A Smashing Adventure!! - SSB...

By Mizumii

68.1K 1.4K 1.2K

You wake up in the world of Super Smash Bros! Congrats reader. Anyway go through your new life as you meet an... More

Arc I : Prologue - Normal life of a weird girl [Re-edited]
Chapter 1 - Is this a dream? Because I wish it wasn't
Chapter 2 - The two dorks (Re-Edited)
Chapter 3 - All hail the Hero King! ...And his descendant!
Chapter 4 - The angels that you just can't hate
Chapter 5 - I'm really feeling it!
Chapter 6 - Radiant Hero and the Tactician! Oh my!
Chapter 7 -Homesick (Part 2)
Special - Valentine's Day (Part 1)
Special - Valentine's Day (Part 2)
Arc II : Chapter 8 - Loss
Chapter 9 - Comfort
Chapter 10 - What kind of dream is this?
Chapter 11 - Broken
Chapter 12 - I'm sorry...
Chapter 13 - The Choice
Answer - Pleasure
Answer - Needs
Another A/N
Ending 1 - Link
Ending 2 - Pit

Chapter 7 - Homesick

3K 60 17
By Mizumii

You should listen to this music from Animal Crossing! It sounds so relaxing yet somewhat sad. This inspired me to make this chapter how it is!

This chapter has a somewhat of a CYOA or should I say BOC (boy of choice).


It was a full entire week since you've been away from your home, Earth. But for some reason you feel... empty.

You met your favourite childhood video game characters and made new friends. These people around would have made you forget about your actual home... but it didn't.

For some reason you were getting lack of sleep. You didn't know why this is all happening.

You here on your bed just staring at the celling above. It's 1am and you haven't slept a wink.

'Why is this happening all of the sudden?'

You sat up and stare at the starry sky through the window. Maybe walking around outside will empty your head.

You got out of the bed and walk towards the exit and grab the key like usual. You were in the dark hallway.

You took the stairs instead to not make any noise. A few minutes passed by and you were outside.

Not having a destination, you aimlessly walked around.

Soon you found a lake. You about to make a comment about how a lake magically appearing out of nowhere, but you didn't have the motivation to do so.

You just stood there watching the water. You remember a place like this. Where you and Anna always visit a lake every summer to swim when you were little.

The lake you were seeing now looked so much alike. You felt nostalgia shiver down your mind but it hit you.

You were homesick.

Even though there was school, your annoying little brother, annoying boys/girls that you wanted to punch.

But you still miss it.

But there were good things there like your friends that were always by your side, your room, et cetera and Anna...

She was always by your side. When you both found out that you both had a huge obsession with video games. You became closer than ever.

She was like a sister to you. But now... you can't see her anymore.

A tear slowly came out of your eye. You don't know what to do. Heck, you don't even know why you're even here.

Just then you heard someone behind you. You swiftly turned around only to see...

(B.O.C time)


You saw the hero looking at you surprised. You quickly wiped the tear out of your face to hide your feelings.

"Is that you _____?" asked Link as he slowly approaches you.

"Yeah, hi Link..." You replied back trying not to sound depressed. You failed since Link was about to see right through.

"Are you okay?" Link asked you once again. "You don't sound happy or anything."

You were about to deny but it was too late. The tears began to burst though. You didn't know what to do expect cry in front of Link.

"Hey _____! Are you alright!" Link put his hands on your shoulders. Without thinking, you embraced Link whiling crying loudly.

Link hugged you back and gently rubbed your back to comfort you. You two were like this for a few minutes until you calm down and stopped crying.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Asked Link as you unwrapped your arms around him.

You told him everything. How you miss your home and your friend Anna. He listened to everything you were saying to him. It put you to ease for some reason.

"Say, why are you here Link?" you asked the male sitting beside you on the grass.

"I couldn't sleep. Whenever that happens I come here and just relax and then go back." he simply replied whiling staring at the lake.

"Is that so? It's a nice place to relax. Maybe I should come here more often."

The both of you sat there just staring at the water reflecting the moon. This moment was just so... perfect.

You sitting here with your video game crush. It sounds so romantic doesn't it? But that moment will be stop by time.

That moment stopped when you let out a yawn from how tired you are. Link did the same as well.

"You want to head back?" Link asked to you as he stands up and stretched. You also stand up and nodded. The two of you made your way back to the mansion.

Few minutes passed, you and Link were now in front of your room. Link decided to walk you back all the way to your room. You didn't mind, in fact you liked his presence.

"Good night Link and thanks for comforting me." you said to him as you opened your door and went inside.

"Good night _____ and you're welcome." he replied back. You smiled and shut the door and head back to bed to sleep.

Link stood there and put a hand on his chest as he felt his heart beating fast.


You saw the angel looking at you surprised. He then noticed the single tear on your face.

"Hey _____, are you alright?" the troubled look on Pit's face made you wipe the tear away.

But the more you try to hide, the more it revealed. Tears kept pouring down and Pit looked even more concerned.

"Hey _____! What's wro-" Pit was about to say something but was cut off by you embracing him. Pit was turning red from your sudden action but wrapped his arms around you to comfort you.

A few minutes passed and you finally calm down and stopped crying. "What's wrong _____?" Pit finally asked as you got out of his arms.

You told him everything. How you miss your home and your friend Anna. He listened to everything you were saying to him. It put you to ease for some reason.

The two of you were sitting on the grass. "Don't worry _____, everything is going to be alright. Just stay positive." Pit cheered you up.

"Heh... your right! I should!" you giggled. Pit's positivity made a sudden change in your mood in a good way. You were actually happy that he's here.

Not only do you like his presence but also this moment. You and your video game crush sitting on the grass just smiling at each other. Pit's smile could bring the sun up if that was possible.

But that moment stopped when you both became tried.

"Let's head back. I'm tired." Pit yawn and stretch as he stand up. You followed along and both of you started walking back to the mansion.

Few minutes passed, you and Pit were in front of your room. "Goodnight Pit and thanks for listening to me." you said as you entered your room.

"Good night _____ and no problem, I actually enjoy talking with you." He replied. you smiled and closed your door and went back to sleep.

Pit stood there feeling warm and felt his heart beating fast.


You saw the prince and you quickly wiped the tear.

"Um hello _____." Marth greeted you. "H-hello..." you replied back hoping that Marth didn't see the tear. But little did you know that he already figured it out.

"There's something bothering you isn't it?" Your eyes widen at his comment. You were about to deny it but more tears decided to pour out of your eyes.

You stood there crying in front of him looking like a nuisance. But Marth didn't think that way, he came over and wrapped his arms around you to comfort you.

You wrapped your arms around him as well and cried to your heart's content. It took a long time for you to calm down but you finally did.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Marth gave you an assuring smile. With that smile you told him.

You told him everything. How you miss your home and your friend Anna. He listened to everything you were saying to him. It put you to ease for some reason.

The two of you were sitting on the grass whiling you told him everything. You liked how he listened to everything that you were saying, but that wasn't the only thing that you liked.

It was also the moment as well. You sitting here with your video game crush just watching the lake in front of you and him. It was a beautiful sight.

But moments are stopped by time. "It's getting very late. Let's head back." You couldn't agree more with Marth's suggestion and stood up with him.

It was a short walk back and you and Marth are now in front of your room because Marth wanted to walk you back. You entered and faced towards him.

"Good night Marth and thank you for comforting me." You said to him. "My pleasure and Good night _____." He replied. You smiled and closed the door and went back to sleep.

Marth stood there and felt his heart beat every second.


Woah! That was a long chapter. But there's more haha.

Part 2 will have the guys that weren't included here. There might be a Part 3 for extras like girls or extra guys. But that's unknown.

This story is so different because it doesn't have my awesome sense of humour! (Lol admit it, I'm funny)

It's so angst but oh well, it's for the romance.

Sorry for the grammar mistakes! I might have not noticed it whiling editing this huge chapter...

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