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Will had just left on holiday to New York for 2 weeks. Just a short holiday, nothing much. The Eboys were taking a break anyways. All of them were fine with Will leaving, except George. It took a toll on him. He loved Will, what did anyone else expect? Well- they expected him to be fine with it. Nobody knew his feelings. Nobody even knew he was gay. The first few days were fine. Normal. After that. George had started to get more and more upset. He wanted Will back. Hopefully he'd be having some fun out there. Alex started to notice that something was wrong, as well as James. George gave the same excuse of "I'm tired". He had no reason to be. He hadn't even uploaded within the first week of Will being gone. No weekly reddit video. Just nothing. Just staying locked in his room waiting. At points he started to cry just longing for Will. Will didn't even take a second to think of George whilst he was gone, until it was his last 3 days of the trip. George was silent. Didn't talk to Alex or James. Or Will matter of fact, he didn't call or text him.

Half way into his 11th day, he facetimed George, who wasn't ready for it. He'd been crying. He answered, placing his phone so it would be facing the ceiling.


"Hey Will"

George tried to sound lively whilst sniffling and his voice sounding a bit messed up.

"Just wanted to check in, see what you were up to."

"Nothing much. How has your trip been?"

Will could tell something was a bit- well off.

"You alright mate?"

"Im fine Will."

"Can I see you?"

George wiped his eyes, thinking it would make a difference. His face was puffy, eyes glossed over and red. He slowly panned the camera towards his face, no expression, no emotion except sadness.

"George what's wrong?"

Not a word.

"George talk to me."

"Why do you even care? Just enjoy your trip and leave me alone."

"You're my best friend. Why wouldn't I care?"


That was it. That word stung.

"Really want to know?"

"Of course. Tell me."

"I miss you."

"I'll be back very soon George, and I've gone for a longer time which you never had a problem with."


George hung up, getting more and more calls along with some messages.

Will <3:

What's wrong?

I understand you miss me but
it can't just be that.

I'll be back soon

I'm going to ask Alex what's wrong

Hope my Georgie is okay x


George layed in bed, not bothering to check his phone. A knock on his door 5 minutes after getting a call from Will. Had to be Alex.

"Come in, make whatever you need to say quick."

Alex opened the door and walked over to George.

"Will is worried about you, what's going on?"

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