I'm a Sucker for Pain

Por Amanda_Dulagan

115K 7.2K 2.1K

3rd RCB Love Legacy #IMASUCKERFORPAIN Original Writer: Amanda Dulagan Genre: Sabahan Slang Love Story Catego... Más

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58

chapter 12

1.7K 111 13
Por Amanda_Dulagan



Horrified… itulah perasaan saya bila si psycho bilang dia mau amps saya…! Nasib tiada orang dengar… tapi bunting tu!!!


Padan muka kena 🎵You Don’t Own Me🎵

Tapi tu last verse dia tu bah…
🎶But just know… you never met somebody like me before though🎶

Shit, betul juga… I’ve never met a guy like him… dalam banyak-banyak lelaki yang saya jumpa, yang suka saya, yang tergila-gilakan saya… yang… yang… ahhh! Lupakan yang itu…! Saya mau menguburkan memori pahit 6 tahun lalu sedalam-dalamnya…

6 years ago – I promised myself that will be the first and last time I will let myself get hurt… I’m not good in dealing with pain and never will…

So, selain Karter yang boleh meletupkan gunung berapi di hati dan kepala saya, LONDON is another copy of Karter… But London is more than that…

Kalau abang saya, tidaklah saya sampai mau goncang-goncang badan dia, tarik rambut dia, tumbuk-tumbuk dia segala… London can trigger that kind of madness in me…

Tapi kenapa perasaan saya lain…?

Dia buat saya marah, dia buat saya mengamuk, dia buat saya berang…!

He triggered the anger in me
He triggered the madness in me
He triggered the fury in me

But above all, he triggered a sensation in me… in my body, like no one ever did before… not even…. sshh! Diam, Kimmy!  Dan ni hati tidak mau berhenti bergetar… Getaran jiwa apakah ini?


Kimberly! Kau bilang kau CANNOT konon! Apa hell kau lick the cream and ate the cake from London’s mouth…?!

I just wanted to teach him a lesson, he messed up with the wrong girl… really?

“Game on… hubby…” hah, mau sangat kahwin kan… memfitnah lagi tu…

Terlampau lama konon satu tahun… and I tidak sabar mau get pregnant? Ugh! Siapa juga mau mengandung anak dia? 😠🙄

I don’t want to have kids at all! Cukuplah anak-anak Holly and Hudson… and some nieces and nephews sana sini di merata dunia…

Hmmm… saya masih terkesan dengan that ‘bunting’ episode…

I pressed my lips to his ear, tangan saya merangkul leher dia… it’s our engagement after all, why not put up a show for the crowd? Tapi hanya kami berdua saja yang tau kebenarannya…

“you know, London sayang…” I said in a very sengaja deep sexy tone, sengaja lagi saya menghembuskan nafas lembut di telinga dia… “you should recite your 9th commandment…

Dia tersengih…

“Thou shalt not bear false witness…” smart guy, tau juga memfitnah tu adalah dosa… “then you, my love...” my love… DUSH jantung saya..! “should recite your 8th commandment…”

What…? Hahahaha! I did not rob or steal! I practically bought the uncle Datsun tua a Nissan Xtrail beberapa hari selepas pembebasan saya… but no one knew that except my own people who have sworn their silence and loyalty to me…

“No…” I smiled up at him… “that is also for you…”

“I never steal anything in my life…” he smirked at me…

“Ah, that’s right…” I bit my lower lip… “you’ll never steal anything… never… not even my heart…”

I saw that dangerous glint in his eyes, dia terasa tercabar… tsk tsk…

AH! Saya tidak dapat melepaskan diri..! London memeluk pinggang saya dengan satu tangan… his other hand, pressing the back of my head…

He lowered down his face and kissed me..! his tongue invaded my mouth… saya mau tolak dia…! Kepala sama hati kau bilang tidak mau, yang nenen kau bilang apa, Kimmy? Makin pula kau terangsang kan?

Sedang asyik berkissing….?

Tiba-tiba Semua orang berteriakan… beberapa tetamu berlarian ke hulu ke hilir…


Where the fuck did that gun shot came from? I wiped my mouth from London's kisses and turned to…


Dari tiga tingkat, sekarang tinggal meja saja!!

Who dare shoot my cake?! Walaupun I did not ask or arrange for the cake… it’s still My engagement Cake! Ada nama saya atas tu cake!! Bloody hell!

Ah, the source of all my misery and the cause of me setting foot in KK…

KARTER…! what a grand entrance, idiot!

“Cake saya, PUKIMAK!!” tempernya saya!

Karter mengatur langkah ke arah saya dan London…

“get your filthy hands off my sister!” Karter tarik London’s shirt collar dan memberikan tumbukan padu di muka London, sampai London terundur dan terjatuh…

Shit! London’s mouth is bleeding…!

Kalau saya terkejut yang my cake kena tembak, saya tidak seberapa terkejut pula yang Karter tumbuk London…

Yang buat saya paling terkejut…
London bangun dan balas tumbukan Karter…! Bukan satu, bukan dua… dia tumbuk abang saya EMPAT KALI!

Belum pernah saya nampak abang saya kena tumbuk, belum pernah pun saya nampak sesiapa berani melawan abang saya kecuali saya sama Kurtis…
“too late, your sister belongs to me…” London hissed in Karter’s face… wait… wait… I belong to him…? I thought I just told him he don’t own me…

“Karter..!” kedengaran suara daddy Harren dari somewhere… berderu sudah telinga saya gara-gara teriakan orang sekeliling…

“Kart…!” Hudson cuba meleraikan Karter and London’s fight…

Then Hudson backed off, Karter pointed his revolver at London’s forehead…
“have you said your prayers, asshole?”

“Drop your gun, Karter…” I pointed my gun at the back of Karter’s head…

Karter’s breathing heavy… London, dia menaikkan satu kudou sambil tersenyum… ai? Having a gun on his head dia masih mampu tersenyum? Dengan darah-darah kering lagi tu di bibir…

Tapi handsome lah pula dengan rambut yang berantakan dan bibir yang berdarah… his white shirt, red with blood that dripped from his mouth….

Ah, you’re just a sucker for pain, Kimberly… begitu pula yang kau nampak handsome kan?

Karter’s gun is still pointing at London… ciss, kerasnya kepala ni orang…

“I told you, Kimberly…” suara dia mengeras… “I’m coming after you if you won’t come home…”

Saya menghela nafas berat… aii! Sudah-sudahlah Karter… asyik mau bawa saya pulang saja…
“Karter, just drop your gun… you’re acting so childish…”

“oh? Since when you became mature?” what a sarcastic tone, Karter…

“Since I just got engaged, you fucking idiot!” saya teriak… TAK, my gun snapped a warning…

Berteriakan lagi semua orang…

“With who, you little brat?!” Karter membalas dengan soalan yang bodoh…

ketaralah sibuk mengamps si Natalia saja, i bet he hasn't visited mom and dad eversince they came back k from their business trip..

“Fucking stupid question, Karter!” saya teriak… “you are pointing your gun at my fiancée, fucker!”

“who told you to come to KK and get into this kind of mess?” soalan apakah itu?

“YOU!!!” saya menjerit… saya tidak tahan sudah temper saya… “Now put your bloody gun away because you bloody know I can bloody take you down right now…”

Karter memasukkan kembali his gun in his jacket… tapi dia masih tidak puas hati… dia menggenggam collar London dengan kedua-dua tangan…

“KAU! Siapa suruh kau bertunang sama adik saya, setan?!” Karter berdesis di muka London…

London mengelap… tempias? Tempias Karter dari muka dia… ew…

“suka hati sayalah…” London menjawab dengan selamba… oh man! Here we go again… sengaja lagi London put up a bored look…

“berani kau jawab saya begitu?” buduh oh Karter ni… dia ingat si psycho akan takut dia lah kunun macam orang-orang lain… “kau cakap kenapa kau mau kacau adik saya sekarang…!”

Trying to be protective lah sangat kau ni, Karter… I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself… unlike you, can’t even take care of your d*ck away from a married woman… ciss..!

“kau tanya adik kau sendirilah…” psycho… what answer can you expect from him?

“be a man…” Karter said to London’s face… “tell me yourself…”

Again, London’s eyes glinting… saya tau maksud tu, dia rasa tercabar…
“you really want to know…?” dia tersengih…

Karter membulatkan mata, mau menakutkan London lah tu… still haven’t learn your lesson, Karter…?

Dengan masih digenggam collar dia oleh Karter…
“Your sister…” London smiled and licked his lips… this ain’t gonna be good! “fucked me…”

“what…?!” the shock on Karter’s face…

I gasped!
“twice…” syoknya dia kan, pemfitnah…
“ahh!” Karter screamed in frustration…

“in the toilet and in my ca…” pemfitnah…! It was only my mouth!

Saya tolak tubuh Karter, sekaligus meleraikan genggaman dia pada London… the impact made me terundur ke belakang and my back slammed on London’s hard chest…

London menyambut saya, tangan dia melingkar di tubuh saya… hugging the upper part of my body, I can feel his arms on my boobs…

And I can feel London tightening his hold on me, his lips kissing my temples…

“so you see… Karter? Oh no no… brother… in-law…” saya memejam mata.. God, when is this fight going to end…? Daddy Harren and Hudson pun jadi penonton yang tersengih-sengih saja… “you will have to live with the fact that Kimberly and I, am getting married…”

Ugh! London, let me go!

“right, sayang?” London spin me around…
“the fuck, London…” I whispered in his face…
“be a good girl, Kimmy…” he whispered back…

“You told my brother I fucked you..!” I gritted my teeth geramnya saya…

“umm.. well…” buat-buat muka innocent lagi tu…

“it was only my mouth, you idiot!” sia-sia kau kena panggil idiot, London.. it’s just a blowjob, not sex, duh..

“but I like it.. I want it again…” London tersenyum gete…

“I’ll give it to you, damn you… just let me go now… I can’t breathe..” terlampau kuat bah dia peluk saya… eee!

“kiss me..” he whispered…
“For what?” saya tanya sambil menjeling…

“you want me to let you go right…” ah, I see… blackmailing for a kiss…

“no! I can just kick your balls right now…” I refused…

“I’ll tell your brother how I enjoyed you sucking me until I cum in your mou…” fuck, London! Kau buat saya betul-betul gila oh…!

“shut up!” I kissed him hard to shut him up, tasting his blood…

It was a good 2 minutes until we both gasped for air…

“so I guess, kids… the war’s over?” daddy Harren akhirnya bersuara…

“it’s always good to make up after a big fight, boys…” Tan Sri chirped in… 😳

The rest of the guests, and the Robinsons masih ternga-nga… masih tercegat di posisi…

“Ummm… shall we continue…? I think the food’s getting cold…” Puan Sri bersuara… “London, maybe you should clean up first…”

I saw the chafing dishes ada warmer pula…

“I’m good, mom…” London replied his mom..

“I’m not hungry…” London looked at me, berkerut dahi dia.. “you know, what… I find you sexy when you’re a mess like this…”

I turned around to walk away.. London gripped my wrist, his eyes burning into mine..
“where do you think you’re going?”

“You’re getting too clingy, mister-psycho-bad-guy…”  I bit my lower lip and smiled… naughty…

Automatic terus London melepaskan tangan saya bila kena cakap too clingy… hahaha! I’m learning to choose my words wisely when I’m with him, so I can get my way…

Ah, music… always a remedy for a broken heart… aisehman, Kimmy… mata saya sempat meliar mencari keberadaan Karter… nowhere to be seen, good… but… Manchester? Bila lagi dia sampai?

I walked up to the mic stand… “🎵Bad Guy🎵" I told the DJ…

“Ehemm, I don’t have an engagement gift for my fiancée… so I guess a song is good enough.. eh, sayang?” I gave London a naughty smile…or was it a kinky smile?

** Mmm…. White shirt, now red with blood… but still so sexy **
🎶White shirt now red, my bloody nose
Sleepin', you're on your tippy toes
Creepin' around like no one knows
Think you're so criminal🎶

🎶Bruises on both my knees for you
Don't say thank you or please
I do what I want when I'm wanting to
My soul? So cynical🎶

** I saw London menaikkan satu kudou… that ‘dad’ part terbesar mata dia… Holland and Sydney terbatuk, menahan ketawa.. Manchester menatap wajah saya yang sedang menyanyi untuk abang dia, kurang selesa saya terasa… but I throw that feeling away… **
🎶So you're a tough guy
Like it really rough guy
Just can't get enough guy
Chest always so puffed guy
I'm that bad type
Make your mama sad type
Make your girlfriend mad tight
Might seduce your dad type
I'm the bad guy, duh🎶

🎶I'm the bad guy🎶

** I do? Salah lyric ni… ciss..! aha, yes, mom’s pitying all the men who’s crazy about me… don’t worry, mom, Tuan Hakim London Robinson is not crazy about me… wait… so what is his feelings for me? Kenapa dia memaksa ini pertunangan yang akan membawa kepada perkahwinan? **
🎶I like it when you take control
Even if you know that you don't
Own me, I'll let you play the role
I'll be your animal
My mommy likes to sing along with me
But she won't sing this song
If she reads all the lyrics
She'll pity the men I know🎶

🎶So you're a tough guy
Like it really rough guy
Just can't get enough guy
Chest always so puffed guy
I'm that bad type
Make your mama sad type
Make your girlfriend mad tight
Might seduce your dad type
I'm the bad guy, duh
I'm the bad guy, duh
I'm only good at being bad, bad🎶

Saya turun dari the mini stage… London is already in front of me…
“I’m claiming my gift…” 😳

“what gift?” terbulat mata saya…
“my engagement gift…” he whispered…
“I sang for you…” I rolled my eyes…
“you said you’ll be my animal…” anim…?

That was only a lyric, you crazy maniac! 😡

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