Baby Blue [Larry Stylinson]

By aimhjoey

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Every time he sees a field Bluebells, he can't help but stop as all of the memories flood into his mind once... More



136 7 0
By aimhjoey

Louis' eyes peered open as he adjusted to the world around him.  It was dark, but not pitch black, and the blue sky put an indigo tint on his surroundings.  It was lighter than the last time he saw it, and he could see a tiny bit of sun peeking up above the horizon.  He looked down and sighed with so much content and felicity as he watched the innocent sixteen year old all curled up on his chest with both arms wrapped around Louis' torso.  He smiled, satisfied, as he listened to the breathing escape the pink lips of his baby fawn.  He looked so peaceful and so beautiful, Louis hated the idea of waking him up, but the sun was rising and he didn't want his uncle to worry.

Louis brought his hands down to Harry's shoulders and rubbed him a bit, in hopes of slowly and kindly waking him up.  Nothing.  

"Hazza?" Louis whispered as he slowly shook Harry and ran one hand through his ruffled curls that were sprawled all over the place.  

"Haz, it's morning.  Can you wake up for me."

A slight grumble vibrated against Louis' chest, making Louis giggle under the ticklish feeling and the adoration he had for the boy who made the noise.

"Haz, c'mon we've got to get you home.  Uncle Mike is going to worry."

"No, I'm comfy." Harry grumbled almost inaudibly.

Louis rolled his eyes but smiled at how cute Harry was, all cuddled up on his lap with his hair draped over his face and his eyes closed peacefully.  

"Fine, but I'm taking you home."

A snore left Harry's mouth as Louis said that.  Louis chuckled to himself as he began to stand up and pull Harry into his arms.  He scooped up the slightly larger boy, bridal style, and pulled him closer to his chest.  Harry's head fell onto Louis' chest as his hair fell in front of his face.  His chin drooped down and his body curled up into a ball into Louis' arms.  Louis brought one of his hands up and brushed Harry's hair out of his face so that Louis could look down at the angel he carried in his arms, taking in every stunning feature on the boy's face.  

He made his way back towards his house with Harry in his arms.  He was lighter than Louis would've expected and was an easy little thing to carry so the trip back was nothing but pleasant.  How could Louis ever complain when he had this gorgeous boy wrapped up in his arms, sound asleep, and sending such a peaceful and innocent aroma around Louis.  It made him smile.  Everything about Harry made Louis smile.

He made it back to Harry's house only five minute later and frowned as he realized the impossibility of climbing him and Harry up the trellis to his window.  He grumbled as he walked to the back door.  There was no way he was climbing up that with Harry in his arms.  He was shocked and also concerned at how unsafely Harry and his uncle slept when the back door proved to be unlocked.

The lights were all off but the sun was streaming through the windows and shining in beautiful patterns along the wood floors as Louis walked in, tossing Harry up in his hold slightly to reposition his limp body.  He walked up the stairs, making sure to stay as quiet as possible to not wake up the boy's uncle.  

He hadn't ever been upstairs in Mike's house, so he had to explore slightly before finding what he assumed was Harry's room.  He pushed open the white door that was only open a crack, and watched as the room came into view.  Tan and light blue walls met at each corner, almost giving the room a beachy vibe to it, and a queen bed with grey sheets and a light blue throw blanket on the end of it sat in the middle of the square room, with light brown wooden bedside tables on either side of it.  The light streamed into the room, especially since the curtains were drawn from Harry sneaking out, and gave it an exquisite appeal that made Louis smile.  He examined the tidy room and eyed the empty suitcase that was propped up against the wall.  

Louis' heart almost fluttered out of his chest at the sight of the worn out pink teddy bear sitting up against a white pillow on Harry's bed.  Its feet were crossed with its hands resting against its legs, almost like Harry had spent an extra second setting it up.  The rest of the bed was messed up, but the bear sat perfectly still in the middle, almost like a rock standing still in the middle of the ocean.  Louis' smile was humongous as he brought the exhausted boy over to his bed and knelt down to lay him against his mattress.  Harry's curls flopped over his face as his head fell upon the pillow.  Louis took a moment to look down at the angel who was breathing so lightly and peacefully, with his mouth parted slightly, and sighed with so much adoration for the milk-skinned boy.  

Louis took his hand and brought it up to slightly brush the hair from Harry's face, revealing a cracked smile on the passed out boy.  Louis smiled back before taking a quick second to slip off Harry's shoes and put them at the end of his bed and pulling the covers up and over Harry's resting body.  He grabbed the pink teddy bear in hand and placed it against Harry's chest, stuffing it in between Harry's grasp.

Then, as he was getting ready to leave, he leaned in and gently laid a kiss on Harry's forehead,  he let his lips rest on Harry's skin for a moment or two before releasing and looking back down at the sleeping boy.  He took one last sigh before turning around and making his way to the door.

He was quick to stop in his tracks as he felt someone grab his wrist.  He turned on his heel to see Harry grinning up at him, one of his hands holding gently around Louis' thin wrist. 

"Thank you, Lou."

Louis wanted to giggle at a mixture of things:  How cute Harry looked, how Harry had made him carry him all the way back home when he had been awake the whole time, and how happy he suddenly felt when his eyes met the green ones that belonged to Harry.

"You dork."

Harry only smiled as he let go of Louis' wrist.

"I'll see you later today my little fawn."

"Goodbye baby blue."

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