Falling For Asher

By totallysteph

210K 6.2K 499

Zoey Collins found herself siding with someone she just met over one of her best friends since elementary sch... More



6.5K 215 7
By totallysteph


My date with Asher is today, I'm more excited than nervous. Knowing that this is a step forward for us has helped with the doubt that I was struggling with. Not for my feelings, it's more about that small part of me that fears for what Melissa could do.

It's only been two days and I haven't heard from her so far. Since she was suspended from school, no one has spoken to her.

I lay my outfit out on the bed, a cropped beige knitted sweater, with high waisted jeans. We're both laid back, and doing something extravagant, especially during this weather is out of the question. We're grabbing something to eat and probably just hanging out afterward.

And to me, that's a perfect date. I would even love just watching a movie in my living room with takeout.

Checking my phone to make sure I have enough time to get ready, I send Paige and Scarlett a short response. They helped me with my clothes, or else I would have gone with something way too casual.

The sound of a door slamming outside causes me to stop what I'm doing. Peeking through the blinds to the sight of a familiar red car.

My heart drops at my fear coming true. I hear the doorbell ring and voices downstairs while I give myself a quick pep talk. Taking long strides to reach the front door.

Melissa stands at the door awkwardly, nodding at something that my dad says. They know the entire story and were shocked that she could have done such a thing.

He steps around the corner towards his office. Leaving us alone, I step outside and shut the door behind me.

Her green eyes are glossed over, appearing darker. She seems almost guilty as if she actually realized what she did.

"How can I help you?" I fail at keeping my hostility at bay.

It feels strange, talking to someone that I once confided in. This is the same girl that comforted me and listened to me whenever I needed someone.

"I came to apologize." She finally says, her voice isn't laced with confidence like I'm used to.

I cross my arms over my chest and bite back what I have to say. At the Halloween party, I was more shocked than anything. Now it has worn off and curiosity about what she has to say has taken over.

"I messed up, I see that now." She sighs in frustration. "The moment I met Asher I- I wanted him to give me as much attention as he did you. He was always bringing you up and it annoyed me." I frown, but let her continue.

"I knew you only saw him as a friend but did he? And I knew that soon enough it would have happened if I didn't do something about it."

It takes a moment for me to process her words fully. "Okay."

She smiles sadly, "I'm finishing the rest of the school year in New York, I just wanted to make sure I apologized to you individually."

My eyebrows lift in surprise. "I'm sorry.." I mutter.

She laughs, wiping her eyes."You were a great friend, I'm really sorry for causing you both so much pain."

"I'm happy that you're aware."

Melissa sheepishly stares at the ground. "I was blinded and I take full responsibility which is why I'm okay with moving away to deal with what I did." She explains, the rawness in her voice making it clear that she regrets it.

It's unfortunate that it took her so long to realize. She could have done things so differently, but she has always been one to want revenge. And it hits her after she is backlashed for it.

I don't know what else to say, so we both stand in silence. Melissa takes a step back. "Bye Zoey."

I wave, wordlessly. Watching as she retreats to her car. I'm snapped back to reality when her car pulls out of the driveway. The sound of the engine becomes faint the further she goes.

I start getting ready shortly after Melissa leaves. Leaving my hair in its natural waves and applying makeup.

Asher lets me know that he's on his way, while I make my way to the living room. Candice and dad had planned to go out but once I asked for permission they suddenly decided to stay in.

A horror movie is playing, a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table.

"How's it going?" I question, sitting on the loveseat.

The movie paused, their faces lighting up. "There she is, excited about your first date?" Dad asks.

"With Asher? Yes."

He rolls his eyes, with a teasing smile. "When did you grow up?"

I shrug with a small laugh. My first date was with Riley, and dad was stressed out. We had his mother with us so it wasn't like this time.

Candice smiles at us before speaking up. "And what did Melissa have to say?"

I slump down in the seat with a small sigh. "She apologizes, and let me know that she's moving." I sum it up.

They nod, the doorbell ringing before any of them can respond. My heart beats faster as I stare at the door without moving.

Candice stands up with a grin. "I'll get it." She calls out.

Standing up to look presentable, I wait for the door to open. Asher stands there with his hand since his pockets. He wears dark jeans and a flannel which is slightly hidden by his coat.

"Come in." She ushers him inside, my eyes widening in horror.

He catches my eye his smile making my knees weak. "Hey Zoey, you look beautiful." Despite him telling me this every day, I still blush.

"Hi," I say, aware that we basically have an audience.

Dad is now standing beside Candice, shaking his hand. "You two have fun." He says, glancing at me briefly.

They stand at the door entrance while we walk to his car. Asher helps me in which I thank him quietly. He slides in the drivers' side, waving to my family with a smirk.

My glare catches his attention, he smirks. "What?"

"You love making me uncomfortable," I say, watching as his eyes glisten.

He chuckles, driving away from my house and towards the city. I share with him how Melissa came to visit me, which surprisingly, she did that same to him.

She and her parents went to his house this morning and apologized in person for the damage. We drop the topic as we find a parking spot. The restaurant he chose is one that I have been to a few times.

The food is really good and it isn't as fancy as other places. I'm pleased to see that it isn't packed.

I grip the handle, a habit that Asher dislikes. "Let me get it for you." He says, jogging to my side.

A laugh slips out as he opens the door for me with a bow. "Thanks." I reach up to place a kiss on his cheek.

He winks, taking my hand in his. His playfulness eases my nerves. After all, this is Asher we're talking about. He makes any situation less stressful with his remarks and calm nature.

We enter the restaurant and are seated right away. The soothing sounds of the water fountain, and jazz music playing creates a nice atmosphere. With dimmed lights, and the fact that it isn't crowded.

I take a look at the menu after we order our drinks. "What do you usually get?" I ask, noticing that he hasn't even opened it.

Unlike Asher, we only come here on special occasions. That being once or twice a year.

"A soup, and a salad." He answers, "Sometimes I just get pasta and breadsticks."

I read over the names of foods but mainly focus on the ones with pictures. "That sounds good, I'm kind of feeling the lasagna right now."

The waiter stops by to take our orders and leaves for a couple of minutes. I hum to myself quietly, looking up to say something when I notice that he's staring at me. My stomach flutters when he raises his eyebrow, his smile widening.

"What?" I ask, feeling breathless just from how he acknowledges me.

His shoulders lift in a shrug, "You're so beautiful."

The waiter stops at our table with a cart of food. I try to hide my blush, pressing the back of my hand against my warm cheek.

"Thank you," We both say, receiving a short nod and a smile.

The first bite of food I take is exactly what I picture heaven to feel like. It has the right amount of flavors mixed together. I glance up curiously to see Asher watching me in amusement.

We manage to keep a conversation going while enjoying our meal. This is my first real date when I was fifteen, that didn't actually count. And it was innocent, watching a movie and sharing a milkshake.

This feels so different, I'm nervous, but not because of the date itself. Asher has always been the type of person to focus on one person at a time. There was no denying when he had feelings for someone.

He wouldn't lead anyone on or beat around the bush about it. I guess it's a change of pace, but I'm comfortable with it. It all feels right.


After dinner, we decide to keep the date going for a little longer. There's a museum beside the restaurant that closes in an hour.

This is one of his favorite places to go. He talks about the art and every stroke put into it. Explaining what methods the artist most likely used. His eyes light up, while he makes gestures with his hands.

Our time has slowly come to an end, but we make one last stop. The small ice cream shop at the corner. I order a Mint ice cream cone and we sit at one of the tables outside.

The sky is dark only the lights from the city shining on the nearly empty streets. The weather has completely shifted over the past few weeks. The cold air hitting my face and hands, causing me to shiver.

"Come on," Asher says, grabbing my hand and leading me towards his car.

I stay close to him, eating my ice cream despite it being forty degrees. In the car, the heater warms us up, a random throwback playlist from my phone playing. We sit in the back seat, my head resting on his chest.

I tilt my head up to look at Asher. "Can we stay here all night?"

"I wish." He murmurs, staring at me for a moment.

We head back, both of us taking slow steps to the front door. The porch light flickers on when we're close enough. My hand in his, I turn to face him with a smile.

"Thank you for tonight." I start, my gaze fell to his lips. "I-I um I had fun."

He chuckles under his breath, drawing me closer. My heart pounds against my chest, being impatient, I close the gap until our lips meet. It's a soft kiss, yet filled with unsaid emotions. I've kissed two boys before Asher and nothing can describe how different this feels.

Not that I would ever compare what I have with him to what I had before. It's completely different and for several reasons.

My hands are desperate to hold onto him, gripping his shirt and deepening the kiss. I feel his lips form into a smile against mine which causes us to pull away. I cross my arms over my chest, feeling embarrassed under his stare.

With a sigh, I meet his gaze. "What?"

Asher shrugs, laughing softly. He pulls me in, wrapping his arms around me. I blush, feeling happy and flustered all at once.

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