Mob In Khr

By anime7105

198K 7.4K 765

You know, I would think reincarnation to be something fun or relaxing But NO When you're reincarnated into a... More

Chapter 1: Stuck in Khr
Chapter 2: Childhood
Chapter 3: Staying away
Chapter 4: Fuuta
Chapter 5: Survived
Chapter 6: Being Lazy
Chapter 7: Mission
Chapter 8: Alex's Rage
Chapter 9: Bullies
Chapter 10: Stupid Cliche!
Chapter 11: This is BULLSH*T
Chapter 12:*snore*
Chapter 13: When they met
Chapter 14: About to start
Chapter 15: Casually watching
Chapter 16: Date
Chapter 17: Marshmallows
Chapter 18: Story
Chapter 19: Store
Chapter 20: Leaving
Chapter 21: Meeting
Chapter 22: Building
Chapter 23: Shocking News
Chapter 24: Scared
Chapter 25: Past
Chapter 26: Meeting ??
Chapter 27: Demetri
Chapter 29: Hacking
Chapter 30: Surprise Meeting
Chapter 31: Mini
Chapter 32: Birth
Chapter 33: Cielo
Chapter 34: Fun
Chapter 35: Teaching
Chapter 36: Demon Baby
Chapter 37: Spying
Chapter 38: Chameleon
Chapter 39: Rose
Chapter 40: Phynx
Chapter 41: Why?
Chapter 42: Aftermath
Chapter 43: Anger
Chapter 44: Announcement
Chapter 45: Finally Meet
Chapter 46: Bonding
Chapter 47: Proposal
Chapter 48: Epilogue

Chapter 28: Kill

2.3K 102 17
By anime7105

 Alex was sleeping peacefully while drooling. She was in a star position and was slowly falling towards the floor.


"Ow" Alex whined

Rubbing her head she glanced at her bedroom door and her eyes quickly turned calculating and cold. She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. Without hesitation she punched the glass, left with her shattered reflection. She stood still with her head down looking at the pieces of glass with an emotionless face.


Her door knob was shaking for a second before silence.


A man in black kicked her door down with two other men behind him.

"Don't move or I'll kill you!" One of them said loudly

Alex stood still and didn't even face them. She showed no sign of being alarmed. The men didn't take notice of this and foolishly continued.

"Go tie her up" The leader whispered to the two.

The two nodded and slowly crept closer to the "Fragile" and "weak" girl.

"Boss, can we have some fun first?" One said, looking Alex up and down while having lust filled eyes.

"No, we have priorities. Maybe later" The boss said not really caring

The three men were casually talking while moving closer to her. Already thinking they have her. Alex didn't say anything and waited for the two to get closer.

"Don't move now, girl" One said while reaching out a hand to grab her

Before any of them can react Alex grabs a glass shard and without turning back stabs the man's neck.


"Gurgle-" The man slumps to the ground holding his bleeding neck. Finally dying after a couple seconds.


The room went silent. The men were shell shocked on what just occurred. They don't care for the man that died but were shocked that a weak looking girl killed someone. Moving like a trained killer. Alex turned her head towards them with the most dull and emotionless eyes. Her hand that was still up from stabbing dropped to her side. Ignoring her bleeding hand that dripped on the floor.

*drip drip*

The sound knocked the two out of their shock and looked into her eyes. In that moment they felt like they were drowning in a deep and dark ocean. They were frightened from her lifeless eyes and couldn't move as she crept closer.

"Why are you in my house?" Alex said in a monotone voice, stopping a few steps away from them.

One of them got angry at her demand and yelled

"You bitch! I'm not afraid of y-" He couldn't finish his words before Alex was in front of him and stabbed the shard straight into his eye.

"AHHHH" He yelled in pain falling to his knees and putting a hand over his eye.

The boss looked terrified while watching his partner suffer.

"Why are you in my house?" She repeated


Morning came and Alex's room was filled with blood. The dead bodies of the men lay in pieces after she tortured them for answers. Alex went into the bathroom to clean off the blood in the shower.

"Hm, that was tiring" Alex said with a bored expression

While in the shower she thinks back to last night.


"Please don't kill me" The boss begs on the ground

"Pathetic" Alex said simply

"I'll tell you...I'll tell you why we're here" He says crying

Alex simply looked at him to continue

"We heard that you have relations to Vongola's boss and wanted to use you to get revenge on him" He said trembling

'Hm? If a lowly assassin got word of this information, That means bigger powers also know' I thought


'This is going to be a pain' I thought killing the boss with one swipe


I get out of the shower and look at my dirty room

"Ugh, now I have to clean all of this up. What a pain" I said disheartenly

"I was gonna go to the park today" I mumbled while pouting


I finished cleaning and decided to go to the library to get a book about hacking. Since word got out about my relation means I'm gonna have a lot of people after me for different reasons. Once I reach my destination I quickly go undiscovered to the coding section. While I was browsing I saw a baby that gave me a weird feeling and wore a lot of purple.

'He kinda reminds me of Reborn. Ugh, probably another character. Whatever let's just hurry up and ignore him; I thought debating with myself

While I was checking out my books I saw the baby about to jump off the second floor.


'What the fuck!" I thought

"Wait" I mumbled

'Don't I know someone who likes purple and does crazy things?' I thought deeply

"Oh" I put my fist in my palm

'He's Skull. One of the archipelago's' I thought in realization

When I was thinking about this the adults were trying to persuade the "child" to come down. I simply glanced one last time before leaving.

'Don't want to get involved with the archipelago's'

Once I got outside I bumped into.....

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