Rock High: School Of Legends

By devilsxnightx

515 6 372

Diabolous is a terrorist group that only target the wealthy... purely because of their wealth and money. They... More

๐Ÿ’ Nine๐Ÿ’ 
๐Ÿ”ปChapter Twelve๐Ÿ”ป


30 1 39
By devilsxnightx

"It's not my fault your dad was an-" Dana began, but she was cut off by a sudden overcoming of darkness..

And a black eye.


Alan's hands flew over his mouth as Dana fell back and slumped against the wall of the room. He knew right well that that punch would leave a mark, because Sky was wearing her father's rings.

Roxie put a hand on Sky's shoulder as she noticed her friend was breathing heavily. She walked her over to the window in the room and opened it, then helped Alan move Dana onto one of the beds.

A moment later, there was a knock on the door and Meredith and Daemon were stood there. "What happened here?" Daemon asked. Sky looked at him and grunted. "Good to know." Daemon said and walked over to to Alan.

Meredith walked straight over to Sky and Roxie. "What happened?" She asked. Sky looked at her. "She was going to insult my father. No one- absolutely no one- does that and gets away with it. Dead or alive, he is still my father." She said. Venom laced her words as she was still angry at the thought of Dana saying anything bad about Cliff.

Meredith looked to Roxie who just shrugged. "I would have done the same thing, honestly." She said. Meredith nodded. "I understand that, but I pray that Dana has no permanent damage. At least you know that Lars will understand why you did it, should he find out. I mean.. he was one of your dads closest friends after all." Meredith said.

Sky sighed and nodded. "I didn't mean too hurt her, I just.. I was seeing red! I was angry and upset and I still am. How can you talk about someone like that?!" She asked.

Sky Burton's P.O.V

There was no point in trying to hide my emotions. I'm told that I'm like my dad, in that sense. He was never afraid to talk to my uncles or grandpa about how he was feeling in the moment.

A few minutes after Daemon and Kate came into the room, Sharon walked in. Dana's eye must have started to visibly bruise because Sharon gasped and her hands flew over her mouth.

"Sh-Sharon, it's not what it looks like.. Dana was insulting Cliff, it was going to happen one of these days." Alan said with a stutter. He sounded exactly like Uncle Kirk, and it was scary because he looked like him too.

Sharon took a deep breath and nodded. "I'll go get some ice.. but when I get back, I'll need you to tell me absolutely everything." She said and Alan nodded.

I looked over at him and he gave me a small smile. I returned the smile. He didn't have to stick up for me, but I let him.. because otherwise, I would have punched someone else.. and I don't wanna hurt Sharon.

Sharon came back a few minutes later and gently placed an ice pack on Dana's face, before sitting me onto my bed and talking to me. "Tell me everything." She said.

When I told her what happened, I apologized. She shook her head and smiled. "You're exactly like your father.. he would have done the same to your uncle Lars if they were in your position. I would have done the same if I were in your position. I'm not going to tell Marilyn. Don't even tell him I was talking to you about it. But I am here to talk to if you need it, alright?" She said.

I nodded and thanked her and she hugged me tightly before making her way out of the room again.

End Of Sky Burton's P.O.V

After about an hour, pizza's were brought to each bedroom that held a group of the kids of certain bands. Everyone thanked Ozzy and Marilyn when they came with the pizza and everyone was stuffed when the pizza was gone.

Another hour had passed and Roxie could feel herself getting more and more anxious by the second. She didn't know where her dad, uncles or grandpa were. She didn't know if they knew she was nearly killed. She didn't know what they did and didn't know, and it was scaring her.

"I-I'll be back.." She said before running out of the room. She ran into Axl Rose in the hallway. "Are you okay, Roxie?" He asked. She nodded. "Where are the Hanoi Rocks kids?" She asked. "Down the hall, third door on your right. Speaking of rooms, where is yours? Amira's going crazy looking for Alan." Axl asked.

Roxie smiled. "Back up the hall and it's the second door on your left." She said. Axl gave her a small, rare smile and thanked her before they went their seperate ways.

When Roxie made it to the Hanoi Rocks room, Charlie noticed her instantly and ran over to her, tackling her in a hug. Roxie wrapped her arms around him tightly. "I-I didn't know where you were.." Charlie gasped as he stood up, helping Roxie up as well. It was then that Arthur, Alison, and Sarah ran and hugged her too.

"We all really missed you! Especially Charlie." Sarah laughed. Her thick British accent made her sound like her father and it was amazing to here. Razzle was always quite a character and Sarah definitely got that trait from him.

"Guys, what's going to happen if Diabolous finds us? They're going to know we're near by." Arthur said, after everyone had been talking for a few minutes.

Roxie, who had her arms wrapped around the tall, blonde Finnish boy that is Charlie, shook her head. "I don't know.. there has to be somewhere else for us to go. Somewhere Diabolous would never expect. I know we've only been in the school a few months but we put our lives in the hands of Marilyn and our teachers. They have to have more and more back up plans to keep us safe, right?" She said.

Alison nodded. She hadn't spoken in a while. "Roxie's right. There has to be somewhere for us to continue our classes and what not. If theres not, then what happens? Do we all go home to our families and get put on complete lockdown? It's bad enough our parents are out there, trying to sell it to their fans for an income whilst being aware of Diabolous. I don't want anything to happen to dad.. or my uncles."

"Alison, nothing is going to happen to Andy, Michael, Sami or Nasty. They're all going to be just fine.. and so are we." Roxie said. She felt Charlie's grip tighten around her as she spoke.

Meanwhile, in the living room area, on the ground floor..

"I don't know what we're going to do." Marilyn sighed as he ran his hands through his shoulder length red and black hair. Sharon patted his shoulder in reassurance.

"The only thing we really can do is stick to where we are until we can find a new place to rebuild the school. We have the money to do it but we need a site.. this time, it has to be further away. We may even have to move states." Steve Perry (the music teacher) suggested.

Mike McColgan (the woodwork/woodshop teacher) nodded in agreement. "Somewhere they wouldn't suspect." He said.

Johnny shook his head. "No.. they have agents in every single state. All fifty of them. Marilyn, I think it's time we move countries, never mind just states." He said.

"But what about their families? What about our families?? None of these bands can afford to move away from where they are based because that is where they are at their best. Amira is not going to want to move states never mind countries." Axl said, honestly.

"Listen, all these kids are between the ages of what? Fourteen and seventeen? And they are just as rebellious as their parents. We have to tell them one way or another that if we did decide to move out of America that it is for their own good." Sharon said.

"I promised those kids that I would keep them safe no matter what." Marilyn said, quietly. "And that got you beat up." Ozzy told him.

Marilyn didn't dare argue with Ozzy. He knew he was right. There had to be a way to keep his students safe, though. And there had to be a way to do that quickly.

A few weeks later..

Everyone was still at the old mansion they called home in the middle of the woods. Their parents had sent them out money to get clothes and food and stuff, seeing as everything they had was burned to a dark, murky ash.

They were allowed go for walks around the forest, as long as they had a teacher with them.. and today, Charlie, Roxie, Alan and Amira went back to the site where the school was, with their music teacher, Steve Perry.

Roxie walked over to the area where her dorm would have been.. she seen the remnants of clothes such as jeans, leather jackets and more. She also found a slightly charred and frayed picture of her uncle Cliff. She put it in her pocket.

Charlie walked over as Roxie kneeled down in the rubble and ash. A tear slid down her face. Charlie placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed.

Alan had his arm around Amira. He noticed her crying, and she turned away from the school, burying her face in his neck.

"I think it's time for us to go back." Steve suggested, as he looked rapidly from something in the distance behind the remains of the school to behind them. Alan nodded. "I-I think so too." He stuttered, trying to hold back his own tears too.

Steve walked through the rubble and over to Roxie and Charlie. He explained to them that it was time to go, and they agreed.

Steve let them take their time walking back through the forest to get to the mansion. He knew how upsetting it was for them. The man was almost fifty years old, but he knew how hard these times were.

When they made it back, they found Sky, Jack, Dana, Vee, Meredith and Daemon sitting on the ground outside, talking.

"Hey guys! Whoa.. are you okay? Where did you go??" Meredith asked.

Amira nodded. "We're okay.. we went back to the school.. or at least the remains of it." She said.

Roxie sat down beside Sky on the ground. "I got you something." She said.

Sky looked at her. "What do you mean?" She asked. Roxie reached into her pocket and pulled out the picture of Cliff, handing it to Sky.

Sky started to cry. She didn't expect anything from Roxie, nevermind the only remaining picture of her dad that she had with her. Meredith looked at the picture and smiled. "I have a frame you can put it in so it will stay safe." She said. Sky smiled through her tears and hugged Roxie and then Meredith. "Th-Thank you.." She said.

Steve made sure everyone was okay before heading inside. He ran straight to Marilyn's bedroom on the second floor, and knocked rapidly on the door.

"Come in!" Marilyn called. Steve rushed inside, and shut the door behind him, locking it. "Hey Steve- Whoa, are you okay?! Breathe, dude!" Marilyn said and patted Steve's back.

"We need to get those kids out of here, stat." Steve said, breathlessly. Marilyn raised an eyebrow. "What happened?" He asked.

"Marilyn, I am almost fifty years old, and never have I ever seen anything like this. I've been everywhere in the world but oh my God.." Steve said.

Marilyn sat Steve down and got him some water. When Steve had explained everything, Marilyn got the rest of the teachers in the living room area as quick as he could. "Everyone take a group of kids. Sharon, you take Metallica. Johnny, you take Mötley Crüe. Steve, you take Bon Jovi. Dave, you take Cinderella. Axl, you take Guns N Roses because it's only right that you do. Mike you take Aerosmith. I'll take what we have of Skid Row and Ozzy. Everyone clear?" He explained and all the teachers nodded and went to grab their groups.

Ten minutes later, everyone was walking through the forest, all of their belongings got into a back pack each which they all had their own on their backs.

Half an hour later they had reached a main road where there was a bus waiting for them. They all piled onto the bus, and before they knew it, they were at an airport.

Amira Rose's P.O.V

We were all thrown onto a plane, without being told what to do, where to go or where we were going. We sat with whoever we liked, so I sat with my dad and my brotherly friend, August. (Son of Slash.)

"Daddy, where are we going?" I asked. Dad gave me a small smile and squeezed my hand. "Somewhere safe, Amira. You will find out when we get there. I wish I could tell you but I can't. We will explain everything soon." Dad replied.

I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. He took the blue bandana he was wearing off of his head, and tied the smooth fabric around my wrist. I smiled. That was another one to add to the rack of bandanas back home.

A few minutes later, Daemon came over to us. He looked stressed. "We need you down the back of the plane." He said. I looked at dad, who shrugged and nodded. "Alright, let's go." I said and we went down to the back of the plane.

The Metallica, Hanoi Rocks, Mötley Crüe kids and Kate were all sitting together, and everyone looked panicked.

"What's going on?" I asked. Meredith looked up. "Steve was panicking earlier. He seen something when he brought you, Alan, Roxie and Charlie to the remains of the school earlier today, but no one will tell us what it was. We don't know if it has something to do with another student or if it's Diabolous." She explained.

I felt my hand go over my mouth, though I didn't actually think to do it.

Sky started crying. "I want grandpa.. and our uncles.." She cried. I sat beside her and hugged her.

A few minutes later, Marilyn gathered everyone together and explained where we were.

"Welcome to Sweden."

End Of Amira Rose's P.O.V

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