MEMORIES | kth x jjk || Editi...

By littlemochis

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a story in which two opposites found each other through Taehyungs passion for photography [ a taegguk story] ... More



244 35 51
By littlemochis


After taking some pictures he looked at his display and shook his head. ''You need to move closer. And could you adjust the sleeve of your jersey?'' Taehyung gave instruction that everyone was following. The blond boy adjusted his jersey and mumbled how Taehyung even saw his folded sleeve. He got the eye. It was his passion. When he took pictures, he loved them to be perfect in their imperfection.

''Okay concentration again. A big smile for me.'' Taehyung said and he saw Jimin making a grimace through the lens. ''Jimin maybe not that much''

He laughed and took the pictures. He showed them the Coach who was satisfied with it. ''Next are the individual shots.'' He said and Taehyung nodded. ''Just find a good place and the boys will come in alphabetical chronology to you.''

Taehyung set up his photography equipment at the end of the practice field. The first boy arrived, and he took some pictures. It was nice to do that. The football players were nicer than he thought. They were kind and talkative. They treated him like a professional photographer.

''Next.'' Taehyung called while looking at the picture he did for the boy that just left.

''The boys said you were nice. Now I'm curious.'' Taehyung looked up to meet the face of the familiar voice. He could hear some British accent but wasnt sure if he was just mishearing it. Jeongguk was standing confident in front of him and smirked at him. Taehyung didnt like that smirk. There was something flirty in it. He was not really comfortable when people flirted with him. It made him nervous and he needed to focus on his work right now.

''I'm only nice if you are.'' Taehyung said and Jeongguk laughed. His laugh was bright. It was music to Taehyungs ears. His laugh was the opposite of the way Jeongguk appeared. He looked like an arrogant flirty football player but his laugh was sweet and soft.

''Do we start or will you keep staring at me?'' He asked grinning at him. Taehyung blushed slightly and got in the right position to take the picture. ''Smile.'' Taehyung mumbled and Jeongguk did so. He noticed that it was not a big smile but just a small smile which didnt gave a lot of sight of his teeth. Taehyung set down his camera and looked at the boy in front of him.

''Can you smile wider?''



''It's just weird.'' Jeongguk said and Taehyung frowned.

''Why should it look weird. I bet you have a pretty smile.'' Taehyung encouraged Jeongguk but he just starred with a dark expression at him. Taehyung nodded comprehending.

''Alright then we're done. I took some good ones.'' Taehyung smiled at him and Jeongguk nodded. ''Perfect. Then the next one can come.''

Jeongguk left Taehyung without saying a word; the photographer watched him leave while cleaning the objective. He hoped that he didnt offend Jeongguk in a way that he still doesnt understand.

''What did you do Taehyung?'' Samuel asked when he arrived at Taehyungs spot, ''Jeongguk is so pissed.'' He laughed and Taehyung frowned.

''What do you mean he is pissed?''

''He came back and shouted that I should move my ass over there when I asked him why he had such a grim expression. You made him mad bro'' Samuel chuckled and Taehyung was so confused.

''I just asked him if he could smile wider. He said no''

Samuel grinned. ''He tries to keep his reputation you know.''

''What reputation?''

''The new boy that has a fancy car and with a small smirk everyone falls for him. I think you felt that when he talked to you earlier.''

''What? Me? No, I didnt feel it'' Taehyung stumbled over his words and Samuel smiled. ''Whatever you say. Let's get this pictures.''

After all the individual shots Taehyung started to walk around on the practice field and took pictures of the boys while they were playing. It was kind of a challenge to take pictures that were in motion but after some takes, he found his way to do them. He was satisfied with himself after the practice was over. Even Coach Smith thanked him, and the boys said that they were curious to see their pictures.

While Jimin was in the locker room he waited outside on the grandstand and looked through the pictures. Suddenly he heard a dull thud and he looked up. He saw a sports bag lying on the ground and a person who was running on the football field. He followed confused the person with his eyes. When the person took something from the ground and turned around, he saw that it was Jeongguk. He held a bottle in the hand.

''You're still here?'' Jeongguk asked when he arrived where Taehyung was sitting. Jeongguk kept his eyes on him when he took a sip of his bottle. Taehyung nodded. He told him that he was waiting for Jimin so they can walk home together.

''I could give you both a ride since Jimin and I live in the Kappa Epsilon.''

''You live there too?''

Jeongguk nodded and took his bag from the ground. ''Only since September. Just moved here.''

He checked his phone and Taehyung was just staring at him. Jeongguk was pretty. He was wearing a tight black turtleneck that showed of his whole upper body. He was very masculine with all that muscle that decorated his chest and arms. But his face was quite different then his puff upper body. His long lashes, the deer eyes and his filled lips made him look soft. When he smiled at his phone, he scrunched his nose that made Taehyung almost coo.

''Why are you staring Taehyung?'' Jeongguk asked without even raising his head. He must have felt Taehyung gaze on him.

''I'm sorry.''

Jeongguk now looked up to him and smirked. That smirk again. ''Don't be''  Taehyung grumbled quietly and hoped that Jimin would finally appear. He could feel the whole time Jeongguk's gaze on him. That was karma for his staring.

''What did I miss?'' A soft voice called and Taehyung sighed. Finally, he was here.

''I'm going to take you guys with me. Come on took you way too long Jimin.'' Jeongguk said and led the way to his car while Jimin and Taehyung were following the boy.

The whole car ride home Jimin and Jeongguk were talking about something football related so Taehyung just kept staring outside the window. It was only a five minutes drive but when they arrived in the alley with all the fraternities and sororities they needed to slow down. The whole alley looked like a mall. People walking from one side to the other while greeting others. It was just a chaos and Taehyung couldnt wait to be in his room. Jeongguk parked at their fraternity and the boys got out of the car.

''Thank you for driving us.'' Taehyung thanked quietly and Jeongguk nodded before he immediately rushed in the house.

''I really dont understand him.'' Taehyung mumbled and Jimin nodded. ''He just arrived in September, so no one really knows him. Maybe Yoongi but after the had a fight they arent really talking anymore.'' He shrugged his shoulder and watched how he closed the door.

''That is weird. Yoongi is so nice. How can someone fight with him?''

''He's not an angel.''

''I know. We're all sinners Jimin.''

''You too? What is your sin, Mister Kim?'' Jimin laughed and changed jokingly his voice to a deep pastor voice but Taehyung gulped unnoticeably.

The days went by like a fast train. Thursday, some hours after midnight Taehyung was sitting in his bed and was sorting out the picture for the football team. He smiled at the pictures and focused to only pick the good ones. When he filled the file for Coach Smith, he was proud of his work and decided to go to sleep but his phone lighted up.

Who was texting him at almost three in the morning?

He unlocked his phone and saw that an unknown number wrote him per iMessage.

Unknown: What picture of me did you pick for the football website?

Taehyung frowned. Who was that?

Taehyung: Who are you?

Immediately the person responded.

Unknown: Jeongguk

Taehyung was confused. Where did he got his number from and why was he texting him at this time? Another message from him.

Jeongguk: So?

Taehyung send him the picture he chose and waited two minutes until Jeongguk responded.

Jeongguk: That picture is good.

Taehyung smiled softly. He loved it when people appreciated his work.

Taehyung: Thanks but why are you writing me at this time? Why are you still up?

He saw how Jeongguk was typing so he imagined him sitting or lying somewhere and just waiting for Taehyung to write.

Jeongguk: I could ask you the same.

Taehyung laughed quietly. Why did he expected such an answer?

Taehyung: I'm sorting out your football pictures for the website. And you?

Jeongguk: I'm at this weird party.

Taehyung: On a Wednesday night?

Jeongguk: I see you're not the party guy. But yes.

Taehyung: I go to parties but only on weekends. I want to wake up in time the next morning.

Jeongguk: Then why are you still awake?

Taehyung: I have class at 11am tomorrow.

He saw how Jeongguk was typing but the message never arrived. When Taehyung felt asleep after waiting for Jeongguks response he still didn't answer. Later at five in the morning his phone lighted up and two simple words were sent to him. Lucky you.

Time went by quickly. In between assignments and the organisation for the Halloween party Taehyung saw Jimin once in the park where the boys talked about a series, they both watched. But otherwise Taehyung did not do anything special. He sent the pictures to Coach Smith who was fascinated but that was it.

''Taehyung are you wandering of again?'' Seokjin called and Taehyung blinked twice until he was present again.

''No. I understand. No company upstairs. But why do you tell me. I never brought company up to my room. Tell this the others because they are really loud.'' Taehyung looked over to Hoseok which blushed lightly. He was Taehyungs room neighbour and really liked to bring his company over. And it wasn't only female company to Taehyungs surprise.

After Seokjins warning, the whole fraternity brother started to decorate the house and putting the beverage and food on the table. Taehyung took sometimes one or two pictures of his fraternity brothers while he was decorating. They smiled with their wide smile in the camera. It made Taehyungs heart swell. He loved his fraternity brothers even if they were sometimes noisy.

''Now go and dress up fancy. We got a reputation to keep.'' Seokjin laughed and everyone went in their rooms. Taehyung did not dress up. He didnt like it. It reminded him that he disguises himself every day. He was in the closet. He was gay but he was to afraid of tell anyone or to live his true self. He was way too afraid about what other people would think about him. There was a time where he forced himself to like girls and even had a relationship. After he had sex for the first time with his girlfriend, he fully knew that it would never work. Three years later and he still got no relationship. Now with twenty his family was confused how he hadnt find someone yet. He was at college after all. It was easy to find a girlfriend, isnt it? There were guys that were openly gay, but they just werent his type and he still was too afraid to out himself.

''Hello my dearest best friend, are you ready to party?''

Suddenly he heard a knock and Jimin opened the door. He smiled at him and came in his room. He walked up to Taehyung and hugged him.

''Skeleton?'' Taehyung asked amused and Jimin held up his thumb and let himself fall on Taehyungs bed. He looked up to Taehyung.

''No disguise like last year? You're boring Taehyung.'' Jimin pouted and Taehyung just shrugged. ''I'm the photographer I dont need to dress up.''

Jimin and Taehyung talked for a bit about the college until they heard loud voices coming from downstairs.

''The first arrived so let's go'' Jimin said solemnly and went downstairs with Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at the people who came in their fraternity. They greeted other people that were standing in the house and were vibing to the music. The music which was way to loud in Taehyungs opinion but Seokjin said that tonight they're going to talk with their bodies. Taehyung cringed at Seokjins answer, but all the other brothers were grinning and agreeing with him. He was taking some pictures here and there. He tried to capture the peaceful faces of the students that werent thinking at all the assignment that they had. Taehyung was offered a beer from Jimin that was checking on him, but he declined it. He was not much an alcohol drinker. The more time passed by the more people were in the fraternity house. Taehyung could barely walk in between the student that were dancing.

''Smile.'' He said to a group of students that drinking some shots in the kitchen. They smiled and told Taehyung that they can't wait to see their picture. Taehyung always put all his picture in a file and put it on their website so everyone could access the picture. Of course, he would post the best ones on his blog.

Taehyung decided to go up the stairs and take some pictures form there. He went up and bent down. He took some pictures and when the first people saw him up there, they started posing. At the end, the whole crowd were smiling in his camera. He was really surprised to see them all this colourful. He saw witches, skeletons, vampire, other creatures and some weird things that he couldnt identify.

''Are you stalking us?''

He heard a voice behind him, and he turned around to see a smirking Jeongguk. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. ''I'm taking pictures for everyone and our website.''

''Why aren't you downstairs with the other? Dont you have enough pictures? You were taking pictures the whole evening'' Jeongguk asked and Taehyung looked surprised at him. He noticed him?

''Jimin is busy with some female company so I dont like to interrupt.'' He played with the camera in his hands and couldnt look at Jeongguk. He was afraid that he would find out that he was not the party type of a student and laugh.

''Yeah, I think I saw him. Nice of you to not wanting to interrupt him.'' Jeongguk said and looked at him like he understood that he didnt wanted to party at all.

Jeongguk tilted his head slightly and looked at his outfit. Taehyung scratched his nape. It was kind of embarrassing that he was scanning him. ''What are you Taehyung?'' He chuckled and Taehyung immediately smiled. It was a cute chuckle. ''I'm... myself. I think.'' Jeongguk nodded as he smiled slightly.

''What are you?''  Taehyung asked after he saw that Jeongguk was dressed normally as well. Jeongguk bit his lip and he looked like he was thinking. ''I'm Jeongguk.'' He grinned after he gave his answer and Taehyung giggled. 

''I like it.'' Taehyung said quietly and Jeongguk grinned. ''I like your outfit too.''

For a couple of seconds, the boys were just looking at each other. Jeongguk looked good in his outfit. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a simple white t-shirt on it. His hair was fluffy, and he saw how his big brown eyes were scanning his face.

''Well now that I know that you're not a stalker I can go back to the party.'' Jeongguk laughed and Taehyung nodded while blushing a bit. Jeongguk left him alone on the stairs, smiling like an idiot. He kind of liked Jeongguk. He was kind and somehow Taehyung liked his presence even if his smirk let Taehyung feel nervously.

He followed Jeongguk with his eyes through the crowd until he reached his friends. He talked a bit with his friends. Seconds after a girl reached the gender mixed group. Immediately she put her arms around Jeongguk and danced with him. He was smiling at her and put his hands around her waist. Taehyung looked closely through his object to see who this girl was. He recognised the girl. It was Sydney. She was in his photography class. Taehyung sighed. Now he was really a stalker.

He let his camera sink in his lap and leaned his head on the banister and looked around. What was he even thinking? He found Jimin in the crowd. He was now sitting with some friends on the couches. He stood up and was about to walk down to him when he suddenly saw Jeongguk and Sydney which were standing near Jimin. They were kissing each other aggressively. Taehyung looked peeved.

Somehow, he lost all the desire to party or to take pictures. He turned around and walked straight to his room.


Hope you liked that chapter(:
please don't be a silent reader

Have a great day/night <33

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