The Hunter Games

By ContraCat

6.2K 262 146

Meet Caroline and Desi. Two girls who have been friends since 8th grade. It's been past their high school day... More

{{Thirty Three}}
{{Thirty Four}}


254 15 1
By ContraCat

{{Carol's POV}}
"You're right, it's definitely Sam and Dean." Desi said to me after she got done looking through the blinds. "Dean's getting a couple bags from the Impala right now. What should we do?"

"Well we could ask them if they could somehow help. I mean they went through a very similar thing, remember 'The French Mistake'? Maybe they can help us get back. I mean who else are we supposed to ask?" My thoughts were jumping around my head, still trying to grasp onto the fact that we're in the Supernatural world. A world where demons and monsters exsist.

"You got a point. Should we go ask now?" I nodded at Desi and grabbed a room key before walking out the door. "Are you going to ask them or should I?"

"You definitely. You can do puppy dog eyes that can rival Sam's." I laughed lightly before knocking on their room door. "Here goes nothing."

"Uh, can we help you?" Holy shit, Dean looks a lot better in person, same goes for Sam.

"Um, Sam and Dean Winchester?" In an instant Sam grabbed me and Dean grabbed Desi and we were pinned to the wall of their room. "Whoa, hey!" I coughed out.

"Who are you two? What are you?! Demon's? Shapeshifters?!" Sam shouted in my face. Sam maybe a moose/puppy but turn on the switch and he becomes the terrifing hunter we know him as.

"What?! No! C-Caroline tell them!"

"W-we're not demons or shifters! Or anything Supernatural! Run the tests if you have to!" Sam and Dean exchanged glances before nodding and letting us down. Both Desi and I lost our footing as we tried to regain our compsure.

"Give me your arm." I nodded at Dean who had a silver knife in his hand and left a slight cut on my arm. He did the same thing to Desi. When our skin didn't show any signs of abnormality he let go of our arms and we instantly held them in our hands. Before we could register anything else, we both got splashed in the face with some water. Not just any water, Holy Water.

"Well, now that we got out of the way, do you believe us? We're nothing supernatural." I said looking between the two hunters. This is crazy, I'm looking into the eyes of Sam and Dean Winchester.

"Right, uh, sorry about that. We just need to take precautions. Let me bandage that up for you two." Sam went over to where they held their makeshift first-aid.

"You two aren't hunters or anything?" Dean asked us as he looked between Desi and I.

"No we're not. We are just two girls who need your help." I nodded at what Desi said as Sam finished my arm as he moved to Desi.

"Help? Help with what? And how do you two know who we are?" Desi looked from Sam over to me.

I took a deep breath as I saw Dean cross his arms. "Okay this may or may not sound crazy to you guys but do you two remember when you guys got switched into an alternate universe and your lives were just a show? Supernatural, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, and Jensen Ackles?" I looked between the two brothers as they remembered.

"Aww crap. Don't tell me, you two are from that crazy place."

"Right, but we don't know how in the hell we got here. One minute we were sleeping in our beds in San Fransisco and the next we wake up in a motel in Pontiac." I nodded at Desi's statement but before either of us could go on we were interupted.

"Sam, Dean the disturbance I felt, it's stronger." I deep gruff voice spoke out of no where.

"Holy hell!" Desi and I yelled in surprise.

"Hell is not Holy." I turned around and saw none other than the trenchcoated angel, Castiel.

"I think we got it figured out Cas." Dean said nodding to me and Desi. The blue eyed angel put his gaze onto the two of us. It was quite unsettling.

"Who are they?" When Cas asked that we launched into everything we just told the two brothers.

"Desi and I know about Lucifer getting out of the cage. It was last nights episode before we went to sleep. We want to help you guys." I looked between the three.

"Absolutely not! You don't know what Lucifer is Capable of!"

"Actually we do Dean. Please? We need to figure out how we got into your world and you three are our best shot." Desi started her puppy dog eyes, knowing that it would win them over.

"Dean, they've seen the show. Plus I have this gut feeling that their siutation doesn't add up correctly. Being in one state to another over night? We need to help them Dean." Sam looked to his brother.

Dean sighed heavily before he spoke, "Fine! We'll help them but we got to get out of here. You two, go pack your stuff and come back in here when you're done. Got it?" We both nodded before heading out the door.


After we packed what little we had we went back over to the Winchester's room after checking out.

"Cas? What is it?" Dean said as he looked to Castiel.

"Gabriel. He's alive." The angel spoke out as we sat on the two beds.

"What the hell man?! First Lucifer jumps the cage, then these two, and now Gabriel's back?" Dean instructed us to follow him out to the Impala, which we did excitedly.

This was the beginning of a long journey.

AN from Carol:
Alright so Desi had the idea for this chapter but asked me to write it since she was coming up with a blank at some point. What do you guys think so far? c: be sure to comment, vote, anf add to your reading lists to be notified of updates!


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