His little Mate

By troyboy0945

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Ethan Campbell is not the type you would think to be a criminal but here he was breaking into someone's house... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

383 9 1
By troyboy0945

**Bathroom Idea**

I woke up with a start, confused and disoriented. I had no idea where I was or what happened. I glanced around, I was in a huge bedroom, I was currently in a very large bed as well. The room overall was pretty bare, there were a few doors, one leading to what looked like a bathroom. I hastily got up but regretted it as soon as I did. My head swam and I immediately sat back down again. I pressed the heel of my hand into my temple to try and relive the headache. A few moments later I remembered, Jamie and the break in and that person. OH MY GOD! WHAT DO I DO? AM I STILL IN THEIR HOUSE? I started freaking out, I need to get out of here, and what, call the police, the voice in the back of my head said. You are the one who broke in, yeah I realize that! I snap.

I stood up again, slower this time. I make my way over to the bathroom, again fucking massive. I look at myself in the mirror, my light dirty blonde hair is a mess, I have the biggest bags under my eyes. I'm not wearing the clothes I came in last night, which means this stranger must have taken then. The thought disgusts me, I really hope they didn't touch me or anything. The clothes I'm wearing are like ten sizes too big, I'm pretty short by men's standards. At 5'8" the clothes dwarf me. If these are the stranger's clothes then they must be massive like the rest of this house. Jamie is not small, about 6" even and his clothes are big on me, my eyes widen. Oh my god! How could I forget about Jamie!

I wonder if he got out or if the stranger found him too. I hope he got out, maybe he can find help. Oh yeah, like who? No one wants to help a criminal. "Shut Up!" I yell out loud, then clamp my hand over my mouth. Great you just let them know you were awake, real smart.Oh be quiet and let me think.

I run my fingers through my hair, tugging on the ends. I hear the bedroom door open, I run to the bathroom door and lock it. I look around me, there is a window. I run over to it and peer out it, fuck. It's like three stories up. I hear footsteps getting closer to the bathroom door. I frantically look in the cabinets underneath the sink for a weapon of some sort. The voice in my head sneered at me, you fight. Yeah right, when pigs fly. I ignore it. Goddamn it! Think!

The footsteps stop outside the door, I tiptoe over to the sink and grab the closest thing to me. It's a toothbrush, a FUCKING TOOTHBRUSH! I'm screwed.

I see the door handle jiggle, I raise the toothbrush. If I die I am at least putting up a fight. The handle moves again, it's locked. I pray whoever is outside cannot get in. I hear a deep sigh from outside. "Locking the door isn't going to stop anyone sweetheart." The deepest fucking voice I have ever heard, said. If I wasn't about to die, I think I would've swooned.

"Open the door," he said, it sounds like a he. "Hurry up sweetheart. I'm not going to wait much longer."

Jesus fucking fuck, his voice sounded like velvet, but I could hear the warning in it. I don't know what to do. Do I keep the door locked and hope he can't get in? It seems risky, I can hear the anger rising in his voice. Or do I open the door? Who knows what happens then. The idoitic voice in my head makes an appearance again. You should open the door I bet this sultry voice is coming from a real hunk of a man. Not helpful!

"Open this door right now, sweetheart." That voice was mad now, the endearing term was sounding more and more like a threat. " I'm giving you five seconds to open this door, after that I'm coming in."

 I slowly edge toward the door, what am I doing? I should have never came here. With one hand I unlock the door at a snail pace, my other hand is still raised but the toothbrush. As soon as the door unlocked I jumped backwards. The handle slowly turns and the door is pushed open. The biggest fucking man I have ever seen walks through, he is wearing black dress pants and a dark navy blue button up. He has dark black-brown hair and piercing brown eyes. The dress shirt stretches around him as he moves making it clear that he quite literally ripped. He has to be at least 6'4" and the jawline looked like it could cut paper. If I wasn't worried he was going to kill me I would've thought that he was the best looking man I had ever seen.

He takes another step into the room, I look up. His eyes are pinned on me. Like a wolf stalking his prey he moves forward. I back up quickly, hitting my back into the far side of the sinks. I raise the toothbrush even higher, he lets out a throaty chuckle. "What do you plan to do with that, sweetheart?"

"What do you want from me?" My voice was shaking, my entire body was shaking actually. He stalked closer, I could reach out and touch him at this point. Not that I wanted to.

"You are the one breaking into my house, sweetheart. The better question is what do you want from me?" He had a small, smug smile on his face. Like he enjoyed my suffering.

I pause, I don't want him to know about Jamie if he got away. "Um, well. I-I." I stutter.

"Hmm, spit it out sweetheart." Damn him, why did he have to call me sweetheart like that, it's making my knees weak. Shut up! Thats fear, idiot.

"Well, I wa-was just, umm, ex-exploring." It came out like a question.

He raised an eyebrow, "this is private property."

"I-I'm sorry, I did-didn't know anyone was st-still here."

He came closer, the tips of our feet were barely touching. 

He came closer, the tips of our feet were barely touching. I wasn't looking at him, I couldn't bring myself to. Emotions were coursing through me, fear mostly, a bit of defiance, some submission, and a little small part of me was excited. Though I'm not sure why, maybe because he's hot as FUCK! I was still looking down at our feet. "You didn't know anyone was here." He purred, leaning closer to my ear. I could feel his breath now.

I shook my head. God at this point I just want him to do something, this proximity is messing with my head and I can't think straight. The anticipation and waiting is going to drive me crazy. Slowly I tilted my head upwards. My eyes met his. "Fuck." I breathed out. He had some of the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen. He chuckled.

"Wanna tell me what you are doing here now?" He asked, a small smirk forming on his very lovely lips.

I moved my mouth but no words came out, my head was empty. I was still staring into his eyes. There were like pools of chocolate, I felt like I was drowning in them and I did not want to swim. I mentally slapped myself out of it, for god sake pull your horny ass self into place and focus. He is pretty much kidnapping you, you were the one who walked into his house, be quiet.

"I'm sorry?" I mumbled, "What did you a-ask?"

He repeated his question, the smirk had grown very big now. "Well, I. Um.." I said shakely.

He pressed his body against mine, pushing me up against the sinks. I could feel every hard, defined muscle on his body. My mouth went dry, the countertop was digging painfully into my back. I swallowed hard. He braced his hands on either side of me, caging me in.

"I'm sorry!" I blurted. It had felt like eons had passed between us. "It is my mistake, I was exploring and got side tracked and began to daydream." I was rushing out my words, nothing I was saying made any sense. "I got lost and didn't know what to do as night was falling. I'm terribly scared of the dark you see." Which is true. God, this isn't believable at all, my nerves were getting a hold of me.

"I might have believed you," my hopes sank in the mud. "But there is a fence that surrounds this property and no one can get through it unless they have a key."

"Oh." I whispered.

"Don't lie to me, little one." I could hear the threat in his voice.

I don't know why he hasn't called the cops or something, he obviously knew I broke in. So why did he let me sleep in a bed and change my clothes? Something was off about this guy, it was starting to freak me out. I started to flip out, I thrashed around beating his chest with my hands. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" I think I was crying as well. "LET ME GO!!" He simply stood there, taking the beating not moving an inch. At this point sobs were racking my body, I was heaving air. He grabbed my hands, holding me still. My head flopped onto his chest as I let out an exhausted plea, "please..."

He just held me, letting me cry into his shirt. After a moment I settled down a bit, just standing there. He slowly let go of my hands as if scared I was going to lash out again. Then he slipped his arms around my back and pulled me closer. He was hugging me. I froze, not knowing what to do. Something about him was very calming, I guess I was freaking out so much I didn't notice. We stayed in this position for a moment, him holding me close, resting his head on top of mine. I was leaning against him, he smelled so good, like cedar and clean fresh air. He pulled back, hands gripping my arms lightly. He looked into my eyes.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you little one. I will never hurt you." I was confused, it felt like a few minutes ago he was demanding I open the bathroom door, now he's saying he will never hurt me. I give him a confused look.

He chuckled, "I know you are probably very confused right not, but I promise I will explain everything soon. For now let's get out of this bathroom and get you some food, I'm sure you are very hungry." As if on cue, my stomach rumbled. 

I wasn't sure what to think about all this, first I broke into his house, then he basically kidnapped me and threatened me and now he is getting me food. And I still don't know what to do about Jamie, you could just ask he said he didn't want to hurt us, yeah but does the same go for Jamie? I still have no idea who he is or what he is doing here, Jamie said the only person here was the old man, yeah and this guy is definitely not old.

The stranger had stepped away and was now just looking at me. I meet his eyes and he holds out his hand. I take it, unsure of what he wants. His hand is tough and calloused, I can tell he does manual labor of some kind. He pulls me out of the bathroom, I follow behind him, still gripping his hand. He walks to another door in the room and opens it. It leads outside the bedroom, this could be my chance to escape, like you want to, for the first time you're right. I don't want to leave him. He leads me down a staircase and into a big kitchen. We didn't say a word and didn't see anyone else either. He looks at the chairs in front of the island, "sit." It comes out like a command.

I sit. "What do you want to eat?" This question comes out soft.

I shrug, not meeting his eyes. I hear him sigh, "does pasta work for you?" I glance up, he is standing next to the cabinets, poised, waiting for my response. I nod. 

He starts to grab items from shelves and cabinets. I can't help but admire his well formed ass when he leans down to grab a pot. As he turns back around I quickly look away, blushing. I can feel his gaze on me, I look anywhere but him. I look up at the ceiling. He reaches over the island and gabs my chin lightly, "you can look, it's okay. I know my ass is practically perfect." I turn bright red and look down when he lets go. He chuckles. Not practically, the voice says, it is perfect. He gives me one more knowing smile then turns around to finish the food. 

I stay quiet, not sure what's going on. My eyes flick to the door, it seems so close, I could run. While he is not looking, I could make it. Don't even try to kid yourself, there is a reason you got kicked off the track team. Thanks for that. Besides, you don't even know where to go once you're out, remember we came here in the dark, fair point. We aren't near anyone or anything so screaming wouldn't be helpful. And if I did scream he could just tell anyone who showed up that I was the one who broke into his house. "You wouldn't make it."

I whipped my head back around, the stranger was looking at me and holding a bowl. He looked to the door, "you wouldn't make it."

" I don't know what you are talking about." I played dumb.

He didn't fall for it. "You were thinking about making a run for it, don't bother. I'm much faster than you, I also know the area. You wouldn't stand a chance." He placed the bowl in front of me, it was full of pasta. God, it smelled delicious. He smirked, "you can eat it, I'm not going to poison you." I narrowed my eyes, "if I wanted to kill you I would've done it by now." He said so nonchalantly. Alarms started going off in my head. What the fuck, who says that.  

"Relax sweetheart." He braces his forearms on the island, leaning toward me. I can't help but notice how toned his forearms are.

Slowly I pick up my fork and take a tiny bite. It was heavenly, I don't care that it was just plain pasta. Something about it was so good. I shoveled the rest of it in, not caring that I might die in a bit. I can feel his eyes on me, studying me. I glance up, butter running down my chin. He walks over to my side of the island. I don't move. He stands right in front of me and turns my chair to face him (they are swivel chairs, for reference). He looms over me, I try to slide off the chair and away from him. He moves faster, grabbing the tops of my thighs and holding me in place on the chair. He grins at me before reaching over and swiping his thumb across my chin. "You had a little something there."

"Oh," was all I responded.

"Look I know you are probably very confused and a little scared. But I promise I won't hurt you. I will explain everything, come on." He steps away and offers me his hand. I take in and he pulls me off the chair and back down a hallway. 

*Hope you enjoyed*

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