The Cruise

By Astraea_Mavi

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Fate brings together people in its ways. Sometimes, it maybe a mundane day and you stumble across a person wh... More



102 15 22
By Astraea_Mavi

Background music: Sleeping Sun, Nightwish

I checked my reflection in the mirror one more time. Honestly, I was nervous. There was a party on board and currently, me and Taehyung were getting ready for. Taehyung was busy fixing his hair while I was adding a little hints to my makeup. I smiled, satisfied with the overall look. 

All black on black. Black tee, beneath a black jacket with white border and black pants. My chestnut brown hair was parted to the side. The bangs falling right over my eyes. A little colorless gloss over my lips. I fixed my watch on last time before turning to Taehyung. I couldn't help but sigh in frustration when I saw my friend still busy getting dressed up. Checking his black and white leaf patterned shirt and the bandana around his forehead. 

I rolled my eyes when he pouted, not completely satisficed with his looks. But his eyes soon lit up when he spotted my hoop ear rings. I allowed him to wear even before he asked for my permission. I just wanted to get to the party before it ends. 

"Five more seconds, and I walk out." I stated, already heading for the door. 

"Aye, wait for me." He complained, putting away everything he didn't use inside the bags before rushing after me. 

Together, we walked towards the party hall. For the today, the party was indoors instead of outside on the deck. Even though the doors to it was closed, we could still here the sound of the party music. I glanced over to Taehyung, who seemed just as jittery as me before pushing the door open.

I froze for a moment. Inside it was crowded with people. The music boomed inside at the highest volume. The lights changing from neon to soft yellow as per the music. Right now the DJ was playing some song, I couldn't recognize. I looked over to my back when I felt Taehyung's hand wrap around mine. His eyes wide as he looked around the crowded room. 

It was hard to move through the herd of people and find a place where we could breath properly. I wanted a drink and tried to find the nearest stall. Spotting one, I dragged Taehyung to there even though I knew that my friend didn't like drinking much. He couldn't even tolerate much alcohol and stuck to non-alcoholic drinks. 

"Uh, a dry gin martini and a cola." Jimin ordered to the bartender. 

As he waited, he looked around to see if he could find any familiar faces. A week on the ship, and Jimin had recognized a few people, having talked to them on multiple occasions. 

"Hey, where's your friend? Jungkook?" I asked, nudging my friend. 

"Kookie? He said he would come with this friend? Uh...what was the name... Jung Hoseok? I guess." Taehyung replied, without looking at me.

My eyes widen when I heard the name. So, I forced Taehyung to look at me just to make sure he wasn't kidding with me.

"Jung Hoseok? The Jung Hoseok from the dance group Neuron?" I asked, shaking my buddy. 

He frowned, slapping away my hands, "I don't know, he just said he's coming with Hoseok. I don't know which. Is he someone famous?"

"Right, you won't know him." I mumbled. My friend was for some reason more interested in rappers even though he couldn't rap to save his life and wants to become a vocalist if he could, "He's like the best street style dancer I have seen around his age. That guy's amazing! Like wow!"

By then, our orders were served. I handed over Taehyung his glass of cola and sipped on my martinit.

"Do you want to try this?" I asked, holding forward the glass. Taehyung looked between me and the drink with an unsure gaze before leaning in to take a sip. I burst into fits of laughter seeing the look of utter disgust on his face. 

"Bleh." He hit my head before chugging down his cola. 

As my eyes wandered around the dance floor, I spotted a familiar face in the floor above. It was the guy I met on the deck that night. I literally freaked out seeing him so close to the edge. And he didn't even recognize me the day after. He seemed to be his other tall friend and along with them was someone else. 

I narrowed my eyes little to get a better look. The man didn't look familiar. But damn he was handsome. Wide shoulder, perfect face and posture. They talked among themselves, and whatever it was, the pale guy seemed the least bit interested. 

"Jimin! Let's dance!" Taehyung beamed, taking my hand and dragging me to the dance floor. He giggled a little, finding enough space for the both of us. 

"Do you even know how to dance?" I ask, raising my eyebrow at him. 

"No, but you do and I'm going to follow you!" He answered, still grinning widely. 

I shrugged. Taehyung was surprisingly good at picking up steps when showed. I tried to listen to the music over the cheer of the crowd and slowly started moving along with it. Taehyung stared at me for a while, before copying everything I was doing. 

The best part of going somewhere new with Taehyung was that, he never cared what people thought as long as both of us get to have fun. I, on the other would find myself cowered away embarrassed. 


Both of us turned around hearing the familiar voice. Jungkook was waving at us from the side, excitedly. By his side was someone I recognized right away. Jung Hoseok. Taehyung wasn't lying when he said Jungkook said he was actually friends with Hoseok. 

I saw Hoseok whisper a few things to Jungkook before walking away. Taehyung dragged me to the side as he waved back at Jungkook. 

"How did they let you in hyung?" Jungkook asked me, patting my head, "Kids below eighteen aren't allowed here with adult guidance and you're like twelve."

My eyes twitched hearing that. Jungkook was the same height as me, if not a little taller even though he was two years younger than me. Taehyung snickered from the side. I hit both of their heads before rolling my eyes. 

"You," I started pointing to Taehyung, "Are in the same room as me and I'll lock you out if you tease me. And you," I turned to Jungkook, "Are two years younger than. Pat me once more and I can and I will kick your butt."

Jungkook grinned mischievously at me before nodding. I rolled my eyes knowing well enough that he would start teasing me five minutes later. It was okay, and I didn't get annoyed until it was too much. But Jungkook was a good kid, so I let him be. 

I covered my face to hide yawn. It was well past twelve and I felt sleepy. The party was going to continue until like two in the morning and I couldn't stay up that long. I looked around for Taehyung and saw him and Jungkook up to some mischief once again. 

I yawned once again as I walked towards. Grabbing them both by the back of their collars, I pulled them away towards the door. The room had emptied mostly. The music changed to classical, and the lighting change to a yellowish white that didn't hurt the eyes.

"What?" Taehyung asked. 

"I'm sleep, let's head back to the room." I mumbled. 

"Okay," Taehyung replied, "Kookie, I'll meet you tomorrow okay?"

"Woah, hyung look!" said Jungkook pointing upwards. When I looked up I couldn't help but gasp a little. The lights had dimmed down and we could get a proper look at the sky beyond the glass roof. 

The dark sky was studded with several stars. And there might be even more visible if the lights on the cruise weren't so bright. We stared up for a while before I yawned once again. Taehyung understood that we should better head back. Bidding goodbyes to Jungkook who too was going to go back to his room after informing to Hoseok, we walked back to our rooms. I rubbed my filled stomach. I didn't keep a watch on how much I was munching on the party snacks. Leaving no space for dinner. 

"It was fun!' Taehyung grinned, opening the room.

I smiled lazily and nodded. Once we got in, Taehyung went to remove his accessories while I went to wash my face and get rid of the make up. I noticed Taehyung staring out of the window while wearing a loose shirt for the night. 

"Taehyung, there is a bathroom attached to the room. Use it, please." I mumbled, "I don't wanna see you naked."

But I didn't get any response form my friend. He didn't even look my way. I sighed, rolling my eyes, and removed the jacket. I didn't have enough energy to change my clothes. Anyways, the ones I was wearing were comfortable enough. 

"Jimin, where's the moon?" I heard Taehyung ask. 

"In my pocket, why do you ask?"

Taehyung furrowed his brow and turned to me, "No, seriously. There is something wrong with the sky."

I rolled my eyes once again before walking to Taehyung's side and looking outside. But just as I did so, my blood ran cold in my veins. My eyes widening as every last bit of sleepiness drained out of my body. 

"That's not the sky," I whisper, taking a step back.

"That's a wave."


Word count: 1615

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