Dark Tendencies (Dean Winches...

By Deansdeamgirl

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You are a damn good hunter with a dark past and almost no hope for a normal future... Will your new-found fam... More

The Inevitable
Meeting the Boys
The Experiment
Story Time
The Colt
Fail to plan you plan to fail
Backup plan
The Job
The French Mistake
Gathering Information
Mommy Dearest
Midnight Snacks
Hunting Bigfoot
Day Off
Drunk Confessions
Suicide House
Sweet Dreams
One Night Stands
The Monster
Magic Moment
Better Than Nothing
My Own Worst Enemy
The Man Who Would Be King
Let it Bleed pt. 1
Let it Bleed pt. 2
The Real Deal
Survival of the Fittest
48 Hours Later
Don't Give Up
Bitter-Sweet Memories
Anger Issues
Loony Toony
Steady Breaths


1.1K 31 10
By Deansdeamgirl

It had been a full week of living in the old house with Lori and you had grown to really care for her. She was basically your grandma. Yes, you 'worked' for her but it wasn't so bad. It wasn't like she had little kids that you had to clean up after and you loved hearing her stories about things she had done in life. She was quite a rebellious young adult so needless to say, you two got along really well.

Dean and Sam had been scoping out the town while you stayed at the house. As you cleaned and went about daily chores you made sure to check out anything that seemed the slightest bit off. With all Loris antiques, you wondered if any were left in the house from when she bought it but when you asked her she said she couldn't remember. So on you went, searching through the house.

After a whole day of nothing, you finished cleaning up the dinner you made for Lori and told her you were going to take your night off. She smiled and told you to be safe. You left and locked up the house on your way out and told the boys to meet you at the diner nearby. 

You flagged them down when you saw them walk in and you all sat down, enjoying each other's company. 

"y/n it feels like we haven't seen you in a week" Sam says smiling at you.

"Cause you haven't" you say laughing. "found anything?" 

"absolutely freaking nothing" Dean says looking at the menu.

"What about you?" Sam asks.

"No. Nothing" you say. 

Your waiter comes and you all order your dinners, then goes back to the kitchen.

"Well, anything weird? Have you noticed anything?" Sam asks trying to come up with something.

"No" you say trying to think.

"Gotten more sleep?" Dean asks chuckling.

You roll your eyes but then pause. Sam and Dean watch as your face falls. "y/n I was joking. I am glad if you are-" Dean says.

"No its not that"

Sam and Dean shared a glance and then looked at you. "What is it?" Sam asks.

"I have been sleeping well" you state a little in disbelief.

"Thats a good thing isn't it?" Dean asks confused.

"Yes, but its also a weird thing"

"Weird how?" Sam asks.

You take a deep breath. "I have nightmares"

"So? We all have nightmares" Dean says not understanding.

"No, I mean I have nightmares every single night. There are very few times I can remeber  not having them. They have been a problem ever since I joined up with Bobby" you state still a little lost in thought.

"What kind of nightmares?" Sam asks.

"Like restless sleep, wake up drenched in sweat nightmares" you state not realizing their sad expressions at your admission.

"y/n we had no clue" Dean says sympathetically.

You realize you had been lost in thought for a while so you turn your attention back to the boys just as the waiter comes by and drops off your food. You all dig in and then it hits you. 

"Do you guys have a camera?" you ask staring intently at the boys. 

Sam uses a napkin to wipe off some salad dressing from his lips and then clears his throat. "yeah why?"

"I think I have an idea about what is causing the suicides" you say before taking the last bite of your burger.

"Care to enlighten us?" Dean says taking another giant mouthful of his own.

You chuckle a little bit but then get serious. "So the house was owned by an asian immagrent family when the suicides occurred"

"yeah" Sam says.

"Well, there is a creature that comes from Asia that I read about somewhere. We will have to do more research but it is a type of spirit creature that feeds on nightmares and sad emotions. It is called a Baku. It originates from Japanese folklore" 

"How would that cause suicides? If it is eating nightmares then wouldn't that make you less suicidal?" Dean says before shoving fries in his mouth.

"Yes, which is why I bet Lori claimed her and Gerald had the best few years of their lives"

"So what went bad?" Sam says completely engulfed in your theory.

"Well, typically one Baku will travel between people in a city or town so it has multiple people coming and going to feed off of, but what if it is trapped in one house and forced to feed off of the people inside. It needs to feed so if there are no more nightmares or sad feelings, then it would turn to-"

"Good dreams and good feelings" Sam says realizing. "leading for people to feel depressed and commit suicide. Thats why the suicides are not always in the house or while the family was living in the house"

You nod.

"y/n your a genius" Sam says completely in awe.

"I just read a lot" you shrug eating some fries.

"Nerds" Dean says under his breath. "So how do we kill it?"

"Well, if I remember right then we need a talisman that has been blessed to keep away evil spirits"

"Where do we find a talisman?" Dean asks.

"Well traditionally they could just be a tapestry with a blessing on them" Sam says. "So we need to just find someone who can bless one"

"How does a rug kill an evil spirit?" Dean asks looking between you and Sam.

"I honestly have no clue" you state.

You all sit there thinking. "So are you safe to stay there?" Dean asks, intently staring at you.

"For now yes. I mean, I probably have several years of nightmares for it to consume before it can get to the good ones. If it took an average couple 2 years to get all the baddreams sucked out of them, think of how many years I could last it" you say laughing at yourself. The boys did not find it funny.

"Okay. Plus, if I am not there it can feed off of Lori and I don't want that" you say more seriously.

"How do we even now if it is for sure a Baku?" Sam asks.

"That is why I asked for the camera. I will hide it and sleep with it directed at me, and we can see if it comes. The camera should be able to capture it on video"

The boys nod.

***Time Skip***

Once you got back to Lori's you went in to check on her and she was already in bed sound asleep. You went to your room and got ready for the night, changing into your sweats and tee shirt, then set up the camera.

You turn the camera on and direct it at your bed, and crawl under the covers. Knowing that the boys would later be watching you sleep made you feel nervous for whatever reason, and you found it difficult to go to bed, so instead you opened up your laptop and looked for Asian antique collectors or shops around town. The closes thing within a 30 mile radius was a traditional Chinese restaurant and you figured that might suffice depending who was working there. You looked for a blessing ritual and found (by some luck) a tapestry store. You didn't know those even existed anymore. After looking for anything else you could find on a Baku and not finding anything super useful you decided to go to bed.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

You flip over to turn off your alarm and get out of bed. You open you bag of clothes and get ready to change but remember suddenly that you are on film, and THAT would be super embarrassing. You march over to the camera and turn it off as your cheeks are bright red. As you stopped the camera you were tempted to review the footage, but knew you currently didn't have time so instead you texted Sam and Dean to let them know what you had found out about the tapistry and Chinese restaurant, asking if they could find someone to read the specific blessing you sent them. 

After getting ready for the day you got Lori up and made breakfast and did the chores she wanted done. Just after lunch you checked your messages which let you know that Sam and Dean had gotten the tapestry and had found a dude who claims he can read Japanese who said he would help them after his shift today. 

Once finishing your chores, you sat down and decided to finally review the footage. About 2 hours into the footage you see a dark humanoid masked figure walk into the room. It completely freaked you out. You had seen scarier, but the fact that it just stood at your bedside in a mask for about 30 minutes and then walked out just gave you the creeps. You take out your phone and text the boys saying you caught it on film, then went to check on Lori.

After making dinner and getting Lori to bed you called Dean.

"Hey we are on our way over" he says in a gruff voice.

"Great. Did you get everything?"

"Tapestry. Asian dude. Blessing. yep. We better hope this works"

"Sam did you find anything about how this is supposed to work?" you ask. 

"The only thing I found was that you need to place it over the spirit but I don't know how we can get close." he says.

"What about you guys come over and park in the driveway and we can talk through a plan and I can show you the footage"

"Sounds good see you soon" Sam says.

You had a little bit of time to waste so got up to make coffee, but realized you would have to be going to bed soon. Gumbling you instead grabbed some blackberry's you had bought this week out of the fridge. You hear the familiar rumble of your favorite engine and walk out the front door with camera in hand. You open the door and jump in the back seat.

"Want to see this creepy fella?" You say skipping to the time video till the Baku shows up. You show the boys and they just watch intently waiting for it to do something.

"Does it just stand there?" Dean asks finally. "Yep for like 30 minutes" you say.

"Creepy" Sam says.

"You are so cute" Dean chuckles pointing at your sleeping form. At first your heart fluttered at the compliment but once looking back at the screen you notices that you were apparently drooling from the looks of it. You snatch the camera away and glare at Dean. "What?" he says still smiling at himself.

"So what's the plan" you say trying to change the subject.

***Time Skip***

You changed into pajamas and set up the wireless camera for the boys to watch you through. They were going to sit outside the house and watch on the laptop for when Mr. Creepy came into your room. You call Sam as you turn on the camera.

"Hey" you say quietly to not wake Lori. "Can you see me?"

"Yeah we can see you can you" Sam says. "Can you angle it more towards your bed so we can see it better?"

"If this wasn't for a case this would be kinky" you chuckle and you hear loud laughter from Dean on the other side of the phone which makes you smile.

"Alright that should be good" Sam says. "Get some sleep y/n"

You turn around and walk towards your bed. You were about to hang up with your hear Dean on the phone, probably assuming you hung up "Damnnnn" to which you hear Sam say "Don't be a perv" you turn to the camera and proceed to flip them off. 

"Oh my God she's still on the line?" you hear a panicked Dean say and Sams laughter. "Y/n I am so sorry-"

You just chuckle and hang up. Rolling into bed ready for some sleep. You lay there thinking about what was going to happen when you realize that this might be the last goodnight sleep you have in a long time. You have grown to love sleep and actually looked forward to going to bed for the first time in, well, ever. And it was all about to change back to 3 hours of sleep a night, and unrestful sleep at that, reminders of bad memories, and a wake up call before your alarm. You didn't feel ready to go back to that but you knew this was for the best. Like you did every night before bed, you imagined those green eyes staring at you, and the charming smile and hearty laugh that you loved so much. You imagined being with Dean Winchester, and the calm that brought put you right to sleep.


You woke up upon hearing a thud next to your bed. You sit up and realize that Dean is sitting on the bed next to you and Sam is on the floor with the tapestry in hand. Dean turns to you.


"Did you get it?" you ask wipeing the sleep from your eyes.

"As far as we know" he says staring at you with a smile. Sam stands up and looks down at the tapestry in hand.

"Are we sure that worked? It was far too easy" he says.

"What happened?" you say looking between the two of them. 

"We just walked in and Sam tackled him down, and he vanashed just as you woke up"

"huh" you say.

Suddenly you notice another figure in the doorway. "Lori?"

"Whats going on?" she says looking between the three of you.

"Well, I think we just solved your problem" you say and she looks at you confused. "The house problem?"


"Hallelujah" she says as she turns around. "I am going to get some coffee"

You look at the two boys. "Well, hopefully it really worked"

Dean sets hand on yours and rubs his finger across it watching you "Me too"

The rest of the day was spent calling around trying to find a replacement for yourself to help Lori. It kind of hurt that you had to leave her, but the case was over and you had other things to do. The boys had left to go pack up their stuff at the motel leaving you are Lori alone in the house. You watch as she walks into the living room and sits on the couch across from you.

"You were the best non-caretaker I have ever had" she states and you chuckle.

"You are the best fake client I have ever had"

"So do you do this for a living?" she asks. "Going around finding evil and trying to stop it?"

"Essentially" you say, setting down your laptop and giving her your full attention.

"You are good kids you know" she says, you don't reply.

"You better come visit me y/n before I meet my maker" she says coming over and hugging you.

"As long as you keep making cookies you have yourself a deal" she laughs and pulls out of the hug.


"Well I found someone to replace me. They should get here tomorrow morning and I can walk them through the routine"

"Alright" she says smiling at you. "So does that mean you are staying tonight?"

"Yes. Sam, Dean, and I all agree we want to make sure the evil is out of this house for good so decided it would be best if I stay here anyways"

She nods.

You spent the rest of the day with Lori, listening to more of her stories and playing checkers which you were no good at, and soon enough it was time for bed. You set up the camera as before and called to make sure the boys were good outside and went to bed.


Suddenly you open your eyes and find yourself on the wooden floor. You couldn't't remember what had happened or where you were but you suddenly realize you are in Lori's room with a dark feeling bubbling inside your chest. You sit up off the floor and realize you have blood on your hands and have your knife that you keep under your pillow next to you. You stand up shakily, the overwhelming darkness engulfing you from the inside out. As you look onto Lori's bed you see her throat ripped out and numerous stab wounds throughout her body. Her once bright eyes were lifeless and dull. "No" you say feeling yourself starting to break down in tears. "No!" but then suddenly your breath gets caught in your throat and you feel it overtake you. 

"I told you you would do this again" the voice inside your head tells you. "You know you enjoyed it" and you couldn't help  but feel the rush of adrenaline fill you as you approached her lifeless body and a smirk grow on your face. "Your right" you say. "I did miss this"

*** Deans POV***

Watching y/n twist and turn in her sleep was excrutiating. She looked like she was in deep emotional distress and her breathing was rampant.

"Sammy I can't do this" I say opening the door but he grabs my arm.

 "No Dean we have to wait to see if it comes back" 

I knew he was right but seeing y/n in pain like this... it was hard.

"Did you know?" I ask watching y/n toss some more. It hurt by heart and I couldn't watch it anymore and looked away.

"I had no idea" Sam says. "She never talked about having nightmares or even mentioned it"

I turn to see the screen again and my heart completely shatters. "Sam its almost 6 am, if this thing was still around it would have gotten to her by now" I say getting out of the car. I walk in through the font door y/n left unlocked incase we needed to come inside for anything and make my way up the stairs. I enter her room and see her still in a frenzy with tears flowing down her face.

"Y/n" I say shaking her. "Y/n wake up"

She suddenly jolts awake and withdraws her knife from her pillow, jumping on top of me and slamming me into the floor.

"Y/n! Its me! Its Dean" I say grabbing her arm to keep her from cutting me. I watch as she realizes what is going on. Her breathing slows and she gets off of me dropping the knife and backing away. I immediately get up and walk towards her but she just shakes her head taking more steps away from me as tears continue to stream down her beautiful face. Damn did that hurt

"It was a dream" I say. Trying my luck to move closer to her. This time she didn't move away.

"It was a dream sweetheart" I extend my arms and pull her into me. At first she was ridged but she soon broke down into sobs that completely tore my heart out. I felt my own tears coming to the surface as I brought her to the bed and laid down bringing her to lay down next to me. I felt her curl herself around me snuggling her head into my chest which completely made my heart flutter. We laid like that for a couple hours not saying anything. Just letting her cry.

I am not leaving her alone. Never again.

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