The Weekend

By mzTaeJinKim

5.2K 364 159

A One Night stand turns into two. One is used to the club life while the other was a virgin just out for a fu... More

Second Night

First Night

2.1K 146 57
By mzTaeJinKim

Jin's POV

"Jin, you look so amazing. Please don't change your outfit."

My friend Jimin is yelling at me while trying to convince me to keep this outfit on. Or what he considers an outfit.

I can barely breathe in these leather pants. And this shirt is practically see-through. My mother would spin in her grave.

If she was dead, but she's not.

She's currently living it up with husband number three or four on a honeymoon cruise. God bless her, she doesn't give up on love.

So far, this last man she married seems like a decent guy. And he's well off, so she can finally quit working and enjoy her twilight years.

"Jimin, I don't feel comfortable with what I'm wearing. I feel like guys will automatically get the wrong idea about me and think I'm easy."

"The whole point of this night is to get out of your comfort zone and have some fun. Just for this one night, live it up a little." His eyes are pleading with me as he rubs my hands.

"Fine, but you'd better help me if you see some weirdo try to get handsy with me."

He jumped for joy and said, "I will.. I promise you."

We then both took one last look in the mirror and headed to the club. As soon as we walked in I was already struggling to breathe. It was smoky and smelled strongly of different scents of colognes and perfumes.

As we walked to the bar I could feel eyes just staring at us. I tried my best to cover myself with my hands, but it was of no use.

"What'll you have?" The bartender asks.

"I think I'll have a bourbon on the rocks." I replied.

"No, give him a Long Island Tea." Jimin told him.

"You need something to help loosen you up alot faster than what you ordered."

"Jimin, don't make me regret coming here tonight."

He smiles wickedly and orders the same drink.

When we get our drink the bartender told us that someone already paid for us.

When we asked who, he pointed to a couple of guys that were at the end of the bar. When they saw us they waved at us so we just thanked them from across the bar.

They were very good looking, but they were not my type. These guys looked more like business men and I like... Hmm, I don't really know...

I guess I don't have a type since I rarely ever date or go out. That's why I'm still a virgin at 27 years old. Which is what Jimin wants to change, hence why he dragged me out tonight.

We stand around just swaying to the music and drinking for a while. Until someone asks Jimin to dance.

He loves to dance, so he just hands me his empty glass and walks onto the dance floor with the guy.

I make my way to a nearby wall, just trying to blend into the background. I look at the people dancing and they look like they are really enjoying themselves.

And I wish I could be that carefree. But I'm too self conscious, unless I'm a little tipsy. I want to have fun tonight, but I don't want to get polluted.

I was about to take a swig of my drink when I am frightened beyond all reason by a deep voice in my ear asking me, "Would you like to dance beautiful?"

I turn to look at the person who startled me and my breath caught in my throat. He was breathtakingly gorgeous.

He had dark hair, in a mullet style and a single pearl earring hanging from one ear. He wore a black dress shirt with black slacks.

He wore lots of rings and a gold necklace. His eyes were hazel and his lips were glossy from his continuous licking.

"Oh, um.. Thanks but no. I don't really dance unless.." I had to stop myself from talking or I'd make a fool of myself.

"Unless?..." the gorgeous stranger asked.

"Uh, it doesn't matter." I replied.

I turned away from him, expecting him to walk away so he could find someone else to ask to dance. But he remained by my side.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I turned to face him again, surprised he was still there.

"I don't usually tell strangers my name. But you can call me Kim for now.

He chuckled and leaned in to say, "That's funny, I am also Kim. But you can call me Tae. So if you don't want to dance, do you want another drink?"

I don't know what it is about his voice, but it's like a sirens call, luring me to him. And I think he knows the effect he has on people by the way he's smirking at me.

I wanted to show that he's not really affecting me, but I fucked up when I stuttered.

"S-sure, I g-guess." Fuck! Ugh! I hate myself.

He smiled and asked me to wait for him. He soon returned with two Long Island teas.

"Do you want to find somewhere to sit?" He asked.

I looked around for Jimin, not wanting him to worry if he comes searching for me. But I saw him sandwiched in between two guys who were grinding on him.

He had a huge smile on his face so I don't think he'll be looking for me anytime soon.

So I just nodded at him, and he surprised me when he held onto my hand as he led me upstairs to a private booth.

As we got nearer to the booth, I saw another guy already sitting there when we walked towards it.

He was tall, well built and very good looking. He wore skin tight black pants that were suffocating his thighs, and a red dress shirt with the top unbuttoned to the middle, while his abs were on full display.

In a word, Sex.. the guy screamed sex. Just oozed it out of his pores.

He was sexy and the way he had one arm leaning on the top of the booth as he took a drink and looked at me up and down, he knew it.

"Hey Kook, this is Kim.. Kim, this is my friend Kook."

I reached out my hand to shake his and he stood up, then held my hand between his own.

"Damn.. you are hot. I guess I should've been out there quicker and beat Tae on finding the most beautiful guy out there tonight."

I just gulped because I have never been in this type of situation before. Where two insanely hot guys were admiring me. Maybe they think I am a slut by what I'm wearing.

"I'll leave you two alone and go find someone to dance with.
I think I saw a really cute blonde walk in with you earlier." He winked at me then walked downstairs.

"Don't worry. He's not a predator or anything. If he talks to your friend and gets shot down, he will leave him alone."

"Oh.. ok, that's good."

I then sat nervously next to him, with my hands under my thighs and looking around everywhere.

"Am I making you nervous?" He asked.

I shook my head quickly and made myself dizzy.

"S-sorry. I just never go out so this is all new to me."

"You mean, you've never been to a club before?"

"I walked into one once in college, but soon walked back out. It just wasn't my type of thing. The only reason I am out right now is cause my friend kept bugging me to try to have fun for once."

"Wow, I've never met someone so innocent before. Especially at a club like this."

"L-like this? Is there something special about this club? Omg! Are the owners human traffickers?!"

I suddenly started to panic and wanted to look for Jimin.

"Whoa, no.. calm down. I just meant that most people who come here are looking for a quick hook-up. You know, like a one night stand type of thing. And just talking to you, you seem so innocent."

I felt like an idiot. Why did I immediately think human traffickers of all things. Probably all the times my mother warned me of the dangers of drinking and being around strangers.

"I'm really sorry. I understand if you want to go search for someone more fun to hang out with. I'll just bum you out."

He chuckled and said, "No way, I like talking to you. It's a refreshing change from the usual chatter these people spit out."

I smiled wide at him. He's probably lying just to get in my pants, but he sounds so sweet. I guess I should slow down on my drinking. Or else I'll be bent over in the men's bathroom with his cock up my ass pretty soon.

And that is not the way I plan on losing my virginity.

(A few drinks later..)

I didn't listen to my own warnings, and now I've lost count of how many drinks I've had.

I knew somewhere along the way that I was in trouble when I'm the one who suddenly asked him to dance and pulled him up. He laughed as he held on to me as we made our way to the dance floor.

I don't know what the hell I was dancing to, but he was moving along with me. And if I seemed to tilt a little too far to one side, he quickly came and held me by my waist to set me straight.

I then saw Jimin dancing with Tae's friend Kook and he had one leg wrapped around his waist while he kept the other foot on the floor. His arms hanging off of his neck as they gazed into each other's eyes like they wanted to eat each other. It was very slutty looking, but that's my friend.

I don't know how it happened but one minute I was looking at my friend and the next I was hugging onto Tae tight as we danced. He wrapped his arms around me as we swayed.

When the song ended we walked back to his booth.

Well I stumbled, he walked us over. And when we sat down he handed me a bottled water.

"I think you might get dehydrated. And this helps way more than all the liquor in your drink."

I downed the entire bottle as I looked at him. Man, he is ridiculously good looking. Why is he wasting is time with a loser like me?

"What is it?" He asked me.

"I just, I don't know why you are still here with me. You could've probably found you some beautiful girl or guy by now. But instead you're wasting your time with me."

"Ah, well.. for your information. I already found the most beautiful person in this place. And I've enjoyed spending time with him all night."

I kept looking at him, expecting him to walk over to this person he just mentioned. But instead he stared right back at me.

"Are you confused? Or do you know that I meant you?"

I started blinking continuously, a habit I have whenever I get nervous and don't know how to respond to something.
He then moved closer and started to lean closer to my face as his eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips.

"Me? B-but you could probably have anybody here you want. What's so special about me that you're willing to waste your entire evening with?"

"Why do you put yourself down like that? Do you even own a mirror? You are unbelievably beautiful and just spending time with you let's me know that you are different from the normal people who come here.

I mean.. Yes, I could easily go out there and find an easy lay for the night, but I don't care about that right now. I like being here with you."

I couldn't respond to him. I just closed my eyes as I saw him getting nearer to me and then I felt his lips on mine.

He moved his lips around and he sucked on my bottom lip until I opened them up. He then grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me deeper as he was starting to breathe hard.

I was getting overwhelmed by how great it felt to kiss this gorgeous stranger.

And maybe it was the couple of dozen drinks I had... no it was definitely because of the drinks, that I pushed him back onto the booth and climbed over him and I kissed him back deeper and harder. He held onto me by my waist and pushed me down hard so I could grind onto his cock.

I don't know what was coming over me, but feeling him under me was doing things to me.

I could feel it as I was gliding over it, but I suddenly wanted it deep inside of me. He suddenly slid my shirt open and sucked on my nipple as I leaned over him. I felt like I was overheating and only he could cool me down.

"Umm, Tae?" I whispered.

He looked up at me and asked, "Yes?"

"I'm a virgin."

He chuckled and replied, "I had an inkling you were. But don't worry. I won't push you to go any further."

I don't think he understood what I was trying to say. But I didn't want to sound like a cheap, tawdry slut either.

"No, I mean. I'm a virgin... but I don't want to be anymore."

I could see the whites of his eyes as he finally understood what I wanted.

"Are you sure?" He asked me as his hands massaged my back.

I only nodded back at him. He then lifted us both off the booth and he helped close my shirt. Then he held my hand as he led me down the stairs and out of the club.

He then walked over to a silver and black SUV.

When he opened the passenger side door to let me in, I immediately slid around in it from how smooth the leather seat was. He then got in the drivers side and started to drive.

As we are driving along I wondered how it will feel. And will I feel any different after.

I know he may probably not hang around after he's done with me, but I think I will be ok with it. He's definitely going to be a memorable person. And he has been really nice to me all night. I could do alot worse for my first time.

"Are you having second thoughts about this?" He asked as we stopped at a red light.

"No, it's just my mind overthinking things like always."

"Things like, maybe we shouldn't do this? Or like what?"

"I'd rather not say.. you will probably laugh at me."

He laughs and says, "Ok, now I'm really curious about what you're thinking."

"Nope, sorry. I'm not saying anything."

"Fine then, keep your secrets."

We then pulled into a long driveway and parked in front of a large house. The only lights on were the small lights around the flower beds in front. It was a cute, homie place. The family kind of home.

As he opened the door, I noticed it was very nicely furnished and had a very lived in feel to it.

I looked around and saw there were several plants and picture frames all around the place. And I suddenly had a wave of panic hit me.

"A-are you married?" I asked him.

It just seemed like the type of place a family lives in.

"What? No.. what makes you think that?"

"Because this just seems like a typical, suburban family type of home."

He laughs and grabs my hand as he walks us into the living room and turns on the lights.

He shows me several of the picture frames and they are of a family. But he looks to be around 10 years old in one photo, and about 15 in another.

There's also a group family photo where it appears to be his parents and an older brother and younger sister.

"This is my family home. My parents were killed in a drunk driving accident 5 years ago and they left me the house. I didn't want to change anything about it. So almost everything is as they left it.

I have an older brother but he lives in Japan with his own family right now. That is also my little sister. She recently got married about a year ago and still lives in town, but they have their own place."

I feel foolish all of a sudden. I don't know why I'm always jumping to conclusions.

"I'm sorry.. I just suddenly thought you were married. You must think I'm a total loser to be freaked out by everything and never experiencing much of life."

He laid the picture frame down and he pulled me in closer.

"I think you are perfect. And it's because of how different you are from everyone else I've met that I brought you here.
You're the first person I've ever brought here."

I know I'm blushing, and I don't know what to say to that.

"Do you want something to drink?" He asked as he led me to the kitchen.

I followed him in and he called out what was available.

"We have water, Cokes, Sprite, cranberry and orange juice.
Which will it be?"

"Umm, maybe a Coke."

He smiled as he reached for two Coke cans and he intertwined our hands as he walked upstairs.

"This used to be my parents room but now it's mine. Just cause it's the master bedroom with an en-suite bathroom. I figured since I'll probably be living here for years, I may as well be comfortable."

"Of course, nobody would blame you."

I looked around and I can see it was more his taste compared to the rest of the house.

It was really clean and tidy, which made me think of the huge mess Jimin and I left in my room before we left.

"I really like it. You have good taste."

He came to stand behind me as he hugged me.

"I picked you out of a club full of people. Of course I have good taste."

He then nibbled on my ear as he licked his way down to my neck and shoulder.

He slid his hands inside my shirt and roamed his hands across my chest as he continued kissing me. I let my head fall back onto his shoulder as he sucked on my neck, and making me hot all over again.

He turned me around and held my head by my neck and kissed me as we both slobbered all over each other. Desperately wanting to devour each other.

He slowly started to unbutton my shirt and let it fall as he then continued to my pants. I thought he would have trouble with them since they were pretty tight on me. But he removed them quicker than I thought. I guess it comes from experience.

I stood there in just my tiny briefs and felt his eyes looking at me from head to toe. Being self conscious, I tried covering myself up with my hands but he pushed them away.

"I bet you don't have any idea of just how beautiful you really are."

Before I could respond he quickly lifted me up and carried me over to the bed and laid me down.

I moved up higher and watched as he started to undress himself, all while he stared right back at me.

When I saw him shimmy out of his boxers and let them drop to the floor I had to take a deep breath.

I kept my eye on his enormous cock and worried for my poor asshole. He will tear it wide open with that thing.

It makes me wish I was in the habit of using dildos. Extremely large ones so I wouldn't be so shocked right now.

He started to climb onto the bed and crawled over me.

"So I know you're a virgin, but I will be as gentle with you as I possibly can. So if I hurt you in any way, let me know and I'll stop."

I looked up at him and nodded.

"Have you ever had oral sex before?"

"N-not really. I mean a guy I went out with a long time ago did it to me but I've never given it to anyone."

He then laid down next to me and asked me to climb over him as he lay with his knees spread.

"I think you should start off small before we head into the big game."

I then sat on my knees in between his legs as he started to talk me through it.

"Now wrap your hands around it at the base and squeeze it as you fist it up and down. But not too rough, ok?"

I did as he said and held it in between my hands. It was pretty thick and the tip looked red and angry.

I heard him moan as I pumped it, then he said, "Now you can lean down and try to take it in your mouth. You can start off by giving it a lick around my tip."

I held it as I leaned down and stuck my tongue out to lick it and I swirled it around, earning more moans from him. I then put the top of it in my mouth, while sucking on it. I then took more of it in, and as it hit the back of my throat I started to gag a little.

"Slowly, I don't want you to hurt yourself."

I smiled at him and I thought of it as a challenge. So while I was swallowing more of him in, I relaxed my throat and I fit more of him down farther. I then raised my head up and down while I continued swallowing him until I took it all down.

I looked up at him while I was going faster and I saw him roll his eyes back and he reached his hand out to hold my head in place.

He then bucked his hips up while I continued, and when he said he was about to cum, I moved back a little but held his tip on my tongue, waiting for him to shoot it in my mouth. He came hard and I swallowed as much as I could.

When he was done I saw him catching his breath and said, "Are you sure you've never done this before?

"I haven't, but I can be very competitive at times. So I wanted to do a good job of it. Was it ok for you?"

He then pulled me down to kiss him and he said, "You were really, really good at it. So much so, look at how hard you got me again just from remembering your lips around me as you sucked."

He then glance down to his cock which was really hard. He turned me to lay on my back while he reached down to slowly massage my rim before he entered his middle finger in. I hissed at the foreign intrusion.

He kissed me as he worked more fingers in, knowing they still won't compare to his dick.

He then started kissing his way lower and when he reached my cock he took it into his mouth and quickly made a mess out of me. I was slowly going insane as he touched my sweet spot and sucked my cock.

I came all over him, it landed on his cheek, his chest and on mine. He quickly lifted my legs up and pressed the tip of his dick at my hole.

He hovered above me while he held his cock and slid inside.
I gasped out loud at the feeling of my hole being stretched out like this.

He slowly inched more of his dick into me, while we kept our eyes locked onto each other.

When he managed to enter fully he was laying on my belly as I cried, adjusting to his huge cock in me.

After a few minutes he slowly gave a small thrust and I moaned a little, which encouraged him to continue. He pulled himself out before diving back in.

I was feeling so good and wanted more, so I grabbed a hold of his ass cheeks while he was inside and I squeezed them, pushing him in deeper.

He moaned and started to go faster.

My poor hole was taking a beating but I was oddly loving it. I loved how full I felt with him inside me.

I pulled my legs up by my knees and he pushed them back farther as my feet touched the bed frame.

I was literally bent in half while he thrusted wildly above me, as sweat dripped off his forehead.

I didn't realize I was so limber.

I really hope I don't fart right now and ruin the moment. Jimin said that happened to him once. The guy completely stopped fucking him just to laugh.

But this guy, I can't take my eyes off of him.

He is soo hot and sexy.

I will have to leave right after, so I don't form some sort of attachment to him. That will be humiliating.

I felt as he hit my prostate repeatedly and I screamed out as I came once again.

He leaned down to kiss me quickly and then he came inside of me right after. He continued thrusting while I squeezed his cock of all it's juices.

I wanted to catch my breath and hurry out of there because I felt if I stayed any longer, then I would have a hard time leaving later.

When he fell next to me and I saw his eyes close, I was really about to get up.

But that's not what happened.

I woke up with the sun shining and my head was nestled over his chest with his arm around me.

"Good morning beautiful." He sounded so sexy in his morning voice.

I knew I fucked up royally by staying this long. And now I don't know how to get out of this situation.

A/N: This will only be two chapters since one represents one night. I will post the second chapter next Saturday. I really hope y'all will like it.


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