Taste of Secrets

By its-an-obsession

38.9K 937 259

Y/N Nova Stone is starting her freshmen year at Belgrave University. She had no intention of being apart of t... More

Authors Note + Characters
๐ŸบSeason One๐Ÿบ
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
๐ŸบSeason Two๐Ÿบ
Authors Note + New Characters + Reminders
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
๐ŸบSeason Three๐Ÿบ
Authors Note + Settings + Update
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Twenty-Six

564 13 0
By its-an-obsession

Jack and I rushed to the werewolf den where Randall was waiting for us. I walked down the path, my feet crushing the dead leaves. I held my bow and arrow by my side. "Randall!" Jack and I yelled as he walked down the path. He turned around, holding a blue shirt. "Hey," Randall said and kissed my cheek. I smiled and gave him a side hug. "Have you seen Hamish?" I asked, "Jack and I can't get ahold of him." Randall shook his head and held up the shirt. "This was tossed in the bushes," Randall said. "Hamish wolfed out," Jack said. I looked at the ground for any other clues as to where Hamish might have gone. I soon found one of the sticks that Praxis members would use. "Look familiar?" I asked, holding up the stick. "Yeah," Randall sighed, "Another killer stick girl." 

"They came for him last night," I said, putting the stick in my pocket. 

"They came for us," Randall said. 


I looked around the room and saw that it was still a mess. I sighed and grabbed some of the bottles that were left on the counter, setting them down on one of the shelves. "Look," Randall sighed, "I don't care how big Praxis is, they hurt him." I knelt down beside the bar and picked up some napkins. "Your friends alive," a voice interrupted our conversation. The three of us looked up and saw Salvador standing there. I quickly grabbed my bow and arrow, putting an arrow into the nocking point. Randall and Jack didn't stop me from shooting the Praxis member. "At least, he was the last time I saw him," Salvador added, "I know you're angry." 

"Angry doesn't even begin to describe what I am," Randall said. 

"Start talking," I said, "Before I shoot this arrow into your chest." Salvador didn't reply, she looked down at the ground. "Now!" Jack ordered. "Foley sent me here last night to kill you," Salvador said. "Interesting start," Randall said. 

"But I didn't..." 

"Yeah, no shit sherlock," I retorted. "because last night," Salvador continued to explain herself, "I saw the world that Foley sold us on right here. The Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose and the Knights of Saint Christopher. No one was fighting, a world of peace. A world of magic!" My friends and I glanced at each other as we listened to the enemy speak. 

"When he found out that I didn't complete the mission, he threatened to kill me, unless I took your friend." 

"Can you get to the part where we start caring whether you live or die," I said, stepping forward as I still aimed at the women. "Foley changed after he robbed everyone," Salvador claimed, "He's a werewolf, too, but he's obsessed with power. I didn't sign up for murder, please..." The three of us exchanged a look. 

"You have to help us, I can show you where he is, and you can rescue your friend." 

"Yeah and walk right into your trap?" Jack said. 

"I took a huge risk even coming here," she insisted, "It's not a trap, I promise." 

"Oh great! She promises, Jack," Randall retorted, "What's in it for you?" I lowered my bow and arrow once Jack motioned me to put away. I slipped the bow into its case and put the arrow in the pocket. "You leave me alone," Salvador answered, "Let me try to convince the others to bring Praxis back to its roots. It's still a good idea, and... last night I saw what it could be." 

"We'll check it out," I said, "and you'll stay right here." I put the bag over my shoulder. "What? No," she denied, "What if you fail? What if he finds me here and he-" 

"It's not up for debate!" Randall exclaimed, "Tell us where Hamish is or Y/N over here is going to shoot you." I smirked and went to take the weapon out of its bag. "Wait! Wait! I'll tell you," Salvador said, "Take highway eight out of Norwich, then get off at exit twenty. Take the third left, head in for two minutes. You'll find an old station house there." I punched Salvador in the face which caught her off guard. She fell to the floor, losing consciousness. 

"Oh," I laughed, "That felt good." Randall grabbed Salvador and brought her upstairs. 


Jack, Randall and I approached the house that Salvador had told us about. I grabbed my bow and rested it on the little spot, preparing myself to shoot at any moment. I walked ahead of the boys and stepped onto the stairs. I looked up and saw Foley sitting at one of the windows. I looked at Jack then Randall. "Now's your time to shine," I said. 

Randall slipped into the upper level while Jack rushed up the stairs. I stood at the last step, making sure nobody else was walked onto the property. "Hey Professor!" Jack cheered. There was a loud roar from inside of white house. I smirked once I heard Professor Foley's gasp of shock. 


Hamish stood outside of the house, his hands in his pockets. Jack and I approached out friend. "You all right?" I asked, putting a hand on his shoulders. "No," he shook my hand off, "I'm not." He continued to look out into the distance. "I could have been killed, nearly was. I sensed someone coming up on me, but I...." he trailed and looked down at the ground, "Basically ignore it because...who could hurt me? I'm a werewolf." I heard Randall walk down the metal stairs. "It's okay," Jack said, "You're safe now." 

"I'm an idiot," Hamish scoffed. "No, you're not," I said. "I've already been stabbed once," Hamish said, "I still thought I couldn't be hurt." Hamish breathed deeply and turned around, putting his hands over his hair. Randall joined the group, "Well, he won't tell me where the stuff is." 

"Nothing?" I said. 

"Not necessarily," Randall replied, "He did give me a great recipe for Rice Krispies squares." I let out a small laugh at his last sentence. "Okay, my turn," Hamish said, stepping forward. "Hey!" I said, "We need him alive." Randall and Jack put a hand on Hamish. "Okay?" Jack said, "I will talk to him." 

"Do you want me to come with you?" I asked Jack. "No," Jack sighed, "Stay here, I'll be fine." I nodded my head and stood beside Randall and Hamish. There was a long pause between the three of us. "You know what I'm craving?" I said. 

"Rice Krispie's squares," we said in unison. "Sometimes I wonder how we're all still alive," Hamish said. "Yeah, me too," Randall said, agreeing with Hamish. Jack approached the three of us with Foley. "We're leaving," Jack said. "Give me one more shot at him," Randall said, stepping forward. "No," I said, "We need to take him to Vera, okay?" 

"We're obviously terrible at this enhanced interrogation," Jack said. 

"FYI, that is a good thing," said Foley. "Just shut up," I said, rolling my eyes. "We need her, and she needs Foley if she's gonna remain Grand Magus," Jack said. "Maybe we shouldn't," Randall said. "Do you really wanna take that risk?" I countered, "Cause I don't." 

"We can handle this on our own," Randall claimed. "Well, if you want my opinion..." Foley said, but Jack hit him in the back which caused him to grunt. 


Randall and I grabbed ahold of Foley's arm and threw him to the ground of the temple. The Order members turned their heads as we entered the room. My mother and two other members stood in front of us, amazed that we had gotten Foley. 

"Is everyone okay?" she asked. 

Hamish smiled at my mother. "Did we miss anything?" I questioned. Daniel and I made eye contact, Randall noticed and reached for my hand. I looked up at him and smiled. 

"You're just in time," Mother answered and took a sip of her drink. 


The four of us sat at the bar, drinking our beverages. We clinked our drinks together in victory. "To the Knights of Saint Christopher," Jack said,  taking a sip of his drink. "Correction, the Knights of the Blue rose," I said and rolled my eyes. Jack's phone buzzed, he picked it up. 

"I'm going to take off too," Hamish said. "Wait," Randall grabbed Hamish's arm, "At least stay with us and finish your drink." 

"I'm not thirsty," Hamish replied and left the bar. Randall put his arm around me as we sat there. "So are you going to go on a date with me now?" he asked, glancing at me. 

"You remembered?" 

"Well I mean it took me awhile, but I soon remembered."

I shrugged and took a sip of my drink. "Hmmm. I'll have to sleep on it," I said, setting my drink down. "No, the last time we did that you lost your memories," he said. I laughed and shook my head. I looked down at the table in thought. "Oh my god," I said, taking Randall's arm off of my shoulders. 

"What?" He questioned. 

"We have a hostage," I replied. 

His eyes widened and finished the last sip of his drink. "Three hamburgers to go," Randall called. 


"Well you were right about Foley," I said as I referred to Salvador, opening the door to the bedroom. Our eyes widened once more as we saw the chair completely broken on the bedroom floor. I dropped the bag of food, staring at the broken pieces. Randall looked down at the ground and ran his hand over the claw marks on the hardwood flooring. 

"Holy shit," we muttered, looking up at each other. 

"She's a werewolf!" 

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