She's Mistreated|| K. Bakugo...

By DekuandKacchan99

408K 10.2K 10.9K

Y/N is the daughter of the villain Dabi, and is determined to move past her father's expectations. She runs a... More

{*} ~ Character Backgrounds ~
{1} ~ The League's Night Out ~
{2} ~ Daddy's Little Girl ~
{3} ~ Little Flame Runs Away ~
{4} ~ Deku ~
{5} ~ UA and the Exam ~
{6} ~ Class 1-A ~
{8} ~ Midoriya Vs. Bakugo ~
{9} ~ The Bus Ride and the USJ ~
{10} ~ Training for the Sports Festival ~
{11} ~ The UA Sports Festival ~
{12} ~ The Calvary Battle ~
{13} ~ Midoriya Vs. Shinsou ~
{14} ~ Y/N Vs. Tokoyami ~
{15} ~ Bakugo Vs. Uraraka ~
{16} ~ Todoroki's Tragic Backstory ~
{17} ~ Midoriya Vs. Todoroki ~
{18} ~ Iida Vs. Shiozaki ~
{19} ~ Bakugo Vs. Y/N ~
{20}~ Todoroki Vs. Bakugo ~
{21} ~ One Sided ~
{22} ~ F-friend? ~
{23} ~ Choosing Hero Names ~
{24} ~ Leaving for Internships ~
{25} ~ Hosu City Up in Flames ~
{26} ~ Stain ~
{27} ~ The Aftereffects ~
{28} ~ What the hell was that ? ~
{29} ~ Taking it Slow ~
{30} ~ Practical Partners ~
{31} ~ Team Midoriya and Bakugo ~
{32} ~ Shopping with 1-A ~
{33} ~ We meet again little one ~
{34} ~ What is Love ? ~
{35} ~ Freestyle Swimming with 1-A ~
{36} ~ Summer Camp Fun ~
{37} ~ A Test of Courage ~
{38} ~ The Midoriya's are Heroes ~
{39} ~ No matter the Cost ~
{40} ~ Protect Katsuki Bakugo ~
{41} ~ Touya Todoroki ~
{42} ~ Operation rescue Katsuki Bakugo ~
{43} ~ All Might Vs. AFO ~
{44} ~ Trust ~
{45} ~ It's Over ! ~
{46} ~ She's Mistreated ~
{47} ~ A Villian's Daughter ~
{48} ~ Phoenix Flame-Burn ~
{49} ~ Provisional Licenes Exam ~
{50} ~ Shindo Vs. Y/N ~
{51} ~ Shishikura Vs . Bakugo ~
{52} ~ Protect and Save ~
{53} ~ Katsuki Knows ~
{54} ~ Izuku Midoriya Vs. Katsuki Bakugo ~
{55} ~ House Arrests ~
{56} ~ Mirio Togata ~
{57} ~ I Love You ~
{58} ~ Overhaul the Young Leader ~
{59} ~ Work Studies ~
{60} ~ Phoenix, Red Riot, Suneater, and Fat ~
{61} ~ Future Heroes Red and Pheonix ~
{62} ~ Night Eye, Ryukyu, and Fat ~
{63} ~ Top Secret Mission ~
{64} ~ Tamaki Amajiki Suneater ~
{65} ~ Eijiro Kirishima Red Riot ~
{66} ~Y/N Midoriya-Todoroki Pheonix ~
{67} ~ Mirio Togata Lemillion ~
{68} ~ Izuku Midoriya Deku ~
{70} ~ Goodbye Sir Nighteye ~
{69} ~ Eri the Cursed Child ~
{71} ~ Pheonix's Flaming Heart ~
{72} ~ Fish Turd Delinquents ~
{73} ~ Dynamight's Advice ~
{74} ~ Remember to Smile ~
{75} ~ Katsuki Kills the Drums ~
{76} ~ Eri visits UA ~
{77} ~ Mission Make Eri Smile ~
{78} ~ Surprise Guests ~
{79} ~ This is not a drill ~
{80} ~ Dinner Invitation ~
{81} ~ Making Amends ~
{82 } ~ Hitoshi Shinsou ~
{83} ~ Shinsou's start line ~
{84} ~ Shinsou has Moves ! ~
{85} ~ Class A plus Shinsou Win!!! ~
~ A/N ~
{86} ~ Brother's of Darkness ~
{87} ~ Always looking ahead ~
{88} ~ Start talking you damn nerd! ~
{89} ~ Half of Sho's Strength ~
{90} ~ Sho's Exceptional Abilities ~
{91} ~ Surpassing the Limits ~
{92} ~ Our Bakugo ~
{93} ~ Become the #1 Hero ~
~ A/N ~
{94} ~ Blackwhip ~
{95} ~ A New Power ~
{96} ~ Congratulations Katsu and Sho ~
{97} ~ Merry Christmas Firefly ~
{98} ~ Off to Endeavor 's Agency ~
{99} ~ One Thing ~
{100} ~ Hellish Todoroki Family ~
{101} ~ Monster ~
{102} ~ Dying of Laughter Part 1 ~
{103} ~ Dying of Laughter Part 2 ~
{104} ~ Happy New Year ~
{105} ~ Cheers to New Beginnings ~
~ A/N ~
{106} ~ 2nd Year Ships ~
{107} ~ Heroes Assemble ~
{108} ~ Chargebolt's Heart ~
{109} ~ Keigo Takami ~
{110} ~ Heroes Never Give Up ! ~
{111} ~ Reinforcements ~
{112} ~ Awakened ~
{113} ~ We meet again little one Pt.2 ~
{114} ~ Disaster Awaits ~
{115} ~ One Last Time ~
{116} ~ Protect The Ones You Love ~
{117} ~ Turn this anger into Power ~
{118} ~ Katsuki Bakugo : Rising Pt.1 ~
{119} ~ Katsuki Bakugo:Rising Pt. 2 ~
~ A/N ~

{7} ~ Hero Costumes My Hero ~

10.2K 211 405
By DekuandKacchan99

Bakugo's POV ~

What the hell was that , if he had a quirk he would've gotten it when we were kids. This is impossible he's just a quirkless loser .

"I'm getting to the bottom of this. Hey Deku you bastard tell me how did you do that or your dead . " I yelling running towards the damn nerd.

" Ahhhhhh"  He screamed.


"What why the hell is your damn scarf so strong ? " I said struggling to break free.

"Because it's a capture weapon made our of carbon fiber and special metal aloy . Stand down . " Mr. Aizawa said.

Grrrrr until the exam he was nothing a little bug I could crush if I wanted to . Just an annoying bug that I can smash into the ground .

Your POV ~

The results are in and Mr. Aizawa ranked all of you from best to worse , and a scoreboard with everyone's results are shown.

1st ~ Momo Yaoyrozu
2nd ~ Shoto Todoroki
3rd ~ Katsuki Bakugo
4th ~ Tenya Iida
5th ~ Fukimage Tokoyami
6th ~ Mezo Shoji
7th~ Eijiro Kirishima
8th~ Mina Ashido
9th~ Ochako Uraraka
10th ~ Y/N Midoriya
11th~ Koji Koda
12th~ Rikido Sato
13th~ Tsu Asui
14th~ Yuga Aoyama
15th~Hanta Sero
16th~ Denki Kaminari
17th~Mashirao Ojiro
18th~ Kyoka Jiro
19th ~ Toru Hagakure
20th ~ Izuku Midoriya

You glance and notice your name is tenth place after Uraraka and you can't help but think " At least I made top ten, but poor Izuku . " You are pulled out of your thoughts when you notice Bakugo smirking at you.

"And I was lying no one is going home , that was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests." Mr. Aizawa said with a smile.

"I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out sorry guess I probably should've said something. " A pretty girl with a ponytail said.

" Yes you should have ." The class exclaimed. 

"Class is over for the day pick up a Syllabus before you leave and read it over before class tommrow. "  Mr. Aizawa said.

~ The next day ~

Present Mic teaches English class in the mornings an extremely boring grammar session. Then it's lunch and in the afternoon it's finally time for Hero basic training .

" I . Am. Here coming through the door like a hero ." All Might said announcing his presence. 

" Whoa . I can't belive it's really All Might . So he really is a teacher this year . "A red haired boy said.

"Let's get into it today's lesson will pull no punches." All Might says.

"Fight training! " Katsuki exclaimed. 

"Real combat ?" Izuku said.

"But one of the keys of being hero is ... Looking good these were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started. Get yourselves suited up and meet me at training ground beta . " He said .

"Yessir!!!! "

You get up from your sit and head to grab your costume and head to the locker room.

"Hey Y/N are you ready for combat training today ?" A purple haired girl said.

" Yeah I am and you are? " You said with a smile.

" Oh sorry , I'm Kyoka Jiro." She said extending a hand.

" It's nice to meet you ." You said shaking her hand.

" You too, Y/N ." She said with a smile.

You open the suitcase and take a look at your hero costume.

You finish putting on your hero costume and put your hair (h/c) in a side french braid and you can't help but feel cute in your costume as you head out to ground beta.

~ My Hero ~

You and the girls join the rest of class 1-A and check out the other costume designs and one in particular catches your attention. 

Y/N's POV~

Damn Kacchan looks hot in that tight sleeveless tanktop, and baggy pants . Not to mention you can see his muscles perfectly, and that jagged mask really complements his beautiful crimson eyes. Did I j-just call him hot ? And his eyes beautiful? The hell is wrong with me ?

Stop checking him out !

He's your bestfriend Y/N!

Snap out of it!

Bakugo's POV~

Damn Y/n looks fucking amazing in that skintight bodysuit . She looks beautiful, yet sexy at the at the same time. Damnit ! Did I just call her beautiful ? And sexy ? The hell is going on with me ?

Stop checking her out!

She's your bestfriend Katsuki!

Snap out of it!

Your POV ~

" They say that clothes make the pros young ladies and gentleman and behold you are the proof . Take this to heart from now on you are all hero all heroes in training. Now should we get started you bunch of newbies. Now that your ready it's time for combat training ." All Might said with his hands on his hips.

"Sir will you be the one deciding who wins?"  Pretty girl with a ponytail asked.

"How much can we hurt the other team ?" Katsuki asked.

" I wasn't finish talking !!"  All Might says.

~ The training Excerise ~

All Might pulls a script out and begins explaining how the combat training excerise is going to work . Next he chooses the teams by drawing lots. You got team J and start walking towards two boys . One has spiky red hair, while the other is in a black and yellow suit.

" Hey I'm Eijiro Kirishima, and this is Hanta Sero it's nice to meet you." A red haired boy said with a smile.

" Nice to meet you both , I'm Y/N." You said with a smile.


"I declare that the first two teams to fight will be these guys ."


"Team A will be the Heroes "

"Team D will be the Villians "

"Everyone else head on in to the monitoring room to watch. " All Might said.

"Yessir. "

Y/N's POV~

I can only imagine how Izuku must be feeling right now , he's up against Kacchan. This will not end well , their gonna kill each other .

Bakugo's POV ~

Damn it of course I had to be up against that damn nerd . He's nothing but a quirkless loser , I'm gonna roast that damn nerd today.

~ Back to reality ~

All Might gives the four of them a map of the building , capture tape, and a radio . Then he tells Bakugo and Iida their role as the villans. The villans have fight minutes to set up before the heroes are let loose and the match will begin.

" All right let's begin the indoor combat training Team A and Team D you time starts now !!" All Might yelled over the intercom.

" Pay attention kids , think about what you do ." He continued. 

You all watch as Uraraka and Izuku walk into the building , when suddenly Kacchan jumps out and lunges a surprise attack at them . They managed to dodge it , and smoke appeared from the impact.

" Sneak attack Bakugo, what kind of man pulls cheap crap like that." Kirishima said.

" It's a viable strategy he's playing the part, acting like a true villan would. "  all Might pointed out.

" Kacchan certainly is acting like a villain." You thought to yourself as you return your attention back to the monitor and see Kacchan lunging at Izuku with a right hook. He dodges him , grabs his arm and slams him into the ground.

Third person POV ~

Izuku shows off some amazing dodging skills against Kacchan leaving class 1-A stunned . Who will win the heroes or the villans ?

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