Be Mine (Criminal Minds)

By Tearsonlyknow

55.3K 1.5K 87

"And I am helpless sometimes, wishing's just no good cause you don't see me like I wish you would." More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten

Chapter Nine

2.6K 87 11
By Tearsonlyknow

Bryan's Pov
"Oh, I was just about to start my day off so amazing after having these few days off. Then get this JJ. I get a call from Hotch telling me I needed to come in early." My very amazing blonde friend glanced at me her entire face laced with amusement while she was doctoring up her coffee the best she could.

"What? You don't always come this early?" She questioned, I was so quick to scrunch up face staring at her face like she just said the worse possible thing in the world.

"Hell no, I never come to the B.A.U at four am, I'm sleeping in, or I'm at Spencer's house anyway, today Hotch told me I had to show a whole bunch of new agents around and get this- they are all girls I've already met them and they keep flirting with me." I started whining watching JJ toss her head back to let a great bubble of her laughter out.

"That's what has you worried? Getting flirted at, take it as a compliment Bryan that's all its not bad." JJ gently stated at me patting at my shoulders slowly walking around me.

"Yeah until Spencer finds out, and you don't wanna see him full jealous." I muttered more to myself already feeling with panic at the thought.

Ehh I haven't even seen him full jealous yet and I don't want to. Curse you Hotch. I thought quickly grabbing at least two cups of coffee I was gonna need it.

I felt my phone vibrate a few times and I scooped my phone up almost doing a spit take noticing Spencer had sent me a text telling me why I left the bed so early, there was quite a few dirty things I couldn't say out loud that were present in his message.


"Alright so this here is the bull pin we like to call it, it's where JJ calls the team when they have a case, they discuss it around here, and then usually once everyone is briefed they head to where ever the location is." I explained the best I could to the group of new agents who were looking around so interested.

"Do you ever go with them Agent Bryan?" I blinked. Holy shit I forgot their names, that's Amber, the one with the big chest is Shelley, that's Erica, and then there's Ruby and Trinity.

"Sometimes, my main turf is actually in the bat cave with Garcia, she's taught me everything I know, but sometimes when they need extra hands I'll go." I answered Shelley seeing her smiling at me.

"Well I'm not surprised I mean, look at how big your arms are, you know what they say." She giggled giving my bicep a huge squeeze. I jolted a little in surprise when they started giggling with one another.

Oh god I never had people flirting with me so damn much what the hell do I even say? I opened my mouth to say something but I yelped when a case file was smacked on my head roughly. I spun around and just my fear there was Spencer in all his glory, sending me a smile.

"Don't forget about work place protocol, also hands to yourself." Spencer spoke in a quite dark tone standing near me flashing the women smiles.

"You didn't have to hit me." I grumbled to him.

"Oh who are you?" Ruby questioned a little playing with her hair.

"Oh I'm Doctor Spencer Reid, you know just the big genius, with a lot of PHDS I would also appreciate if you didn't try so hard to flirt with my boyfriend with poor attempts."

I quickly laughed placing my hand on his mouth because it seemed whenever Spencer cussed them out, he didn't have to swear so much but just get all boy genius and point out their flaws.

"Alright baby they are new okay, try not to mess up their pride right now, I'm suppose to be showing them around alright." I told him sternly watching him roll his eyes before he smacked my head again with the file much harder this time.

"You little flirt, I'm giving you the silent treatment, and no hugs or anything." I let a chuckle out placing my hands behind my head casually.

"Don't be jealous Spencer." I whined out but he just huffed walking out leaving me with the girls.

"I thought you weren't allowed to date on the job?" Amber pointed out seeming very shocked by a new discover.

"Usually you aren't allowed too, but SA Rossi recently changed the rule so you are free to do so as long as it's professional in the field." I grinned a little messing with my hair a bit before glancing back at them.

"You also will be seeing him a lot, he's the genius of the team, and also good at pranks and being blunt so I would keep the flirting down cause I don't think that was him even being fully jealous."

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