The Elementals II: Knit of Fa...

By JayrMenes

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When the walls of Sir George's School of Engineering opened for Elly, t'was a dream come true to his parents... More

The Elementals II: Knit of Fate
Council of Chemists...
A person who's unlikely to visit a student...
Other places to go...
Jaray's got one unique charm...
I had too-young history professors beside me...
The other professors...
You're playing on us?
See how bad my short term memory is.
The only freebie in the world, I wouldn't like.
The goddess of memorization forgot something...
We're part something and part another thing.
Sir George's Nuns
I made myself an instant star in just a night!
If the reader won't answer, ask the author.
The Hauler
You wouldn't want to see hanging human corpse, do you?
It's nobody's fault
A shame towards the institution
I've given them enough to gnaw.
Dead and hungry.
Fight it or be killed by a killer who doesn't exist.
We can't escape but we can hide.
Intimidated, dared and demoralized!
They're hungry, not cannibals
Be safe...
Incapacitate him first
Like Deja vu
We're bound to pull you down.
You could be the good guy for her.
Alvis killed him.
I lead them there.
The powerful is taken down one by one
Engr. Mylene A. Viento
Left at the mortals.
Almost God-like
Erase the line between D5 and murderer.
I love you


227 3 0
By JayrMenes

The investigation of Alvis’ escape somehow was narrowed down to two of them, unbelievably, I’m not taken as a suspect, and soon as the sun rose that morning; they woke up in the Fatals’ Quarters or eyes wide open without sleep.

I reached our room around four in the morning. I washed my face and hid the cloak under my bed, just in case I go breaking school rules again.

The absence of roommates is so depressing. I go whispering some notes from the songs, I knew. When the clock stroked five, I started talking to the different things around me.

“Hey toaster! Heave some toasts can you? Oh! Mr. Teapot, do you still have tea in you?” Sighs... just these first hours of being alone are already driving me crazy. I admit it, I hate being alone.

I laughed at myself and after awhile, I found myself crying. The tension I’ve got from the very fast turn of events, the spared adrenaline and the fact that there’s no talkative mouth that’ll console you, these things broke my last defence. I buried my face on one of the pillows and sob, cry, weep... and snivel some more.

When I came to class that morning, I found out that the institution has given them the good wood to gnaw. Pity. They were informed that Roxy and Jaray have gone to the city to represent the school to an annual battle of the brains and some E-fights. Obviously, they can’t name the Council of the Greaters for these events. 

I can’t blame the Council for their actions. I may have been included myself if not because of miracles.

The next weeks were so action-less, boring. Sir Quinoax started his class normally. He went into detailed discussion of different laws but the major idea of these was ‘never overuse the things given to you’. Living things essential for human or non human consumption are the only things exempted from being killed in any manners, be it elementally or non-elementally. Before the end of this year with him I realized that laws in here were just modifications of the mortals’, it’s like the word, elementals, non elementals, were just inserted.  

But one thing is legal here, killing murderers. This change in the law was made after D5’s wrath and the use of any e-ability towards one another is only allowed when it is academically needed and when in life threatening situations. And this is where; he went into more detailed dialogue on what are life threatening situations. You see, nobody shall go out and kill anyone and say, “Hey! I only did it out of self defence!” You must prove, you’ve say ‘hi’ to the Reaper and he let you slip away and live. Geez... whatever...

Meanwhile for Technical writing, we were instructed to prepare a feasibility study that’s due when the class returns after winter break. It was a group work, and the Gods have heard my prayers! I was with Clarice, Nicolei and Kristi, all aliens when it comes to paper works. I’ve got everything I need in them. Haha.

Logic, one phrase to describe my experience here before the year ends, ‘Mind squeezer, it kills me to the bone marrows!’ (Two phrases actually) Prof Samartia is still the all knowing walking encyclopaedia. She knows the world mafias, some underground organizations in operation. She can see through peoples’ actions, how dumb they are to pursue actions against the government, but what could little uprisings over here and there do?? Chaos only. Headache in the traffic. And another thing, how we adore culture of other civilizations or race until we’ve sacrificed what’s ours already. These actions when not tolerated, we’ll live as a nation of diverse culture with no true and self identity.

 Calculus, as always, hard and really fast!!! The brake fluids might’ve ran out already, there’s no stopping or slowing down the mouth and hands of Mr. Borsel. He instructs us, sympathetically, to follow, that he’s not too fast we’re just too distracted, too slow and too inattentive to digest everything he says and write at the same time. Wew.

Sir Miel has taken Physics to a higher level, new nightmares at night. You see, we’ve been discussing and computing about stress on objects, strains and how much force can this and that support, all about pressure and relationship of it to volume. Pressure and stress, BOOM!

Yeah, we study computations but Sir Miel sees it in another way. Learning never actually happens until you’re able to put all these formulae and theories into practical use. Theoretically, lumber won’t take tons of weight above it but when you put reinforcements to it, balance the forces acting on it and the stress it can take, surely it can. In life, no one can bear the weight of all the problems in the world, that’s why you have to balance your priorities, reinforce yourself with the arms of those very dear to you. Cliché, but no man is really an island unless you chose to be one.

Seems like Bible reflections right? Yet it’s true. You just have to have the vision of seeing through those formulae and writings on the board.

E-classes are so out of control of these days, well at least for me it is. Elemetry as usual is a boring, energy less, slow pace extension of what we have in Physics II.

Once when I was walking with Jingjy towards his next class and when he’s still clinging to his neutral self, I asked, “Honestly Sir. Why do we have to study Elemetry? You see, it’s-”

“Boring?” He continued which caught me off guard.

“Really.” I learned to be honest to him if that’s what will help him to stay in his self, fooling him will only prolong his having dual, triple personality, “I just find it so impractical. When you’re in battle, you just have to be stronger than your opponent. That’s it.”

“Elly. Elly. Elly.” He said tossing peanuts to his mouth, “Life isn’t always about battles. Life out there is not all war.”

“It is!”

“Unless D5’s gone.” He figured out what’s in my mind, “Winning a battle is never always about who’s stronger, victors aren’t always physically strong.”'

“Well, intellectually they should also be.”

“And that’s what I’m trying to say. You train to be strong in other E-classes but what I want to teach my students, it’s not always about over killing your enemy. No matter how deep the pain they inflicted upon you, to give the most painful revenge is one quality we share with other animals; you don’t have the law in your hands. Nature has her own ways of dealing with enemies.”

“I still don’t get it. Winning should always be goal in wars and battles; make your enemy pay.”

“The hardest battle is the one never fought.” Now, he’s transforming into another personality I surely don’t recognize, “The main objective of fighting is to achieve peace, peace in everyone and in you, to achieve peace there must be forgiveness and that’s the hardest of all. The war that’s never fought, the war in you, there are only a handful of victors from it.”

I was stunned when I heard him. How can you find peace when you know someone you love has been killed by them? I just can’t accept the fact that I’ll be living with the persons who killed the very persons I want to be with me. “How can you forgive when you know they don’t beg for it?”

Jingjy paused, looked at the sky only to find thick branches and leaves blocked the view, “Forgiveness is not always mentioned, just like love; you know it in your heart.”

People fight to win, people fight to get what they want but behind all these wants and needs they fight for, there’s this subconscious hope of finding peace in them and to find this peace they must have what they want. What if the only way to achieve peace is to kill lives? What if to achieve peace you destroy their hearts? Their beliefs? Their lives? Or is this really peace that you feel? Can you consider it as peace really? Maybe Jingjy’s being too impossible, we are too clouded already to see these things but hearing those words from someone who’s cloudier than I am, just stunning.  

If D5 would’ve to be killed by me, will I do it for this peace? Hmm... Now I’m starting to be Jaray-like, so futuristic.

 Prof Samartia finally gave in or she’s just too sorry for me that she allowed me to leave sphere exercises and finally proceed to the stick lessons. I’m totally left behind, we were only six left in the stick lessons and oh, those five are almost near to perfecting it. Sighs... Am I too out of control of my ability? Obviously, YES.

Prof Samartia actually lost all her spare sticks because of me, when the last of it was broken, she instructed me to go out and find myself a nice strong stick to practice on. And when I came back, I was holding my strong stick, if your definition of stick is same as mine- arm length and an inch thick.

“That’s a stick-” At first, I thought Prof Samartia is saying a fact but when she repeated, “That’s a stick?!” followed by a slash of wind and the inch thick stick I’m holding, fell to the floor like pick-up-sticks’ sticks. Geez... Guess you’ve concluded already, the year ended with only Odin and me with sticks at hand, aside from those who’s in this forged quiz bee (Jaray and Roxy).

To mention, they were actually forming some humanoid form using their element. That’s when I pity myself and embrace the new horrors I’m facing when I’m on it. Sighs... Sighs... And sighs...

To mix two elements is easy but five? Oh dear, our group in E-subjects under Sir Miel is not getting any improvement so as the other groups. This is where Sir Miel jumped in and regrouped us. I was taken away from Nic, Kristi and Renzarl to be grouped with Clarice (who’s been a former group mate), Odin (oh dear), Zajane (great) and Mik (fair enough).

We spent most of our night lessons at the gymnasium turned out to be our simple arena. I don’t know why but I’m quite unfriendly towards Odin maybe because we were both weak in E-management and control which I’m shy of or I’m quite intimidated because he’s too good looking with those fierce eyes and nice jaws and little lips or he’s so close and friendly towards a best friend of mine -Clarice. Well, I just hate being with guys who looks better than me, I think they’re getting all the attentions in the world and the world starts to disregard me; that’s why I get satisfied when with Jaray. LOL. Purposely, in my mind, I drew a line between Odin and I, ought to be not crossed.

New group, new sharing of abilities. So Odin’s talent is not bad after all. Like Kathe who transform into a lightning lion, Odin transforms into a weird lightning by-pedal creature; shark teeth, two claws and very reptilian like, a baby t-rex but fierce enough to scare the hell out of you. He’s indeed a baby dinosaur! Another thing, I was a little right about his friend, the dog-ish one, he transforms into a lightning hound.

I don’t know how they do it, but all you can see are charges that spark and streams of light beams forming the image in them. You can’t see their body, it seems like they are wearing this electrically charged costumes.

 Zajane’s quite interested of seeing what I can do, I warp in and out around her until she was dazed and had enough of it then I tried making a pressure ball on top of us. Big as my head and sips all the particles in the air in the gym then I make it shrink until it disappears.

Zajane in return show what she can do, she’s a very talented Salamander. Like Roxy, she can produce fire on her hands but her fireballs are bigger than Roxy’s which looked like bite sizes only of Zajane’s. She can also twist the fire like it was a rope and throw it up in the air. 

I saw from our previous class, Mik’s very able enough with his bubbles. Now, I’m imagining how things are going to end between a five-man team and Sir Miel.

Meanwhile for Element Jeopardy, it seems like another governance class with Sir Quinoax; boring and worth not telling, just a simple class with discussions of white light coming from somewhere under the desks of his lady students before, which the class find so funny but me, oh well why?, first, I’m slow so I laughed last, it’s blessing If I were really to understand the jokes, and secondly, am not in the mood to buy some silly green jokes. (Yeah, that white light he’s talking about are those white, uhmm, how do I say this??? it’s rated PG.) And by the way, his examples of crimes or scenarios asking what rights, law, regulation, act is applicable, is all about rape scenes and he complains why do we always have the same scenario all the time?! P.S. He finds it interesting though.

So days have passed like photos shown in movie houses if they did such in your place. We had experienced those before, you know the grandfather of our modern filming and movie industry. I know for sure, Jaray’s and Roxy’s days are passing a lot slower than slower than normal.

 I wish I could visit them, and then it flashed in my mind. My room, the bed, under it- the cloak! How could I’ve been so stupid, well aren’t you surprised of my being slow? Just a week before our hopeful winter vacation, I sneaked in. It’s Saturday night, I snatched the cloak and cover myself with it. I tried my hardest to visualize the Fatals, the black and white walls, the winding hallways and find a spot I can remember well, where I can warp out.

The not so busy place, the well lighted white tables and long plastic benches, thick pillars as building supports and the counter filled with snacks and foods, the sign- CAFETERIA in bright white neon lights and the smell of the ever famous hot chocolate of Mother Neria, and I’m out.

I opened my eyes and I was in the exact place, just behind a thick pillar to hide my arrival from some fatal students. Yeah, they won’t kill me, I know, but they surely can report a strange student who appeared in the thin air wearing cloak. I stuffed the cloak inside my bag and went to the counter where Mother Neria, the fat lady with really curly black hairs reading a newspaper with Alvis’ face in it.

Now they’re reporting about his absence in doing crimes, like he had changed for the good and he embraces the fact that one must work for food. Yeah, he’s working now, working as a street sweeper. A work not very well fit to an old man though when I visited him, he didn’t complain of it. I started sending some goods to the address he gave me and he heartily thanked me for keeping my promise. The money I used is not a big deal at all when you’re helping. I used my savings to buy the goods, quite costly but I can manage.

Sometimes, I used Haulers to personally bring the food. Some groceries and mostly fruits (if only you know how expensive fruits are in here but I can’t afford letting these people eat tin cans). Yeah, it costs me a lot but compared to my life now, it’s not even close to average, the sacrifices. The village is completely sealed from the outside, towering brick walls and a gate that’s almost impossible to trespass. There’s this very small wooden door in the gate where I used to place what I have for them as bony, more skeletal looking than the former Harlley, arms grab them.

Honestly, I might faint if I were to see them up close. Wew.

Anyways, I went near some students, eavesdropping (something I’m good at. Hehe). It appears like Jaray and Roxy are not really the type of people who will just settle down and not to be talked about. It’s actually easy tracking them here than I’ve imagined.

Both of them have caused enough trouble for these students to talk about. Oh, sorry for out-of-placing you, here’s what they said.

There were two new detainees (obviously Jaray and Roxy) who were not doing their chores, not attending the classes and mostly caught wandering around the Fatals at places and regions or departments where it’s off limits. Well, those are really the kind of persons I knew in both of them. Hardcores. Haha.

Wait... the catch is, if they’re usually wandering around this building, where will I start searching for them? Uh-oh.

I honestly don’t know where to look for them so I tried my acting prowess here, only a little of it, the pro level is for professors. Haha. “I think it’s rather rude to talk about people when they’re not around.” I moved towards them in slow pace, smiling cheerfully, invitingly.

Their brows knitted questions and this one, who’s totally familiar to me, his bully-built and arrogant looking face, said, “You looked familiar. I just can’t remembe-”

“Oh!” I don’t want to prolong this little chitchat, I’m on a tight schedule you see and prolonging things will obviously mean trouble, “Guess, mischief is in my blood and this time I’ve got some friends with me.” I smiled, “and you’re talking about them.”

They gaze away at once and this guy continued, “Oh yeah, probably, uhmm. We’re sorry.”

“It’s alright.” I moved closer, “I got a little lost around here. Guess my usual trip here is not enough to know the ways. I got separated with my friends, have you seen them?”

 A lady in red tight blouse answered, “They’re around the-the indoor jungle.”

“Thank you.” I said and turned my back on them.

“Do you know the way? Corridors are really winding around here.” The guy asked.

“Yeah! I can get there in no time.” And I ran towards the exit.

The aisle towards the canteen is obviously deserted so I pull on my cloak and disappeared. I appeared just behind a thick mango tree which fruits looked like gold peeking behind lush green leaves.

This whole facility is covered; thick glass ceilings cover this jungle which, as what I’ve been told, was created by my former Chemistry professor, Ms. Agby. I thought of not taking my cloak off ‘coz I can always pretend to be a real Council member in a mission provided that no other council member will catch and expose my identity. This is acting prowess, level 2.  Hehe.

I moved in fast steps; either walking or running; I also warped a couple of times and at last I found the two of them sitting on bench enjoying the daylight refracted by the thick glass so it appears not so eye-hurting.

“Enjoying ourselves, aren’t we?” I greeted, keeping my face hidden under the hood.

“Cut it out Elly” Roxy said without turning towards me, “I can’t help but laugh at how pathetic you are.” And then she smirked.

“Oh. I thought my disguise is convincing.” I said as the light hit my face.

“If I were not a council member and didn’t know I’ve given you a cloak, I would be convinced. In fact, under a hundred meters, I can already sense you.” the ever irritating bossy and my-older-brother-wanna-be Jaray said, “You warped clumsily. It’s as if a giant is on the loose and the leaves of the trees rustle and its branches sway as he passes by.”

“I’m tall but not obviously Giant-looking.” I replied.

“Oh, you’ve disrupted enough the waves of the wind for me to sense you...”

“Since when did you learn to sense the waves of the wind?”

“Why ask? I’m a Sylph remember? It’s just common to Sylphs, so as fire to Salamanders like Roxy.”

“Oh Jaray- stop boasting! You’ve not mastered it remember? Elly’s just too clumsy, I don’t even have to be a Sylph to sense him.” Roxy silenced the blushing Jaray. “Actually, we’ve been busy taking E-classes here seriously.”

“But I’ve overheard from the canteen you’re not-”

“Attending our classes?” Roxy laughed, “There are things not taught in the classroom.”

“Yeah but it’s not an excuse of not attending the classes.” I said.

“It’s just almost a month Elly and you’re starting to sound like a principal.” Jaray said.

“It’s just that those words are familiar to me.” I replied but I thought of better not tell them about Majim.

“Classroom classes bore us here so we thought of starting from the basics. And see, basics aren’t bad after all. So what brings you here? I’d be delighted to hear you’re missing us.” Roxy took my arm and lead me away from Jaray.

“Uhm, I guess. Yeah, but it’s actually another way around, you’re missing a lot in our department. They told everyone that both of you are attending this who-knows-until-when quiz bee.” I paused and looked at her.

“Yeah we know they’ll be fixing a lie but I’ve not foreseen it to be as lame as this.” Roxy laughed again. Tell me, are they starting to get shallow? Anyways, a boring sector like this would totally drive you laughing at simple things.

“About the classes, you’re missing a lot.”

“We’re taking here the same exam given to you. It’s like we’re doing self reviews here. No need to worry.”

“And also, I don’t wanna go to winter vacation without seeing you both. Who knows, Sir George might be attacked and you know. I don’t wanna lose another friend.” It’s supposed to be a joke but I myself have taken it seriously.

“Don’t worry. This institution remains strong and if it collapsed, don’t you trust in us Elly? We won’t go down without putting up a good fight. It’s so foolish of them to attack our circle of friendship. Our bond’s stronger than anything, anyone. We’ll keep each other safe and you must watch over yourself this vacation.”

“I will Mama Roxy.” I smiled.

She slapped my chest, “I’m not your mommy.”

“If you won’t behave enough here, you’re stay will be prolonged.” I changed the topic, something in me hurts when it’s about goodbyes.

“Going back to our department would be counterproductive. They don’t teach us what must be learned; only Sir Atralca understands this.” Jaray finally butted in.

“What do you mean?”

“Jaray’s thinking, the institution’s going farther than what’s should be. They’re taking us to too advanced teachings but the basics, we don’t understand. They taught us this and that, it’s better this and that but the basics, the basics of being an elemental, is far stronger than to be advanced.” Roxy tried to explain and I just nod in agreement at each word, my brain is in its day-off actually. Well, it appears like, everyday’s its day-off.

“We must know our function. We’re nature guardian not techno-geeks, we’re the nature itself, nature flows in our veins... the world itself is our extension. If humans are killing their part, we must safeguard ours.” Jaray continued.

Tell me, is there anyone among us who looks like attending nature sermons recently???

“Woh... you sounded like not the Jaray I knew.” I said.

“Elly, listen to me. There’s something going on, underground. Roxy and I are staying here for the mean time.” Jaray took hold of both my shoulder as if trying to make me realized this ‘something’ he’s saying.

“Hey-hey-hey.” I freed myself, “I’m not arguing. But what’s this underground, you’re saying? DO I have to treat it literally or not?”

“No, of course.” Roxy said.

“Good, ‘coz my brain’s starting to think of earthquakes and earth’s capsizing.”

“Jaray and I are trying to uncover something. We always heard Lou’s taking commands still but from whom? We don’t know.”

Speaking of Lou, “Are both of you and him staying in the same room?” I asked them ‘coz it’ll be a riot if they were to share the same rooms.

“No!” Jaray protested, “All three of us are given each room to stay but we remain in constant vigilance to him.”

“Then where’s he now?” fear crept inside of me, I’ve overlook the danger of Lou seeing me here. If he’s seen me here, it’s as good as being caught by the administrators.

“He’s just over the other side of the path. He knows we’re watching him.” Roxy replied.

“Why let him know?”

“’Coz it’s obvious, we want each other out this institution. He expects us though. He told us once.” Jaray said, furious but determined. “If I found out he’s doing things against the law, I’ll help in kicking his ass out of here.”

“You continue watching him and I’ll try to investigate in our department. I’ll keep my eye on things, rather odd things.”

“Elly, don’t send letters. It’s either you seeing us or keeping it to yourself.” Roxy warned, “Letters and other means of communications are being watched as well.”

“Alright, I’ll bear that in my mind.” I replied, “I’ve got to go. If Lou caught me, everything will be ruined.”

“One more thing, Elly.” Put his hand over my right shoulder, “Take your Elemetry classes seriously. If you need to ask Sir Moxiannie for make-up classes, do it. You’ve to learn how to warp silently and swiftly. He knows the right training; I’ve been trained by him before.”

“Ok, but what’s the preparation for?”

“It’s not a preparation for anything, it’s just for you.” Roxy said, “We know you’re strong but the element of winning falls greatly upon surprising your enemy and at your situation right now, you don’t stand a chance.”

I seriously blushed on her last words and then I disappeared with harsh slashes of wind.

Honestly, I’ve been used to being one of the elite when it comes to E-performances but really, after what Roxy said, I found myself at the lowest level. I always win over my opponent by overpowering them but I usually or almost lose consciousness after winning not because this is like it’s more dramatic or I just wanted some attention from Adimah (somehow, yeah lololol), but I always consume every bit of my energy. Long battle doesn’t suits me, it’s gonna be my weakness someday if I don’t see Sir Moxi soon. He’s right. 

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