I closed my eyes for a split second, still walking and I came into contact with something squishy. I gripped my wand and brought it to the person's neck without realizing who it was. I gasped and stepped back when I realized it was just Felix.

"Woah kid," Felix exclaimed. "You need to look where you're going."

"Sorry, just exhausted and overwhelmed." I replied, looking up at him. I noticed his dark blue eyes and his dark dirty blonde haira mess ,my eyes went to his chest where his tie was rather messy and a few buttons undone. "You're in the girls corridor- you just-" I smacked my hand over my mouth to muffle my disgusted exclamation. He just chuckled at my shock.

"One day, you'll understand kid." He said and patted my head like I was a dog and went on his way. It was only then I realized my hair wasn't in its usual braid.

I showered and got tucked into my bed. This first year at Hogwarts isn't going to be normal, far from normal.

* * *

Suddenly its now November, the year was going by so quickly and unexpectedly. I woke up and dressed in Slytherin colors, today was the first Quidditch match of the season. It was Gryffindors vs. Slytherins. I slid on a red and gold bracelet onto my wrist, next to a sliver one to give them a secret good luck. I skipped out the door to the Great Hall. The moment I stepped in I was met with lovely smells of freshly cooked food. I turned my attention towards the Gryffindor table, Harry looked rather sickly. I sighed and skipped over to him, wrapping my arms around him from behind.

"Good luck today Harry," I gave him a quick innocent peck on his cheek, his face flushed red. I removed my arms form around his neck and sat down next to him. "I'll be secretly rooting for you from the Slytherin stands." I whispered in his ear.

"Willa! Great you're here. Harry is refusing to eat, he needs his strength if he's going to do well in the match." Ron exclaimed, I take it that Quidditch is very serious for him.

"You're not eating? Just eat a bit, some fruit or toast." I grabed a slice of toast and placed it on the plate in front of him. He smiled at me weakly and took the bread and bit into it. I turned my gaze to the Slytherin table, the seemed to be shooting daggers at me. I rolled my eyes and focused my attention on making sure Harry eats.

"Well you stick out like a sore thumb Williams." Fred exclaimed taking a seat next to Ron fixing his scarlet Quidditch robes. George took a seat next to him and copied.

"In a sea of bright red, there you are in dark green." George added.

I rolled down my sleeve to expose the small red and gold bracelet.

"Supporting the enemy ey?" The twins said at the same time. I smiled and stabbed a watermelon off my plate and ate. I checked on Harry constantly to make sure he was eating.

The November chill hit my face like tiny needles stabbing my face.
I sat down on the stands wrapping the scarf around me tighter. Blaise and Theo sat next to me and Malfoy sat between his goons behind us. Pansy was somewhere gossiping about boys an what not. The game started and all the players flew up on their brooms.

"This is boring," I moaned. I rested my head on Blaise's shoulder. "And cold."

"Quiditch isn't boring!" Draco exclaimed.

"It's an excellent sport to play!" Theo added.

Sighing, I shot back, "Yeah to PLAY, we're just SITTING in the bloody cold freezing our arses off!"

"She's got a point," Crabbe spoke, I smiled up at him greatfully.

"Huh, look at Potter he can't seem to control his broom." Draco sneered. I looked up to see Harry hanging on his broom for dear life. I glanced to the professors seating area and my eyes landed on Professor Quirrell and Snape, one of them was jinxing the broom. A flash of curly brown hair appeared for a split second and a fire erupted on Snapes cloak knocking Quirrell back. Harry only seemed to get control of his broom the moment Quirrell fell. I stood up and leaned against the railing with a bunch of other students and watched him closely. He was muttering curses under his breath, he looked up and his eyes locked with mine.

"HE LOOKS LIKE HE GON BE SICK!" A voice boomed from the Gryffindor side. I turned my gaze quickly to the pitch and saw Harry hulled over on the ground. He brought his hands to his mouth and spit up something golden.


Slytheins groaned and complained, Gryffindors cheered.

Dinner in the Great Hall was a mess, the red headed twins raved about how great Potter was and taunted the Slytherin Quiditch players. 

"It's not even fair, he practically swallowed it. He didn't even catch it fairly." Draco had grumbled.

* * *

I waited in my bed patiently for Pansy to fall asleep. I heard her light snoring and snuck out of the dorm in plain black button up with matching joggers. I crept up the stairs to the common room. No one was really there so I snuck up to the mantle. I was about it climb it when a voice startled me.

"What are you doing." A voice boomed, he said it as a statement rather then a question. I turned around slowly. My face hardened when I realized who it was.

"Rowle" I seethed in greeting. Stupid Carolus Rowle. I sighed and shot him an innocent smile. "Nothing, I was bored and wanted to see if I could climb the mantle."

He snorted.

"Who would be dumb enough to do that. Oh yeah you." He sneered.

"I don't- how does that- you're dumb," I stuttered. "I don't even want to deal with you right now Rowle." I turned to get past him, he grabbed hold of my arm preventing me. "Let go of me," I snarled.


"You really think going after an eleven year old girl is the best idea? I've kept quite about you, mess up one more time and your over Rowle."

"You think your in a position to threaten me?" He snarled in my ear.

No, I wasn't really in a position to, but he was getting on my nerves.

"I am not," My voice wavered.

"What is going on here." A low monotone voice interrupted. Rowle let go of my arm quickly and turned to face the voice.

"Nothing Professor, we're just having," He turned to look at me. "A little chat." He proceeded to ruffle my hair. It wasn't in a braid so my hair fell on my face.

"Is that so," Both pairs of eyes landed on me, I shifted my gaze to the floor. "Miss Williams, follow me." Snape walked away and waited at the wall. I started to follow him when someone grabbed my arm.

"Mess this up for me, an I'll make you pay." He snarled quietly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Touch me again, and I'll tell him the truth and you'll be expelled." I snatched my arm back and went to the wall.

I followed Snape down the hall silently. He opened the door to his classroom and gestured for me to sit in front of his desk. I took the seat and sighed.

"Miss Williams, what exactly is your relationship with Mr Rowle?" He took out parchment and, is that.. a Muggle pen?

"Never thought you were the type to use Muggle pen." I giggled behind my hand, ignoring the question.

"Ah yes, laugh all you want. Quills break to often for me." His monotone voice unwavering. "Now, what is Mr Rowle's relationship with you."

Dodge the question, Willabe.

"Um, nothing."

Wow, great job dodging the question.

"'Nothing' you say, you think teachers don't hear rumor?" He droned on. "I am the head of your house and if the behavior of Mr Rowle is indeed true, I can expel him."

I kept quite for a few minutes and I remembered the match, Quirrell and Snape both had their eyes locked on the broom. When Quirrell fell, Harry regained control of his broom.

"Quirrell jinxed Harry's broom at the Quidditch game didn't he," I stated, leaning back into the chair. He stopped writing on the parchment. "You were trying a counter curse, but failed. If Her- someone hadn't caught your cloke on fire, knocking Quirrell down, he would have succeeded."

"How in Godric's name did you know?" His monotone voice questioned.

"I guess I have a thimg for being observant," I cracked a smile at him.

"Miss Williams you have a thing for changing subjects as well," He folded his hands together and looked at me.

"Uh dunno what you're talking about sir."

He sighed and waved his hand. "You may go."

I got up and left the classroom.

AN: Hi, sorry if this chapter seems rushed in the timeline. Like I said before, I just wanna get over with the philosopher's stone.  Ciao💜

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