Beauty and the Dragon

By HeavensAngels_

45.9K 1K 608

This is a Hiccstrid fanfic based off of our average fairytale: 'Beauty and the Beast' I do not own anything... More

Inventors Daughter
The Dragon
West Wing
Wolf Chase
Happy New Year!!
New Book
Going Back
Something There!
Beauty and the Beast
Hiccup vs. Snotlout
Book 2

Kill The Dragon!

2.5K 63 31
By HeavensAngels_

Astrid's P.O.V.

I quickly change and head out the door and look for my father. I get on Ember and run into the forest. I hear Hiccup's roar in the distence as he watches me run.I spot my father laying on the ground about halfway into the forest. I pick him up and have Ember help me get him on her back. I climb on and snap the reigns, telling her to go. We run to our house and I carry him inside.

I lay him on his bed and run downstairs to grab some hot water. I come back up with the water and a rag and gently wipe him down with it. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Astrid?" He asks.

"Shh, it's alright papa. I'm home." I say as I wipe his forehead.

"I thought I'd never see you again." He says as he hugs me.

"I missed you so much!" I hug him back before pulling away.

"But the dragon? Did you... How did you escape?" He asks.

"I didn't escape papa! He let me go." I say.

"That horrible dragon?" He asks.

"He's different now papa, he's..changed somehow." I tell him as I hear a bag rustle. I look over to see the bag fall and Chip popping out.

"Hi!" He says.

"Oh, a stoaway!" I tease.

'Why, hello there little fella." My dad chuckles. "I-I didn't think I'd see you again."

"Astrid, why did you go away?" Chip asks. "Don't you like us anymore?"

"Oh Chip, of course I do. It's just tha-" I'm inturrupted by a knock on the door. I stand up and walk over to the door. I open it to see the head of the asylum, Dagur. "Can I help you?"

"I've come to collect your father." He says, tapping his fingers together.

"My father?" I ask.

"Don't worry Mad'moiselle, we'll take good care of him." He steps a side to show a wagon and a crowd of people. On the side of it, it says Berk's Asylum.

"My father isn't crazy!" I say stepping out of the house.

"He was radging like a lunitic! We all hear him, didn't we?" Gustav yells.

"No, I won't let you!" I yell.

"Astrid?" My father comes and stands by the door.

"Francis, tell us again how big was the dragon?" Gustav asks.

"H-h-he was enormous! I'd say at least 6-no 8 feet tall." Everybody in the crowd laughs at him.

"You don't get more crazy than that!" Gustav laughs.

"It's true I tell you!" My father runs down the steps and yells into the crowd.

"Get him outta here!" Gustav yells as two men grab my father by the arms and pull him to the wagon.

"Let go of me!" He screams.

"No! You can't do this!" I yell and run in front of Dagur. He walks away without a word.

"Poor Astrid," Snotlout comes up behind me wraps his arm around my shoulders. "It's a shame about your father."

"You know he's not crazy Snotlout!" I hold him by the collar and face him.

"Hmm, I might be able to clear up this little understanding, if.." He trails off and smirks at me.

"If what?" I ask.

"If you marry me!" He says and leans closer.


"One little word Astrid, that's all it takes." He leans closer to me.

"Never!" I push him away and out of his grasp.

"Then have it your way!" He walks away and towards the wagon.

"Astrid!" My father calls behind his shoulder.

Without thinking, I run inside and head to my fathers room. I grab the bag and pull out the mirror Hiccup gave me. I look at it and run back out of the house. I come back to hear my father yelling at the gaurds.

"Let go of me!" He yells. I look at the mirror and back at them.

"My father's not crazy and I can prove it!" I see Snotlouts head snap back to me. "Show me the dragon!"

The mirror glows and shows an image of Hiccup growling to the wind. I turn the mirror to face the crowd and everybody gasps at the sight. My face falls at the sound of his roars. He sounds sad and lonely.

"Is it dangerous?" Asks a villager.

"No, no, he'd never hurt anyone!" I say and run up to them. "Please, I-I know he looks vicious, but he's really kind and gentle." I look at the mirror and look at Hiccup. "He's my friend."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you have feelings for this monster." Snotlout turns me around and makes me face him.

"He's not a monster Snotlout, you are!" I back away and yell in his face.

"She's as crazy as the old man! She says this dragon is her friend! I've hunted wild animals and I know what they can do!" He takes the mirror out of my hands and shows it to everybody.


No One's P.O.V.

(Now Playing: The Mob Song from the Beauty and the Beast)

🎶S: The dragon will make off with your children! (gasps)

He'll come after them in the night!

A: No!

S: We're not safe until his head is mounted on my wall! I say we kill the beast!

Mob: Kill him!

M1: We're not safe until he's dead

M2: He'll come stalking us at night

W: Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite

M3: He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free

S: So it's time to take some action, boys
It's time to follow me!

Through the mist, through the woods
Through the darkness and the shadows
It's a nightmare but it's one exciting ride

Say a prayer, then we're there
At the drawbridge of a castle
And there's something truly terrible inside

It's a beast! He's got fangs
Razor sharp ones!
Massive pawa, killer claws for the feast!

Hear him roar! See him foam!
But we're not coming home 'til he's dead-
Good and dead!
Kill the Beast!

A: No! I won't let you do this!

S: If you're not with us, you're against us! Bring the old man!

FR: Get your hands off me!

S: We can't have them running off to warn the creature!

A: Let us out

S: We'll rid the village of this beast! Who's with me?

Mob: I am! I am! I am!
Light your torch! Mount your horse!

S: Screw your courage to the sticking place!

Mob: We're counting on Snotlout to lead the way!

W: Through the mist, through the wood
Where within a haunted castle
Something's lurking that you don't see ev'ry day!

Mob: It's a beast! One as as a mountain
We won't reast 'til he's good and deceased
Sally forth! Tally ho!
Grab your sword! Grab your bow!
Praise the Lord and here we go!

S: We'll lay siege to the castle and bring back his head!

A: I have to warn Hiccup! This is all my fault! Oh, papa, what are we going to do?

FR: Now, now, we'll think of something!

Mob: We don't like
What we don't understand
In fact it scares us
And this monster si mysterious at least
Bring your guns
Bring your knives
Save your children and your wives
We'll save our village and our lives
We'll kill the Beast!

F: I knew it! I knew it was follish to get our hopes up!

E: Maybe it would have been better if she had never come at all. Could it be?

MP: Is it she?

E: Sacre Bleu! Invaders!

F: Encroachers!

MP: And they have the mirror!

F: Warn the Master! If it's a fight they want, we'll be ready fro then! Who's with me?

S: Take whaterver booty you can find. But remember, the dragon is mine!

Objects: Hearts ablaze
Banners High
We go marching into battle
Unafraid although the danger just increased

Mob: Raise the flag
Sing the song
Here we come, we're fifty strong
And fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong
Let's let's kill the Beast!

MP: Pardon me, Master.

H: Leave me in piece.

MP: But sir! The castle is under attack!

Mob: Kill the Beast!
Kill the Beast!

E: This isn't working!

M: Oh Eret, we must do something!

E: Wait, I know!

Mob: Kill the Beast!
Kill the Beast!

MP: What shall we do, Master?

H: It doesn't matter now. Just let them come

Mob: Kill the Beast!
Kill the Beast!
Kill the Beast!...🎶

The mob knocks the door down and walks into the castle. All the furniture is on either side of the rug, ready to defend their kingdom. Gustav walks by and picks up a candle, aka Eret. Eret opens his eyes and gives the signal.

"Now!" He shouts.

All the pieces of furniture go into action. They throw their books and hit them in the heads. Drawers open and knock guys out. Pots and pans work together by covering a head and hitting the pot, making the head bounce back and force in the pot. Chairs kick people in the read and send them face first to the ground. A chest wound up a man and placed him in his mouth, or opening. Snotlout looks around and runs up the stairs, looking for our precious dragon.

Back at the Hofferson house, Chip discovered Francis's wood cutter machine. He starts it up and blows on the coals to get it working.

"Yes!" He cheers in victory and jumps into the seat. He pulls the lever and it goes racing down the hill.

"What in the devil?" Astrid and her father see's it coming through the crack in the door. "Astrid look out!"

The contraption comes running through and cuts the door open. It flings insdie and and smashes against the wall, destroying it completely. Astrid and Francis come out from their hiding place to see chip dangling off of the a spring.

At the castle, things are in full choas as the mob and objects fight. Tomatos are being thrown and heads are being it. At the moment, the enchanted objects are winning. Miss Pots and the tea cups poor hot tea on a man, burning him. Valka jumps off a belcony and falls on a man, trapping him on the floor.

Snotlout stroms through the castle halls and kicks open every door. He points his bow inside and heads to the next room when he sees that one is empty.

Valka changes a guys apperence and makes him look like a girl. Gustav holds a torch to Eret, making him melt slowly. Fishlegs jumps out with a gun and a knife while wearing a pioneers hat. He sees Gustav torturing Eret, so he slides down the railing and pins him in the butt.

Astrid, Francis, and Chip all ride Ember through the woods and towards Hiccup's castle. Jumping over logs and running through the water. Astrid rides with determination and mumbles something under her breath.

A guy grabs Merida and starts pulling her feathers out. Eret sees this and rushes to the rescue. He puts a hand under the guys pants and blows on it, making them catch fire. (Haha! Catching Fire! Haha) They guys screams and throws Merida into the air. Eret catches her and smiles sweetly.

Three men chase Toothless around the room. He heads into the kitchen and swings the shoe in his mouth around. The men follow and walk closer to foot rest. Then all at once, the knives come out of their drawes and show their sharp ends to the men. The cook holds his knives in hand and brings up the fire. The men scream like girls and run out of the kitchen and out of the castle with everybody else.

The furniture cheer in victory as they watch the men scramble out of the building.

"And stay out!" Fishlegs yells. Eret grabs Fishlegs shoulders and kisses each cheek. Fishlegs groans in disgust and slaps him away.

But while everybody was cheering and celebrating the fact that they won, they never noticed that someone slipped by and headed upstairs, prepred to kill their Master.

Once Astrid reached the castle with her father and Chip, she ran inside with only thing on her mind.

Please be okay Hiccup!


Hey Vikings!!

Here's your chapter! And it's a long one!! Also so you know, this book is ending soon! Just about 1 or 2 more chapters and this book is done!! But don't worry, I'll be writing a new fairytale to take it's place!!

The story is gonna be called the Dragon Princess. It's a modern version of Sleeping Beauty. My cousin will be helping me write it. She'll be giving me ideas and I'll be writing them down for you guys to see! And if your confused on how we're gonna make it modern, you'll just have to read it when it comes out!!

So was it good or bad?!

Please vote, comment, share, and follow!! I follow back!!!

Snotlout: No you don't! You still haven't followed me back!!!

Me: Snotout!? You do you keep coming here?! I'm busy!!

S: Really? Doesn't look like it. It just looks like your talking into a camera.

Me: That's because I am talking into a camera! I'm shooting the authors note!! Now go! Before I call her again!!

S: You wouldn't!

Me: Oh, I would *smirks*

S: Please don't!

Me: Oh Emelie!

E: Yes?

Me: Snotlout, he's all yours!

E: YES!! Come here Snotface!! So I can kill you!

Me: Don't kill him! Unfortunetly we still need him!

E: Can't we just find somebody else?

Me: Too late, so don't kill him!

E: Fine!! Come here Snotlout!

S: NO! *runs away*

E: *chases Snotlout*

Me: Now, time for today's guest. Astrid?

Astrid: Hey HiccupsAngel!

Me: Just call me Meg.

Astrid: Okay, Meg.

Me: So Astrid, can you tell us your feelings for Hiccup? He's a dragon and yet, you still feel something for him, correct?

Astrid: Correct! I've found out that he's not mean, he's actually kind and gentle.

Me: Do you have any feelings for him?

Astrid: Yes, I do....




A: I'm not gonna answer your question!

Me: You should go before he finds you. The back door is over there!

A: Thanks! I'll see you guys next time! Bye! *runs off*

Me: Bye! Okay I hoped you liked this chapter! And remember that this book is ending soon!! I'll-


Me: Oh, great! I'll see you guys later! I'll update soon!!

Bye for now Vikings!!


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