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By another-nerdy-being

544 0 0

Lorelei is the younger sister of Aragorn. She is a ranger like her brother but she is not one for friends. Sh... More

Chapter 1: Alone
Chapter 3: Old Friends
Chapter 2: Rivendel
Chapter 4: Rohan
Chapter 5: The Search for the Rohirrim
Chapter 6: The battle for Helms Deep
Chapter 7: Celebrations
Chapter 8: To Gondor
Chapter 9- Lost friends
Chapter 10- We must go on
Chapter 11 - Army of the Dead
Chapter 12- Reunited
Chapter 14 - A plan and a question

Chapter 13 - The Battle is won

18 0 0
By another-nerdy-being

Lorelei had never before clung so tightly to a person. She felt as if if she were to let go that Éomer he would disappear. Éomer held her in a similar way. He wasn't certain that he would live through this battle but knowing he had and that Lorelei was here for him to come back to filled him with comfort.

The two parted slightly but their hands still gripped one another tightly. The ghost army was swarming over everything taking down the last of the Oliphants. The victory was theirs and neither of them could have been happier in the moment.
"Come we should find the others and make sure they're alright," Éomer said lacing he fingers with Lorelei's and heading in the direction of where he had last seen other people. Both of them tried to not dwell too hard in the many dead bodies they passed in their way. Lorelei settled on honouring them for their valour and sacrifice but not dwelling for too long. She focussed on the death and loss so much it overwhelmed her and made her fearful of it.
They found Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Saphire, Rîndis and the Durin brothers stood facing the ghost army. Lorelei gave a small nod and smile to her brother who stood ahead of the rest of the group.

"Release us," The leader of the region of the dead demanded his icy voice still managing to worm it's a way through Lorelei. It was soon replaced by the comment Gimli made "Bad idea. Very handy in a tight spot these lads, even if they are dead,"

"Yes but just because they're dead Gimli doesn't mean they can't kill you," The eldest Durin brother pointed out. Lorelei saw Saphire hid a laugh with her hand and Fili's attention soon landed on the middle Ironheart sibling when he heard it.

"Oh shut it Princeling," The dwarf grumbled angrily.
"He is right though Gimli," Anastasia spoke up annoying the dwarf just a little more.

The whole exchange had amused Éomer and Lorelei greatly. Even when they didn't intend to be this group which Lorelei had come to care for greatly always managed to always be a good source of entertainment and lightheartedness in dark and sad times.

"I hold your oath fulfilled. Go. Be at peace," Aragorn said resolutely and the ghosts vanished.

All eyes then turned to Anastasia Lorelei was still overjoyed that she was back. Lorelei's deep brown eyes scanned the rest of the group briefly all were happy to have her back. Lorelei didn't quite know if Annie realised how much she meant to everyone there. The thought also occurred to Lorelei that she wasn't quite sure if anyone knew how they meant to her. She knew that had to be righted and quickly.
Under the gaze of everyone, Anastasia questioned what they were all looking at.

"Your really back," Aragorn said smiling. It was what everyone was thinking.

"Yes no more psychotic sadist Annie, just regular old annoying badass Annie," The halfbreed smiled crinkling the scar that ran across her face. A constant reminder of what she had been through though Anastasia managed to get through it all.

"Annoying yes but I'm not so sure about badass," Kili laughed and his brother and Rîndis snickered.
"Rude," Annie exclaimed causing everyone to laugh.

"I think our efforts would be best served taking care of the wounded," Gandalf cut in kindly.
Lorelei noticed Kili and Rîndis following after Gandalf. Anastasia had asked what they were doing but didn't get an answer for the time being.
"We should split up," Éomer suggested "I'll go with L, "
"Of course you will, " Gimli chuckled.
Éomer looked at the dwarf quizzically
"Why is that?" He asked.
"Because we are all aware of your affection for my sister," Aragorn laughed. Lorelei was the other one close enough to the blonde soldier to notice light pink that dusted over his cheeks at the realisation that perhaps he was being as discreet as he thought.

"Come along you," Lorelei smiled as they went in their way helping the wounded back to Minas Tirith. The day turned sour quickly. At first, Lorelei didn't realise what had happened as Éomer cried out in shock and despair but then she noticed the two blonde figures on the ground. One of which had long wavy blonde hair. Éowyn. Lorelei rushed to Éomers side as he held her crying still. She checked over Éowyn with shaking hand and breathed a sigh of relief when she found she was still breathing.
"There is hope for her still Éomer," she cried grabbing his face. "But we must get her back to the healers now,"
Éomer nodded with tear-filled eyes and carried his sister off with a few other soldiers. Lorelei called over a few more soldiers as she tried to move the horse that had crushed the King of Rohan. She walked with his body all the way back to Minas Tirith.

She went past Saphire and Fili who were helping some others for the time being. She weaved through groaning soldiers as overwhelmed healers darting from patient to patient in the growing darkness. The sky was a dark blue and getting darker as the sun set on Minas Tirith.

Lorelei bumped into a slightly taller figure on.
"Aragorn," Lorelei breathed out happily and wrapped her arms around her brother.
"It seems the affection of those around you has finally rubbed off," he chuckled.
"It would seem so, " she sighed. "You know I love you right?" She looked up at him.
"Of course I do,"
"Have you told Éomer you love him?" He threw back. Aragorn had always been good at reading his sister's feelings no matter how good she got at hiding them.
"No but I plan to," she said confidently.
"Good, Éomer is just over there with Éowyn,"
"She will be okay." It was halfway between a statement and a question.
"She will be okay," Aragorn said with a sincere strong look in his eyes that Lorelei loved to see.

Lorelei left her brother and headed back to Éomer who sat beside Éowyn gazing at her sadly.
Lorelei wrapped her arms around him from behind and rested her head on his.
"Your sister is strong and she will get better,"

"She snuck out onto the battlefield didn't she?"
The couple looked to Anastasia who looked at Éowyn with concern.
"I found her like this on the battleground, if only I had kept a better eye on her," Éomer said still looking at Éowyn's still form save for the slow and steady rise and fall of her chest.
"Stop with the 'ifs'. They don't help anything. They just make you feel worse and worse. She is alive and will be healthy and full of life again. Don't dwell on what could've happened. From the woman who spent years going 'what if' don't just be glad she's alive."
It was good advice one that Lorelei thought she could use too.
Anastasia left soon after wanting to find her hobbit companion.
Éomer remained staring at his sister.
"This is not your fault Éomer you must remember that," Lorelei said quietly.
"I know, I just wish I could have protected her."
"She is strong and a good fighter although it may not seem like it right now. She can take care of herself and I'm sure you know that,"

Éomer stood and nodded.
"I don't know what I would do without her but I also don't know what I would do without you,"
"Neither do I,"

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