《Sticking Together》Dream SMP

By Yumsyoom

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This is only a fanfic that I have made that is about the Dream SMP but with a different story line. In this b... More

‼️Author's Note‼️
The Bench
Keep Me Company
Missing Children
His Green Hat
Troubled Night
Our Forest, Our Land, Our Nation

This is Farewell

554 24 3
By Yumsyoom

Tubbo tried to think of what items could be useful and most important for him to carry in his small inventory, he wasn't able to bring much stuff, the things he brought with him are mostly blocks, weapons, food, and ores. He could only carry so much with him and his inventory was quite small so he had to be picky with the things he's going to bring with him. He also didn't want to seem too suspicious around the people in Pogtopia, so that they wouldn't start questioning him and began feeling suspicious, little did those people know that tonight would probably be the last night they'll ever spend with Tommy and Tubbo.

Tubbo didn't want Wilbur or Niki or Quackity to ask him why he's carrying so much stuff on him, Tubbo didn't want to have to say goodbye to them for good, and Tubbo didn't want to leave them all behind. But he also didn't want to leave Tommy on his own, he didn't want to say goodbye to Tommy, he didn't want to be the only one who knows this was the last time he'll be seeing Tommy's face. And besides Tubbo would probably be nothing without Tommy, if Tommy leaves him here then Tubbo would feel nothing but empty and lonely for sure, Pogtopia would be different without Tommy there. Tubbo also doesn't want to feel the same betrayals that Tommy feels if he stays here, he knows very well how hurt Tommy will be if he stays longer here, both emotionally and physically. If it's not Tubbo who's going to be there for Tommy then who will?

While Tubbo was picking up some food from a chest, he hears faint footstep noises coming from behind him. Immediately Tubbo panicked and turned around while hiding the food behind his back, turns out he sees Niki walking by. Tubbo was just relieved that it wasn't Wilbur or Techno or he would've already been caught red handed.

"Hey Niki" Tubbo greeted, Niki turns her head towards Tubbo and gave him a polite smile as a way of greeting him back while she walks over towards the furnaces. Tubbo noticed that Niki has some raw pork chops in her hands which made the brown haired boy curious.

"What are you doing with those pork chops?" Tubbo questioned the girl, taking a few steps closer to her to see what Niki's going to do with them.

"Oh I'm just going to cook these in the furnace, do you want any Tubbo? I'm giving them out to Wilbur, Techno, Quackity and Tommy too just incase they're hungry and that they haven't had any dinner yet" Niki said before crouching down and putting the pork chops inside the furnace. Tubbo nodded in agreement, he just realized now how hungry he is and that all the food he's carrying behind him is still pretty raw and uncooked, maybe he should carry a furnace with him as well for the journey?

"Actually, my stomach has been rumbling for the past few hour so some pork chop sounds good. Speaking of pork chops, did you know that piglets can learn their names at just three weeks old? I couldn't even do that!" Tubbo exclaimed while placing down all the food back in his chest, Niki who was facing her back towards Tubbo had her eyes widened, she was quite impressed with that random fact but also pretty confused why Tubbo would just say that out of nowhere, but she won't question it.

"Oh really? I never knew that, do you think we should get a piglet later in the future then? As a pet maybe" Niki suggested with a shrug although she probably shouldn't have said that, it made the brown haired boy behind her lit up with excitement as Niki hears a small and happy gasp.

"Oh we definitely should! I think it's a good idea, the piglet can get along with my pet bees. Okay well I don't have pet bees... can we get pet bees too?" Tubbo jumped up and down slightly, getting all hyped up for his future pet colony, he's like a little toddler begging for his mom to get him pets and toys.

"Of course we can get pet bees, only if Wilbur and the others allow it though, but I do" Niki turned around with a chuckle as she folded her arms together while leaning her back against the furnace, waiting for the pork chop to be cooked. Tubbo quietly cheers to himself, getting excited for getting pets, he started thinking of what names he's going to give to his pet pig and bees.

"Should I name the pig...uhh, piggie?" Tubbo asked while looking up at the ceiling, Niki snorts at the very overused name but she wouldn't judge since this is Tubbo, Tubbo is unique and no one can tell him what to do.

"Sure, it's a cute and common name. How about the bees?" Niki raised an eyebrow with a grin on her face, Tubbo hums while he thinks for a name, what kind of name fits for a bee? Tubbo caresses his chin.


Tubbo and Niki stood quiet for a few seconds before bursting into a fit of laughter that echoes around the walls of Pogtopia, they just couldn't help themselves at how weird sounding that name is but it sure is a unique name.

"What sort of name is that? 'Beeie'?" Niki repeated in between her high pitched chuckles, just by Niki saying that it made Tubbo laugh harder and grabbing his stomach.

"Hey! it's a nice name! I'm naming all of my bees 'Beeie' whether people like it or not. Pretty sure Tommy is going to give me his signature judging bitch face when I tell him about it though" Tubbo said while already imagining Tommy's weirded out look in his mind. Niki knows exactly what face Tubbo was talking about and it made her laugh again while covering her mouth with her palm.

"Hold on a second, isn't Techno a pig? Wouldn't it be offensive to him that we're keeping his kind as a pet?" Niki questioned the brown haired boy, his eyes widened like he had just went through a big realization. He wouldn't think that Techno would be offended by that, would he? Honestly, probably yes.

"But aren't you the one offering him pork chops?" Tubbo pointed out but couldn't help but let out a laugh at the end of  the sentence, Niki's face suddenly drops and turns purple while she mutters a quiet 'Oh no' under her breath. Tubbo started laughing harder while leaning himself against the stone wall, while the girl in front of him decided maybe it's best to not offer Techno some pork chops tonight, maybe some steak would do for now.

Niki ducks her head down to check if the pork chops are done and judging by the amazing smell coming out of the furnace  it seems like they are, Tubbo hurriedly walked over beside Niki to go help her take out the pork chops, completely forgetting to pack up his things for his escape with Tommy. But hey, helping women with their cooking is pogger than anything.

Meanwhile on the surface right outside of Pogtopia, there sat a blond boy sitting beside a tree cleaning his diamond sword with a napkin. He was watching carefully for Wilbur and also being anxious on where he could be, he just hoped that Wilbur didn't come back into the button room and realize the button was gone, pretty sure Wilbur will know instantly who had destroyed it if he sees. Tommy wanted to check on the button room again because who knows if Wilbur is over there with his finger just inches away from the button he recreated. After awhile Tommy has had ran out of patience and sat up from the grass, he grips onto his diamond sword and started running quickly towards L'manberg.

Tommy knew there were tons of mobs outside which is why he had to be careful since he wasn't wearing any armor since he gave Tubbo the only armor he had left. Thankfully Tommy was able to dodge most of the mobs from hitting him, although he did take a few fall damage trying to do parkour on the trees, and also he got shot by a few skeletons but his health bar is still pretty high. Tommy struggled to swim across a lake to get to L'manberg while he was fighting and cursing at some spiders that were chasing after him, thankfully the blond boy managed to get to the other side of the lake and quickly ran towards the hill, his legs stumbling here and there while he ran.

But suddenly Tommy felt someone aggressively grabbing his upper arm from behind and pulled him into their embrace, it made the boy yelp a little but when he turns his head he sees Quackity holding him with a worried expression.

"Quackity what the hell are you doing here?!" Tommy yelled to him, both males grabbing eachothers arm.

"Why are you asking me?! I'm the one who should ask you that! The fuck are you doing in L'manberg out in the open, are you trying to get Schlatt to kill you?!" Without another word, Quackity dragged Tommy with him and ran quietly towards a big tree and his behind it while huffing, both out of breath.

"Big Q I need to go to the button room I have to check if Wilbur is— He's going to blow up—"
"Woah woah Tommy calm down, Wilbur destroyed the button remember? Wilbur is at Pogtopia eating pork chop with Tubbo and Niki. We were waiting for you so I came looking for ya" Quackity said calmly, since he noticed how tensed Tommy looked and how worried he is. He can just see it in his eyes he was panicking about something, but after Quackity told Tommy Wilbur was in Pogtopia, Tommy slumped his shoulders while sighing in relief, he looked just as relief as when he and Quackity managed to get Wilbur to destroy the button earlier that day.

"Wilbur is in Pogtopia, right? Okay, okay" Tommy placed his palm on his sweaty forehead before leaning his head against Quackity's chest as Quackity rubbed Tommy's blond hair up and down to calm him down, Quackity wasn't really the type of guy who was a professional with calming people down so he just hoped that head patting is enough.

"Let's head to Pogtopia, and while we're walking you can maybe tell me why you're running around a death trap like a madman?" Quackity suggested while trying to look at Tommy's face against his chest, the younger boy finally let's go from gripping so tightly onto Quackity's suit. He looks up at Quackity's face with a more calmer but exhausted expression.

"Right, yeah uh, sure Big Q" Tommy cleared his throat while Quackity was still rubbing his upper arm, the two males walked cautiously back to the safety zone outside of Pogtopia so that they wouldn't be seen by Schlatt or any citizens. It was an awkward silence while they were walking, well it wasn't that much awkward but it was more gloomy? Quackity kept glancing at Tommy from time to time since he really is confused why Tommy needed to go to the button room so badly.

"Sooo, gonna start speaking up or?" Quackity started, looking at the grass while he and Tommy slowly made their way towards the secret Pogtopia entrance. Tommy struggled to come up with words since he doesn't really know what to tell Quackity, should he tell him about Wilbur placing back the button? Should he tell him that he and Tubbo are planning to run away? Quackity has been through a whole ton today and Tommy didn't feel like making him more stressed out than he already is.

"I just wanted to make sure that Wilbur, y'know, didn't make another button and press it behind our backs" Tommy muttered out, by the corner of his eyes he sees Quackity nodding his head gently.

"He wouldn't Tommy, the three of us already made a plan earlier where I confront Schlatt. Blowing up L'manberg would be plan C" Quackity reminded with a proud smile, unfortunate for him he doesn't know what's coming ahead of him. Tommy could just feel the guilt crawling up his shoulders, he didn't want to leave Quackity, especially not after just recruiting him into Pogtopia and gaining his trust. Leaving Pogtopia right after Quackity joins in would be a bit of a dick move.

Tommy and Quackity entered inside the entrance of Pogtopia and walked down the long staircase, the two can just faintly hear laughs coming from downstairs and some good smelling pork chops. Tommy and Quackity are already licking their lips at the image of the delicious food, they made their way downstairs and see Tubbo, Niki and Wilbur together just eating and joking around. The atmosphere looked happy which Tommy was very thankful of.

"Hey guys! I finally got Big T here with me" Quackity called out, everyone took their attention to Tommy as they all smiled happily at his arrival. Tubbo wrapped his arm around Tommy's shoulder while giving him a piece of pork chop.

"Here, Tommy! Have some pork chop, they're really good and they're made by Niki" Tubbo pointed towards Niki who chuckled before taking another bite of her cooked pork chop, Tommy smiled and took the pork chop from Tubbo, the pork chop was a little hot for Tommy's hand but he was still able to hold it. Tommy didn't seem to pay attention towards the jokes and the laughs the group was making, all the loud sound seems like a blur to him, like he was going deaf. Tommy looms up from the pork chop and onto Wilbur who looked as though nothing has happened, he looks like the same crazy guy he is, Tommy wonders if Wilbur found out that Tommy destroyed the button.

"Me and Niki are planning to get a pet pig and bees, what do you guys think?" Tubbo asked the three men, Quackity seemed like he was pretty cool with it considering his answer was only a shrug and a smile, Tubbo looks over at Wilbur but his big smile faltered slightly as he remembers what Tommy has said to him a few hours ago.

"I don't mind it if you get a pet pig or pet bees, why'd you have to ask us anyways? You're like an actual child, Tubbo" Wilbur snickered before grabbing a glass of water and drinking it, Tubbo only chuckled nervously but he did just realize his weird childish behavior is showing, but I mean he's Tubbo. Tubbo then looks over at his closest friend who he had wrapped his arm around in, waiting for an answer from him. But once Tubbo saw Tommy's quiet demeanor he knew that something wasn't right.

"Tommy? How about you?" Tubbo asked his friend with a smile, even though he knew that Tommy doesn't feel okay he just had to cover him up from the others and pretend that he was. Tommy jerked his head and looked up at Tubbo, finally realizing the situation he was currently in, Tommy didn't even remember what question his friend had asked him which was very unfortunate.

"Uh sorry um, Tubbo have you gotten ready yet? Y'know with the stuff?" Tommy questioned while his entire gloomy side completely changed, Tubbo stuttered out for a bit but can only nod his head.

"Oh yeah I'm done with the stuff" Tubbo said awkwardly, the three other people in front of them all raised their eyebrow while starting to question what made the two teenagers act so weirdly out of nowhere.

"What stuff?" Wilbur squinted his eyes while starting to feel a little suspicion of the two boys, he took a few steps closer towards them and instantly both Tommy and Tubbo's heart starts beating ten times faster out of their chests, the two still poorly struggling to make up an excuse to hide their secret.

"Um, drugs, yeah we're uh exchanging drugs. It's a teenager thing you won't get it" Tubbo said which made Tommy chuckle, he would probably laugh harder if he wasn't in a nerve racking situation like this, the two boys had nothing else to do but to slowly take a few steps back from the three people with nervous smiles.

"Hey uh me and Tubbo need to talk about something, y'know like what Tubbo said, drugs, we need to do drugs real quick so we'll be right back" Tommy excused himself along with Tubbo while they both had awkward smiles on their lips, the three other people gave them questionable looks that really expresses their confusion of the boys, Quackity muttered out a long and unsure 'Okay'. And with that, the two boys walked up the stairs and onto a different room of Pogtopia, a little platform place just near the spiraling stone staircase that is quite far away from where Wilbur, Niki and Quackity were at so they couldn't hear them. The two boys looked around just to make sure that no one would he able to hear them talk to eachother.

"Are you done packing up, Tubbo?" Tommy asked with his voice slightly above a whisper while looking at Tubbo's pockets on his suit with the green tie, Tommy absolutely hated that suit since it always reminded him of Tubbo being on Schlatt's side.

"Yeah, yeah I think I have everything I need. But Tommy are you sure you want to leave this place? We have Niki and Quackity they seem like really nice people that care for us a lot" Tubbo said with a frown, he waited for a response from his friend in front of him. And to be honest, Tommy doesn't know what to do anymore, he wanted to leave L'manberg and forget it ever existed for good but he also didn't want to leave the people he trusted behind.

Quackity? He seems nice enough and trustworthy, but Tommy still doesn't know if Quackity just so happens to be a spy from Schlatt, and since it's been awhile since the both of them had talked and actually worked together it still felt a little weird around Quality. As for Niki, Tommy thinks that maybe Niki can be working together with Wilbur with the bombs, but Tommy did notice how heartbroken and damaged Niki looked when Tommy told her about how Wilbur has changed from the past week. All Tommy ever wanted was peace and no more trust issues and betrayals, the only person that Tommy trust with his whole heart and soul is Tubbo. He is his number one priority and if anything happens to Tubbo it happens to Tommy as well, as cheesy as it sounds.

"I don't fucking know anymore Tubbo. Fine, I'll admit all these things I've been feeling lately for the past months okay? Truth is I'm tired, and I'm stressed out with all these wars and fights and losing friends, seeing you getting murdered in public by Schlatt was terrifying to me, I don't want to have to witness something like that again" Tommy rubs both of his tired eyes as he started getting another headache, Tubbo caresses Tommy's upper arm up and down while he whispers quiet 'Okay, okay's to him. It was here where Tubbo found out that Tommy must have developed trust issues with people around him, and that Tubbo was the only one that Tommy truly did believe in.

This was a much different side that Tubbo has ever seen Tommy in, for once the blond British boy showed his friend what he's been going through, who knows how long Tommy has had all these feelings bottled up for.

"I know it's not very manly of me to 'Show my emotions' and shit like that, stuff like this really isn't my style" Tommy shrugged, already beginning to feel awkward after just blabbering out his emotions to his closest friend, but deep inside that awkward feeling was a little bit of comfort ness.

"Aw don't worry man, I'm glad you told me about this or I wouldn't have known. After this we can get our horse and gallop out of here, should we?" Tubbo patted his shoulder while warmly smiling at the blond boy in front of him, Tommy wouldn't want to admit it for the world but after second of venting to Tubbo it was honestly the greatest feeling he's ever felt in a long time, maybe it wasn't so bad afterall. But he's still Tommy, he'll act as manly as possible no matter how many times people will remind him he's a child.

It was already very quiet around the entire world, the only sounds you can hear are the crickets and the sounds of hungry mobs outside. Tommy sneaked up the stairs of Pogtopia with all the important items he needed in his inventory, he had to make extra sure that no one was around so he wouldn't get caught, he's even prepared an excuse to when he does get caught. Tommy has already looked around Pogtopia to make sure everyone was asleep, he heard Quackity loudly snoring from the other end of the hall which made Tommy not have to check on him since the answer is already obvious, Tommy checked Niki and she was calmly sleeping on her bed, then Tommy checked Wilbur which he had prayed to the lord and Dresus that Wilbur is asleep, and fortunately he was! Wilbur slept against a chest with his beanie over his eyes.

Tommy didn't know where Technoblade was though, he doesn't sleep in Pogtopia, in fact nobody knows where he sleeps, he'll just disappear at night and then come back in the morning which is pretty accurate for a guy like him, Techno didn't even join in to eat pork chop earlier. But Tommy brushed it off and figured there was no way Techno would find out, Tommy then went into private chat and texted Tubbo hoping that he didn't accidentally fell asleep.

'Im near the horse, come here quick'

Tommy then woke up Techno's horse again and decided to feed him some hay just before the journey so that they don't get tired halfway. As Tommy pets the horse's mane he started thinking again about Niki and Quackity, since those two seem to be the people that Tommy trusts the most after Tubbo. Tommy couldn't just leave them here to fight on their own, but then again they are older than him and probably more stronger so they wouldn't have a problem if Tommy left, right?

But still, Tommy felt a little bit guilty just leaving them here randomly without a proper goodbye, so the blond boy decided to do the manliest and poggiest thing he could ever do before he leaves. He rips out a blank piece of paper from a book in his inventory and some coal, Tommy began writing on the paper using the coal as best as he can, the handwriting looks a little messy but it's the best he could do since he doesn't have a pencil or pen.

Dear Everyone,

Once you wake up in the morning you might be wondering where me and Tubbo went, we sadly realize that we have surrendered on trying to take L'manberg back, we apologize greatly for this unexpected news and we understand if you aren't happy with us, but we plan on building a new L'manberg somewhere thousands of blocks away from here, if we're lucky maybe we can come back and get you. In the meantime, stay strong Big Man, Tubbo and I care for you all, stay safe.

                        From Your Obedient Servant,
                                    T. Innit

"Are you ready to go?" Tubbo's voice was heard behind Tommy, the blond boy turns around and sighs before looking back at the letter he wrote, he crouched down inside the hole of where Techno's horse was and placed the letter there right on the dirt, hopefully the letter wouldn't fly away or the coal wouldn't be brushed off from the paper.

"What's that?" Tubbo asks when he had just noticed the letter being placed down, Tommy stood up from crouching with one last look at the letter before he turns his head to Techno's horse and climbs up to sit on the saddle.

"A farewell letter," Tommy paused as he controls the horse to climb up the hole, he can hear Tubbo muttering a sad 'Oh' as he looks down at the letter as well with mournful eyes. Tubbo also wanted to say goodbye to everyone by giving them a warm hug or at least talk to them face to face just one last time but by now it's probably too late for that.

"Anyway, come on we need to hit the road" Tommy informed before reaching out his arm out towards Tubbo, the brown haired boy grabbed onto the blond boy's hand and climbed up the horse and sat behind him. Tommy and Tubbo took one last look at the entrance of Pogtopia knowing that their friends were softly sleeping down there without a clue of what's going on, and also a look at L'manburg. It wasn't even L'manburg anymore, who knows what it is now. Then the young fellows looked at one another with piercing eyes as a way of asking 'Are you ready?' To each other. Tubbo was the first to nod his head at Tommy, and with that Tommy got a hold of the bridle and controlled the horse.

The horse then slowly galloped away from the secret Pogtopia entrance and deeper into the woods and the thick trees, while also carrying two lonely children on it's back.

(Art above belongs to @hollowjackals in Instagram!"


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