Eboys Oneshots

By Imallexx234529

7.1K 71 109

Just oneshots here! This is for small story ideas I don't want to make big. (boyxboy) TRIGGER WARNING AT SOM... More

ඞ Among Us-George × Alex ඞ
Unexpected-George × James
"you look pretty in skirts"-Will×Alex
Thigh-highs and Extras-Will×Alex
Its hard to say "I love you" (Will × Alex)
The end (of the Eboys) George × Alex

Pastel and Punk-George × Alex

1.2K 10 10
By Imallexx234529


Highschool AU

Third Person

Alex was told that a new kid would be showing up to school today. He was what people would describe a school shooter to be. He bullied people, hurt people, and was rude to everyone he passed. He didn't really care he just wanted to go to school, something he really enjoyed. He loved the idea of socializing and learning. His current favorite subject was music, he loved playing piano and ukulele. He was good at it too. He was nice to everyone and loved everyone. He tried to stick up for people that were getting bullied. He didn't like bullies.

The thing is, what would happen if he got bullied? It had never happened to him before. It was either, stick up for people and ignore them or ignore them and get beat. Either way, everyone liked Alex. It was a Monday. He woke up early and got ready so he could meet the new student. He put on a pastel yellow jumper with some black overalls and pastel yellow platform converse and headed out the door. He walked to school. On his way, he saw someone was somewhat going in the same direction. He assumed it was the new kid.

He was different though. Not happy in cheerful like most. He was in all black, walking alone. Alex ran across the street to him and stopped him.

"Where are you off to?"

"School? What's it to you?"

"So you must be the new student. Well, I'm Alex. I'd love to get to know you."

George scoffed. There was something different about Alex but George didn't know what. George had always been scared of making friends, he didn't know who he could trust. Alex was smiling until George pushed him on the ground with extreme force.

"Yeah I'm George and here's a little thing to know about me, I don't like people so don't try and fuck with me."


Alex sat there for a few seconds as George walked away. He got up and walked past George, sad. He couldn't stand up for himself, only others. He got there and went to his first class. It was over pretty quickly, he walked out of his class and to his locker. He saw George and ran toward him.

"I'm sorry if I bothered or annoyed you, I just wanted to be-"

"Just fuck off already I already said no!"

George punched Alex in the face, knocking him to the ground. His nose was gushing blood.

"Hope you got the message."

Two of Alex's friends, James and Will, came and helped him up to take him to the nurse. While they were walking Alex looked behind and made eye contact with George, those bright blue eyes, filled with sadness and despair.

"Andrews, we need to have a word."

George actually felt bad, a feeling never to be felt by him before. What was Alex doing to him? It'd been about an hour of knowing him and George felt a spark between him and Alex he didn't know how to deal with it. He kind of wanted to get to know Alex too but didn't know how to deal with it. Alex was the first person that tried to bring him in and welcome him.

"What do you think you were doing? Alex is our best student he means no harm. Weeks detention."

"Yeah fuck you."

"Make it two weeks?"

George walked out. It's good he got detention, he didn't like his parents anyways. Rich and never cared about him. He thought about going and checking on Alex but that wasn't him, he had a reputation he needed to protect.

The day passed fairly quickly, all of the students got dismissed. George walked past Alex, it was crowded, their hands brushed. George stopped and was just staring at his hand. It took him 5 minutes to realize everyone had started walking. He started running and stopped about halfway. He heard crying so looked around. It was Alex. He ran over to him.

"Is everything okay?"

'Stop this, don't be nice this isn't you.'

The only words that repeated in his head.

"Yeah, what happened to you wanting to be left alone."

"You seem sad, I'm sorry for what I did. I just never had anyone be nice to me really, I dont make friends easily"

'Stop you're breaking'

"Sorry won't help. I've never had someone do that to me. I don't want to talk again."

George felt so bad. He wanted to just hold Alex and make him feel okay. That wasn't him. How was he any different? Well, there were a lot of differences between Alex and everyone else. Alex never hurt anyone, he took everyone in, he was persistent on being friends with everyone. Alex was crying harder and harder as the seconds went on. George wrapped his arms around Alex and allowed him to cry into his shoulder. Alex wrapped his arms around George tight. This was unexpected by George. This couldn't happen again. George would go back to being an ass right after. Alex soon stopped crying and just held onto George. Alex released his grip and pulled away. George held his hands.

"Look, I am sorry. I really am. I just- overreacted I guess."

Alex looked George directly in the eyes and just smiled. In George's head he kept telling himself to not bother with Alex, its not worth it. He was being so nice to Alex or at least nice for him. He knew tomorrow he would go back to being an ass, did it have to be like that though? He was enjoying this. Having someone so nice and sweet.

"I really should be getting home. Thank you. And I can try to forgive you"

"We can walk together if you want."

"No its fine, you probably live far away."

"Im actually going in the same direction so it'll be fine."

"Oh, alright"

They walked and didn't say a word. Alex's hand kept brushing up against George's. George grabbed Alex's hand and intertwined it with his.

'Why are his hands so soft'

He thought. Alex didn't mind, he kind of enjoyed it. Alex stopped.

"I guess this is where we part ways."

"You live here?"

"Yeah I have for my whole life."

"So you're telling me I've lived across from you and never knew???"

"I guess-"

"Anyways, I enjoyed walking with you."

"The feeling is mutual."

George turned around and walked to his house across the street. He layed on his bed thinking what had just happened. The only feeling he could show was anger. He didn't know if this was love or what love even felt like. Meanwhile at Alex's house, love at first sight. He had never been with anyone, especially someone like George. It would be a challenge so he wanted to try it. The only problem is he didn't know George very well and didn't know if George was into boys. He didn't want to play hard to get. He wanted it to be easy and flow well. Love and lust, the only feelings he kept to himself. It would stay that way. He fell asleep smiling.

_______________ Day Two _______________

2nd day and Alex was even more excited to go back, he had George now. He quickly got out of bed, hopefully going to see George on the way. He put on a pastel pink turtle neck, some white jeans, and some white adidas. He walked out smiling. He didn't see George for about 5 minutes and when he did, he ran up and joined hands with him. George turned around and slapped him in the face, not expecting it to be him.


"First, ow. Second, why al?"

"I don't know. Short for Alex. What are you wearing-"

"Clothes. I'm wearing clothes."

"No I mean the style, it looks nice."

"Thank you"

Alex was still rubbing his face in pain so George kissed his cheek. Alex's face turned extremely red.

"What was that for???"

"I wanted to make it feel better."

Alex squeezed George's hand tighter and was just smiling the whole way there. Him and George parted ways and he joined Will and James.

"Well you seem a bit too happy, any reason?"

"Will I think I'm in love."

"With who?"

"The new kid, George."

"Alex don't do this, you must be joking. He isn't a good person."

"Yes he is. He's super sweet and caring."

"Really? Go ask him to hang out. See what he says."

"I'll do it right now."

Alex stood up from where he was sitting and walked over to George.

"Hey George, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime."

George sighed and mouthed an 'Im sorry'

"Fucking faggot, what makes you think I'd ever be friends with you."

"But y-"

Alex was really genuine and he thought George would be too. George cared about his reputation too much. George pushed Alex to the floor and started kicking him in the stomach, at one point he stomped on Alex's head. This was too much to handle. What happened to the sweet George, the one that told Alex he was going to be okay when he cried. George didn't care about Alex anymore, for some reason he felt the need to take his anger out. But what anger? He had no reason to be angry. His reputation couldn't get ruined over Alex. Alex curled up into a ball and layed there, everyone watched, everyone stopped caring, everyone left. All Alex could think about was the fake sorry George mouthed at him. All George was was a liar, manipulator, abuser. The school day ended. Alex got up and left in so much pain, mental and physical. George had caught up with him on the way.

"Alex wait up"



Alex turned around, tears in his eyes.

"What, here to hurt me some more?"

George sighed.

"I didn't mean anything by it, I have a reputation you know."

"You fucking kicked me in front of everyone! To think you cared was a pretty stupid assumption."

"No I do care Al."

"You don't, and don't call me that."

"Please forgive me."

George grabbed Alex's hand. Without hesitation, Alex ran. He ran back to his house and went straight to his room. He didn't want to go back, he didn't want to be seen. So he waited, 3 weeks.

They passed quicker than expected.

"Alex we have guests coming over, please be presentable. They'll be over in 45 minutes"

All Alex had done for those 3 weeks was lay in bed. Now he was wondering, who would be over? That was the least of his problems. Within that time, he started hurting himself. Really bad. He did 10 cuts each day on 1 arm. The other was clear, to show what he could've had. His arm was covered. Covered. He got in the shower, another 10. He enjoyed the look of the blood dripping down his arm. This was different than his old self, sweet and scared to be hurt. He didn't care. He got out and the blood still showed. He put on some black cargo pants and a bright yellow long sleeve crop-top. He didn't have much in this style but he had to "dress up". A knock at the door. Him, his mother, and father stood at the door and opened it. They all greeted eachother. Alex didn't know George would be over. He tried not to freak out. Tried not to let his emotions show. He was nearly going to cry. They all sat at the dinner table as their parents discussed furture business plans, they were going to partner up.

George saw red marks coming through Alex's sleeve, he was sitting across from Alex so he kicked Alex's leg. Alex looked up at him, tears in his eyes.

"I need to be excused to my room for a bit. I'll be back down shortly."


His mother said. George followed, his parents didn't care. Alex quickly ran upstairs and slammed his door. He sat on his bed crying. Full on sobbing. George entered his room and sat in front of him. Alex looked up.

"Didn't think you'd be here and decide to kick me some more."



Alex couldn't breathe. He just wanted to be held again, told everything was going to be okay.

"Sorry, Alex, the only reason I did that is because your sleeve."

"What abou- oh."

Alex pulled up his sleeve to see his arm was fully covered in blood. George's mouth hung open. So many. Too many. Alex quickly got up and grabbed a towel. He rubbed the blood off applying a lot of pressure, causing it to irritate the cuts and open up more. He ran to the bathroom and George followed.

"Al I didn't expect this from you. Why?"

"Stop calling me that."

"Answer my question."

"I don't have to, I don't mean anything to you obviously."

"Yes you do, please just answer."

"If you really want to know, I started doing it after you hurt me. I couldn't take the pain so fighting fire with fire was the only way to deal with it."

"I didn't hurt you that bad."

Alex was about to scream, he held it back and ran to his room. Once again, George followed.

"Stop following me, and yes you did."

"How did I hurt you so bad, I barely kicked you."

"First of all, yes you did. You stomped on my head. Second, there is something called emotional pain George. Something you don't know about."

"So you're just a baby about everything?"

Alex started to have a panic attack.

"That's not it at all."

"So what is it then?"

"Go away."

George moved closer.

"Fuck off George."

George tried to grab Alex's hand.


Alex covered his mouth. Did he really just admit his feelings to George? George just sat there staring.


"I fell for you. I barely knew you. You were nice to me and then only cared about yourself. If you care, you show it wherever you go, which you obviously don't."

Alex layed down.

"Al I never knew- I'm so sorry. I can't control my feelings. I-"

"Save it. I know tomorrow you'll say the same thing and then just go on and hit me again."

Alex got up with the last bit of strength he had and got out his window to climb on his roof. Once again, George followed. It was calming up there. It was cold out so it was nice. The wind brushed Alex's face, turning it a light pink colour. George sat next to him.

"I want to be friends Al"

"You sure have a bad way of showing it."

"Please give me another chance."

"I don't want to be hurt again."

George held Alex's hand tight.


Alex turned and looked at George. Without hesitation, George kissed him. Soft but passionate. He pulled away. Alex slightly smiled.

"As long as you promise not to pull that shit you did, I'll say yes."

"I promise. I really like you Alex. I will not hurt you again."

Alex leaned his head on George's shoulder.

"I do have one request."

"What would that be?"

"Well, two requests. One, stop hurting yourself. Please. And two, you say yes to being my boyfriend."

"Yes to both of those. The first one will be a bit harder but I'll try."

They stayed like that for a bit longer. Until it got too cold to stay out, they went in and fell asleep, spooning. Hours later, woken up to a loud alarm. Alex rolled over and was now facing George who had not been awake yet. Alex leaned in and kissed him, so he opened his eyes.

"Morning already?"

"Yeah, I don't want to be late to school I've missed enough days."

Alex sat up, George pulling him right back down.

"I don't want to go."

"You have to, get up."

Alex sat back up and so did George. Luckily, he lived across the street so he'd be able to get ready quickly. Alex started taking his clothes off and George just stared.

"Enjoying the show?"

"Mhm- Wait that's not fair"


"How the fuck do you have abs but you're so soft?"

"I take care of myself. Now go home and get ready."


George got up and walked over to Alex, kissing him on the neck. He then went back and got ready. Alex put on a white mini skirt, a pastel blue jumper, and some pastel blue converse. He walked outside looking at the ground, looking up to see George's jaw drop. He turned his head in confusion.


"You're so pretty al."

They walked hand in hand the whole way. Alex was wondering if George would let go when they got there. That arrived....he didn't let go.

"You didn't let go?"

"Why would I?"

"Well you did last time-"

George kissed Alex's cheek.

"I was stupid."

Will and James walked over to Alex and George.

"Well where have you been?"


"Whats this about?"

James gestures toward them.

"Well- we might be together....I might love him..."

"Uh good for you two I guess but we have two new students."

"Yeah their names are Becky and Lewis."

"I'll be happy to meet them."

"Yeah they're right over there."

George and Alex walk over to where Lewis and Becky were.

"Hello, Im Alex."

Lewis looks up and smiles.

"Im Lewis, nice to meet you."

Alex looks over at George.

"U-um I'm G-George."

"Nice to meet you George."

"Im Becky"

Becky greeted George first, then Alex. Alex could see the way she stared at George and he was a bit pissed. He tried not to give it much thought but couldn't stop thinking about it and it showed. He was looking down and couldn't move.

"Alex? Alexxxxx hello???"


George rested his hand on Alex's cheek.

"Are you okay?"


"Is something on your mind? You can always talk to me you know."

"No it's nothing, really."

George leaned in and kissed Alex, right in front of Becky and Lewis. Alex was kinda happy.

"Okay, you guys are so cute together what the fuck"

Alex blushed and George smiled.

"They are aren't they."

Becky stared at Alex giving him such a dirty look. They walked away and Alex was worried.

"George she likes you, I can tell."


"That girl we met likes you."

"Oh. Well whether she does or doesn't I only like you. She's not my type anyways."

"You're into-"

"Yes, I'm bi. I probably should've said that a while ago."


"Al please trust me I will only ever like you....or actually-"


"I love you Alex."

Alex squeezed George as tight as he could.

"I love you too."

Alex had Becky in every class, she became popular immediately. In his last class she said something that worried him

"Im going to take George from you, he deserves someone better than you. You're a low life, faggot. Nobody likes you."

Alex got up and went into the bathroom. He was getting so weak. He couldn't stand up for himself. He started crying and just sat up againist a wall.

"She's right isn't she. He's just pretending to like you, he never liked you. I hate you."

He never talked to himself like this. He truly started to be self degrading more and more. He put his head on his knees and just wouldn't stop crying. He heard the bell ring but didn't move. George was looking for him everywhere. He ran into becky while searching.

"Hey Becky uh- have you seen Alex anywhere?"

"Probably crying and being a bitch."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I feel like you and me would look better."

"I love him, I don't even know you."

"You could get to know me."

"I don't want to."

George walked away disgusted. It had been 10 minutes of searching. He didn't want to give up. He sat on the ground in a hall and just waited. 30 minutes, 40 minutes, 50 minutes, an hour. Alex was still sitting in there. He never stopped harming himself so that was what he was doing. His favorite number, 33. That's how many went onto his arm. There was so much blood. He got dizzy so he walked out, stumbling on the way out. George ran over to him.

"Alex! Where have you been?"

Alex walked past him.

"Alex? Come here."

Alex stopped and turned around. His face was red and puffy. His sleeve was now red.

"What have you done?!"

George ran over to Alex and grabbed his hands. Alex kept turning his head away to not make eye contact with him.

"Alex look at me."

Alex looked at George and rolled his eyes.


"Al what is wrong?"

"Nothing, leave me alone."

"Alex don't do that to me. Please tell me."

"I know you don't like me. I know you never have. Like everyone else says, I'm stupid. A low life. Nobody likes me. I know you'll never like me and I know I'll never amount to anything."

"Baby no. I only love you. And who's telling you that? You aren't stupid or a low life. There isn't one person I've talked to that doesn't like you. You're the sweetest, cutest, most amazing person I've met."

"You're lying. Becky knows."

"What do you mea-"

"She told me she's gonna get with you. She knows too well you don't like me. You'll fall for her instantly. She's pretty and popular already. I've known her for no time at all and she's an asshole."

"She told me she wanted to get with me. I denied it. Please listen I only love you."

George picked alex up, Alex wrapping his legs around George's waist and arms around his neck.

"I'm taking you to my house. You're staying with me this weekend."

Alex nodded into George's neck.

"I'm cold."

George set Alex down.

"Al what's up with your arm?"

He pulled his sleeve up.

"You said you'd stop."

"I can't help it I'm sorry."

"Please keep trying"

They headed back to George's place and walked inside.

"My parents won't be here at all, they're on a business trip."


George led Alex upstairs and Alex fell asleep on his bed immediately. George sat next to him and started fiddling with his hair.

"I don't deserve him...."

George kissed Alex's forehead and went downstairs. He sat on the couch and watched a movie. A few hours later there was a knock. Alex woke up but layed there. George got the door.

"Hey George~"

"Uh hi- Why are you here?"

Becky pushed him to the couch and straddled him.

"You know I want you George and I always get what I want"

Becky went in and kissed George. It was bitter. George didn't kiss back he just sat there as Becky did what she wanted. Meanwhile, Alex was upstairs rummaging through George's closet. He pulled out a hoodie and set it on the bed. He took off his skirt and jumper and got into the hoodie so he would just be wearing that and his boxers. He walked downstairs and rubbed his eyes oblivious to what was going on at that moment.

"Mmm George you wanna go get something to e-"

Alex opened his eyes and hot tears immediately rushed out. George quickly threw Becky off of him and got up.


Becky was already gone and Alex rushed upstairs to grab his stuff.

"Baby listen- she came onto me I wasn't even kissing her."

"Yeah alright."

Alex put his skirt back on and grabbed his stuff.

"Where are you going?"

Alex turned around, his face puffy and tears still dripping down.

"I've been hurt time and time again. I truly loved you George. I guess not anymore."

"Alex no"

"Bye George."

Alex walked out the front door. George stood there, one tear falling. Farther and farther until he fell to the ground clenching his fists. Alex didn't know where he was going. He knew he wasn't going to his house....it was across the street ffs. He walked and walked and walked until he couldn't anymore. Now 1 AM, Alex was in the middle of nowhere drunk. His phone was blowing up with texts from George but he could care less.

George called and he finally picked up.

"what do YOU want?"

"I want you. I want to hold you. I shouldn't have answered the door for her. She came onto me. I swear I didn't kiss back. I wasn't even tempted to."

"Yeah fuck off. Come find me and I'll consider it."

"I'll be right there"

Alex hung up the phone and started running. This was a challenge for George, either way he set on his journey to find Alex. Alex giggled as he saw George across the street from him but George didn't notice. Alex ran across the street and jumped on George's back.

"Georgie take me home"

George stopped and Alex jumped off. George turned around and wrapped his arms around Alex tight. Alex pushed him away.

"Now George....why would you think that would be appropriate considering what you did?"

"Alex I can't live without you- it was a mistake- you stole my hoodie."

Alex giggled which made George melt.

"Yeah I did it right before I caught you kissing that bitch. It's cozy and warm."

George sighed and cupped Alex's cheeks.

"Give me another chance."

"I already gave you one before. Its going to take a lot to gain back my trust."

George winced and tried to hold back the tears. It slipped. He slipped. They dripped down, further and further. He took his hands away from Alex's face and walked away.

"No wait! George come back I wasn't finished!!"

George sighed and turned around walking over to Alex.


"I've invested too much time into this relationship to give it up. You'll have to give me sometime to trust you again but I really like you."

Alex wiped away George's tears.

"Really?! You mean it??"


Alex jumped into George's arms, George brought him back.

"Are you still in the mood to stay with me?"


George set Alex down and Alex wrapped his arms around George's waist.

"Don't ever do that to me again"

George leaned in and kissed Alex

"I promise I won't."

They walked hand in hand upstairs to George's room. Alex pulled off his skirt and sat down on George's bed. George sat down next to him and Alex leaned his head on his shoulder.

"Why did you like me in the first place?"

"To be honest, you were a challenge. At first you were rude which for some reason was intriguing. Then you have a soft side. A super sweet version of yourself that likes holding hands and soft kisses."

Alex picked his head up and kissed George's neck lightly.

"There's two sides to every story. One of them is normally true."

George sat there in silence and grabbed Alex's hand, breathing calm and soft. Alex leaned back and layed down.


George rubbed Alex's thigh.

"Yeah, do you have a spare room?"

"Who do you think I am Al? You can sleep here with me."

George layed down and Alex snuggled up next to him, falling asleep immediately. George rubbed circles into Alex's palms and soon fell asleep himself.

Alex woke up in the middle of the night and started humming. He soon started to have bad thoughts in his head. What if George left him? What if George died? Tears started to fall and he sat up. He looked down at George and kissed him, tears dripping on his face. He layed on top of George and squeezed him tight.

"I love you George. Please don't leave me."

George rubbed Alex's back while half asleep.

"Alex stop crying, I won't ever leave you I love you...I want to be with you forever."

He mumbled. Alex smiled.


George sat up, Alex clinging to him.

"Of course. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else."

Alex wrapped his legs around George's waist and tucked his head into his neck.

"I never thought I'd be with someone like you. I never thought anyone ever liked me"

George leaned back and they both fell back asleep.

George woke up at around 12. He couldn't move so he just layed there.

"Al I think it's time you get up."

Alex stirred and held onto George tighter.

"We have nothing to do today, can't I sleep a little longer?"

"We do have stuff to do today! I wanted to hang out with you."

Alex sat up and looked down at George.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I want to hang out with you, is that too much to ask?"

George rubbed his hands up and down Alex's thighs

"N-no but stop doing that."

George smirked.

"You're all red. Are you enjoying this or something?"

Alex covered his face.

"No! I-it just feels weird, and two can play at that game."

Alex grinded on George and George flinched pushing Alex off.

"You have some weird things going on in your head Al."

"Mhm for sureee"

Alex rolled his eyes.

"Hey are you doing anything on Wednesday?"

"School thats it. Why?"

"Well- its my birthday...I wanted to have some fun that day."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I'll take off that day."

George smiled and Alex thought of what to get him. To be honest, he didn't really know what George liked.

"Im glad school is nearly over."

"Why?! School is fun."

"It's really not, I get to spend more time with you."

George leaned over and lightly kissed Alex.

The days passed and it was finally George's birthday. Alex had actually been staying with him the whole time but today he wanted it to be a surprise of what he was doing. He left George's house super early and went to the shops. He picked up a small chocolate cake and a locket with a picture of them smiling in it. He also picked up a new dress (the strawberry dress) and some white high-top converse. He headed back to his house and brought everything in. George woke up.

"Morning Al- Alex?"

George was confused seeing Alex wasn't there.

"Alex where have you gone??"

He got up and searched everywhere. Worried, he sent Alex a text.

Alex ☺️💕

Alex where are you?


No response. An hour passed and he went to Alex's house. A knock at the door and Alex's parents answered.

"Hey is Alex here?"

"Sorry we haven't seen him. If he comes around I'll tell him to message you"

Alex's mum said. George started to get more and more worried. He went out searching everywhere Alex could possibly be. Meanwhile, Alex was in George's room blowing up pink and black balloons, and putting them up neatly. He smiled to himself thinking about George. He checked his phone to see a message from George but didnt want to ruin the surprise so he didn't reply. He took the locket and put it in a small gift box, then putting it in a bag with decorative paper. He set it down on George's desk and went to put on the dress and shoes. It was super flowy and comfortable but Alex was worried when George would be getting back.

Alex heard a loud slam which he assumed to be the front door

George ran in his house and slammed the door crying. He ran to the kitchen and put his head in his hands, leaning on the counter.

"The person I love most has left me on my birthday....could this day get any worse."

Alex emerged from the room and walked downstairs as quietly as he possibly could. He saw George sobbing and quickly ran to him. He wrapped his arms around George's waist, standing behind him and George stood up.

"George why are you crying?!"

George pushed Alex off.

"Where have you been Alex? I've been looking for you all fucking day. I wanted to spend time with you but no, I guess you don't actually care."

"George it's not like that at all!"

Alex felt like a dick. He wanted to surprise George but it all went bad. George turned around, his face was red and a wave of tears was coming down.

"How is it not? You clearly only care about yourself, you even bought a new dress for yourself! How surprising."

George rolled his eyes and Alex looked down.

"Follow me George...."

Alex put out his hand and George grabbed onto it. Alex led him upstairs and they stood infront of George's room.

"Close your eyes"

Alex's voice sounded sadder and sadder. George closed his eyes and Alex opened the door. He let go of George's hand and stood in front of him with his hands behind his back.

"You can open your eyes now"

Alex looked down and felt extremely guilty. George opened his eyes, annoyed and looked around.

"Happy birthday George."

Alex said as one tear fell down. He walked out of the room and left George standing there in shock. Alex ran downstairs and outside, now he was the one crying. He sat in the walkway to George's front door.

"Oh Alex..."

George walked around his room and saw the effort Alex put in to making it special. The cake was plain and the room wasn't decorated much but it was perfect. This was what he wanted. To spend his special day with his boyfriend and nobody else. George ran downstairs quickly and walked outside he sat next to Alex and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Im sorry George. I understand if you don't like it. I understand if you don't like me either. I should have just told you what I was doing but I ruined everything."

George lifted his head up and Alex turned his head toward George. George cupped Alex's cheeks and kissed him. Alex, it shock, flinched but soon relaxed. They both pulled away and Alex gazed into George's eyes.

"Alex it's perfect. I was just worried you had left me. All I want is to spend time with you today- I can't believe you did all this for me."

Alex softly smiled and stood up. He put out his hand and George grabbed it, standing up.

"Then let's try this again"

They both went back inside and upstairs. Alex lit the candles on the cake and brought it over to George.

"Happy birthday to my favorite person in the world. I hope to spend the rest of my life with you. Now make a wish."

George smiled and blew out the candles. Alex set the cake down and cut a slice, handing it to George.

"What'd you wish for?"

"If I told you it wouldn't come true..."

Alex softly laughed and cut himself a slice. When they finished Alex handed George the bag with the present in it.

"Al this wasn't necessary. You've already done enough."

"Yes it is now open it."

George opened it and pulled out the box. He opened the box and was confused.

"A necklace? Alex I don't wear jewelry."

"It's a locket George."

George pulled it out and opened up the locket. He put his hand up to his mouth and covered it. He immediately started sobbing and rubbed his thumb over the picture. Alex held him close and George held the locket close.

"Alex- I can't believe this. This is so special to me I will wear this for the rest of my existence."

"Aww you're so sweet. Now stop crying there's one last thing I want to do."

George immediately put the locket around his neck and they both stood up. Alex dimmed the lights to set the mood, he then turned on some music and wrapped his arms around George's neck. George wrapped his arms around Alex's waist and held him close. They swayed side to side.

"I forgot to tell you, you look really pretty in that dress Al...."

"Thank you George."

"This has really been the best day of my life other than the day you became mine."

Alex paused and pulled away from George. He shut off the music and George sat down.

"What are you doing?"

Alex came over and sat on George's lap. He immediately pressed his lips on George's and didn't stop. It lasted a good 5 minutes before he pulled away.

"Well that was a good way to finish my night."

Alex stared into George's eyes.

"I remember the first day we met like it was yesterday. I wanted to be friends with you so bad but you just refused. Now we've come to this. This was an amazing night and I'm glad I got to spend it with you on your special day."

With they both layed down and fell asleep almost instantly. They had school tomorrow sadly but at least they had fun.

George woke up first this time, Alex was still sleeping peacefully. George rustled Alex's hair.

"It's time to wake up Al"

Alex sat up.

"Do we have something to do today?"

"We have school darling. Now get up."

George stood up and started to get ready. He put on some black shorts and a yellow t-shirt. Something he wasn't used to, but it suited him. He put some long black socks on and some black adidas. Alex went back to his house and slipped on some short white shorts, a pink cropped t-shirt and some light pink converse. He walked out and met up with George.

"Yellow? Really George?"

"Does it look bad or something I can go change if it doe-"

"No it looks nice"

Alex leaned over and pecked George on the cheek. On their way they saw an interesting sight. Will and James holding hands. Alex immediately ran over to them, dragging George with him

"What is this?!"

Will detached his hand from James and Alex smirked.


"I think Will's got a boyfriend"

Alex giggled making George pull him over and kiss him.

"What was that for! Not in front of my friends George..."

"Its the laugh Alex, you have a way with sounds. Especially when you scream my name...."

George winked and Alex turned red. James kept brushing his hand against Will's, tempted to hold it.

"Just tell them Will"

"We're dating. Also shut it George nobody likes you.."

Alex punched Will's arm.

"That's mean, I love Georgie"

Alex went behind George and wrapped his arm's around his waist, pouting.


James joined his hand with Will's.

"Hey we support you two, or- at least I do. You guys are cute."

"Same with you guys. But who's top?"

Will turned red.

"James obviously."

"Well I hate so say it but we're all gonna be late if we don't get a move on."

They all rushed to school and Alex said goodbye to George, heading into his first class. He raised his hand.

"May I use the restroom sir?"

"Yes. Hurry back."

Alex headed to the bathroom and walked in seeing George standing there on his phone.

"Fancy seeing you here."

George put his phone away and walked over to Alex, wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing his neck.

"Did you get bored of class or something?"

"Yeah pretty much. We could have some fun in here if you'd like."

George kissed Alex's neck more passionately, eventually leaving dark hickeys everywhere.

"George I need to get to c-class"

"Aww why so soon? You just got here."

"George mmmmm- please l-let me g-go"

"You'll have to beg for it Al."

Alex got on his knees and looked up at George, biting his lip.

"Please can I go back to class Georgie~"

Alex whined. George pulled him off the ground and whispered in his ear.

"I'll see you later tonight kitten"

Alex looked in the mirror and traced the hickeys.

"I need your hoodie George."

"Why? Those look so pretty on you."

George went behind Alex and moved his hands in Alex's shirt.


"Fine. But you better come over tonight, I'm not finished with you."

George took his hoodie out of his bag and handed it to Alex. Alex put it on and gave George a kiss before leaving. He walked back to class, his face reddened. The teacher opened the door and was confused.

"What took you so long? You missed half the lesson. And whats up with that hoodie? You never had it before."

"I-I forgot where the bathroom was and I've a-always had this h-hoodie."

The teacher didn't question anymore and allowed Alex in. Alex sat back down at his seat, waiting for the time to go by. The bell rang and Alex immediately left and went to his locker. He was a bit stressed about what had happened. What if anyone saw? Well it wouldn't matter anyways. Everyone knew they were a thing. Alex held the hoodie closer to his body and felt arms wrap around him. They were small and soft. George. Alex turned around, his face pale but his nose a light pink. It was cold. He turned around and looked at George.

"You alright?"

"I-I'm just not feeling very good."

Alex put his head down onto George's shoulder and stayed as close as he could to him.

"Do you want to go home? We could watch movies or something."


George picked Alex up and went to the office to get approval. Luckily they said yes seeing as Alex didn't look very well and his grades were up anyways so it wouldn't matter. George paused as they approached the street.

"Do you want to go to mine or yours?"


George brought Alex over and up into his room and layed him on the bed.

"Do you wanna sleep? Or just talk or watch something..."

Alex layed there afraid to speak. He didn't know why. He looked up at George, tears in his eyes and grabbed his hand. George layed next to Alex and Alex cuddled close to George. He felt better when he was near George. He liked the feeling of being safe. George pulled a blanket over the both of them and wrapped his arms around Alex.

"I don't even know why I felt sick."


"It happened after what we- yeah. I just felt sick."

George thought it was something he did. Alex thought someone was watching them.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No no you didn't- I'm sorry I just felt weird"

"Well when you start feeling better, do you want to go to the beach or something?"

Alex nodded and kissed George's cheek. They layed there for an hour until Alex sat up.
____________A Month Later______________

It was the start of December and George started hanging out with a new group of friends. They were popular. Alex and George stopped hanging out as much but it was fine. Today the school let everyone have a week off due to how much it was snowing. Alex was inside wrapped up in a blanket watching movies. He was wearing a red long sleeve turtleneck, and some gray sweatpants. George went over to Alex's house and knocked. He got up and answered the door smiling.

"Hey George!"

"Yeah hi."

"Come sit"

Alex grabbed his hand and brought him over to the couch. George sat down and Alex cuddled close to him.

"You're so warm."

George looked over at Alex and Alex leaned in to kiss him. George turned his head away and looked back at the screen.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Yeah there kind of is..."

Alex's heart dropped and he looked at George.

"I think it's time we talked."

Alex shut off the film and George grabbed his hands, intertwining them with his.

"You've been really good to me, but I think we should break up"

Alex tried to hold back the tears but kept calm.

"Did I do something to make you want to not be with me anymore?"

"You're just- boring I guess. I've got new people around me Al, they don't like you very much."

"So you're gonna break this over some stupid friendship?"


"Get out"

"I thought you were bored of it too"

"Get out now George"

"Its not that big of a-"


George got up immediately, walking out and Alex let the tears flow. He called Will and he came over.

"What happened?!"

"G-George broke up with m-me for no reason"

"Oh you poor baby..c'mere"

Alex moved toward Will, and Will pulled him into his lap.

"Does he still want to be friends or anything?"

Alex shook his head and Will held him closer.

"Look- he'll come back soon. It's like with me and James, we're still friends but not together anymore. Maybe it was the wrong time."

Alex continued crying.

"You don't understand. He said he'd never leave. That was just another broken promise."

"I told you he wasn't good for you. You need to listen better"

"I'm sorry Will- you were completely right."

"Hey it's alright. You just need to find someone better. Hey can I try something?"

"Do whatever. I don't care anymore"

"If you don't like it, I'll stop right away."

Will grabbed both of Alex's hands and connected them with his own. He leaned over and pressed his lips firmly on Alex's. Alex almost immediately kissed back, surprised but he felt loved. They pulled away after a few seconds and Alex rested his head on Will's chest, still in his lap.

"Did you enjoy that?"


Will pulled the blanket over them and kissed the top of Alex's head. For the next week, Alex didn't go to school. He spent most of his time with Will and avoided going outside as much as he could. Today was the worst, Alex was told the "neighbors" were coming over again. He didn't feel the need to impress even though they were all high class, he put on some pink sweat pants and the hoodie he stole from George and sat on his couch just waiting. A knock at the door. Alex got up and stood next to his parents as they answered the door.

"Go wait upstairs boys"

Alex rushed upstairs and George slowly walked behind him. Alex walked into his room and layed down instantly. George sat next to him. After a minute of silence George decided to say something.

"Can I have my hoodie back?"

Alex said nothing, holding back the tears he pulled out his phone.

"Alex can I have it back, it belongs to me"

Still nothing. George pulled at the hoodie on Alex's shoulder, Alex swatted his hand away. George pulled Alex up from laying down.

"God your annoying, can you fucking stop already?"

"Give me my hoodie back."


Alex layed back down. George pulled him up again.

"Give it back before I hurt you."

"So because you're popular you can hurt people? Wow, you've been brought to a new low."

"Well it's mine and I want it back"


Alex pulled off the hoodie, revealing cuts all over his body. George started in shock and touched one of them. Alex grabbed his hand and pushed it away.

"What the fuck did you do?"

"Better question is, what did YOU do"


"Get out"

"I know you still like me"

"So what if I did? I invested a lot in that relationship"

"Not my fault it ended. You're boring."

"Just leave already. I'll be gone soon anyways."

"That's too far-"

"For how much I cared, no it's not."

Alex sat up next to George and continued to scroll through his phone. George moved his hand on top of Alex's which was supporting him whilst sitting up. George had to admit he still loved Alex. A lot. He just broke up with him because nobody he was friends with liked him. Alex pulled his hand away and stood up. George had changed from being a quiet asshole, into someone who cared for Alex and broke everything. Alex went into his closet and pulled out a black mesh shirt with flower embroidery on it. It was his last clean shirt. He put it on and changed into some black shorts. George watched him the whole time and his face grew sadder and sadder.

"Going out or something"

"Sorry but that's none of your business. You shouldn't care, and stop touching me."

Alex threw on some black converse and walked out. He didn't care what his parents wanted. George waited and followed far behind. Alex reached a pub and met with James and Will inside. He saw some of George's friends too but ignored it. George walked in a minute after and saw Will holding Alex. He got pissed and walked over to them. Neither of them even flinched.

"What is going on here?"

"We're having drinks, now why are you here?"

"I followed Alex here, why does it matter."

"That's creepy, now leave."

"I don't have to. What's up with you and Will?"

"Just friends"

Will put his head down and kissed Alex's neck. Alex let out a small moan and George got even more pissed. Alex looked up at Will and leaned in to kiss him. George stomped his foot on the ground.


Alex fully leaned in and rested his hand on Will's face. George slapped Will and his friends came over.

"Something wrong George?"

"You guys go, I don't want to be friends with you anymore."

"What the fuck is wrong with you? We're the only thing you have"

"No you aren't I don't like you guys you use me!"

"Fuck you George. Don't come crying to us when you get rejected by everyone."

George fell to his knees and started sobbing and throwing a fit. He put his head in his hands and started pulling at his hair extremely hard. Will held Alex tighter but Alex wanted to leave. He didn't show it, he didn't want to make Will mad. George was breaking, so so much. It hadn't even been long but he wanted Alex back. It started snow very badly and George was heating up from being inside. He stood up and and stared at Alex for a long time. He grabbed his hand tight, Alex trying to pull it away.

"You're such a pretty boy Al. I hope you do well in life."

"George what are you doing?"

George walked out. For a young kid he's under so much stress. Too much stress. Alex got out of Will's grip and chased after George.

"George wait up"

He went a bit faster.

"George stop hold on, please wait."

George stopped and fell on his knees again.

"Everyone has left me. I dont know what to do anymore..."

"Well that's your fault. You messed everything up for yourself."

George looked up at Alex, as his tears fell into the snow wondering why he ever did this. What was it all for? He put his hand up on Alex's cheek. The snow came down more. Alex was shivering and George pulled him over.

"This is wrong, we aren't together. Let go"


George took his hoodie off and handed it to Alex. He was now wearing a black t-shirt. Alex hesitantly put it on and George wrapped his arms around him.

"My sweet boy"


"I'll do whatever I have to to be with you"

"George it won't work."

George got up, picked Alex up and started running. He reached his house and brought him inside. He went upstairs and layed him on the bed.

"What the fuck?"

"Alex please. I need you."

"I've given you 2 chances before. You broke everything. How can you possibly make up for it?"

"I can't"

George started sobbing again and Alex stared. George stood up and went out to his balcony. Alex followed and wrapped his arms around George hesitantly. George became weak as soon as he did.

"I may be able to forgive you some day."

He sighed.

"I just don't know when."

"I'm sorry I'm so broken."

"It's okay love, you can't control that."

George turned around to face Alex. Alex softly smiled. George smiled back and moved close to Alex.

"And I haven't been completely honest, Will and I have kissed many of times since he broke up with James and you broke up with me."

George sighed.

"It's alright. We can get through this."

George went back inside and down to his kitchen. Alex followed.

"Go home, change into some warmer clothes."

"Wait why-"


Alex left and went back to his house, putting on the outfit he had on before. George made some hot chocolate and brought it to the living room. He set in on the coffee table, grabbed a blanket and a film. He waited until Alex got back.

"Whats all this?"

"A night in. I want you to forgive me."


George hopefully waited for Alex's response.

"I've already forgiven you. Forgive and forget. Just- can we take it slower? Enjoy eachothers time together."


Alex went over to the couch and George pulled him down and held him.

"My baby boy, I don't want to ever leave you."

"I hope not."

The night passed, full of love, lust, and sadness.

______________10 years later_____________

George and Alex were now adults. Out of school and in the real world. It was fall and they were going to pick out pumpkins for their house they bought. They arrived hand in hand and started looking. There was long field in between it all and they started to walk down it. The sun was setting.

"It's a beautiful day today George."

"Yeah it really is"

George started to get nervous. Alex stopped and looked back at the sky. A mix of pink,orange,blue, and purple. Not many clouds in sight. It was perfect. George got on one knee as Alex faced the opposite direction.

"H-hey Alex?"

Alex turned around and stared at George.

"What are you doing?"

"You know we've had our ups and downs. We've been together for a while and- I-I think it's time. Will you-"

Alex tackled George to the ground.

"Yes you idiot"

Alex leaned down and kissed George. George took Alex's hand and put a ring on it. The gem was pink with diamonds to the sides. George was relieved. He looked up at Alex who was a top of him and smiled. A week later they started planning everything. It wasn't too difficult, they wanted to have a private one where they just got it done. Only close family and friends. Alex got a light pink dress that went down to the ground and was flowy. George got an all black tuxedo and they went on there way. 3 months later they had their wedding. George stood at the end and waited. Alex never came out. They were told he got into a car crash on the way and didn't survive. George was devastated. He ended his life by hanging himself. They were buried next to eachother. Even though they weren't perfect. They stood with eachother in their final days.

9311 words. Wow. Sorry for the ending 😔💕

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