My Alpha? (SAMPLE)

By ElleJSmith

569K 3.3K 286

"Why are you following me?" She eyes me suspiciously, like she doesn't trust someone wanting to say hello. "... More

To Start...
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
What now?

Chapter 2

19K 601 34
By ElleJSmith

I have opinions, always internally spoken.  One of them is this, Monday has to be the worst day of the week.   It's really not the start of the week, but it is the start of work and school weeks normally.  I'm not the biggest fan of Monday.  But here I am, begrudgingly trudging my way to school.  Online classes would be so awesome...

I normally take the scenic route and take a stroll through my woods when I walk, or run as my wolf, basically anywhere.  My woods.  That's what I consider them.  The woods surrounding the pack lands are my solace.  My dad taught me so much out here, so it's where I feel closest to him still.   That's why I walk and run through them all the time.  Traversing through them both to and from school and work are the highlight of my day.  The simple sounds of the woods are soothing to my soul.  Even my wolf, who prods me to be more social, appreciates our time out here.  We frequently shift into my blonde wolf to run through them.  It's one of the things we both agree on the most.  The proximity to nature, the connection to dad, and the peace is worth every minute we can spare.

I make it to school and into homeroom just as the bell rings.  Crestwater is a mix of human and werewolves so we have classes with the human students that live around and in town throughout the day.  Our homerooms and lunch times were setup so that it was either only wolves or only humans.  It gave the teachers and students a single point in the day where any wolf-specific items could be discussed safely.

Unfortunately, since homerooms were also grade specific, that meant that my pains in the ass were in the same room with me every damn day.  I call them that because they are the primary source of my social pariah status.  Well, that and just the way I am.  They have no problem pointing out all my 'deficiencies' such as my clothes, my geekdom, even my loner status.

I go to my normal seat at the back corner of the room near the window.  I typically appear uninterested or spaced out and look out the window all period, most of them time while listening to music.  I'm actually paying very close attention but the inattentiveness I exude keeps my invisibility intact.  Participation equals attention.  I don't want attention.  The time for attention was years ago, in another lifetime.

I can sense that the Alpha and Beta's children have filed into the room, always right as or after the bell since they really can't get into trouble.  Our Alpha's son, Chase, always saunters in with his arm around his girlfriend Danielle.  They aren't mates but goddess knows they act like it.  After him comes the Beta's son, Jace, and his twin sister Jacklyn.  Their parents were expecting them at the same time, so they planned the names of their children.  They knew or at least hoped that their children would be the next generation of leaders, so they got all rhythmic with their names.

"Settle down now everyone," our teacher Mrs. Farrow says to get our attention. She then proceeds to go through the weekly school events, lunch menus, and other reminders. For us, the weekly reminder to watch any wolf behavior in school is echoed, just as every Monday.  Sadly, reminders are necessary.  We see a lot of hormonal teenage males get growls around females that they are dating.  Or just because boys can be boys.

"Oh! We also have some bigger news class.  Alpha Meiers from the Lunarhills pack and his son will be visiting Crestwater in the coming weeks.  The Alpha and Alpha Alex," she nods to Chase, "are in talks about furthering our treaties.  If they can come to an agreement, the packs would have more opportunities to participate in mating balls, furthering trade between our packs, and expanding cross training opportunities between each other."  Crestwater has had a treaty with Lunarhills for years.  I can't recall the last time it was renewed, which is likely why the visit is happening now.

The class starts humming with excitement.  Besides the fact that mating balls and cross training opportunities mean a higher chance of finding one's true mate, whenever an Alpha travels, they generally bring an entourage.  And the snootier girls are always looking to catch themselves a ranked wolf if they can't find their true mate.  Just like humans, we have plenty of people around that are social climbers or "gold-diggers".  If you think watching girls in general get overly flirty, wolves are worse.

"Everyone, everyone, calm down.  Let me finish.  This opportunity is not one we want to let pass us by.  Alpha Meiers and his son will be visiting many of our public buildings, both human and wolf run, and talking to many of our pack members. This is very important to the pack so please be on your best behavior.  If you are asked any questions, please be sure that you are taking the matter seriously."

What she means is, the visitors are likely going to ask a lot of questions to make sure our pack is really up to snuff.  So, put on a great big show.  Goddess forbid any pack members insinuates that our pack is full of crap.  They'd end up outcast or even worse, rogue.  Rogue wolves are not welcome anywhere.  I'd rather stay a pariah than be declared a rogue.

Mind you, our pack is actually pretty decent, overall, it's a good pack.  I just haven't had the best experience given everything that's happened.  But working in town and being around everyone, even if they don't notice me, gave me some good insight.  Our pack members really are good people.  Teenagers generally and almost always suck, which is why I ignore the ones that poke fun at me. Crestwater is a good pack and this would be a great opportunity for everyone else here, both human and wolf alike.  We have a large family-based community, doctors, lawyers, and a heck of a lot of construction workers.  Wolves are strong, those that don't like trade or professional skills tend to go to physical labor-based jobs. 

The rest of homeroom is spent talking about upcoming activities and whatnot.  I actually spaced all that out and started reading ahead for some of my other classes.  Like I said, my grades mattered to me.  They were my escape route and books are my best friends.

The bell rang and everyone started to file out.  As I start to walk out of the room a hand grabs me and pulls me back in.  I must have been out of it because I normally don't let anyone sneak up on me.  Dad trained me better than that.  I turn around to see both Chase and Jace giving me ugly scowls.  Why, I don't know, but I'm sure I'll find out.

"When the Alpha and his son get here, don't say a word," Chase spits out, "just fade into the background and stay away from them." Well screw you too asshole.

"We don't need them thinking that you..." Jace motions to me, specifically up and down me, "are an example of all of the other pack members. We want to show that we have the best of the best here.  That all of our pack members are intelligent, have drive, and are social."  And screw you too, asshole number two.

"Don't worry, I have every intention of staying far, far away from any of the visitors.  Just leave me alone and I'll return the favor."  I snap back at them, adding a small growl.  I really should be more respectful, considering they are going to be the Alpha and Beta one day.  Frankly, if my plans work out, I won't be part of the pack anymore by that time, assuming it's years out.  So, at this point, they only get minimal from me, and that's only when I have to acknowledge them.

"Don't make us have to remind you." Chase says then shoves me aside to walk out of the room. Danielle was waiting outside for him and gives me one of her wicked smiles as they saunter away.  Goddess I hope by the time Alpha Alex passes down his role, Chase has grown up.  He's your typical egotistical high school jock asshole.  Everyone better bow to him or feel his wrath.  I'm sure his genetics don't help that attitude either.  Just to be honest, he's not awful to look at.

I make my way through the next few classes with no further issues, Trigonometry, AP Chemistry, and Geography pass by rather quickly.  As I make my way through the lunch commons to my normal seat, under a tree in the corner, I hear all the female wolves gossiping about the visit.

"Did you hear that Alpha Alex's son is coming too?  I hear that he hasn't found his mate yet."

"They say he is incredibly handsome and strong.  Even stronger than his father!  What I would give to have his strong arms wrapped around me."

"I'm certain that he'll be spending time with us.  Meaning that I'll probably be the one to catch his attention.  Don't even bother girls."  Jacklyn says this and I feel my stomach turn.

Staking claim on a male you've never met, simply because of who he is and how supposedly handsome he is, is gag worthy to me.  Maybe it's because of my attitude towards basically the whole mating deal, but I can't stand the females who spread their legs, hoping they'll land a high-ranking choice mate.  I can't imagine that would work out well if one or the other found their true mate afterwards.  Not only that, but many Alpha males travel far and wide to find their mates before even considering a choice mate.  The job of a Luna isn't a light one. I know Chase's mother doesn't just sit around and gossip.  She does a lot for the pack.  She's Alpha Alex's secretary, organizes and prepares events, is a PTA mom, etc...

"The Alpha and his son will be staying at the pack house with the Alpha and Beta families.  They'll probably have us show them around too."  Jacklyn continues her gag worthy comments about how they were special because they were chosen for that honor and how her friends will be lucky if she allows them to spend time with her during the visit.  She'll be soooooo busy, don't they know.

Whatever.  It's customary for Alpha and Beta families to host and entertain visitors, especially visiting Alphas.  Obviously, her idiot crew doesn't bother to learn these things, because they are latched on to her like she had won the lottery.  Morons.  Even my ostracized self knows this social norm for Goddess's sake!

The plus side to over hearing all of this is that at least I know I'll be able to hide from the visitors.  Almost all of my classes are advanced placement or otherwise separate from the normal ones that the rest of my pack members have, specifically those three.  This means that besides homeroom, gym, and our study period, I'm home free from this circus act.  I probably shouldn't compare it to a circus, unlike this reality show, the circus has some loveable acts and good entertainment.

The rest of the day goes by just as quickly as it began, and I find myself walking to the grocer to start my shift.  I specifically applied to stock and asked for the back stock room so I could continue to avoid people.  It worked out well too.  My insane pickiness gets everything perfect for shelf placement and with how quick I am, there's no real need for anyone to help during my shifts.  The manager is human too.  Although you'd think I would want to be around wolves, humans that know nothing about our lifestyles make me less antsy.  I somehow feel more relaxed around them.

My day winds down and I go home to finish homework and go to bed.  I hoped that this visit went quickly so that my normalcy stays as it always has.  My normal.

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