By herefornoreasons

79.5K 2.6K 3.4K

*Smut content* Camila is an intern watch dog for the biggest international spy ring in the world, amongst oth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Part 1
Chapter 12 Part 2
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chaoter 24
Chaoter 25

Chapter 6

3.2K 111 122
By herefornoreasons

Camila's POV

Long car journeys, the route of all boredom!

My eyes drink up the midday sun that sit high up in the sky above me glistening down on all of the sad glum faces that walk the dirty streets we drove alongside

Lauren and Sam sat opposite each partaking in their own pass times, Lauren drew and Sam typed.. they never failed to remain consistent while Zach scan through Instagram liking every post that hit his screen and I... nothing, nothing at all!

It didn't take long for my mind to wonder once again, my consistent thoughts as you can probably gather all about her, the black haired Cuban powerhouse that sat with a relaxed gaze, straight brows and a soft mouth, last night was intense and really did leave me in a position of submission.. she liked that I could tell

But the strange thing was I couldn't really figure out what her intended direction was? She just wanted the satisfaction of leaving me powerless it seemed, short anticlimactic interactions that left me begging for more.. dreaming about her mouth between my thighs while I scream out her name with an arched back... cleaver to say the least

"Mila how's the arm baby"

Sam asked softly as he fold his well suited leg over his thigh snapping me from my teenage like trance, I glance down looking over the bandage I was too afraid to take off as I issued a warming half smile

"I think it's ok, it doesn't hurt anymore so that's something"

He reach forward grabbing my wrist gently to peel back the bandage revealing the actually neat line across my forearm, the skin was a blush red but healthy.. she actually did a pretty good job it turns out as he smile convincingly tucking the bandage down into the side pocket of the car before Lauren's emerald orbs glance over the wound briefly

"Looks good mama, you'll be showing that war wound off in no time"

He winked proudly as Lauren lent back down into the book she was so intently sketching upon, I settle my eyes over her fingertips gripping softly to the pen that drag over the paper relentlessly, after sneaking a look of her usual stylistic choices I could only imagine the current creation upon the page

Wondering what position she had put me in this time.. on my back? Hands tied? Throat exposed.. she knew what she was doing, she had to know I'd be curious given the fact I so blatantly told her what I had witnessed, the main question that lingered however was what she intended for them? We're they just a fantasy.. or could they be a promise?

After a few moments I noticed something that had me for some reason flustered, Sam's eyes flew down curiously onto the page that unfortunately I couldn't quite see before his brow crease, he subtly looked up at me before looking back down at the page .. he did it more than a few times ..

"Oh we're here!"

Zach spoke out breaking the moment of weird tension that had suddenly flood my feet as Lauren pull the headphones from her ears tucking them down between the seats before snapping the book closed with a harsh slam

We exit out from the car before being strategically ushered between the usual heavily suited males that shield us from the wondering eyes as we walk towards the entrance of a flashy looking building completely unfamiliar to me

It just so happened that Zach had taken his place next to Sam leaving Lauren next to me.. it felt weird, awkward almost as she never really spoke to me unless she had to, her eyes fix forward and being slightly taller than me it only made me feel small and insignificant .. like I was an irrelevant cog in the system

"You guys ok back there?"

Sam asked before Lauren quickly interject with a blunt 'mhmm' obviously unbothered by my presence however after a few moments the book in her hands lift in front of her chest, she open it up slowly before slamming it into my chest shocking me slightly as we continued to walk

I pull the pages down settling my dazed eyes over the detailed sketch instantly feeling an intense throb grow between my thighs...

It was me that was for sure! But.. it wasn't just me it was us? Last night..

My naked body pressed against a less detailed silhouette she obviously didn't feel important enough to display, every detail of my abdomen precise and on point.. even the part in my lips as her hand grip tightly around my throat.. the one detail confusing me however was the heavily scratched out X that sat over my crotch

An arrow drew out with a single phrase written in cursive font 'submissive' ... what was that supposed to mean.. it was a work of art there was no doubt but why was she showing me.. why did she write that?

Before I could even continue my thoughts the book was snatched from my hands and once again slammed shut

I couldn't even say anything.. how could I respond to that.. I was? Intimidated! Thankfully we reached a solid brick room in which Lauren very quickly stormed within throwing down her stuff to tend to the already waiting weapon case as Sam place down his laptop turning towards me with a confused gaze

"You ok mama you look kind of flustered?"


"Yeah I'm good, just tired!"

I lied as I took the jacket from my shoulders placing it down neatly beside me as Lauren shove past me with a heavy looking matt black gun in hand swinging it around as if a toy

"Laur seriously stop that thing is loaded.."

"Congratulations! It is! 10 points to Sam!"

She shot sarcastically before dragging it into the holster of her belt leaving it sitting against her plump Cuban ass as she lent down into the laptop typing away some crazy figures I could only stand mesmerised watching

"I'm not dealing with your mouth today girl don't make me call ally!"

Sam shot obviously having to deal with the woman more than me and Zach... she was difficult that was a given..

"Call her bitch I don't care! Anyway I need to go and grab my clips I'll be back in a minute!"

She reply eliciting a group eye roll as she left the room heading back out into the hall leaving me and Zach in a stagnant silence I only felt the need to break

"You seriously think she's gonna listen to me.. you know when I'm in her ears.."

"Uhh.. well she'll have no choice let's just put it that way!"

He replied not really giving me any kind of confidence as I knew for a fact she was more than in control of whatever it was that was happening between us .. Sam was trusting me and I really didn't want to let him down

He turn back around noticing my hesitant grimace extending his soft palms out over my shoulders smiling gentle into my gaze before parting his lips to speak

"I'll be right there mama ok? Just remember if she wants to stay alive she kinda has to listen to you..."

"Yeah I guess so"

I laugh back as I sit beside him running through a few last minute details while Lauren adjust her body in front of me, Sam hand over a page of small dots that I recognised to be the tracking recognition spots from Dubai, I gave him a hesitant look before standing to face her feeling immediately uneasy as she lift her hands onto her hips cockily

"Any time today intern!"

She spat as I reach for the first dot looking back at Sam who chuckle before standing beside me, I had to admit being this close to her pretty much bare chest had me flustered even more so than earlier as her striking emerald orbs flew just above my head

"So you want one in the centre of her chest just below her bra strap"

He spoke as Lauren step even closer towards my body, she knew exactly what she was doing... I reach forward pressing the sticker into her skin gulping back at the warmth beneath my fingertips

"And then one either side of her stomach, just above her panty line, these track her torso movements for infrared"

She must have seen the look in my eyes at even the mention of her 'panty line' as Sam reach for the zipper on her jeans pulling the hem down slightly to allow me access, the brief view of the sheer lace covering her centre had me almost sweating .. wanting to see more

I reach forward pressing the sticker into the left side of her hip extending my other fingers out just to feel the skin lavishing in the way her body gently jult before shifting to the other side

"Ok last one between her shoulder blades, move that hair tho"

The hair.. thick black and sweet smelling, I pull it back placing the final sticker letting the hair fall back over my hand as I plot a tiny but subtle force of revenge dragging my fingernails down the length of her back as Sam turn around to face his screen checking the placements were correct as Lauren shot back around like a bolt of lightening giving me a shocked glare as her tongue drag her lower lip into her mouth backing off to grab her shirt

"You're good lo, ok Mila Zach come sit"

Sam spoke out forcing my eyes away from her deceivingly annoyed body as I join the well dressed man behind the table getting to grips with the new venue Lauren would be entering in less than a few minutes

After around 20 minutes of fixing earpieces and fumbling with keyboards it was time, Lauren was in view and my eyes were focused, The small mic that sat beside us allowed the woman to hear me much to her reluctance as Sam watch on in support

"So Lauren before Camila takes over you know where the entry point is right?"

"Left axis 2 doors down"


I shuffle my palms over my thighs as the woman look up at the known camera with a devilish look in her eyes, her fingertips roll over her bottom lip as she scold me somehow knowingly...

"Your on Mila"

Sam spoke poking the side of my leg as I shift my hands over onto the mouse running through Cameras and various screen recordings that would allow me to see ahead of time for her body as she made her way through the halls looking for a particular man who was predicted to be kidnapping a royal counterpart later that evening

She began walking out back of the event taking great caution in the direction she move her body, I couldn't help but get slightly lost in her strut as her thighs glide so perfectly past one another before suddenly noticing a stray man holding some kind of weapon between his palms in the hall Lauren was approaching

"STOP! Don't move!"

I shout quickly shocked for some reason as she instantly pause in her spot.. I didn't think she'd actually take any notice of me but time was evidently pressing and I had no time to squander over my pondering obsession

"Tuck in behind the door behind you quickly, there's a guy with some kind of weapon heading out of the hall in front"

Her body remain still as she pull the weapon from her hip slowly looking out to her left as the pounding investigatory footsteps grew closer, she said nothing, hardly even took a breath in attempts to remain utterly silent, I was nervous.. petrified I'd mess up.. but she was as calm as a leaf blowing in the wind as his body stop dead in front of her

I zoomed in on the weapon only to see it as a shady metal bar, he wasn't supposed to be there obviously.. Lauren remained quiet for a moment as he look out in front somehow not yet noticing her body beside him.. poor man

It only took a moment for her finger to reach over the trigger pausing for a second before deliberately extending her arm clearing her throat

"Lauren wh-

Gun shot


I call out as the man's body drop to the floor heavily, the loud sound of the metal clanging alerting near by security guards I had predicted previously hence my decision in her tucking away instead of just charging in like a bull in a China shop

"Great fucking job! 3 security guards are heading around the corner, left! Keep walking!"

I spat in a wildly harsh tone I hadn't expected to even come from my own mouth as she scoff audibly, I notice Sam's eyes gazing over at me with an almost proud smile as I run my unintentional mouth, I couldn't have been doing that bad of a job as he hadn't yet taken over or even offered a moment of advice

Lauren turn around to face the camera she knew I was peering through, her emerald orbs looking at me with a warning glare that sent deep shudders through my spine

"Don't fucking talk to me like that!"

"Just do as your told Jauregui!"

I spat back hoping to mock her briefly with the same phrase she always loved to use against me, she aggressively look down stepping over the mans body still subconsciously following my direction as she heard an opening door behind her

The bodies grew closer seemingly catching up with her as they spot the fallen man in the distance, their walk turn to a run as they catch a glimpse of her trailing black hair

"They're following you! Trail your arm over the wall you'll find a switch, turn it off!"

Her voice stutter for a moment before replying hesitantly

"You want me to do this in the fucking dark? Are you crazy?"

Yeah.. and you fucking love it...

"Just do it! Trust me!"

She slam her hand over the switch using her fist to elicit a swooping darkness that fill the hall as the three bodies enter in only a few feet from Lauren's body, Sam quickly help to adjust the infrared giving me full view of their extended gunned arms

"Sit down"

Her arms flailed in silence indicating her reluctance unable to speak given the newly arrived company

"Ignore me one more time and I swear to god I will let them put a bullet hole through that pretty little skull of yours! SIT down!"

I spoke through gritted teeth as I grew more and more anxious of the men walking down the hall towards the very woman's life I was temporarily in charge of, my comment was harsh I know.. but harsh enough for Lauren's knees to bend slowly sitting down onto the cold floor with an alert ear

"Their arms are outwards 90 degrees, one behind the other... you're gun, it's 30 cCz it can take all three... lift it and I'll tell you when to stop"

Her arm began to lift, the gun lining quickly with the men's heads before I warn her to pause, they did the same almost perfectly as she perch on her knees trigger finger ready


She shot...

3 bodies fell...

"Fuck Mila ... that was incredible how did you?"

Sam trailed off beside me as he grip onto the table with an edged gaze fixed directly onto the cameras as Lauren stood to her feet walking forwards cautiously to check over the bodies

"Lucky guess"

Was all she could respond.. of course, she'd never admit an intern could have been even the slightest bit correct.. I had to admit however my stomach was churning with nerves.. I was just going with what I saw like Sam had told me previously and for the moment it was working..

"Ok imma take over baby only because this guy is known to be difficult but watch carefully because it's yours next time!"

Sam finally spoke elevating me from the heavy burden of guarding Lauren's life, it was a lot and the beads of sweat over my forehead only proved that... I sat back letting his arms roll over the keyboard as the woman continued the journey

It wasn't too eventful.. pretty standard by her terms, a few thrown fists and twisted blade jabs that soon put a stop to the mans not so innocent intentions, it wasn't long before she made out of the bustling environment heading back our way in the car disconnected from the room

"Camila that was.. incredible?"

"It was? I was kinda nervous.."

I admit running my sweating palm through my hair as I finally relaxed into the chair behind me looking on at the mans proud stature

"Nervous? Mama you did not seem nervous at all... THAT is how you handle Lauren.. seriously!"

"I was just caught up in the moment I guess, her attitude is just..."

"Well she listened to you! And hey.. what was that whole sit down thing about? Genius .. but kind of unique?"

My logic may have been scarce but I had my reasoning I guess, I had always my entire life come up with the weirdest of solutions to out of the box style problems that I'd received many a look for..

"They had their arms out in front of them, it was really dark so the chances they'd try and take a lucky shot were too high.. I told her to sit so if they tried they'd miss"

He stare back at me open mouthed and equally shocked as the laptop lid delicately closed, his arm extending out onto my arm with a comforting squeeze

"You really are something else aren't you mama..."

Later that day Lauren arrived back into the office we had set up in as a temporary fixture for the days mission, she fumble around aimlessly fixing together her weapons that sat neatly within the cases below her while Sam and Zach talk over some details in the adjacent room

I couldn't help but feel a wildly frustrating tension float around the room as we remain alone in a blunt silence either end of the space, her toned back facing me with all intent to ignore my while I sit upon the couch noticing her black book poking from the underside of her bag

I pulled it out gently keeping eyes on her body making sure she couldn't see my curiosity again rummaging through her things.. I mean she threw it at me earlier basically demanding me to look so I guess it was mine for the taking ..

I flip through the pages to find the drawing from earlier only wanting to look for a second time, the gentle strokes that detailed my hips mesmerising as if she'd seen me over a thousand times.. I knew she had perfect recall but to know even the smallest of details shocked me even now..

My eyes quickly dart up noticing her standing still facing the opposite way and in a brief moment of panic and confidence I grab for the page ripping it out of the book before folding it tightly tucking it into the cup of my bra throwing the book back down into the bag as she turn around to face me


She spat noticing my staring eye contact as she walked closer towards me with rolling eyes and a huffy attitude, I stand from the couch with a scowling glare taking the power running momentarily through my veins to approach her strong body, she pause stagnant as I reach my fingertips over her hip and up under the back of her shirt

My fingertips trailed up the length of her warm spine towards the centre of her back lavishing in the way her emerald orbs widen at the sudden advance, I hate to be bold but the sexual tension was almost crucifying.. I was causing it yes but after last night it was only evident she loved to touch me too..

"What are you- ouch fuck!"

She spat as I rip the sticker I'd placed earlier from between her shoulder blades before smirking gently pulling my fingers back around to the front of her abdomen.. touching her was almost electric .. her warm skin against mine killing me slowly but seemingly her more so!

"Shit! Can you fucking not!"

She spat again as the second sticker between my fingers rip away from her body, although angry her eyes told a story, a story I would probably call lust if I had to

"Stop being such a pussy, it's just a sticker!"

I respond as my hands made way confidently to the zipper upon her jeans, in my head I could have asked her to do it herself but the temptation to throw back in her face the evil torture from last night was just too strong..

My thumb unclasped the button before dragging down the zipper, my eyes glance down as I gently pull down the hem of the material slightly more so than necessary.. the weirdest part was.. she was letting me..

Her breath hitched with my fingers still hooked around the hem before reaching for the stickers pulling them away this time gently stepping away to discard them across the room

She just stood there..

Blank and unbuttoned ...

You'd have to be clinically dumb not to feel what I was feeling right now, the raw begging tension flooding the room..


That evening true to Sam style we had been whisked off to a bustling busy club filled with private pockets of drunk young onlookers who lavish in the loud music flooding the room, I couldn't complain however as my inappropriate thoughts needed something stronger than water to sober..

My elbows rest against the sticky bar countertop as I sip back on my .. 6th? Drink? I couldn't even remember at this point as I stood alone drunk like a heartbroken teenager at a high school house party, the sweating bodies surrounding me grotesque forcing back those demon images of Lauren's black lace panties

I couldn't stand it anymore.. if she wanted to play games, so did I!

I walk around searching for her body with a drunken confidence I admittedly had never experienced, it felt almost as if my legs burnt.. my head hazy, predictably Lauren sat alone sipping on a drink while scrolling through her jet black phone aimlessly

The pod filled with red velvet couches too big for a single person... too big just for her.. I walk forwards placing the drink down onto the table before her eyes lift up into mine slightly disgruntled I'd interrupted her antisocial comforts

The music didn't help my mood however, often by the weekend was blaring through the speakers sending my body into a spiralling throb as those fucking eyes examine my entire body

"Sitting alone again I see"

"Happily actually"

She spoke dismissively with a very drunk course tone not once changing her unwelcoming expression as she remain eyeing me

"Tell your face that!"

"I don't remember asking for your opinion?"

She shot back creasing her brow clicking shut her phone that she place beside her folding the Ivory arms in front of her chest, her attitude was extra high tonight, maybe it was the alcohol or the fact that she had been forced to listen to me earlier ...

"I don't remember needing your permission to give it!"

Her eyes widen, her brows lift.. I never knew I had a bite but the throbbing between my legs just looking at that perfectly curvaceous body was more than engulfing.. the sexual music driving me further forward as I drag my fingertips along the table beside me seductively

"You talk big shit for such a small girl.."

"Beats sitting on my own like a sad lonely loser trust me!"

I spoke back pacing forwards until our knees were basically touching, her arms unfold almost as if she was intimidated by how close I was standing to her, my short skirt and thigh high socks seemingly her favourite part of me as her eyes failed to lift from my lower body

"And you thought you'd be the Good Samaritan coming to cure my 'loneliness' huh... I don't need your pitty intern!"

That comment... I just wanted to shout back at her, call her out for the stubborn mess she knew she was.. but instead I bit my tongue rolling my eyes before lifting my knee in a moment of confidence over her lap settling down to straddle her waist leaving her in a wildly shocked state not knowing where to put her hands

She tried to be mad.. angry.. but the look in her eyes only told me she was anything but..

"I don't give a fuck about your feelings! Be lonely all you want I couldn't give a shit?"

I spat in a harsh tone that I could tell she the woman back as my palms ran over the perfect curves of her hot shoulders settling just at the base of her neck, my hips so close to her stomach I could feel her breathing change pace immediately

"So why are you here"

She reply this time in a softer more seductive tone, the deep rasp of her Latina accent forcing another wave of flustered butterflies down into the area between my thighs that hover just above her own..

I reach one of my hands up her neck cupping just below her ear before leaning my wet lips down into the other side settling just close enough that she could her me as I grab for her wrist beside me dragging it under my skirt to settle over my upper thigh

"Because you started something last night that you need to finish!"

Her breath stuttered against my ear as she pull her head back slightly, her fingertips I'd purposely placed on my leg shuffling subtly

She was turned on.. it was obvious

"You think I answer to you? Do as you say? That's a ballsy assumption"

I giggle gently into her ear before extending my hot tongue out over her surprisingly sweet skin leaning in further under her ear to bite down harshly against her velvety ivory skin lavishing in the jerk of her legs beneath my hips as a small gasp exit her lips, her neck rolling over to the side before pulling both of her lips into her mouth evidently regaining her control she blatantly didn't have

"It's no mystery you want the power.. want me to be your submissive... now that you have the opportunity you're too afraid to use it.. shocker!"

The palm on my leg began to move, shifting further up until her fingertips reach my hip bone under my skirt, I liked making her angry.. making her feel like she was on the losing side, because much to her personality I knew she hated me being right .. she wanted me.. she just didn't want me to tell her that..

"I already have the power Camila and you know it, all day looking at me crossing your legs, blushing like a little school girl whenever I look at you..."

She began forming a fist over my thigh as she grab the skin between her palm sending her another shock wave through my body before her other hand reach up into the back of my head grabbing hold to pull my ear down into her lips my stomach arching into her chest

"You're already my submissive weather you'd like to admit it or not... I can guarantee those lace panties of yours are already soaked for me.."

They were... there was no denying it and right is she could probably say anything and it would be made evidently worse ...

"Why don't you stop running that mouth if yours and find out Jauregui.."

She lift her head gently leaving mine resting against her forehead to make a strikingly intimidating eye contact as her hot fingertips glide over to cup my core, the hem of my panties already being dragged to the side by her middle finger that sank between my folds eliciting a deep gasp as she witnessed my unashamedly drenched centre


I spoke simply as she lightly manoeuvre her digit around my entrance leaving me already breathless as the rumbling voices of drunken passers flit past the very public space.. I didn't care.. neither of us did and in that moment anybody could have said anything and it wouldn't have bothered me

"Looks like I really did leave you begging huh... there's me thinking a single person could leave you reluctant but here you are in front of a room filled with strangers dripping down my fingers.."

"They can look all they want! I don't care! You're gonna fuck me right here right now!"

I spoke before sinking down onto her fingers pulling back the control as my hips settle deep onto her palm, the gasp tumbling from her lips adding to my arousal as she without a seconds though curl them against my g spot before thrusting them slowly in and out of my body

I could hardly breath as she filled me so perfectly.. deep and hard, I'd maybe liked it harder but the restricted position didn't really allow for the fantasy, her pace began to fasten the more she began to reform, accepting the fact she was making payment to the short interaction only this time last night

"Fuck, ugghh!"

I moaned shifting my lips to her ear making sure she could hear how hard she was making me scream as I help the movements grinding against her skilful fingers with no intentions of stopping until my body told me I'd had enough

"You're so fucking dirty .. it's deceiving.. that mommy girls face is nothing but a wet quivering mess.."

I don't know why but even now the harsh statements turned me on so much and with the pace of her rapid thrusts my body was almost chasing a quickly approaching climax, it was true.. but only with her.. I'd never felt so hungry before, hungry to be dominated and taken over ..

"Yeah.. but you love that don't you! You love making me beg for you.. chasing you down in a club .."

That statement only made her movements stronger as she pull my hips down harder into her palm as I grind relentlessly moaning uncontrollably into the ear I was only dictating to earlier that day

I was close.. too close, I felt my body ready to fall apart as she curl her fingers with every movement

"Fuckk, ugh shit! I'm gonna cum!"

That was it, the grinding grew stronger slamming into her lap as the most intense orgasm of my life hit me like a brick wall sending my mind completely blank into oblivion, curse words and moans seething continuously as I felt my own arousal flood down onto her hand..

It only took a moment for the waves to stop, the fingers inside of me pulling out slowly before her spare hand grab my throat, the arousal soaked fingers pushing their way deep into my mouth shocking me slightly as a cocky grin appear on her face, I knew it made her feel something.. Watching me taste myself over her lap after falling apart dramatically

"That's what submissive tastes like if you were wondering ..."

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