Through the lens

By rightnow_larry

24.4K 617 728

*on pause* No moment is ever as perfect as the photo that captured it. Harry was living the summer of dreams... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 5

1.9K 52 24
By rightnow_larry

five cars all sat in a line outside the Tomlinson house. In the garage Niall and Cassie where busy loading the trailer with all of Harry's boxes and bins while in the house, upstairs, Harry and Louis had their hands full moving the blue eyes boys own boxes down the extravagant stairs, through the main level of the home, and into garage where they loaded them into the trailer.

The teens were not the only people in the house. In the kitchen it looked like an episode of Hell's Kitchen, Jay and Anne danced around each other tending to the food cooking on the stove while also making sure the food in the oven didn't burn. When the Jennings arrived at the house they both instantly jumped into the casos cutting up fruit and tossing it all together in a bowl for a fruit salad. Mr and Mrs. Horan walked through the back door with bags of drinks and sweets.

While all of the adults were busy working in one form or another the twins were off in the movie room watching Cinderella.

Just before five-o-clock the sounds of simmering food were replaced with the clanking of dishes and silverware and the opening and shutting of cabinets and drawers as everyone began to plate the finished food and set the dining table. In the center of the table a large bowl of swedish meatballs laid smothered in warm brown gravy topped with the green array of parsley and thyme. Surrounding it were bowls of bowtie pasta and mashed potatoes to create whatever meal you wanted. A casserole dish was next and filled with balsamic roasted carrots, green beans, and zucchini. The fruit salad bowl was bursting with bright colors of red, orange, yellow, green, and blue sitting at the edge of the table right along with an extra gravy boat.

Mr.Horan filled each drinking glass with ices while his wife took out all of the soda, juice, and water pictures from the fridge placing them on the counter so everyone could choose their drink. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings gave each plate the proper silverware and folded napkins in each seat, at the same time Anne went out to the garage to try and rangle up all the teens, who in facts were acting like little kids running around barefoot in the grass playing what looked to be like tag. She wasn't even to get her entire sentence out before they all came running back up to the house, bombarding her before heading inside.

Jay had since finished plating all of the food and had gotten the twins out from hiding leading to all twelve people to be packed into the kitchen. When everyone had washed their hands the group split up, half of them beginning to pile food upon their plates and the others took their glasses and headed over to the counter to fill them up. It was certainly chaotic as people switched tasks without pattern and tried to find a seat at the table without blocking the rest from getting food.

When It was all settled Niall and Cassie sat together with their parents across from them followed by Daisy and Phoebe being in the middle then Louis and Harry with Jay and Anne sitting across from them. The conversation lacked no topics ranging from everyone's summer holidays to memories of the kids all starting school, the parents sharing their own stories of their days in university. Laughter was strong and happened so often it was nearly impossible to eat. As the dinner went on you could tell who was truly excited and who was beginning to become somber about what was creeping up on them. After the main course was finished the large dinner plates were replaced with new, clean, dessert plates. Chocolate cake, brownies, snickerdoodle cookies, blueberry tart and cheesecake bites were now the focal point as everyone ate their way into having a food baby.

The sun just began to set in the sky as everyone stood up from the table, no one spoke but they all moved from the dining room table over to the kitchen. Sitting on the kitchen island was a small gray cooler and two light blue reusable bags. Inside were the leftovers of dinner in four separate containers, one for each of the students, and little bags of snacks and candy for the road.

"We all know that none of you are going to go grocery shopping for a few days so we thought you might like some home cooked meals."

Everyone collectively gathered in a group hug, after they broke apart all the parents stepped back as the kids grabbed the items off of the counter and made their way down the hallway and to the garage. As Harry, Louis, and Niall loaded the snacks into the car Cassie was the first to begin saying goodbye.

Each family took advantage of the large amount of space in the Tomlinson backyard to have their own privacy during such a monumental moment. The parents all had slivers of tears sparkling in their eyes as they gave last minute advice to their children, told them to be carefull, and of course that they loved them.

Daisy and Phoebe, who had been suspiciously quiet and polite towards all of the elders during the evening ran up to their brother and jumped up into his arms where he luckily caught them both.

"You're not leaving forever right?"

"Absolutely not, just for a few months then i'll be back for a bit."

"Harry too?"

A soft chuckled left his nearly quivering lips "Yes Harry too, along with Niall and Cassie. We will all be back."

"I heard someone mentioned me."

Harry walked over from the flower pots where he was talking with his own mother and grabbed Daisy from her brother's grip and placed her on his own hip.

"We were just making sure you're coming back."

"How could i forget about our little winter ball and photoshoot? I think i'm going to have to worry about you two forgetting me!"

The newfound sassiness dispensing from Harry's candy red lips made the girls, and Louis, laugh.

"Normally this would be the part where i told you to be good and listen to your mother but i know your brother already told you that so instead i'm just gonna say, if you ever feel lost or confused about something just look to the stars and i'll whisper them an answer for you okay."


Daisy spoke as Phoebe just silently nodded her head. Harry and Louis put the girls back down on the ground and gave their mums each one more hug before walking over Nialls cars where he and Cassie already stood next too. However before they could even get there the twins ran up to give a last minute hug to their favorite partners in love crime.

"Are we ready?" Niall said as he twirled his keys around his pointer finger.

"As ready as we'll ever be."

Harry opened the back door and climbed in as Louis entered from the other side, Cassie in front of him and of course, Niall in the drivers side. Everyone rolled down their windows as the car's engine rumbled preparing for the trip ahead. Going down the windy driveway they all waved goodbye to their families for the foreseeable future as they stood all in one giant clump.

Turning onto the main road the teenagers all cheered, they were now officially college students living on their own. And the adventure of adult life started out as a roadtrip with not only their lover but their best friends as well.

The four hour and twenty-seven minute road-trip was a glorified mess, they got lost a few times, fought over snacks, which nearly led Niall to crash the car reaching for the crisps, and control of the stereo, stopped and danced in an empty parking lot, and made some really, really bad jokes. But, it was perfect, nearly an hour longer than what it was supposed to be but perfect nonetheless.

Arriving in London the streets were still bustling as the hands of big ben ticked their way to midnight, completely different from what would be the near silence of Doncaster.

What was going to happen next none of the parents knew about, but after all they were on their own right? Pulling into a parking spot Niall turned off the car as everyone else jumped out and opened up the back trunk. One by one they all pulled out sleeping bags and a pillow. After locking up everything they now owned they jogged out into the poorly lit grassy field of Greenwich Park engulfed in giggles.

It wasn't entirely legal but there was also no law that specifically stated that one can not sleep on the ground of a public park so they all of them unolled their sleeping bags and climbed inside before zipping them up. They had thought about rolling down the hill but determined that it would cause too much ruckus and would probably be caught, plus they didn't want to have to walk back up.

As they laid out under the stars, sounds of diluting traffic fading in and out, the only thing that anyone could think was how perfect their life was , how perfect it was going to be.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I feel like the ending was a little rushed so i might rewrite it a little later but idk yet how do you like it?

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