By yurdaddyy

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You/Hannah is scrolling on tiktok "ooohhh this boy sure is hot" she says. Bryce Hall Pov: ooh this girl sure... More

~o n e~
~t w o~
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~f i f t y~
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~f i f t y t w o~
~f i f t y t h r e e~
Just a Question! (Please read)
This needs to stop
Update on the last chapter

~t w e l v e~

5.5K 37 47
By yurdaddyy

Hannah's POV

I ran. I was crying too. I didn't think for someone to go other than the D'Amelio house.

Charli is the nicest person I've met. I decide to post something on Instagram, a shady caption so that Bryce realizes what he had done to me. (The picture was earlier when she was crying)


"Girl I'm sure he isn't worth it." Charli says. "Boys are just stupid. I'm sure you will find someone who makes you happy" Dixie says. "Thank you girls. I really appreciate it" I say. "Hannah, you don't have to thank us." Dixie says. We end up talking about random stuff.

Skip time to tomorrow

Incoming call: Bryce

Hannah I'm sorry please come back

Wow after calling me a slut you tell me to go back?

I wasn't thinking ok!

Well think

Please Hannah

Yeah no. I bet your gonna go back to Addison.

I might as well do it. She's way better

SEE! You literally wish for me to go back to you then tell me your ex was better. Bryce what the fuck is wrong with you.

I'm sorr-


"I swear I just want to rip him apart. Omg, might as well do so" I say.

(You were with Quen, Larri, Charli, and Dixie)

"BEAT THAT BITCH UP" Quen yells. I swear she is the reason I do stupid shit, that's why I love her. "Are you sure?" Charli says. "BEAT THT BITCH BEAT THAT BITCH BEAT THAT BITCH BEAT THAT-" larri and Quen yells. "Ok ok. I'll go to his house. Get on the car" I say. "BAD BITCH WHO" larri says. Charli and Dixie refused to come so it was only me Quen and larri.

We arrived at his house and knocked on the door. They were recording inside the car. "Hannah what are you-" I cut him off by slapping him. "Is that what a slut does? HUH? ANSWER ME MICHAEL" I say. "IT WAS A MISTAKE OK" he says. I laugh. "A mistake? CALLING ME A SLUT WAS A MISTAKE? FUCK YOU" I say while slapping him again. I walk back to the car. "It's not like you were shit to me" he says. I stop walking. I turn around and go back to him. "What the fuck did you just say?" I say. "What are you gonna do? Hit me again?" He says. I laugh. "You're dead" I say and punch him on the nose. I turn around and walk back to the car.

"DAMN YOU SLAPPED HIM AND PUNCHED AND HOLY SHIT HE LOOKED LIKE HE WAS GONNA CRY AKSKKSIDHDJD AND YOU CALLED HIM BY HIS MIDDLE NAME SKDND" Quen and larri were hyping me up. "Ok ok calm down" I said. "AAAAAAHHHH" Quen yelled in excitement. I laughed. "Wait so you literally punched him on the nose" Dixie asked. I nodded. Charli was watching us go crazy.

After a while I decided to say bye to the girls because I was staying at sway for a bit. Bryce lives there but kio invited me to stay there so I did.

That's it luvs🙈 also y'all can't stop me from making a vinnie hacker book😗

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