Prove Your Age.

17 1 16

The next thing that was said made the room fall quiet. At least five people froze.

"Y'know, I wouldn't say that to the younger school. That could get you suspended and you wouldn't have a good reputation afterwards."

The room turned to see Yellow leaning against the doorway. Her eyes were glowing in the dark room. They flickered around the room before the real shock hit.

"Or maybe I should tell the principal about the rudeness you just showed."


"Ha!" Blue put his hands up as the others groaned. They had just gotten their tests back. Red and Green were glad they had seeked help from Blue, as they had gotten 90s. Blue had aced the test with 102 because he killed the extra credit.

"You have got to be kidding..." Alberto, the dumbest person in the class who never tried, hissed at the seniors. "Just because you guys are older doesn't mean anything." Red raised an eyebrow.

"The only reason me and Green got high scores is because we got help. I was expecting a D if I hadn't gotten help. You can stop." Green nodded silently. Alberto huffed before glaring at Blue.

"You should be in the advanced classes. We're against you." The senior sighed.

"Maybe if you tried and seeked help, you would have a chance. That's how Abgiil has started a rivalry in psychology." Green gulped. It was clear that she witnessed it.

"That thing is more of a war." Alberto huffed.

"Still. You don't belong here." Blue sighed.

"Then you tell one of the advanced kids to give me a spot. There's no open spots." Alberto hissed.

"Honestly you shouldn't be here at all. A bastardized advanced kid who's better off dead." A steady gasp escaped everyone as the duo glared at each other.

The next thing that was said made the room fall quiet. At least five people froze.

"Y'know, I wouldn't say that to the younger school. That could get you suspended and you wouldn't have a good reputation afterwards."

The room turned to see Yellow leaning against the door. Her eyes glowed in the dark room. They flickered around the room before the real shock hit.

"Or maybe I should tell the principal about the rudeness you just showed."

Alberto shuddered at the coldness in her voice. Several people looked around, wondering how she knew what he meant or even how she heard him.

"No ma'am..." Alberto whispered as he grabbed his things and slipped out of the room. Yellow hummed lightly.

"That's what I thought." She turned around and went to wherever she was supposed to be. Blue's eyes drifted over to Red and Green, who had the same questioning look.


"Yeah, I don't belong in the senior class. Watch what you say when I tear you down."

The flowers were walking home with the powers and crowders following behind. They were all laughing as Yellow told them the cleanest version of what happened. She wouldn't go into details, but what she said made it's mark.

"That's what people really need to see. The true potential of the leader of the triad wars!" Whitley said with a grin.

"And they shouldn't play the looks game with this group." Lime said proudly. Yellow nodded.

"Lets go! We have places to be and jobs to finish!"


Purple watched as the groups started splitting off. A smile crossed his face.

"Second part is complete..."

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