[1] Blank Slate || Julie and...

By phantom_at_heart

254K 7.3K 5.4K

Ghosts aren't supposed to be real. Lila Mae isn't supposed to be alive. As the result of a tragic accident, s... More

Welcome โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 1: Now or Never โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 2: Bright โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 3: Meeting a Ghost Band โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 4: Invited to a Ghost Band โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 5: Seamless โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 6: Flying Solo โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 7: On Purpose โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 8: Memories โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 9: Freaking Me Out โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 10: Stolen โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 11: Ghost Hunt โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 12: Meeting Willie โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 13: Wow โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 14: Dance โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 15: The Truth โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 16: Trouble โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 17: Finally Free โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 18: Night Terrors โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 19: Shadows โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 20: Wow (reprise) โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 21: LA โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 22: Edge of Great โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 23: My History โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER 25: Unsaid Emily
CHAPTER 26: Hurt
CHAPTER 27: Miss You
CHAPTER 28: Stand Tall
CHAPTER 29: Goodbyes are the Hardest
SEQUEL! Spirit of Hollywood
Songs I Wrote for Julie and the Phantoms
JATP Season 2 Petition

CHAPTER 24: The Beginning of Everything

5.8K 201 54
By phantom_at_heart

I go straight to my room to "study" after I get home. I know Daniel can tell that there is something wrong, but hopefully he'll dismiss it as girl stuff.


"Will you please just listen to me!" Lila my sister tries to reason. "We can't just sneak out of the house."

"Mom and Dad don't understand, okay?" I sputter, shoving stuff into my bag. "They don't get our love for music. So what they grounded us? This could be our big chance. We're going tonight."

We're going to the performance that killed her.

"I don't want to," she says. "There will be other chances."

"But what if they're aren't?" I practically yell. "What if this is it and we spend the rest of our lives regretting it? What then?"

"We'll be safe! Our parents won't hate us!" she shouts back.

"Oh, they'll never hate you!" I snap. "You're the good kid, the favorite."

She's silent. Lila stares at me and guilt creeps up on me then bites, gnawing away at my insides. Finally, she speaks.

"It doesn't feel right."

"Lila, you're twenty years old! You have to learn to make your own decisions for once. We can't always listen to Mommy and Daddy," I say to her, pulling her hands away from her face. "I'm almost an adult too. This is just a part of growing up."

"Maybe," she replies, chewing on her bottom lip. "But what if-"

"No 'buts!' It's only one tour and people have been looking forward to seeing us," I tell her. As the memories flood back I recall that my older sister was a total people pleaser. She couldn't say no although she usually listened to authoritative figures. That's why Lila was having so much trouble disobeying. "You don't want to disappoint them, do you?"

"No, I don't," she mumbles. "But Addie-"

"Haven't we already been over this? We're going to be fine. What's the worst that could happen? You actually have fun?" I scoff. "At least come to this one performance, okay? Then if you hate it, I'll go solo."

"I don't want you to leave," she responds. "It's not good to be by yourself."

When she says that I am overloaded with other memories of Lila Cooper protecting me, her little sister. There were many more times where I did something dangerous and my sister got me out of trouble. Spray-painting concrete buildings, skipping school for a gig. Lila was always there for me.

"I'm glad we finally agree."

The scene transitions to the stage. I'm singing a song that doesn't feel as distant as before. It's "Take on the World." My beam is so bright if it could illuminate the room, it would and we wouldn't need those stupid stage lights.

I look at Lila and she grins back.

When we get to the second chorus, I grimace. I know what's about to happen.

I'm walking over to my sister again.

I hear the snap.

I want to screw my eyes shut more than anything. I don't want to see this. I'm trying to scream, to escape my mind, do anything that could stop this.

Next thing I know, I'm back in the graveyard with tears streaming down my face. I set a bouquet of roses down on the tombstone as I sob.

Lila Grace Cooper
September 30, 1979 - May 23, 2000

Beloved Daughter and Sister

"Hello, dear," an unfamiliar voice says. By now I'm smart enough to know that it's Covington. "I can see you're upset. Let me make an offer you can't refuse."

"What?" I mumble, wiping my face. As I watch the scene play, I wish I could have warned myself. This very likely was the second-worst decision of my life besides attending the concert that got my sister killed.

"You miss her, don't you?" he pretends to sympathize. Now that I know his intentions I can tell that there is no sincerity. "What if I told you I could help you see her again?"

"What do you mean?" I stammer, taken aback.

Don't do it young me, I think despite the fact that I can't change anything.

"I mean I could give you all you ever wanted." He smirks deviously. "For an eternity."

"I don't know if I should," I reply, backing up. Only now do I notice the cast that encases my left arm. Everything is coming together. It's all making sense.

"Wasn't she the most important person in the world to you?" he asks. "You said that on stage."

"You saw our performance last week?" I ask, feeling creeped out that he knows who I am already. We must have recently buried her.

"I make it my business to know about the talented young people," he responds. "People like yourself."

All I ever wanted for an eternity.

"I don't think I'll ever play again."

"Think about it. If you ever want to change your mind, here's my card." The man passes something to me. I stare down at the card.

Caleb Covington, ghost musician and entertainer
President and Founder of The Hollywood Club

"Ghost musician?" I ask in confusion and disbelief. Who is this guy, thinking that he can dupe me? "Everyone knows that ghosts aren't real."

"Ah, but you are talking to one right now!" He grins and spreads his arms out.

"Then how can I see you?" I shoot back.

"Magic." He wiggles his fingers in the air. "I can make myself invisible to lifers like you. I've enchanted your card, too. If you decide to take me up on my offer, burn it."

"Burn it?" I ask.

"Yes, burn it. The fumes left from the card will find me and I will know to find you," Caleb tells me with another smirk. "Still don't believe me?"

"No." I cross my arms. "I'm not crazy."

"Maybe this will help." He walks through me. I feel a cold sensation prickles across my skin and I shiver.

"What the heck?" I mutter.

"Adelaide?" he asks.


"I'll be expecting your acceptance soon." With a wink he disappeared into thin air.

I blink. How on Earth did he do that? I search the graveyard for some sort of indication that it was fake, but find nothing. Caleb must be a real ghost, which takes a lot of willpower to wrap my mind around. I begin to consider his offer. If he has that much power in the ghost world, could he bring my sister back or make her visible to me?

What if I told you I could help you see her again?

It was the most tempting offer I've ever heard. If Lila was there, I could get through anything.

Even her death.

Who knows? Maybe we could start singing together again?

I can feel everything that I experienced that day, all of my logic is gone, overtaken by my memory. Hope swells in my stomach.

A year passes and the calendar indicates it's the one year anniversary of her death. My parents and I get into a fight over my life decisions and the business card comes back to my mind. When they're asleep, I sneak downstairs and grab a lighter.

I can do this. What's the worst that can happen? I burn some random dude's business card?

That would prove that I'm crazy and I would never have to wonder what could have been. I'm eighteen, I can make my own decisions. Who needs a high school diploma when I can be with my sister for an eternity?

I almost second-guess myself as I bring the glowing flame to the corner of the slip of paper.

C'mon Adelaide. Why are you so scared? I ask myself.

The fire consumes the paper and for a few seconds I think nothing is going to happen. Then the same man from before appears.

"I'm disappointed in you, Adelaide. I really thought it wouldn't take this long." Caleb frowns. "Here we are at last. I'm guessing you've agreed to join my club?"

"Yes, if the offer still stands. How much money does it cost?" I question him.

"It doesn't cost you a penny," he replies with a smirk.

Doesn't sound like a bad offer. A lifetime membership that extends past the regular seventy to ninety years a human might live? Count me in!

"Then yes, I would like to be a part of The Hollywood Club," I tell him.

"Great!" The corners of his mouth turn upwards. "Shake my hand."

I grip his fingers and am surprised to see that my hand doesn't fly through. A shock shoots up my arm and my hand glows a bluish-purple color. When I look up, I see a stage with women dressed like flappers. There are men in suits and a buffet bar. Tables seat an audience.

"Do you like it?" he asks me carefully.

"It looks awesome!" I exclaim. "This is so cool..."

"I thought you would think that," Caleb says. "We already have a spot reserved for you on stage!"

I'm captivated by the glamor and flare of this club. It would be impossible to be miserable here. I could party like this for centuries.

"Let's check out the stage, shall we?" Caleb snaps his fingers and I'm on stage in a beautiful flapper dress.

We sing and dance for a long time. Strangely enough I don't care about how my feet hurt. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that I'm having the time of my life!

Our club travels the world to difference places. Barcelona, Paris, London, Rome, Athens, Santiago, any famous city that you can name.

I meet many new people and even befriend a cool skateboarder. He's the club's publicity manager. Apparently I'm really special because Caleb himself seeked me out.

After about a year of working for Caleb Covington, I finally approach him again about my sister. The last time I asked he said I had to earn it. I feel like I've earned it.

"Caleb, can I talk to you please?" I ask.

He spins around with a huge grin on his face. "What do you need?"

"I was wondering if you could help me find my sister, Lila Cooper," I begin, becoming hesitant as I see the look his face. "You promised that you could give me anything I've ever wanted."

"This isn't everything you've ever wanted?" Caleb spread his arm, one of his classic Covington mannerisms.

"I want my sister."

"Unfortunately, I can't guarantee that," says Caleb, rubbing his hands together. "You see, even with all of my connections, no one has found her. You know there is another side, yes?"

"I've heard of ghosts who cross over." I nod.

"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe Lila has crossed over?" he asks.

My jaw drops. "No-no. She couldn't. She wouldn't! I'm her unfinished business, she can't leave me!"

Panic fills me.

"I'm sorry, but it's the truth, Adelaide," Caleb gives a fake smile. "She didn't need you. She moved on and you should too, with us."

"I-I-I don't b-believe that," I stutter.

"It's the truth. You don't need your sister," Caleb assures me. "We are your family now."

"No! I can't believe this!" I run out of the club in tears.

"Addie, wait!" Willie calls after me. "You can't walk out."

"Watch me!" I growl, slamming the door in his face.

I march into the bright city of Los Angeles. It looks more modern than I expected. How could this only have been a year?

"Excuse me, sir." I catch the attention of a passerby. "What's today's date?"

"May 23rd," he replies.

"What year?" I ask, following him and tapping him on the shoulder.

"2020." He gives me a strange look. "What are you on, kid?"

I have no response. He narrows his eyes and walks away.

I stumble down the street. It's not night time yet so maybe I can find a payphone and call my parents. There's no way it's been 20 years! I was only there for a few months, maybe a year and 1/2. Why are there no pay phones around?

I feel a painful zap in my chest and hit the ground. What is this?

"Oh my God! I think she's having a seizure or something!" a woman screams. "Somebody help!"

Unfamiliar people surround me.

Another zap buzzes in my chest that's so painful that I lose my vision. The next thing I know I'm in a dark room. It's pitch black.

Suddenly a light appears and I walk towards it.

I wake up in a hospital room.

*End of Flashback*

I wake up for real in my bed. What was all that?

Well that's what happened to her. I hope everything makes sense, but I can answer any questions in the comments!


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