Miss Stark [Peter Parker x O...

By PaperBagTrash

120K 3.4K 907

Morgan Stark, daughter of Tony Stark, or as everyone else in the world knows her as Morgan Sinclair. She atte... More

A/N Background Info
Miss Discreet
Miss Stalker
Miss Thai
Miss Jealousy
Miss Out-of-the-loop
Miss Designer
Miss Lookout
Miss Panic
Miss Future Reference
Miss Detention
Miss Wings
Miss Grounded
Miss Sleepover Queen
Miss Dress-Up
Miss Curious Cat
Miss Sinclair
Miss Speech
A/N Post Spider-Man: Homecoming
Miss Stark
Miss Embarrassed
Miss Angel
Miss Independent
Miss Oblivious
Miss Busy Bee
Miss Jumpy
Miss Normal
Miss Villian
Miss Fugitive
Miss Dream
Miss Blondie
Miss Apologetic
Miss Birthday Girl
Miss Thankful
Miss Taekwondo
Miss Girl
Miss Victorious
Miss Magazine
Miss Upgrade
A/N Post Nightingale Origins
Miss Peasant
Miss Useless
Miss Pain
Miss Avenger
Miss Complaint
Miss Anxious
Miss Timey-Whimey
Miss Partner
Miss Encourgment
Miss Dust
A/N Post Infinity War
Miss Soldier
Miss Nurse
Miss Memories
Miss Frustrated
Miss Humble
Miss Child
Miss Greetings
A/N Post Endgame
Miss Intern
Miss Bewildered
Miss Guilt
Mister Dork
Miss Passive-Agressive
Miss Coincidence
Miss Prague
Mister Victim
Miss Luxury
Miss Opera
Miss Escort
Miss Physics
Miss Liar
Miss Jail
Miss Doctor
Miss Defense
Miss Sarcastic
Miss Scaredy-Cat
Miss Paranoid
A/N: Post Far From Home

Miss Defense

985 33 13
By PaperBagTrash

I stare at the sunrise. It used to always distract me from any problem I had. Right now though, all I can think about is what to do. I was rude to Pete, yes, but I don't think this will ruin our relationship. I'm worried about what is going to happen next. Have I bitten off more than I can chew?

Those girls have to come back. I don't want to have Peter come and help me anymore. I sure wish I had someone to talk to about this. MJ is always my go-to, but I'm not sure how to get advice from her without lying.

I scroll through my phone. Natasha's phone number comes up. "Please don't be busy." I press call and it rings for a while. "Morgan? Something wrong?" Her voice sounds like she's been sleeping.

"No, not really. I just need a little advice. Say, if you were about my age, and you were trying to prove a point and prove that you aren't as helpless as you may seem. Then you tell your only help in this endeavor that you don't need them, so they leave. You're not so good at fighting, but you have a lot of gadgets to help you out-" she stops me there.

"Morgan, I'm not one to say go to Tony no matter the situation, but seriously be careful. If you want, I can come over and teach you some self-defense." I laugh nervously.

"Nothing gets past you, Nat."
"Yea, especially when you were completely obvious about what's really going on."
"I guess. Being an Avenger must be hard."
"That's why you should have never tried to be one. Enjoy your childhood."
"Yeah, I know. It's just that, I bet everyone expects me to be like my father. Either be super inventive or just be heroic. What if I'm neither."
"Hun, it doesn't matter what everyone expects you to be, the people who do matter will expect you to be your best."
"Thanks, I needed this talk."
"Of course, I'm hanging up now. I've got something important going on." We exchange goodbyes and then she hangs up.

"Self defense, huh? Maybe I can get a head start." I open my laptop and search for self-defense videos."

The next day I'm sitting on my bed and I hear a knock at my door. I get up and see who it is. It's Nat, and she's dressed in work out clothes. "Uh, hi?" I give her a small wave. She comes in and looks around. "Dang, Tony sure did set you up here. Go change into something you can move around in." I nod and run off to my room.

I emerge in something not far from Nat's. Some black leggings and a gray formfitting tank top. It's a little too tight for my tastes, but it's the only one I have.

"That's great. Let's go." I follow her as she walks out the door. We go to my building's gym and I show them my resident's card, and they let us in.

"Come at me." She stands still and waits.
"Just do it. Pretend I'm a bad guy." I nod and walk towards her. I'm not trying, so I just grab her wrist. She immediately puts her other hand atop mine, then twists my arm and pushes me to the ground.

"I truly hope that you didn't do that when fighting anyone." She lets me stand up. "I haven't, but I didn't want to hurt you."

"Don't worry about me. I'm trained, you are not. Now, please give me a real attempt."
"Well, I meant more like accidental."
"Stop stalling."
I decide to just go for it.

I lunge towards her and try to push her by the shoulders. She steps back a little, but it seems more like she did it on purpose. "Here, I'll turn my back." She does and I think about what to do.

I run and grab her by the torso, attempting to pull her to the ground. She quickly turns around in my grasp and instead pushes me down.

"Don't worry too much, this is more to show you your mistakes. They are understandable, the sooner you get your SHIELD training the better."

We move on to punching and kicking. Nat shows me a few techniques that work well with my stature. After a while she wants us to spar. We put on some safety equipment and move to a mat on the ground.

"I'll go a little easy on you, but don't expect me to let you win. You'll have to earn it." I breathe in and hold it for a moment. With my exhale I go to punch her in the jaw. She ducks but I take that opportunity to knee her in the abdomen. I don't miss it, but she takes it like a champ.

"That was sneaky." We continue exchanging punches and kicks. After a while, I throw a hit that lands right where I want it. I haven't been able to land a punch on her at all. She holds the site and looks at me. "You really got me."

"No way! You didn't let me get that!"
She laughs and congratulates me. We wrap up the day and she walks me home. At the door, she decides to start being serious.

"Morgan. I love you, you are practically like my own child. So please don't get yourself hurt. I wish you would have waited for formal fighting lessons from SHIELD, but it's too late for that." She hugs me as if she expects one of us to die soon.

"Call Peter. I saw him swinging around here when I was driving. He's probably worried just like I am. Don't let a silly thing open a small gap between you two. Before you know it, the gap becomes a canyon." I simply nod.

I close the door as she walks away. Looking over to my phone I dread calling him. He might be angry. I sit down at my desk and tap on his name.

"Hi, Peter."

A/N: Okay, so I've been watching tons of real-life sparring matches and movie fight scenes on YouTube. I've also read a few help guides on conflict, action, and just writing in general. I hope you can at least see that a little in the sparring between Natasha and Morgan. Also, I'm trying not to do much with Nat because this is around the time that the new Black Widow movie is supposed to take place. But I love her character and I want Morgan to have a mother/big sister figure in her life. And since Natasha dies in Endgame I don't have a lot of time to play with her character. Maybe I'll use Scarlet Witch instead. Well, will see. Thanks for reading/commenting/voting.

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