My Alpha? (SAMPLE)

By ElleJSmith

569K 3.3K 286

"Why are you following me?" She eyes me suspiciously, like she doesn't trust someone wanting to say hello. "... More

To Start...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
What now?

Chapter 4

17.1K 585 56
By ElleJSmith


The day has gone by relatively easy, so far. I haven't bumped into the tour, any visitors or guides, and haven't even caught wind of them yet. Study period comes up and I immediately ask if I can go to the library to finish up some of my other work. The teacher nods and waves me off, just as I thought he would. That might happen to be the other reason that the idiot crew hates me. The teachers tend to let me do whatever they want, whereas even the Alpha and Beta kids still have to obey some rules. There are some perks to being the smart kid.

I get to the library and immediately sequester myself behind some bookshelves to start working on my assignments. A few minutes later I heard Jacklyn's grading voice. Well shit, this day was going so well too.

"The library boasts several private rooms for uninterrupted study as well as a computer center for monitored internet use. Some people try to use the rooms for other things." She lowers her voice saying the last part and I almost vomit in my mouth. I thought that hearing girls talk about seducing guys was bad, but nope, hearing the actual attempt was worse. She sounded like a hooker propositioning someone.

"Hrm, can I look around a bit? I'm sure I won't get lost." An unknown voice asked her.

Obviously, Jacklyn is giving someone a tour. It sounds like it's just one person and with it just being her, it's likely no one of importance. Maybe if I just keep my nose in these books, they won't even bother to slow down. That's my hope at least.

Minutes pass and I hear nothing. I'm pretty far towards the back, near the windows. I start to relax and just focus on my homework, then hear someone behind me.

"Hello there."

I ignore the owner of the voice as they continue trying to get my attention. Then the voice taps on my shoulder. I turned around see a blonde haired, blue eyed, well-built god looking at me. Smiling.

Double fucking shit balls.



As soon as I entered the library, that scent hit me again. She's in here, I know it. The girl with me, of course, still hasn't stopped talking though. How the fuck can keep this up. It can't be possible for a single person to talk this much!

I've heard that succubus don't have to breathe. My wolf is a smart ass. Funny, but still a smart ass.

"Hrm, can I look around a bit?" She starts to frown at me since I interrupted her, "I'm sure I won't get lost." She pouts and then nods her head. I start to walk away from her, quickly I might add, toward the source of that wonderful scent. I had finally cornered it...or her, hopefully, and I wasn't going to back down until I found who it was attached to.

I dance around bookshelf after bookshelf until I get to the very back corner of the library. The windows back here look out to the beautiful forest. It's an amazing view that's only heightened by what else I see. There on the floor is this small girl with long brown hair, bent over her books. She doesn't move as I approach.

"Hello there." I see her tense as I say the words, but she doesn't respond.

*Cough* I try to get her attention a few more times by coughing or making other small sounds. Nothing seems to be phasing her. No response at all. Finally, I squat down next to her and tap her on the shoulder.

She quickly spins around and looks at me, pausing a moment before she looks me dead in the eyes. I was hopeful that she realized she was mine until she spoke. "Can I help you?" Pale blue eyes stare straight into my soul.

Mate! Mate! Mate!!!! My wolf is literally jumping up and down in my head like a pup. If I'd let him, he'd take control and start licking the poor girl. I know that fucker pretty well, he'd do it. And he'd enjoy himself the whole damn time.

"You shouldn't be back here alone. Jacklyn will be coming after you soon." She says and turns back to her books.

What the hell?! My wolf is confused, whining at me. Does she not feel it? Is she too young to feel it? My little mate could be underage. Although usually both mates need to be 18, there are some circumstances where one side would feel the bond before the other. She's so small, maybe she's too young? I try to tell him.

I hear my tour guide coming toward us, calling after me, and groan. Standing up and backing away I hope to intercept her. Who knows what she would do if she found that I was talking to someone else. She didn't even let her friends say hi when we were in the commons earlier. I started to wonder if she was on strict instructions to not let me talk to people, but males seemed to be fine. So that ruled that out.

"Oh! There you are! We have to get back to the Pack House. That is unless there is anything more you'd like to see, maybe?" She bats her eye lashes at me when she says that. Like she expects me to say something sleezy like 'let's check out your room' or 'show me those private areas'. Ya right, not happing.

"No, we can go back. Just another minute though, I was just checking out the view back here." That wasn't a lie. She probably thought I meant the windows that looked out to the forest back where my mate was, I; however, meant the view of my mate.

I step to the back again but she's not there anymore. I didn't even hear her move. Mate is quick on her feet. My wolf is proud of the sneakiness even though right now it's rather annoying to me. I look around but don't see any trace of her. I don't even know her name.

Reluctantly I go back to the tour guide. I didn't remember her name until mate said it, Jacklyn. "Come Jacklyn, I'm ready to go." She beams at me after I say her name. Fuck. Now she's going to assume I some sort of affinity toward her.

We make our way back to their pack house and I tell my father all about my day and ask for some advice. He's been as anxious for me to find my mate as I have. He knows I won't take over until I do. I want and need my Luna before I take over as Alpha.



That was close. Mr. Hottie didn't seem like he wanted to leave after I gave him the cold shoulder. That was made obvious when he decided to poke me. I have to admit, I didn't expect to turn around and see what amounted to a Greek God behind me. I'm still female and alive, I can admit he was hot. He luckily took my hints and walked away.

Jacklyn is a stuck-up brat, but she wouldn't do anything to me directly. No, she'd tell Jace I got in in her way or some other crap. I'm sure any female talking to that man would elicit the same reaction from her though. She appreciated the male form a little too much. I'd love to say that this was only my opinion; however, I know she's hooked up with several warriors in the pack. Regardless, if she found me talking to him and does feel the way I think she does, well, it'd be bad. I'm so close to getting out of here, I don't need my remaining months to be filled with more crap than necessary.

I avoid everyone for the rest of the day and head to work when school gets out. Spending my time in the storeroom is very relaxing to me. It's quiet and there's no one to bother me.

"Aurelia, before you go, do you want any of these bakery goods? Gladys said that they're not stale, but they are going on a day old, so she won't put them out." My manager Thomas swings into the storeroom as he speaks. After he caught me using my paycheck to buy groceries and household supplies, I told him a slightly modified version of my home life. He wouldn't understand the whole truth and I couldn't exactly tell him anyway, so I left some things out. He's been a better parent than my mother ever since. He checks on me before I leave and always offers me things that they can't sell, or that Gladys won't sell because she's very proud of what she puts out.

"That would be great! Can you tell her thank you for me? She always leaves before I get out of here, but her stuff tastes the absolute best. Day old or not, it's still better than anyone else's!" He nods and hands me a bag with different breads, pastries, and a few cookies in it.

After I get done working, I quickly grab a few other items I need and pay. At least when I buy stuff from work, I get an employee discount.

On the way home I pass by the Pack House. They must be having some type of dinner with the visitors as the parking lot looks fuller than normal. The Pack House is setup like an apartment complex with what looks like offices on the bottom. At least that's the appearance from the outside. Less suspicious.

As I pass through the forest to my home, my mind starts to wander. I wonder why that man strayed away from Jacklyn? I mean, she's annoying as hell so I'm sure I would too, but not in a library of all places. The look he gave me was odd too. I suppose the people on the tours could have been told to be curious and watch their surroundings. It was good timing that Jacklyn was coming after him, it distracted him just long enough for me to get out of there without her spotting me.

Shrugging it off, I continue home so I can shower before going to bed. Getting home, I pick up all the bills waiting in the mailbox. Everything is sent in my mother's name, but I pay it anyway. If I didnt, I wouldn't have a warm place to sleep.

After groceries and the bills are covered, I'm pretty wiped out. The groceries I have should make it to the next pay day, if I stretch them, and I don't have any other bills coming until after that. At least I'm used to budgeting, it'll make it easier when I move away. Making money last is a strong suit.

Since we were venturing into the weekend, it meant a break from school and all the random drama that came with it. At least during weekends, I could relax at home, camp out in the woods, or just work. Whenever I didn't have a lot of homework, I'd volunteer for extra shifts at the grocer so I could earn some more money.

I had been saving a bit from my paychecks for a while, stashing it away and pretending like it wasn't available for me to use. Those funds would be my safety net when I left. I had started or submitted applications to several schools and would-be submitting applications for scholarships as well. If I could get approval for the ones I had put in for, I would be able to live with all expenses paid and just need to cover 'excess' costs associated with adulthood. That's where the not really there savings came in.

A part of me was a little jealous of all the other kids that I knew had their parents and money behind them, so they didn't have to worry about any of that. Another part of me was very proud though. Proud that I was working my way to a better future, on my own. Proud that I could say I earned everything myself. Proud that I was living up to the dreams my father had for me.

You should be proud. Of everything. Ah there she is. I know my wolf is happy that I have the determination I do.

Plugging in my iPod, I turned on some music and went to bed. I was looking forward to ending this week.

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