Captivate (Drarry)

By delightful_fear

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What if things went a little differently when Harry, Ron and Hermione were captured and taken to Malfoy Manor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

497 29 52
By delightful_fear

Harry felt bored and restless by the time Draco finally unlocked his cell door, and guided him upstairs with his hands bound. How many days had he been here? It was getting hard to remember....

Draco seemed to being feeling it too, and when they went outside, he quickly got rid of Harry's bonds and stepped back into the castle for a brief minute. He returned with a basket that he set down on a sunny patch of grass.

"It's too nice a day to stay inside," Draco said quickly, not quite meeting Harry's eyes. He took out a blanket and started spreading it out, and Harry got over his shock to help him.

The basket seemed to contain far too much food. Draco pulled out all sorts of tasty items, and handed Harry a plate. He seemed amused when Harry piled it high.

It reminded Harry of the bounty of foods at Hogwarts feasts, and he felt a pang of longing for those younger, simpler days. When the only thing he had to worry about Draco was if he'd beat him to the snitch in the next quidditch game.

He watched as Draco dug heartily into his own plate of food. It was nice to eat with someone, and he wondered if Draco felt it too. He'd been stuck in this castle just as long.

So many normal things disrupted this year. Draco hadn't returned for his seventh year at Hogwarts either, after his involvement in Dumbledor's death. Harry had heard rumours that Voldemort had been staying at the manor quite a bit, but he obviously hadn't been there when Harry had been brought there. How much had Draco been around him? Eaten meals with him and other Deatheaters? Harry shuddered at the thought.

"There's treacle tart," Draco said, breaking through Harry's musings.

Harry was surprised. His favourite. Did Draco know and bring it on this picnic on purpose.

Draco scoffed, passing the dish to Harry. "We went to the same school for six years, Potter. You think I could avoid noticing the way you stuffed your face every time it was served?"

Even though he was pretty full, Harry couldn't resist taking a generous helping. He sighed with the first bite. "This brings back memories of those days."

Nodding, Draco finished up his portion. "Hopefully not all bad?"

"It had its moments," Harry agreed, and laid down on the blanket. "Oh, I'm so full. Is this part of your evil plan, making me almost sick on good food that I'm too lethargic to move?"

Chuckling, Draco put the leftovers and dirty dishes back in the basket, and stretched out beside Harry. "Exactly. It's exhausting having to guard you all the time. I'll take any advantage I can get."

Harry scoffed at that. "You have a wand, I don't. Hardly a fair battle."

"Actually, it's in the castle. That way I don't have to worry about you grabbing it off me like you did at the manor."

So that is what Draco was doing besides picking up the basket. About half his plans went up in smoke. "That makes it a lot more fair, actually. I can probably win if we fought."

Draco opened a light blue eye lazily, peering at Harry. "Yeah, but what then? You can't leave without a wand. Only I can get past the house wards to open the door."

Anger and frustration bloomed inside Harry. Obviously Draco had been making his own plans, and predicted what Harry may try.

Next time he glanced over, Draco was napping. Obviously thinking Harry was no treat at all.

Harry sighed and stared up at the clouds. Anger burned hot for a few minutes, then faded. The warm sun and full belly were very soporific, and he drifted off as well.


He awoke, feeling warm and lazy. The sun was bright but not strong enough to burn. It was only March, and sunny days were rare in England this time of year.

Rolling on his back, Harry stared up at the clouds. It was relaxing, in a way, being in this quiet place, not having to move from place to place every few days.

He glanced over at Draco. He was lying on his side, hands tucked under his cheek, still napping. He looked younger like this, and it was a reminder that they were both just barely adults. Draco was a few inches taller than Harry now, slim and athletic in his build. His face had slimmed down, showing his cheekbones a bit more, and his jaw a little less pointy. He was looking more and more like Lucius by the day.

Lucius, who could appear at any moment and grab Harry. Apparate him to throw him down at Voldemort's feet. Harry could just imagine the proud tilt of his head, delivering such a prize to his Dark Lord. It would put him back in his good graces, back into his top lieutenant role. Voldemort's right hand man. Malfoy honour restored in a single act, just like he'd said at the Manor to Draco.

Somehow, being in this remote spot, away from everything, Harry had let that fact slip away. It was back now, a burning feeling of dread running through him. What could he do? How could he escape?

Could he grab a rock or a stick and hit Draco hard on the head? Leave him unconscious and get away? He didn't relish the thought of hurting him, of hurting anyone, but his life was at stake. So much was at stake. Voldemort was gathering more power by the day, and without Dumbledor, could the Order of the Phoenix fight him? Defeat him? Was the prophesy correct? Could only Harry defeat him?

If Harry had to face Voldemort, he wanted it to be at least a fair fight. With friends and allies nearby, supporting him. With a good wand in his hand. All this year, Harry had been mentally preparing himself for that face off. Knew there was a good chance he could die.

His eyes landed in Draco again. His enemy, no matter that he was being relatively kind, bringing Harry his meals, letting him be outside like this. He wouldn't stop his father when he arrived, wouldn't stand in the way when he came for Harry. Just like he hadn't stopped Snape from killing Dumbledor. Maybe he wasn't evil enough to kill the headmaster himself, but he had facilitated it. Let Deatheaters into Hogwarts. Students and Order of the Phoenix members had been attacked.

Harry could not kill easily either. He always tried to disarm or stun his opponents, usually able to defeat them or escape. But this was war, and the stakes were extremely high. He was an adult now, and the other side hadn't been pulling its punches. That massive snake had almost killed him at Christmas, at Godric's Hollow.

If he knocked Draco out, there was no way for Harry to escape. He couldn't enter the house, that it was warded to only let Malfoy's to enter, and the others that they allowed. Could he tie Draco up, and force him to enter the castle? Force him to tell him where the wands were?

Harry played out scenarios in his head, and nothing seemed feasible. Draco had the upper hand, and would get to his wand before Harry could. Plus, he had the house elves, however many, at his command as well.

He closed his eyes, feeling exhausted even though he had hardly done anything physical today. A wave of hopelessness washed over him, almost like he was still wearing that foul locket, the horcrux.

"Wake up, lazy bones," a soft voice near him cajoled. Harry opened his eyes to find that Draco was awake now, leaning on one elbow as he peered down at Harry.

It was a jolt, seeing the contrast in his own dark, sad emotions to the sleepy, soft expression in Draco's light blue-grey eyes. He seemed relaxed and unguarded.

These past few days had shown Harry other sides to Draco. He had not been sneering, no sharp barbs. They had actually had conversations and even laughed together a few times. Skipped rocks together, for fuck's sake. Was he starting to see Harry as a friend? After all these months of being around Voldemort and the Deatheaters, was he enjoying being away from all that? With someone his own age, even if it was his old school rival?

"Um," Harry finally said, feeling confused at all his thoughts and emotions today. "do I have to? Do we have big things in the agenda today?" He attempted an easy smile. It came out a bit stiff.

"Well, it depends a bit on you, Potter. I can lock you up in your cell right away, since you've had time outdoors as you so eloquently demanded."

"Or...?" Harry asked, unimpressed with that option. It was only mid afternoon, and he didn't relish the thought of being stuck back in the dark cell.

Draco shrugged. "Or you come up with some way to amuse me. Maybe run into the wards again." He chuckled, his eyes warming at the memory.

A strand of his white blond hair fell forward, almost into his eyes, and the spring sunlight made it almost glow against his pale skin. His skin had a bit more colour in it from these past few days, from sitting outside together here, than he'd had back at the Manor.

Harry felt the urge to reach out and push that hair back. To feel it's silky smooth texture, so different from his own. What would Draco do if he did that? Would his eyes warm even more? Heat up?

The shocking thoughts jarred Harry, and he sat up using a rush, wrapping his arms tightly around his bent knees. "Yes, yes, I can think of"

He looked around, a bit frantically, his head buzzing. It took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. Trees, hedge, grass...

Feeling a bit foolish, Harry picked out a long, thick blade of grass. "Um, pick one like this," he said softly, showing it to Draco.

Draco raised an eyebrow slightly, but was curious enough to go along with the request.

"Lay it flat along the side of your thumb, and then press your other thumb along the other side," Harry explained as he slowly demonstrated. He cupped his hands together, keeping lots of space between his palms, and raised them to his mouth. He blew steadily into the tiny space between his thumbs, wiggling his hands to make small adjustments, until suddenly a screechy whistle noise pierced the air.

It made Draco jump in surprise, and he dropped his blade of grass. Harry chuckled, then pressed his lips to his hand again to make the noise again. Moving his hands, he could vary the pitch a little, and played around as he watched Draco try to copy his example.

"I think you need to pick a thicker, rougher blade of grass," Harry said, splaying his hands out to show Draco the one he'd been using. It reminded Harry a bit of his DA days, training other students, and he could see the glint of determination in Draco's demeanour as he bent his head to the task.

Just like with skipping rocks, Draco wasn't satisfied until he was making equally annoying sounds himself. His eyes glinted in amusement when Harry cringed at a particularly loud screech.

That warm look made Harry smile back, chuckling. He jumped up. "Enough of that. How about a game of tag? You are 'it'. Catch me if you can." He tapped Draco's shoulder once.

He took in Draco's surprised expression before he turned and sprinted across the wide lawn. But in only a few seconds, Draco was on his feet and narrowing the distance between them.

Harry poured on a burst of speed, turning the corner to run down the other side of the castle. It was childish, running around on a lawn, playing tag, but it felt so good. His heart was pounding, his feet moving fast on the ground, breathing hard. Feeling more alive than he had for days.

Unfortunately, Draco was taller than Harry, with longer legs, and he was gaining on him.

Harry played with him, slowly slightly like he was getting tired, letting Draco think he was about to catch him, and then turning sharply with a burst of speed. It reminded Harry a bit of his manoeuvres on the Quidditch pitch. He had been quicker there too.

Draco was just as competitive though, and leaped at Harry, arms spread wide, tackling him from behind. They both landed hard, the thick grass the only thing that prevented bones from breaking. It still knocked the breath out of both of them, and left them a bit stunned.

It took Harry a second, feeling Draco's arms tight around his chest and his warm breath against his neck, panting hard. Their legs seemed tangled together, and it suddenly struck Harry how intimate the position was. They had crashed together during matches, but had never been like this.

"OK, OK, you got me. You can let go now," Harry said, pulling at Draco's arm across his chest. He only breathed easier when Draco rolled away, lying panting on his back. "Um, normally it would be my turn to try to catch you now, but I'm feeling a bit tired. Can we go inside instead?"

Draco seemed to agree, as he stood as walked with Harry back to the door. He slipped inside, returning quickly with his wand, and binding Harry's wrists before allowing him to cross the threshold. They did the now familiar actions without meeting each other's eyes, and when they went down the stairs, Draco kept his distance.

It was almost a relief to have the cell door swing closed behind him, and to feel the tingle of Draco's magic across his skin when the wrist bindings disappeared. Harry went to his bed, lying on his side turned away from Draco, and only heard him walking away. Leaving him alone.

Had Draco felt it too? Felt that zing of awareness when they had been in such close contact just then? Felt the pull when they had been talking and goofing around on the blanket? Draco had laid out a picnic for them to share, after all.

Was there something there, or was it simply teenage hormones? Being the only people around each other?

Feeling a bit ashamed, Harry kicked off his shoes and pulled the blanket over him. He undid his jeans, pushing his underwear aside, and closed his eyes. He let his mind drift as he started stroking. He had to stop only seconds later, swearing to himself at the lack of his wand. No way to cast a mufliato charm or anything else for privacy, like he had learned in his early years at Hogwarts, sharing a dorm room with other horny teens. No way to produce lube. He resorted to spitting in his hand, the replacement not as good but allowing him to continue.

It didn't take long. It had probably been a week, maybe longer, since he had taken some alone time from Ron and Hermione. He would find a quiet place in some bushes, cast privacy wards, and take care of himself. A bit of pleasure, some stress relief.

He grimaced as he stood, zipping up his jeans with one hand, and went to the sink to wash his other hand clean. Another reason to miss his wand. It made clean up afterwards quickly and easier.

Laying back in the bed, Harry went under the blanket again. Was Draco doing the same thing? Whacking off? What was he thinking about? Who? Was there someone in Slytherin he liked? He couldn't recall Draco with any particular girl at Hogwarts. Or was there a certain guy?

Harry mentally flipped through the possibilities. Draco was around Pansy Parkinson a lot, but Harry thought she was more interested in Draco that he was in her. Blaise Zambini? Was he gay? Was Draco?

This could be something. Draco already seemed to be letting down his guard around Harry, acting more like friends. What if Harry tried for more? Could he get Draco's trust? Get him to care for Harry? Convince him to let him go, or just get him to relax enough inside the castle so Harry could grab a wand?

Was he actually going to do this? Try to seduce Draco Malfoy? He was a virgin, and there was a very good chance Draco was too. Would it actually have to be full sex? More than once? How far was Harry willing to go?

What was the alternative? At any moment, Lucius could take him to Voldemort, and this slim opportunity would be gone. All was fair in love and war, right?

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