Angel Unknown ~ Kuroshitsuji...

By animeandmusic

174K 6.7K 2.3K

A girl is sent to Earth. The first to find her in a forest should take care of her. Not aware of what love is... More

An Angel to Earth
To Play A Game
Is This Bad?
Nightmare to Reality
Lady Elizabeth
Jewel & Robin
Half of the Case Closed
Air, to Draw or Repel?
Tiger Loves Dogs
Ring of Hope
Ciel's P.O.V
Birthday Present
Ria's Betrothed
Gift and Conditions
Visiting Her Betrothed
Mother's Orders
Ria to Aria
Revenge Successful
The Queen's Court
One Battle Won
Fight to the Death
Always Waking Alone
Trained to Fight
Dagger to Gun
Preview: Waking to a Different Prospective

Meeting the Parents

4K 184 14
By animeandmusic

3rd P.O.V

Ciel had fallen unconscious, only to wake in a different place. "Its much harder to summon humans..." A man comments and helps Ciel stand up. "Who are you?!" Ciel asks, angry. "I'm Zavier, the Father of who you call Ria." Ciel's eyes widen and narrows, "what? You aren't like her mother are you?"

Zavier shakes his head, "no I am full angel. Born human, died and became an angel." Ciel nods a little, "alright but what do you want with me?" The man sighs, his green eyes looking tired. "You are the one Ria loves, correct?" Ciel nods and Zavier runs a hand through his short red hair.

"Then you should know there is a way to undo what has been done to Ria." Ciel's eyes widen when he hears the man's explanation. "What?! How?!" Zavier smiles at Ciel's eagerness to help his daughter, knowing he cares. "Her dagger, it will cut through anything but its user. I used it formerly but I left it with the Undertaker."

Ciel looks thoughtful, "no wonder the Undertaker wanted to see Ria alone that day." Zavier nods, "problem is... I don't have another, its in Ria's possession as of now Aria's." Ciel grits his teeth at the set back. "Though if we get the dagger from her, perhaps you can stab her." Ciel looks at Zavier, "so you're coming with us?"

Zavier smiles sadly, "as much as I want to I'm not allowed to leave after Amelia's betrayal." Ciel clenches his fist tightly in response to Zavier's answer. "Be warned though Ciel, now that Ria and Air have became one, there will be deception. You must not waver when you have the dagger or she will kill you without hesitation."

Ciel frowns at the warning and nods. "Though if she kills you...there's a chance she'd be...." Ciel's eyes widen as he starts to fade. "She'd be what?!" He shouts before it all goes black once again.

"Dammit!" Ciel shouts and slams his hands on his desk as he wakes. "Milord?" Sebastian asks, watching his young master throw a fit. "What Sebastian?!" Ciel growls, stopping when he sees who Sebastian has in his hands. Aria.

Ciel's P.O.V

"Let me go!" She hisses and flaps around uselessly in the air, trying to scratch one of us. "Ria...?" I ask gently and walk closer to her. She glares at me, "my name is Aria now let me go you filthy scum!" My eyes widen at her cold tone and I step closer to her.

"Milord, I do not think that is a go-." I cut Sebastian off, "shut up." I walk closer and hold out my hand to the bottom of her dress. She watches me cautiously until my hand moves under her dress, "pervert!" She screams and kicks at my face. Sebastian pulls her away but she had already kicked my nose.

Blood comes gushing out of my nose and I cover it with my hand. "Miss I ask you please refrain from kicking my young master in his face." Sebastian requests. "Its alright, I-." I'm cut off as the window breaks open and a tall woman with black hair and dark eyes stands between me and the others.

"Hello again demon, I'm here for my daughter." She speaks directly to Sebastian and he glares, pulling Aria closer to him, not caring for her struggling. "If I may say, you are in fact a demon yourself." He retorts in a cold tone. "No you may not say but you had better hand me my daughter."

I look at Sebastian with a resolved look on my face. "Let her go." Sebastian looks at me in shock, "but Milor-!" I glare at him, "that's an order Sebastian." He glares at me and releases Ria, "yes my lord." His voice is strained as Ria runs to her mother's side.

The woman smiles, "thank you. Lord Phantomhive, now if you'll excuse me." She smiles in a gruesome manner, as if wanting to tear me apart but the time isn't right. The look sends shivers down my spin and I watch cautiously as they both leave. "Milord-." I stop Sebastian from speaking.

"I've got what I've wanted." I state with a smirk and hold up the dagger I've taken from Aria's thigh strap.


Nothing much to say here.... Sorry for the wait....

Reaper- She's sick and can't talk much right now because of a headache.

Shush Reaps.

Reaper- Not my fault you had to go to school with a cold.


Ciel- I'll do the closing, *sigh* grumpy idiots...

Ciel- VOTE


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