The Walk To Freedom

By janhaviwaikar

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Daily one chapter update! Mature Content Alert! She struggled almost half of her life trying to escape the... More

The Walk To Freedom
1. Pass Through This
2. End Of Nightmare
3. Been Through
4. Not So Bad
5. Deserve To Be Loved
6. Childhood's Happy Memories
7. Bliss Of Sweet Dreams
8. What Is Wrong With Me?
9. Happy Birthday
10. Worst Day Of My Life
11. The Hope I Want
12. That Was Something
13. Guys Can Be Sensitive
15. Friends Are Family
16. This Is My Home
17. Mom, Dad, I'm Back!
18. Just Like The Old Times
19. Hope This Ends Soon
20. I'm Too Tired Now
21. The Luckiest Girl Ever
22. Making Our Way Out
23. Back In Order
24. This Wasn't What I Hoped For
25. Live Long And Prosper
26. The Love I Had In Me
27. Hope It Happens Soon
28. I Thankyou God
29. My Walk To Freedom

14. I Won't Be Alone

11 7 17
By janhaviwaikar

The next morning was a bit weird for me and Asher. Waking up next to each other? What were we thinking? We didn't talk much. At work it was fine and while going back, no talk.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as he entered my room after dinner for therapy.

"Yeah why?" He picked me up and kept me on the bed.

"You aren't talking to me since morning."

"I am, I just... I have a lot on my mind." He looked away.

"About what? Is it anything serious?"

"Nope nothing." He faked a smile.

"C'mon Asher."

"Are you happy here?"


"Are you happy here with us?" He asked again.

"Ofcourse I am. Why would you think that?"

"I want to keep you safe from everything bad in the world. I really care about you." He placed his one hand on my cheek looking straight in my eyes.

I held his hand. "I really appreciate it. And I'm very happy with you all." He smiled back at me.

"Emily I want to- oh am I interrupting something?" Adam stood at the door.

Asher pulled his hand back. "Um no we were just talking."

"Ok good, I also want to talk. I think you are capable without the medicines." He said.

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, you should stop now. We were anyway reducing doses per week so now you're fine without them. No painkillers from now on."

"Yes finally. I felt weird after having them. Now I'm free." I spread my arms apart mimicking a bird and they laughed.

Soon after my therapy, Brandon entered my room and we played some board game.

"Hey I haven't seen your rooms yet." I told them. I've been thinking this for a while now. I don't know what the top floor of this house looks like.

"You wanna see my room?" Brandon asked excitedly.

"Nah don't go, it's a dumping ground." Asher laughed and Brandon gave him small punches.

"Don't listen to him, you'll love it. Please come in my room." He asked and I agreed.

Asher picked me up and went up the stairs. I stared at him the entire journey and his jaw was perfect. I wanted to stroke my finger along that jaw line.

"This is my room." Brandon announced breaking me out of 'Asher Trance'.

It was beautiful. It had dark blue walls and one of the wall had all his paintings taped like a map. Each of that painting had some memory like on of them was of a hospital room where a woman was holding a child and their father beside them, the next was of two boys holding the baby from his hands and teaching him how to walk. Most of them were sketches with crayon and some were paintings.

"This one is you." I looked down to where he pointed and Asher bent down holding me in his lap so I can see better. It was the backyard painted with grass and back wooden fence. I was sitting on my chair trying to touch the grass beneath. My hair were longer in the picture. He didn't paint the details, just the overall story of the scene.

It was beautiful about how vibrant colors he used. I'm not used to this colourful life. But this new family brings along a colorful palette of joy.

"It's beautiful. You're a great artist Brandon."

"I'm making one more, our yesterday's picture with you, me and Asher." I smiled at Asher and he returned it to me.

"Brandon come here." I spread my arms apart to pull him into a hug. I kissed both his cheeks and he giggled.

"Bed time kids." Adam annouced knocking at the door.

"You sleep honey, I'll go now." I told him.

"Good night Emily."

We left his room and Asher was taking me downstairs.

"No I wanna see you room." I slapped his chest stopping him.

"There's nothing in it." He said.

"Still, I wanna see it." He took me towards his room, he opened the door and there it was. Gray walls and white curtains to the window facing the backyard. He made me sit on his bed making sure I lean back properly. Everything was neat and clean. Clothes folded nicely when he opened the closet to keep his fresh tshirts. His study table was clean and books were arranged properly. It was nothing fancy but simple and nice.

"I like it." I said taking in the air. It smelled like his body wash. The best thing about him picking me up everywhere is I get to smell him. Sounds creepy but I like it.

"Really? This pale dull room?"

"Yeah, I like pale and dull things. Look at my hair, I keep it like that on purpose or it would've been bleached pink or something."

"Pink?" And he laughed.

"What's funny?"

"You're not the pink type girl."

"Then who am I?"

"Black and Blue kind of girl."

"Yes I am." I smiled proudly.

"Now lets get you to sleep. Tomorrow we have work and school."

"Fine but one condition."

"What?" I smirked.

"I'll sleep here."

"You have your own room."

"You slept in mine yesterday, I'll sleep here today."

"Fine." He shut the lights and jumped in next to me making me lie down completely.

"Are you comfortable?" He asked.

"Yeah." And with that we slept.


It was Friday and we had an off at Starbucks because it was halloween. Everyone was talking about the party but I feel sick and tired to go. It's been two days since I've been feeling sick.

"I'm not hungry." I said as I passed my tray to the center of the table for anyone to eat from it and leaned my head on the table.

"What's happening?" Mike asked.

"I don't know, I feel tired and lazy."

"Is it because your medicines have stopped?" Rebecca asked.

"Yeah I guess. I'll talk to Adam today."

"So you won't come to the party? Ohh you'll be missed." Sarah sighed.

"Have fun guys. Let me know the details later." I winked at Rebecca and she blushed.

"Will do."

"You wanna visit the nurse's office?" Asher asked.

"I'll be fine." We all talked some more at the table.

The bell rang and everyone dispersed. Asher was about to leave when I held his hand.

"Wassup." He asked leaning down.

"Take me to the nurse's office." I said my tone as pretty low.

He immediately agreed and took me to the office. The nurse told me to lie down and Asher laid me there and told me to call him if I need anything.

I took a nice long nap. Inbetween I felt some movement but nothing. I was in deep sleep.

After some time when I opened my eyes, it was a bit dark. I wasn't in the nurse's office anymore.

"Asher?" I shouted remembering he's the last person I saw.

A few seconds later the door opened nad he turned on the light. I quickly covered my eyes with the intensity of light.

"Sorry." He shut the light again and walked to me sitting beside me.

"What happened? Where am I?"

He chuckled a bit. "You were in deep sleep when school ended so we brought you home."

"Where's Adam?" I asked.

"He'll be home any minute. Do you need anything?"

"I'm hungry." I said and my stomach growled at the same time. I blushed nad looked away with embarassment. He pulled my cheeks lightly and walked away.

"Hey princess what happened?" Adam entered the room in a few minutes.

"I feel sick." I whined like a baby.

"Let me see your temperature." He gave me the thermometer and looked at his watch as he counted my pulse in my wrist.

"39.5°c." I said looking at the temperature.

"God you're burning up. Are you cold?" He asked.

"A bit." He rushed to my drawer and pulled out my hoodie. I wore it and snuggled in my bed.

"Everyone will be out today. Should I cancel my meeting and stay here?"

"Don't be silly I'll take care of myself." I said and that's when Asher walked in. "And Asher here will stay with me."

"What happened?" He asked.

"I have a meeting and everyone will be out. She has 39.5 fever. Take care of her."

"Ofcourse Adam. I'm here. Don't worry and if there's anything, I'll call you."

"Yes ok. Take care baby." He kissed my forehead and left to get ready.

"So you were hungry?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"I made soup." He said as he pulled out the bed table and kept the soup bowl on top of it.

"You made it?" I asked.


"From scratch?"

"Nah, it was that packet thing, added water and kept it on the flame." He said and I chuckled.

Soon everyone left the house and it was just me and Asher.

"I'm bored." I whined.

"Wanna watch some TV in the living room?"

"No I wanna go out."

"Are you sure it won't affect your health?"

"Yeah ofcourse I'm sure." What's the worst that can happen?

He picked me up and went straight outside without the wheelchair. He made me sit down and then he sat beside me so I have support of his right shoulder. The thing about being partial paralyzed like myself, I can't sit without a support because I have no control over the bottom of my spine.

I looked up leaning my head back on his shoulder. The sky was full dark by now and I could see the stars shining. Asher made me wear a beanie so I don't catch cold.

"It's so sparkly." I said refering to the sky.

"Yes it is." He whispered. We stayed in silence savouring the moment.

Suddenly there were fireworks in the sky. "Wow!" A gasp escaped my mouth as beautiful colors captured the sky.

"What is it 4th of July?" I asked once it was over. It was a quick shower.

"Must be some kids fooling around." He chuckled.

I closed my eyes breathing in the air. I feel good now. I feel fresh. Maybe because I had a nice long nap. When I opened I noticed him look at me.

"What?" I giggled.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered staring right in my eyes.

"No I'm not." I looked away. He held my chin and made me look at him. His other was now holding my waist.

"Yes you are." I stared right back and my eyes shifted to his lips.

I looked back up and he did the same. His eyes looking on my lips made me bite them and he slowly closed the distance.

I closed my eyes waiting to feel his soft juicy lips. The wait was over as they crashed on mine and nibbled softly. I kissed him back and he slowly bit my upper lip. Ah! What a moment. But what happened next was the thing no one would even dare to imagine after such a beautiful kiss.

I puked! Luckily my tummy gave me a funny feeling, it gave me a headstart to push my head the other way. I puked on the grass and it felt so rough and odd against my throat. Asher patted my back as I continued for a minute more. Once I was done, he took me in the bathroom to wash my mouth and gave me mouthwash to rinse that weird taste.

"You okay now?" He got me a glass of water.

"I feel so bad." I complained. I had tears in my eyes. I wasn't crying but it feels the worst when you puke.

"Shhh have some water." He stroked my back trying to calm me. I drank some water and even though the burning went away, I felt so out of energy.

"I have no energy." I spoke as loud as I can but I could hardly whisper. I leaned on Asher and he slowly lifted me up and out me to bed.

"Stay." I whispered again. He joined me again and I hugged him close. I need him here. I don't want to be alone.

"Let me call Adam." I just needed sleep right now. I didn't listen to what he said. I was more interested in his heart beat. It was a bit faster than usual but after some time when he hugged me back, it was calm. He stroked my head and laid a small kiss on my forehead. He hummed a song to me and I felt at ease.

After some time Adam came home. I was partially awake. I mean I knew what's going around me but I couldn't move.

Asher laid me straight on bed and he got off. Adam was holding my hand to check my pulse. My temperature was checked. I heard some shuffling of paper and then I heard the words 'blood intoxication' and I woke up.


"Were you drugged heavily before?" He asked.

"Yes almost everyday." I said closing my eyes tightly shut trying not to remember.

"Your blood seems to have adapted it and now you need drug intake to keep you healthy and steady."

"But I can't take that. I get delusional and I don't know what happens around and I don't wanna live in blur again."

"I know I know, calm down." He held my hand and Asher joined me in bed again. He stroked my back trying to calm me down. I leaned my head on his shoulder trying not to cry.

"We'll give you medications to improve your blood immune and some anti toxic steroids. Okay?" He said something like that as a solution and I just nodded.

"How long is this thing?" Asher asked. I'm glad he did because I had the same question and no energy.

"A few weeks. It mostly depends on her. We need to check her blood levels tomorrow so we'll know the exact time. Then it's upto her body how she recovers."

"Okay." Asher stroked my head.

"Here, take this medicine and go to sleep." He handed me a pill and I gulped it down with water.

Adam left the room talking to someone on the phone while shutting the lights on his way out and Asher laid me back on bed. He kissed my forehead and it took me only seconds to fall asleep. I don't know how long I'll take to recover but I do know, I won't be alone.

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