The Six Houses (on hold)

By JTParis

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Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn. Niam, side Larry and potentially some Nuke. Niall's not exactly who he w... More

Part one. Houses of Light.
Ch. 1 Niall
Ch.2 Liam
CH. 3 Moments
CH.5 Harry and Louis
CH. 6 Niall and Liam.
Ch. 7 Niall and Liam
Ch. 8 Niall
Ch.9 Niall and Liam.
Ch. 10 New Friend.
CH. 11 Liam.
Ch.12 A New Dawn, A New day, A New Boy.
Ch.13 The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men.
Ch.14 Oh
Book Two Houses of Shadows
Ch. 16 Under our Spell.
Ch. 17 What the Heck happened.

Ch.4 Zayn

483 26 14
By JTParis

Just a little Filler. I want to try to explain the dynamics between the boys right now.Plus give you some insight into how the world works.

It had been four hours since Niall had lost his cool and practically destroyed the town. The boys were rushing around feverishly trying to right the small town of Mullingar. Harry would concentrate asking the trees to re-root themselves, try to coax the flowers to blossom, and the ground to go back to smooth. He would furrow his brow when it took more then his ussual amount of energy, sweat slowly dripped down his brow towards the end of his nose and right off splashing on the street below where he stood palms outstretched flat using every ounce of his will to bring peace back to chaos.

Louis was busy Flying over the city using the winds to glide around pushing debri out of the streets, creating dams so the floods would subside. While Liam tended to both Zayn and Niall back at Mauras cottage.

Zayn was the first to wake.

"Wh, What hit me?" He groaned as he tried to sit up, wincing from the pain of a few strained ribs and a body littered with bruises.

"Niall." Was Liams only response.

Zayn opened his eyes and tilted his head to the right to see a sleeping figure next to him. He raked his vision further past the sleeping boy to see a Liam he had never seen before. Worry etched into his features, bags under his eyes, creases formed around his mouth, eyes and forehead. Zayn did not like this version of his best friend. He vowed right there to never see him again.

"Is he alright?"

"Yea, I think. I mean he is breathing and relatively calm right now." Liam sighed running a hand through Nialls hair.

"Is, Is he what I think he is?" Zayn laid his head back on the pillow.

"I believe so." Liams stood and started Pacing in the small room. The floors groaning and creaking as he walked left then right then repeated the process making Zayn motion sick in the process.

"Oi, shit ya arse down Li, You're making me sick ova here." he croaked while squeezing his eyes shut tight.

"Z, This isnt funny." Liam huffed sitting down again, chewing on his finger nails.

"I'm not laughing mate."  Zayn sat up this time looking Liam straight in the eyes. " If he is then we have to tell the others and Paul, Liam. This is dangerous."

"Dont you think I know this!" He shouted back at the Raven haired boy from Bradford. Zayn's Hazel eyes softened as he realised that adding more stress to Liam was not going to help.

"Come 'mere Li." Zayn opened his arms so Liam could climb into them.

"It will all work out, Who knows you could be the other half of this whole thing. You know the Yin to his Yang." Zayn whispered

And that's what settled into Liams stomach the knowledge that soon everything would change, That either everything he has come to know and love would be destroyed or would be lead into a bright new future. The flood gates open and Liam cried into his best friends chest till he took fell asleep. Zayn Laid him out next to Niall, then reached over and intertwined their fingers, walked out slowly and shut the door quitly before tip toeing down the hall to the shitting room.

"Fuck!" he muttured under his breath.

"What was that Z?" Harry called out walking from the kitchen holding a cup of tea, blowing softly across it as steam rolled off the mug.

"Niall. He's uh, well." He couldn't form the words. It wasn't really his place to say. Letting out a sigh of resignation Zayn flopped down on the big red Sofa and closed his eyes pinching the bridge of his nose. Harry sat next to him more delicately making sure not to spill his tea.

"Zayn, I know. We all know. How couldn't we after what happened."

"What did Happen after I was you know, thrown about?"  Harry explained everything, he had to suppress a chuckle at Zayn's animated responses, its not often Z does anything other than smoulder. When he was done he placed a hand on Zayns fore arm for reassurance, smiling shyly at him. "We will work this out, Don't worry so much. Its not a good look on you." With that he returned his attention back to his tea.

Zayn decided to flip on the Telly and that was absolutely the worst idea he could have had. Instantly he was flooded with Images of the storm that Harry told him about. He watched in Horror as videos of the city crumbling around them showed on the screen, how the news casters called it a freak storm and then blamed it on a 'Gifted' person over and over again, because as their expert stated nothing like this could ever happen without an external force. Then the news channel brought on another "Expert". This man was calling for the immediate roundup and cataloging of all "Gifted" Individuals. Zayn could feel his absolution crumbling, the pit of his stomach hollowing out as nerves took over.

"Oh Paul is going to have a COW!" Zayn muttered to no one in particular. As if on cue all their phones lite up just as Louis came walking out of the hallway.

It was a message from Paul and as Z knew he was royally ticked. They had 24 hours to bring Niall to the The Academy whether he wanted to come or not.

All three boys looked at each other knowing they couldn't put up a fight if Niall decided to let loose again. That meant all their hope lay on Liam and his power over Niall at the moment. Now, just wait till they both wake up.

"Crap." Zayn muttered bowing his head in resignation.

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