Harry Potter and the Cursed C...

By x_SeekerofStories_x

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The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well ...Or was it? Albus Severus Potter finds himse... More

CHAPTER 1- All over Again
CHAPTER 2- Slytherin
CHAPTER 3- The Invisibility Cloak
CHAPTER 4- Grandfather's flying car
CHAPTER 5- Green Ball of Fire
CHAPTER 6- Malfoy Manor
CHAPTER 7- Medeor
CHAPTER 8- The Sorting Hat
CHAPTER 9- Quidditch House Cup
CHAPTER 10- The Three Broomsticks
CHAPTER 12- Broken
CHAPTER 13- Detention
CHAPTER 14- Creating Spells
CHAPTER 15- The Ministry of Magic
CHAPTER 16- 1940
CHAPTER 17- Collision
CHAPTER 18- Aftermath
CHAPTER 19- Confession

CHAPTER 11- Astoria

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By x_SeekerofStories_x

THE STUDENTS SAT IN THE GREAT HALL FOR THEIR LAST DINNER BEFORE CHRISTMAS VACATION. Rose and Scorpius were busy laughing and whispering to each other when Albus and Lena sat down in front of them.

"You two make me want to vomit with all your cute stuff." said Albus.

"Why can't we ever be like that?" joked Lena.

"Because we are vey busy people." joked Albus.

"That's why." said Lena.

"Anyway, Adelena-"

"Lena," she corrected while cutting off Rose "Friends call me Lena."

"Sorry, Lena, how are you spending your Christmas?" asked Rose.

"Victoire finally learnt how to apparate so Victoire, Dominique, and I are going on a world tour." answered Lena "We've been planning it for a year."

"That sound so fun!" groaned Rose "Albus and I have to help Dad with the new opening of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes."

"Yeah." said Albus. Just then, an owl came for Scorpius. He stroked the owl's head and grabbed the letter that came with it. Scorpius hastily opened it and read it. As he was reading it his mood dropped.

"What is it?" asked Rose. Scorpius said nothing and he handed the letter to her. Rose went through it and she said "I'm so sorry."

"Can someone tell us what's going on?" asked Albus.

"Astoria..." said Rose and she trailed off. Albus and Lena were speechless.

"Dad's inviting you to the funeral." said Scorpius trying to blink back his tear but failing "All three of you."

"We'll be there." said Rose placing her hand on Scorpius's shoulder "All of us."

"Thanks. I need to go, I'll catch up with you later." said Scorpius heading out of the Great Hall.


Albus and Rose arrived at the Malfoy family plot early. They could see no one there. They spotted a small chapel and decided to head in there. Albus saw Scorpius in front of a mirror trying to do tie a tie but he could not.

"Hey," said Albus as he and Rose approached him.

"Do you know how to do this?" asked Scorpius pointing to his tie "I've been trying for so long."

"Don't look at me." said Albus "My Dad did it for me."

"Still not able to do it?" said a voice behind them. Albus turned around and the saw that the voce had belonged to Draco.

"No, dad." said Scorpius "I've been trying!"

"Alright, I'll help." said Draco walking over to Scorpius. He knelt and he tied the tie for Scorpius.

"Dad?" said Scorpius as Draco was about to leave "Grandfather says I am not to cry."

Draco sighed and said "That's because your grandfather does not have a cup of human emotion. You just lost your mother, you are allowed to cry."

The guests started to arrive and twenty minutes later Albus found himself surrounded by unfamiliar faces. He stayed close to Rose and Lena. The service began and all the guests took their seats. Lena laced her fingers with Albus's hand.

Another thirty minutes later the service ended. Albus saw his mum talking to Draco. He was close enough to hear them.

"Hey, you came?" said Draco surprised.

"Of course I did." said Ginny "Astoria was one of the very few acquaintances I had at the Daily Prophet. It was a beautiful service."

"Yeah, so was Fred's."


"Nothing." said Draco quickly.

"You were there, weren't you?" asked Ginny "I didn't see you."

"That was the point." said Draco. Albus left seeing as their conversation was not as interesting as he thought, and instead he went on to look for Scorpius. Lena had left early so he had nothing better to do. He went inside the chapel to escape from the sun and he saw a dark haired girl pressing her ear on a door.

"Hey, have you seen Scorpius?" Albus asked the girl.

"He's in there." said the girl tilting her head towards the door "I don't think we've met before. I'm Katerina Nott"


"Shh!" Katerina cut of Albus "Rose is in there now." Albus pressed his ear up against the door and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Rose what are you doing here?" asked Scorpius.

"I'm here to check up on you." answered Rose.

"I'm fine, thanks."

"Is that why you haven't made eye contact with me fore the past few weeks?" asked Rose. Scorpius remained silent for a while and then finally said "I've been sort of avoiding you to make this easier."

"What easier?" asked Rose.

"I think that we should take a break. I have a lot going on and the timing is absolutely terrible." blurted out Scorpius "Is the okay?"

"No, it is absolutely not!" said Rose annoyed "Scorpius, you do not get to push me away! I know your mother just died but what you don't realize is that you're grieving and that's when you need your dad, your friends, your girlfriend, so no! I don't care whether you like it or not, I'm not going anywhere."

"I know." said Scorpius, his voice breaking "I just... I don't know why I said that. I can't even think straight."

"I get it." said Rose "It's hard, but it's going to be okay."

"You don't know that. You, luckily, never had to deal with death."

"My uncle Fred died before I was born." said Rose "I never knew him. Uncle George is his twin. He wasn't able to produce a patronus since uncle Fred died. He still can't but he's okay now, and you can be too. It's all going to be okay."

"Since when did yo get so smart?" joked Scorpius.

"I am Hermione Granger-Weasley's daughter" Albus and Katerina moved away from the door.

"Their relationship survived another day." commented Katerina "They are getting very lucky."


"Yeah, lucky." repeated Katerina "Come on, even you knew that they weren't going to last this long!"

"They're Rose and Scorpius!" protested Albus.

"Yeah, I know." said Katerina "I get it, they like each other even though they are polar opposites but still. He's a Malfoy and she's a Granger-Weasley, and that means something."

"What does it mean?"

"It means that their relationship will last two months, which it did, whatever came after is pure luck. Deep down yo know that too."

"No!" said Albus "That's not true."

"Oh yeah, what make you say that?"

"Because," answered Albus "You don't know them like I do. I practically watched them fall in love with each other."

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