glasses & goggles [SLOW UPDAT...

By johannahbananah

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a girl with glasses, and a boy with goggles. trying to survive with their friends on earth. it's difficult as... More

prologue; the bear, the fox, and the bunny
chapter 1; the 100
chapter 2; earth skills
chapter 3; earth kills
chapter 5; twilight's last gleaming
chapter 6; his sister's keeper
chapter 7; contents under pressure
chapter 8; day trip
chapter 9; unity day
chapter 10; i am become death

chapter 4; murphy's law

172 5 59
By johannahbananah

victoria's pov

i woke up the next morning beside jasper. his chest softly rising up and down. i carefully pry myself from his arms careful not to wake him. he's still injured so he needs more rest than i do. i escape down the ladder to get a cup of water for him once he wakes up, he would appreciate that.

"hey victoria!" sterling says as he runs over to me. "i heard that jasper's awake, i told you everything would be fine." he assured me with a smile.

i smiled back at the ground and looked up, soon after my smile dropped. "what the hell happened to you?" i questioned, taking his chin in my hand and turning it so i can get a better look at the wounds on his face.

"murphy." he said calmly. that's right, they had an argument yesterday downstairs when murphy threatened to kill jasper. "you should thank june though, they were the one that pulled me away to stop it from escalating"

yes i haven't seen them in forever. maybe i'll sneak away and we can go on a little adventure like we did when we were kids. we used to explore the ark together once in a while late at night. we were so young so whenever we got caught we were off the hook. but that stopped once i got arrested.

"come to the drop ship, monty has some bandages around probably and i can clean your wounds so they won't get infected" i said, taking his hand and leading him to the ship. along the way i quickly get jasper a cup of water. we go up the ladder together and i led him to the corner where i could work on him when i heard a voice

"good morning." a groggy voice said, jasper.

"hey!" i looked up and gave him a small smile and wave. he looked down at sterling and i's intertwined hands, i didn't notice. "i got you some water, i thought that you might be a little parched." i announced, letting go of sterling's hand and coming closer to him to hand him the water.

"thanks." he said quickly, now eyeing an awkward sterling standing in the corner. i didn't realize the tension in the room. but sterling did.

i hurriedly grabbed monty's moonshine to disinfect the area and his bandages to wrap his head, hands, and cheeks. "so, sterling simple instructions. don't do any hard labor you can't handle for the sake of your hands and for your head.. just don't go head butting walls. okay?" i ordered. he nodded and quickly left after that

"so what's up betweeen you two?" jasper said immediately after sterling left. i quickly looked up at him, what is he implying?

"we're friends jasper, what do you mean?" i question, looking back down and packing up the supplies i took out. "why?"

"y'know he's in for murder, right?" he states casually. getting up and going to walk around. i pause and look at him with a questioning glare. what is this kid getting at?

"and?" i huff out, annoyed.

"nothing, i'm just letting you know." he mumbles, looking at me. i roll my eyes and decide to let it go. maybe the grounders hit him on the head by accident when they stabbed him.

"okay, anyway. let's go outside. you haven't been there in forever. i'm sure you're dying for some fresh air." i say with a giggle standing up and running down the ladder. we enter the main area and see murphy pissing on some dude. that isn't going to end well. we steer clear of that and go to the wall, escaping through a hole. jasper pauses.

"what's up?" i ask quietly, a few steps in front of him looking back

"hm? oh, nothing. i'm good." he answers quietly. i knew it, he's absolutely terrified of the outside now. because i didn't save him when i should've and could've. i need to push him though, he can't survive out here if he's scared like this.

"jasper i understand you're scared." i state, stepping close to him. "but we're on earth, for the first time in almost a hundred years. you were given a second chance to live on this amazing planet, so please. don't waste it." i say stepping backwards and running through the forest to show him how fun it is.

suddenly i'm pulled from my waist, and my mouth is covered by a hand. "aah!" i scream, terrified. i continue to scream and writher around to try to get out of the persons grasp.

jasper's pov

"jasper i understand you're scared." victoria says, stepping closer to me and looking at me through her eyelashes. "but we're on earth, for the first time in almost a hundred years. you were given a second chance to live on this amazing planet, so please. don't waste it." she states stepping backwards and running through the trees and over small mounds of dirt.

she's right, i shouldn't be so scared, it's daylight, and everyone is working on the wall. grounders wouldn't be here if it was packed like this.

"aah!" victoria screams. oh shit, i knew this was a bad idea. i have to save her though, she's been by my side and so supportive.

"victoria?!" i yell, panicking. still hearing her screams. they get quieter and eventually stopped being there at all "victoria?" i say quieter and unsure, but still loud.

"victoria!" i scream "victoria, are you okay?" a guy comes from behind a tree trunk yelling, trying to scare me. he has his hand over victoria's mouth, keeping her quiet.

"aah!" he screams, frightening me.

"asshole!" victoria yells at him, pushing him off while he's laughing it off like nothing happened. "get the fuck out of here! i don't wanna see your face again!"

i look down at the ground shaking my head, this is what they think of me. i'm a joke, i'm a wimp, someone to played around with. i quickly walk towards the entrance, wanting to get to the safety of the camp. i don't want to see victoria right now, she brought me out here. feeling ashamed that i was so scared.

"jasper, come on!" victoria exclaims, in a worried tone "there's nothing be afraid of." she says walking after me

i trip on a large stick, and meet the ground with a large thump. i groan, that hurt.

"hey." victoria whispers to me, trying to help me up. i look up, looking ahead of me and widen my eyes. what the fuck is that? i knew it wasn't safe out here. i see a knife, and two severed fingers. victoria gasps behind me, freezing up from what she was doing and pulling me away.

"jasper come on!" she says with a shaky breath, pulling me away from my frozen state. "we have to tell the others!"


victoria's pov

"this knife was made with metal from the drop ship." clarke concludes with a sigh.

we are in a tent, clarke, jasper, me, and bellamy. we brought it straight here, jasper is terrified and i'm absolutely furious with a mix of shocked that i couldn't protect jasper from seeing it. i was talking to wells a week ago, it's crazy how he could just be gone within such a short time.

jasper's eyes widen, "what do you mean?" he questions, voice wavering

"who else knows about this?" bellamy mutters, glancing at me and jasper.

"no one. we brought it straight here." i state blankly, eyes still fixed on the table, absolutely shocked.

"clarke?" jasper says softly, now he's not only scared of the grounders but now he's going to be weary about the people in the camp. i run my fingers through my hair, stressed.

"it means the grounders didn't kill wells. it was one of us." she states confused.

"who would do this?" i mutter, my voice deep. who would kill one of their own, what sick person would do this? clarke and bellamy exchange a worried look.

jasper exhales, worried. "so there's a murderer in the camp?"

"there's more than one murderer in this camp, jasper." i spat, thinking back on today when he told me that sterling killed a person. "we're all criminals."

"this isn't news, we need to keep it quiet." bellamy orders. clarke puts down the knife and hurries to the exit of the tent.

this isn't the time to be petty, i should comfort him instead of shutting him out. he's terrified. i face jasper, i notice his eyes are still wide and he's gripping the table hard.

"hey." i whisper, putting my hand on his cheek and making him look at me. "everything will be okay, we'll be fine. do you honestly think that they're going to get past me?" i ask with a snicker. "jasper i may look like a small package, but i can assure you i'm fun sized." i finish with a smirk, looking up at him. he smiles slightly, grateful for the joke.

"that's the smile i like to see." i say, smiling back, taking his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze

"get out of my way, bellamy." clarke demands, trying to weave her way around him.

"be smart about this. look at what we achieved, the walls the patrols. like it or not, thinking the grounders killed wells is good for us."

"oh, good for you, you mean." clarke says, sick of his bullshit. "what? keep people afraid and they'll work for you? is that it?" clarke questions

"yeah, that's it." bellamy remarks. "but it's good for all of us."

"bellamy is right. don't tell them." i speak up, breaking my silence. i was about to walk towards him when jasper pulls me back by the loop of my jeans, close to him. i glance down to where he's touching me and nod understandingly looking back up at him. he's scared, he wants me for protection. i ain't no weak bitch, and he knows that.

"mobs are crazy, clarke." i turn back facing her "if we tell them, we don't know what will happen. there could be utter chaos."

"or there wouldn't and we could talk it out like civilized people." she states obviously

"you can't guarantee that." i raise my voice, not wanting to take the risk. "people think differently, people point fingers when they're scared. besides we don't even know who's knife it is." i state crossing my arms

"oh really? j.m. john murphy. the people have a right to know." she shows us the knife. jasper takes a sharp inhale next to me. it would make sense, he did threaten to kill jasper and beat sterling up. i grasp his hand quickly and look up at him. i give him a firm nod, letting him know that i won't let anybody hurt him. she pushes past bellamy, and he doesn't even try to stop her. i scoff at him and chase after her. might as well try to talk some sense into her before it's too late, but she's too fast.

"you son of a bitch!" clarke screams, shoving murphy back. oh well. i was too late. she made her bed, i'll just let her lay in it. i take a step back next to jasper and he puts an arm around my waist protectively. bellamy is next to me, he looks down and notices, raising an eyebrow at me and smirking. monty and now him? i roll my eyes and punch his arm playfully.

"knock it off, it's not the right time." he hums in agreement and puts his attention back towards the crowd forming around clarke and murphy. octavia and monty show up, and stand next to jasper. probably wondering what the hell is going on. jasper fills them in, not very well might i add. he's skipping words and stuttering, terrified. i just let him do his thing though, he doesn't need to be babied.

"what's your problem?" murphy questions

"recognize this?" clarke holds up the knife

"it's my knife. where'd you find it?" murphy goes to grab it but clarke pulls it away.

"where you dropped it after you killed wells." she says, emotionally.

"where i what?" he asks, confused. "the grounders killed wells, not me."

"i know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it." clarke says stepping closer to him, getting in his face.

"really?" he asks not believing her "bellamy, you really believe this crap?"

jasper's grip on my waist tightens. bellamy stands there, silent, with his arms crossed.

"you threatened to kill him. we all heard you!" clarke accuses "you hated wells"

"plenty of people hated wells. his father was the chancellor. that locked us up." he states calmly, not breaking eye contact with clarke

"yeah, but you're the only one who got into a knife fight with him!"

"yeah, i didn't kill him then, either"

"tried to kill jasper too." i spoke up, jasper once again brought me close to him and his grip tightened. "i had to block the hatch to stop you from coming up there and ending his life." i spat

"victoria, shut up!" jasper whispers to me urgently.

"i wouldn't be surprised if you did it honestly. the way you've been bossing people around out here is wild. the power has gone to your head, murphy." i stepped up close to clarke, ignoring the calls from jasper, monty and june. "you peed on a dude, something's up."

"come on. this is ridiculous." murphy said looking around for people to back him up. "i don't have to answer to you. i don't have to answer to anyone" murphy pushed me back by my shoulders and i pulled my pocket knife on him.

"touch me again, and i'll guarantee you won't answer to anybody again. ever." i replied holding it in front of me. june went to into the crowd and pulled me back. they slapped me on the back of my head and started cursing me out in spanish

"¡idiota!" they whispered in my ear. i pushed them away

"¡cállate! wells fui mi amigo. coño merece morir." i whispered back with a scowl. i'm lucky nobody understands me.

"come again?" bellamy questions murphy.

"bellamy, look, i'm telling you, man. i didn't do this." he walks over to him and pleads for some form of doubt.

"they found his fingers on the ground with your knife."

"yeah it looks pretty bad." octavia whispers to him

"is this the kind of society we want?" clarke asks the crowd "you say there should be no rules. does that mean we can kill eachother without- without punishment?" she looks at bellamy

"i already told you. i didn't kill anyone." murphy declares getting angry and walking back to clarke.

"i say we float him." the guy who got peed on says. okay i said it, but i didn't really mean it. i was angry. the crowd cheers in response. jasper grabs my hand and pulls me close to him, scared of what's going to happen.

"that's not what i'm saying." clarke attempts to maintain peace.

"why not? he deserves to float. it's justice!" piss dude says, the crowd agreeing with him once again.

"revenge isn't justice!"

"it's justice." he turns to the crowd. "float him! float him!" he starts a chant. oh shit, i know i said it but now that's it's actually happened i don't what another one of our people to die. we need all the help we can get down here.

murphy goes to attack piss baby, but he is tripped by another person. he falls, an angry mob surrounds him, kicking and hitting him.

"no! get off him!" clarke screams trying to make her way through the crowd

"alright! enough!" i say stepping closer to the crowd. jasper holds me back afraid that i'll get tackled and hurt for defending him. i try to break free but he's pretty strong. "jasper they'll beat him to death!" i plead wriggling in his arms

"i'd rather it be him than you." he whispers into my ear, watching the scene play out in front of him

"let him go!" i hear clarke scream

they quickly pick him up out of the middle of the circle. i catch a glimpse of murphy and he's all bloody and bruised. they have a red rope tied around his mouth to prevent him from biting or speaking.

they throw him into the woods. it's then i realize that they cuffed him too. i follow the crowd with monty, jasper, bellamy, june, and octavia. i peek over and whimper. he's covered in mud. i hide my face in jaspers chest. he puts his arms around me and comforts me as we stay far away from the mob.

"i did this." i whisper loud enough for only us to hear "i wished death upon him, i was the one who provoked them by saying he's threaten to kill before. it's my fault."

"victoria, it isn't." he says sighing, i look up at him. tears in my eyes, he wipes the ones that fall, "the difference between them and you is that they're actually doing it." i nod, i take this chance to escape.

i run back to the crowd and get in the middle of it, screaming at them to stop this madness. i hear june and jasper yell after me but i don't care. it isn't going to do us any good killing another person. they hoist him up by his neck. i sob, they are going to hang him.

"no!" i scream, my shrill voice breaking.

"you can stop this, they'll listen to you!" clarke yells at bellamy.

"bellamy! you should do it, bel-la-my, bel-la-my!" piss boy chants. no! this isn't right!

i try to get close, taking out my knife to cut him down. they're all too busy chanting to pay attention to me. as i'm walking closer to do it bellamy kicks the stand from under him.

murphy grunts and struggles, flailing like a fish out of water. he screams but it's muffled by the rope tied around his mouth. i can't believe my eyes, i thought they were friends. my hand immediately slaps over my mouth in shock and tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

no. i won't let him die.

"no, bellamy, no!" clarke screams, voice cracking from emotion

"this is on you, princess! you should've kept your mouth shut!" he screams back pushing her.

"what the hell are you doing? cut him down! charlotte, get out of here now! cut him down!" finn screams coming out of the woods. he tells a child to get out so she won't see the horrible actions. but they already occurred. he hurries over to murphy, but good ol' piss boy threatens him with a sharp object if he moves any further. everybody is distracted so i take this chance to sneak and cut him down.

i walk towards him as fast as i can without causing a lot of attention drawn to me. i try to cut the rope but it's really thick compared to my small knife. but i get it done. he falls to the ground with a loud thud and everybody already had their heads turned towards me and murphy. i unwrap the rope from his neck and cut the rope around his mouth so he can speak.

i run away quickly and back to the safety of my friends

"why was every body looking at me and not stopping me?" i whisper to octavia.

"because charlotte killed wells, not murphy." she says glaring at the scared girl in the middle of the crowd. i guess i was too distracted with saving the dudes life that i didn't notice the real murder confessed.


"bring out the girl, bellamy!" a bloody and bruised murphy yells. they're inside a tent talking with finn and clarke. probably figuring out how to sneak her away.

murphy is mad, he was framed i understand that. but things are different when the murder is just a kid.

i was snapped out of my thoughts when june walks behind me and taps me on my shoulder. "hey." i whisper, looking down

"hey." they whisper back. not much can be said right now. it's shocking, how a little girl can take someone's life like that. she has to take responsibility but it's a challenge to figure out how.

"bring the girl out now!" murphy yells once again

"you wanna build a society, princess? let's build a society! bring her out!" murphy demands referring to what clarke said when she accused murphy of the murder.

bellamy exits the tent.

"well, well, well. look who decided to join us." murphy remarks making his was to bellamy

"dial it down and knock it off." bellamy orders. he's right, once again she's just a child

"or what? what are you gonna do about me? hang me?" murphy questions

"i was just giving the people what they wanted."

"yeah. yeah, that's a good idea. why don't we do that right now?" murphy turns around to face us

"so here wants to see the real murderer hung up?" murphy asks, raising his hand. "all in favor?" i look behind me.

most of the people in murphy's group raise their hands. it's still not a lot, not as much as the mob that was willing to hang murphy. except for june, i get their attention and nod at them for appreciation.

"i see. so, it's ok to string me up for nothing. but when this little bitch confessed, you all let her walk?" i understand he's angry but damn "cowards! all of you are cowards!"

"hey, murphy! murphy." bellamy yells rushing towards him "it's over."

murphy steps back and throws his hands up. "whatever you say, boss." bellamy goes to walk away, suddenly murphy runs up and grabs a piece of wood and smacks him on the head with it. knocking him out. i'm fuming, you just don't do that to your friend.

"you son of a bitch! hey!" octavia shouts, coming close to murphy.

i see jasper starts to block her, trying to stop her from getting hurt. but i can't allow him to go hurt either. i push jasper down and step in front of octavia, taking the punch for her.

jasper, monty, june, and sterling rush beside me. i chuckle, sitting up using my elbows to prop me up. i taste blood in my mouth and spit it out beside me "i'm fine." i look up at them, "stop murphy. now!"

they all rush up and follow my orders except for jasper. i roll my eyes, "go goddamnit." he picks me up bridal style and goes to take me back to the drop ship to tend to my nonexistent wounds.

"wait." i whisper in his ear, he sets me down.

"charlotte!" murphy yells, i guess they ran away. bellamy bought them some time, "charlotte, i know you can hear me! and when i find you, you are gonna pay!"

"murphy!" i yell back, he turns towards me. i hear jasper suck his teeth out of disapproval, knowing what im about to do.

i spit my blood in his face. he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, not expecting that.

"fuck you." i mutter, turn sharply whipping him with my hair and walking away


"well shit, i needed this." i exhaled relaxed, dipping myself in a hot spring. june found this a while back, but didn't have the time to let me know. so i've been reeking for a about a week drowning myself in any good smelling flowers i could find.

june giggles beside me, happy to see me enjoying myself.

"so when did you find this again?" i ask while leaning back to dip my scalp in the water.

"well when you and jasper were sleeping together." they pause, taking a look at me. i already have one eye open looking at them, the top of my head still submerged in the water.

"continue." i mumble. it's not like i'm ashamed of it no, i like jasper. he's a good friend, and cute. but i don't know if i can ruin that. but he may want to be more by the way he's acting around me. protective and all.

but also sterling, he so handsome, and caring. he's an absolute hunk. but i can only have one.

"i explored a bit, i was bored. and i found this, i was ecstatic. yeah we can bathe in the rivers we find, but this is different. it's like a sauna." they finish sinking back into the water with their last few words, making them sound like a fish bubbling

"wait, explored? what about grounders?" i question, well i guess i should be asking that. here we are now, sun setting not giving a fuck about getting brutally killed by them.

"grounder shmounder." they roll their eyes, propping their legs up on a rock in front of them "we're on earth for the first time in ninety seven years, vicky. i'm gonna enjoy it! i'm here for a good time, not a long time." i nod in agreement

"so you got any boy or girl toys you're messing around with?" i ask while floating in the middle of the spring.

"nope." they say, popping the 'p'.

"why? it's fun, we're down here no adults. horny teenagers" i say furrowing my eyebrows with my eyes closed, relaxed

"this is about survival." they claim.

"says the person who just say 'i'm here for a good time, not a long time'" i mention, putting my arms up for quotation marks. this causes me to stop floating and fall into the water.

"okay fine fine i'm a hypocrite. it's a mix of that and just everyone here is ugly." they state with a disgusted face. i laugh loudly shoving water in their face.

"take that back! jasper is hot! in a nerdy way."

"you got dibs on him, and i never said he wasn't i just left him out of the equation." they profess winking at me playfully.

i gasp loudly, laughing and smiling, throwing more water at them. this soon ends in a water fight and is making us and our clothes that were literally miles away soaking wet. we quickly get dressed and make it back to camp, we enter when the sun is down and it's dusk already.

"hey, look." i whisper at june, at the crowd forming near the campfire.

"maybe murphy captured charlotte."

"i hope not." i walk towards it and see its clarke and bellamy, about to do a big speech. but murphy nor charlotte is with them.

i take my spot next to jasper. he notices a person suddenly appear next to him, gets scared slightly, then he realizes it's me and put an arm around my shoulder, holding me tight. he looked slightly relieved too, i don't know why.

"where were you?" he whispers into my ear.

"i'll tell you later." i look up at him and smile quickly before turning my attention towards our leaders

"that's why we've decided to banish him from camp." clarke states, looking around at us.

"anybody got a problem with that?" bellamy questions, acting like the alpha male.

we all stay quiet, nobody dares to speak up afraid to get banished. but i don't think anybody wants to speak up either. what's done is done, you can't just find him in the woods and bring him back. they dismiss us and i make my way towards the drop ship. i'm not ready to go to sleep yet, so i'll just hang out there.

i walk up in and see octavia, clarke, and jasper all gathered around monty. finn is leaning against a wall near them. i walk closer and take a seat next to octavia on the floor.

"will we be able to talk to them?" clarke asks.

"no, more like morse code." monty answers.

"you wanna do the honors?" monty asks, looking at jasper. he gulps, steps forward, and takes the wire from monty.

"that port right there." monty instructs simply, pointing to the port.

jasper steps closer and carefully connects it. it works for a second. then he lets go and it zaps and crackles making smoke.

we all scream or jump out of shock from the slight explosion in front of us and the zap on our wrist.

"what happened?" clarke questions.

"it didn't work. i think we fried all the wristbands."

our bracelets, they're dead.

"no, no, no." i whisper to myself. my parents will think i'm dead.

clarke looks at finn disappointed. he leaves, frustrated. and clarke follows after him. octavia goes too, probably to tell bellamy. he's also one of the leaders here aside from clarke.

monty and i exchange a worried look. i look behind me and see jasper look down. he backs up into a wall, sliding down with his head in his hands. poor dude.

i walk over to him and decide to comfort him. i crouch down, his eyes fixed on the floor.

"sit there at your own risk. i think i might be cursed." he mumbles. i sit down beside him, and put my head on his shoulder.

"well then call me a risk taker." i joke, laughing slightly. "and jasper you're not cursed."

"unlucky, then." he corrects himself.

"no. brave."

"brave?" he questions.

"you have courage" i state, detaching myself from him and sitting across from him. making sure he looks at me. "you were the first person to cross that river, you tried to help us contact the ark. and you protected me when all i could see was red." he looked into my eyes.

"yeah, and failing with the ark might i add."

"i didn't see anyone else step up. did you?" i ask him, my head turned. "and i don't care how things were in the end. you were brave to try, and bravery is hot."

he looks up at me, confused. before he could say anything i bring my face near his, close my eyes and press my lips onto his. my finger on his jawline, guiding him to my lips. he had his hand on my cheek and wrapped in my hair. his lips are chapped, but soft at the same time. he kisses me back softly, but i detach before the kiss could continue any further.

i pull away and look at him, he just blinks. i chuckle, and walk away.


"hey victoria, wait." jasper calls after me, i'm about to head into my tent for sleep. i turn around to where i hear his voice, he's standing at the entrance of his tent. june pauses looking at me with tired eyes, i laugh and tell them to go ahead and i'll be there in a second. he gestures to me to come over there with his finger. i agree, walking to him. he opens the tent.

"after you m'lady." he said in a posh voice. i roll my eyes with a soft laugh.


he laughs along and i sit down on one of the chairs they have, grabbing a random cup of what i assume is water and take a sip. i assume correct and and decide to finish the rest.

"so what's up?" i ask. looking at jasper through the top of my glasses, sipping on my beverage.

"where were you?" he asks sitting on his cot.

"oh!" i set down my cup, complete forgetting to tell him after the meeting "june found this cool spot, it's like a hot tub. it's actually a spring but it's hot enough to be a hot tub but not hot enough to burn your skin. at least at the moment." i say casually, observing the tent. there are two small beds, one is probably for monty. a chemical set, jaspers experiments, and some plants laid out on a tab-

"i don't want you going out there." i whip my head around to look at him. who does he think he is?

"and why?" i question raising an eyebrow.

"because, you could get hurt. grounders are out there and i don't want them to murder you."

"well i'm here for a fun time, not a long time." i quote june.

"well you won't be having a fun time if you die so short into your life." he says concerned.

"fine i'll only go there once in a while." i say ready to end the conversation and go to bed, walking to the exit and around to open it when jasper grabs my wrist.

"i don't want you going there at all." he expresses calmly.

"you're not my dad! i can go where i want and do what i want when i want, even if it leads me to death!" i yell at him, annoyed. what's his problem? i rip my wrist out of his hands and sit back down, he sits down to where he originally sat. this conversation isn't going to end soon.

"victoria, stop being stubborn and just do what i say. please." he pleads softly. wait, i get it. he's scared that i'll end up like him when we went to mount weather. or worse, he was probably worried sick when i was gone. awh shit.

i get up walking over to him, "i'm sorry i'm so difficult." i say whisper to him, sitting next to him and hugging him while he puts his head in his hands and runs his fingers through his hair.

"i was just worried, you understand that. right?" he asks, i nod looking down. feeling guilty. "i don't want you to end up like me. a victoria kebab, that doesn't sound very good."

i giggle. he hugs me glad our semi-argument is over. i get up and say goodnight about to leave.

"wait," he says behind me, i turn around my head facing him but my body facing the exit. my hand still on the tent ready to open it. "cuddle buddy?" he questions, i roll my eyes and look between the exit and him. i groan and start taking off my shoes.

"fine, you're lucky you're warm. june is totally gonna tease me about this." i assume as i observe jasper take off his shoes and jacket, he climbs in the bed and i climb in beside him

"you can go if it bothers you." he mumbles as i reach over him to put my glasses someplace safe.

"nah, let 'em tease i don't mind." i whisper as i snuggle my head into his neck. he sighs, getting comfortable. our legs tangled together once again, his arm around me.

"goodnight, goggles."

"goodnight, glasses."

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