Threat at School

By Legendary_Etta_7

840 71 293

Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow; the famous seniors of Pokestory High, and the ultimate love square that the who... More

Marks of the Fragments.
Ways into a Love Legend.
Mythical Mysteries.
Red Shot.
Yellow Scythe
Green Flame.
Show What's Missing.
Past of a Wave.
Past of the Blade.
Past of the Flower.
Past of the Flame.
Prove Your Age.
Prove Your Soul.
Prove Your Strength.
Group Work. Caught?
An Oldrival Too Close.
First Confession. Red?
A Dark Torture... Not!
Second Confession. Oh hell no.
Senior Alert!
Last Warning.
A Bloody Entrance.
Fallen Lies.
Final Confession.
Last Straw.
The Final Death?

Prove Your Talent.

16 2 19
By Legendary_Etta_7

Blue snickered at the trio's struggles. Red shot a glare at him before looking away.

"What's so funny, Oak?"

"You three are struggling while I can already see the answers."


Blue walked into the classroom, trying to contain his anger. He was so going to kill Flamance when he saw her again. His eyes drifted around the room until they met Pearl's. Concern washed over his face as he went over.


"Yeah. They were taken to the infirmary. We'll see them at lunch." The freshman nodded before going back to his seat and the teacher stepped in.


After school; Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow were heading home. They had a lot of work and decided to work together. Blue's heart was dancing as they went into his house.

"Ok... who's ready to start suffering?" Red chuckled at Yellow's words.

"I'm already there, Yellow. The real question is how long?" Yellow rolled her eyes as they pulled out their homework and sat at the table. Blue kept an eye on the others as they struggled.

Red was struggling the most. His fingers were tapping against his thumb as, most likely, several different beats filled his head. He wasn't concentrating.

Green's head was in the clouds as she looked over the work. She didn't seem to understand what it was even saying. Her eyes flickered around every once and a while to distract herself.

Yellow was at least attempting the work, but she looked lost. Her eyes kept looking at the others to see if they would help. She constantly bit her lip as she looked at the problems.

Blue was another story. Subconsciously, he had successfully finished half the work and was halfway through the next section of it. He was calmly stretching as he watched them. He could finish his work in his sleep if he wanted to, but he decided to not so that he could help them. The teachers even tried to give him more, and he still was nearly done. He eyed Yellow's paper as he finished the rest of his work. Yellow pushed it away.

"I don't get it. Why do they try to teach us this?"

"I have no idea." Red murmured subconsciously as he put his head down. Green leaned back with a sigh. Blue had grabbed a drink of water and was coming back. Green frowned.

"You seem rather relaxed for such hard work." Blue raised an eyebrow.

"It can't be that hard." Despite him being calm and collective, his heart was having a party.

"What are you, in advance classes?" Yellow grumbled as the taller seniors giggled.

"Sadly not." He said with a chuckle. Yellow sighed as she gazed over the work.

"Let me see..." Green looked at it. She was in a different class from Red and Yellow. Yet despite that fact, a frown crossed her face.

"See?" Yellow said with a groan.

Blue snickered at the trio's struggles. Red shot a glare at him before looking away.

"What's so funny, Oak?"

"You three are struggling while I can already see the answers."

The trio paused at his words. He laced his fingers behind his head and eyed them.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"You heard me." Yellow blinked.

"What about your work?"

"Done. I did it while you guys were struggling." The trio took a second to process what he said. "Do you guys need help?"


The quad was walking to school as the sun was rising.

"Thanks for the help, Blue." Green said with a smile. He nodded as she ran over to her group.

"See you guys later." Red said as he went to catch up with his group. Yellow nodded to Blue before going over to his group.

Blue smiled as he watched them head to class. His heart was dancing as he headed for class. It felt complete last night. He needed to know why.


Up on the roof, Purple was watching the quad. A smile crossed his face.

"Step one completed."


Ooh.... What'll happen next? Find out next time!

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