His little Mate

By troyboy0945

1.6K 42 6

Ethan Campbell is not the type you would think to be a criminal but here he was breaking into someone's house... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Author's Note

393 7 0
By troyboy0945

Hey everyone!! Thank you for clicking on my story, I hope you enjoy.

Please don't be mean, I am very fragile and will cry. However, please leave suggestions or ideas of what you want to happen in comments, I may take them into consideration. 

Please enjoy, and have fun with this story. I hope it can give you a bit of escape. 

Side note:

When I use italics it shows the voice in the main character's head. He is not crazy, I just think  that it's a fun little way to help show what the character is thinking. 

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