you need to be quiet Curly ♡...

By Larrys_left_shoe

92.2K 2.3K 3K

(BOOK ONE) First they have to hide their relationship because Louis isn't ready to come out then they have to... More

☆twenty one☆
☆twenty two☆
☆twenty three☆
☆twenty four☆
☆twenty five☆
☆twenty six☆
☆twenty seven☆
☆twenty eight☆
☆twenty nine☆
☆thirty one☆
☆thirty two☆
☆thirty three☆

☆thirty four☆

2.4K 50 115
By Larrys_left_shoe

Harry ran down the stairs and out the house as quickly as he would. Running to Louis' house. Just as he was about to knock on the door the door swung open and Louis through himself into Harry's arms.

Louis wrapped his legs around Harry and Harry held on to him tightly. "I missed you so much" Louis rushed out as his lips made there way to Harry's. "I've missed you more" Harry said his lips still pressed against Louis' causing them to both laugh.

"I love you so much, don't want to be away from you" Harry said as he walked into Louis' house not putting him down. Jay came out to see what all the noise was "ah Harry its nice to see you again" Jay smiled. All of louis' sisters came running down the stairs and said hello to Harry hugging him even though louis was still wrapped around his body.

"Are you going to put Louis down at any point?" Lottie asked. "No, I don't think I will" Harry said holding him even tighter as Louis rests his head on Harry's shoulder. "They cute" phoebe laughed.

They all stood and talked to Harry for a while until Louis said that they were going to go up to his room. Harry walked up the stairs and to Louis' room without letting go of him. He went and laid on Louis' bed and Louis stayed on top of him as they just cuddled each other in silence.

"Did you somehow get even more beautiful in the last day" Louis said looking up at Harry and bringing his hands up to his curls to play with them. Harry blushed "Louis, your so amazing, I love you" he smiled, they both just looked into each others eyes, they didn't know what to do or what to say but it was just so perfect when they were together.

"Dinners ready Boobear!" Jay called from downstairs. Harry and Louis jumped up at the sound, had they really just spent the entire day doing nothing but hug each other. They looked at each other and laughed. "Call me tonight" Louis said as they walked towards the door.

"Of course, tomorrow when me and my family come round do you think I can stay with you, I'm really hating sleeping without you" Harry said as they hugged each other once again. "You could stay here forever if you wanted to" Louis said. "I wish I could" Harry smiled softly. "Well we can get a house after we've finished the x-factor tour" Louis said. Harry nodded and kissed him.

"I'll see you tomorrow curly" Louis said as Harry walked slowly walked away, walking backwards so him and Louis could look at each other for as long as possible.


Harry and his family walked around the shops for ages just wasting time before they were going to the Tomlinson's house for dinner later.

"I'm going to go buy Louis something for our anniversary next week" Harry said as they walked towards the food place. His family nodded and found a place to eat while Harry ran off to look for something to get him.

Harry would spend all the money he had on Louis but he knew that wouldn't be something Louis liked because it wouldn't be special to them so Harry had to try and find something with so much meaning.

For Christmas he wrote Louis a song, since then they had wrote a few other ones together, Harry had to admit Louis was amazing and coming up with lyrics, he just seemed so effortlessly talented.

He walked past a jewellery shop he had already got Louis the rope necklace with Angel wings on it so didn't want to get him another necklace but decided to go in and see if he could find anything else.

After a while of looking around, and a long conversation with the nice old lady working at the counter he walked out of that shop with a small bag, he was very happy with the gift and hoped Louis would love it.

He then went and brought another book similar to the one that he wrote the song in as he wanted to make a photo album full of pictures of them, he thought he would do this every year for them, it would be a great thing to have in the future when their grandchildren come over and they can show them what they were like when they were younger and all the stuff they did.

For god sakes Harry grandchildren?!?!? Theres no way Louis will put up with you for that long Harry thought to himself feeling sad. He tried to shake these thoughts from his head and walked off towards the food place to meet up with his family.

Later that's night they drove to Louis' house. Harry practically flew out the car and up the path to the door. Louis open the door and they held on to each other as if they hadn't seen each other in years even tho it had literally been less that 24 hours since they had last seen each other.

"Hi, Anne it's great to see you again" Jay said coming out and hugging her. They all said hello and went inside. They spent the even all just talking and laughing. Jay and Anne both went on and on about all the embarrassing stuff Harry and Louis had done in their lives. The two of them just slowly died inside wishing they could just disappear.

All of Louis' siblings went off to sleep as it got later and Anne, Robin and Gemma all left around 11:30. "Do you two want to watch a film with us or are you just going to go to Boobears room" Jay asked. "I don't mind" Harry said "I guess we can watch a film" Louis said. Jay smiled and went into the kitchen to get snacks. Mark went up to his and Jay's room just to go to bed as he was tired from work.

"Harry what's your favourite film" Jay asked. "The notebook" Harry said "oh Harry that's such a good film, it's so good, you have great taste, let's watch it" Jay said she found the film and started playing it. She got up and grabbed a box of tissues from the table "I'm going to need these" she said. Louis laughed, "so will Harry" he said.

They watched the film with Louis laying on Jay and then Harry cuddle Louis, it was all very cute. By the end Jay was in floods of tears, as was Harry. Louis chuckled at the state they were both in but hugged them both.

"Right, night boy. No sex tonight okay, I don't need to be kept awake" she said as she walked out the room to go to bed. Louis groaned face palming and Harry laughed. "Your mum is great" Harry said. "I do love her so much" Louis smiled shyly. Harry smiled and kissed Louis, he absolutely adored the fact that Louis loved his family so much, it was beautiful.

It had been a long day and Harry was getting rather sleepy so just laid his head down on Louis' shoulder. "Aww curly baby are you tired" Louis whispered fondly while stroking Harry's curls. Harry just whined like a little child pushing his head closer to louis' hands.

"C'mon let's get you to bed" Louis said. Harry didn't move Louis sighed "you want me to carry you don't you" Louis said. Harry nodded slowly, Louis slid out from under Harry and stood up before picking Harry up and carrying him up the stairs and to his room.

He placed Harry on the bed and Louis took his top and trousers off "are you just going sleep in your clothes" Louis chuckled looking at Harry, Harry shook his head "you take off for me" Harry said sleepily. Louis walked over and took Harry's top and trousers off for him and then Harry fell back on to the bed, Louis pulled the cover over him and then went and got in to the bed next to him.

"Night curly, I love you" Louis said hugging Harry tightly "I love you" Harry whispered as he fell asleep.

They woke up in each others arms "this is so much better than the last two mornings" Harry said. "I want to wake up next to you every day of my life" Louis said.


The next few days Harry and Louis just spent their time going between each others houses, they just didn't want to spend the nights apart.

They woke up at Louis' house on October 28th. "Happy one year anniversary curly" Louis smiled. "Happy one year, I love you so much" Harry smiled in return. They both laid there for the next twenty minutes saying "I love you" then kissing each other and then just repeating that process over and over again.

"So what are we doing today curly?" Louis asked as they both got dressed. "Hmm it's a surprise" Harry smiled. Louis rolled his eyes "that's not fair" he pouted Harry just walked over to him and kissed him before they both walked downstairs together.

"Ah I can't believe it's been a year since you two got together" Jay cried as they walked I to the kitchen, she flung her arms around then hugging them both. "You two are so cute together" she smiled stepping back.

"Let me get a picture" she said, Louis groaned knowing that when his mum said picture it actually meant pictures, lots and lots of pictures. She took lots of them just standing together and then she started instructing them to do cute poses together. Daisy and phoebe came into the room and Harry picked them both up getting them in the pictures.

They all just had a laugh and took crazy photos together. Jay looked through them all and found one that Mark had taken of all them standing together and Harry and Louis were in the middle just looking at each other, she smiled and made a mental note to get that one printed and framed.

"Okay we are going out now, I'll see you tomorrow mum" Louis said going over and hugging her and then the rest of his family, Harry also did the same because at this point they were literally his family as well.

They walked down the road holding hands. "So which why" Louis said as they got to the end of his road. "This way" Harry instructed as he pulled him across the road. They ended up in front of the cafe that they had gone to the morning after Harry had first stayed at Louis'.

They walked in and the waiter smiled "Hi Harry, Hey Lou" she said. It was great for them to be back with people who knew them, the real them and not just the fans even though they did love meeting fans it was just nice to be back with people who think of them as normal people.

"This table is for you, and here are your pancakes" she said, taking them to the table at the back that had flowers in the middle and lots of decorations and already had plates of pancakes and toppings laid out. "Thanks" Harry said handing the waitress money for it all.

"Harry you didn't have to do all of this for me" Louis said as they sat down. "I know but I love you and i want this day to be so great" Harry said looking at all the food infront of them.

"Urgh i feel so fat" Harry said leaning back in his chair patting his stomach. Louis glared at him "your stomach is coming flat, it's so unfair" Louis said poking the small bit of fat he had on his stomach, he hated it he didn't understand why Harry said he loved it so much.

They finished their breakfast and then walked outside, a lot slower that they walked in tho as they were now so full, they felt like penguins just waddling around.

"I have presents for you, so I'm going to give them to you now" Harry said as they began walk to his house. "I have stuff for you as well, they are also at your house" Louis said. "How is it at my house?" Harry questioned. "I have my ways" Louis said, Harry just lightly hit Louis and the two of them continued walking holding each others hands.

"How are you two?" Anne asked as they walked into the house. "We're good" Harry said. "My mum took loads of pictures earlier she said she was going to send them to you later, I personally suggest just turning your phone off or it might literally vibrate itself of the table with the amount she'll send you" Louis laughed.

"I bet they are all really cute" Anne smiled. "We are going to my room now mum, bye!" Harry said pulling Louis up the stairs. "Okay, bye then" Anne called up the stairs.

"Okay so, I don't know if you'll like what I got but I really hope you do" Harry said nervously as he got onto the floor and reached under his bed. He pulled out a bag. "Harry, baby I will love anything you give me" Louis smiled.

Harry took a smaller bag out of the bigger bag. "Okay so this one is kinda for both you and me" Harry said quietly hanging over the box that was in that bag. Louis opened the box and inside was a gold ring one part of it had a engraved hole in it. "This is beautiful Harry, but why is it for both me and you?" Louis asked.

Harry got up and moved over to the drawer next to his bed. He opened it up and pulled out a ring, it was thinner than Louis ring and had a small diamond on it. He put it on and walked back and sat next to Louis who had put his on.

He then put his hand under Louis and the diamond on the top of his ring fitted perfectly to the engraved circle on the bottom of Louis ring. Louis closed his hand around Harry's. "I love it" Louis smiled. "Really?" Harry questioned hopefully. "I really love it" he said leaning over and kissing Harry.

"Okay so this one I made myself" Harry said handing Louis the bag. He pulled out the book and began to look through it, looking at all the pictures of them together and all the writing Harry had done in it. "I was thinking I would make you one every year" Harry whispered. "I would really love that" Louis said looking to the side.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked. "Uh nothing" Louis said. Harry smiled "are you crying?" He asked. "No!" Louis said folding his arms. Harry put two fingers under Louis' chins and turned his face back round to see tears dropping from Louis' eyes.

Harry whipped them away with his hands and then kissed Louis "I love you so much curly, I don't think you understand how much you mean to me" Louis said. "Well if its anywhere near as much as how much you mean to me then I have some idea" Harry said.

Louis got up and walked over to Harry's wardrobe, he lifted up the pile of hoodies just covering the bottom of it to reveal a bag. "How did I not know that was there" Harry said. "Because you never tidy anything in your wardrobe" Louis chuckled. That was very correct, everything in Harry's room was kept tidy apart from his wardrobe it was just an absolute mess of clothes.

Louis handed Harry the bag and inside there was a picture frame with a picture of them:

"That's a cute picture" Harry said. "Yeah, it's from the hotel we went to the night of the talent show, the night we first you know" Louis said. "I remember" Harry smiled thinking about it, it was only 3 months ago but it felt like a lift time ago, it was before they even knew they were getting loads of views on YouTube.

"Look on the back" Louis said, Harry turned the frame around. On the back was a note.

Dear curly,

I love you, I just love you so much. I don't think you understand how much I love you, I don't think I even understand how much I love you.

I was never with a guy before I was with you, I had meaningless relationships with girls and I never even knew how to feel in love but you made me fall so hard.

I really regret not talking to you sooner, I've only been speaking to you for a year and a month but I've been wishing for that for the last 6 years.

You are so beautiful Harry, I don't understand why you don't see it, your eyes are amazing I could just look into them all day every day. Your lips are just so addictive I always just want to kiss you. Your hair, oh my your hair, it's just the most perfect thing in the world, I love every single one of your curls, they are the definition of perfection.

I'm so glad we are achieving our life dreams together, it's so great to be able to share this experience with the guy I'm truly madly deeply in love with.

I know things aren't great as we can't be open together but I promise, I swear on my life that I will make it so that one day everyone will know how much I love you even if it's not until 2020 or some other far away year.

I promise that I will love you for the rest of my life and I hope you'll always love me back.

Whether we are together or apart, I will always, always be here for you and love you.

You'll always be my Hazza.

I love you,

Louis ♡

Harry read every word so carefully, he cried just like Louis had done. "I love you" he cried wrapping his arms around him so tightly.

He placed the picture frame right next to him bed and then they laid down together. "We have another hour before we need to go to the dinner I planned, you want to have a bit of fun" Louis said. Harry smirked and pulled Louis on top of him.


They walked into the restaurant and sat down. They had a wonderful meal together and they just talked about the last year and all their favourite moments and all the stuff that want to do this year.

Once they got back to Harry's house they went straight up to his room and fell asleep in each others arms. Together just like they were supposed to be.

One year together.

Many more to come.


Okay so this is technically the end of this book but it's no the end of the story. I'll explain in the next uploaded.

Love k xx

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