I'm alone again (TWICExReader)

By leyanella

52.3K 1.7K 133

"You don't want me here, then I'll leave." "N-no please don't..." "T-take care of my unnie p-please." "I'll b... More

Cpt 1
Cpt 2
Cpt 3
Cpt 4
Cpt 5
Cpt 6
Cpt 7
Cpt 8
Cpt 9
Cpt 10
Cpt 11
Cpt 12
Cpt 13
Cpt 14
Cpt 15
Cpt 16
Cpt 17
Cpt 18
Cpt 20
Special Chapter #1
Special Chapter #2
Cpt 21
Cpt 22
Cpt 23
Cpt 24
Cpt 25
Cpt 26
Cpt 27
Cpt 28
Cpt 29
Cpt 30
Cpt 31
Cpt 32
Cpt 33
Cpt 34
Cpt 35
Cpt 36
Cpt 37
Cpt 38
Cpt 39
Cpt 40
Cpt 41
Cpt 42
Cpt 43
Cpt 44

Cpt 19

688 24 0
By leyanella

Jihyo's POV

Sana ruffled my hair and I know I failed, momo where are you j-jebal.

The door burst out four people sweating while panting. They look around the dorm with terror in their eyes.

"W-where is she?" Jiyeon asked while shaking

"She's not here." Jeongyeon answered jiyeon immediately went to the basement which we didn't check

The maknaes followed her and we also did, she opened the door nervously and we went inside. The room is clean except the closet jiyeon's clothes are scatered around the bed.

"He's here.." Jiyeon mumbled and took momo's phone from the floor

"That damn head of throne. You dimwit." She cursed I was about to scold her but she burst out and lean on the bed while sitting at the floor

"T-take back my unnie." She cried

"She is not your unnie." A rough voice echoed through the whole room

"She is not b-but I promised my sana unnie to t-take care of them." Jiyeon said and stood up we all looked at sana and she's also confused as hell

"W-where did you bring her!" Jihyun shouted and look around the room we are near the door and she's near the bed

"It's time to take back the things from the original. She will be back here first, if you finish the the final mission I'll bring them back to you fully." The voice of a man said

"Then where is she I miss my momo unnie. Two fucking years you took her away from me." Jiyeon said arguing with the voice

Ok I am damned confused right now what's happening all of what jiyeon's saying what's happening!?

"She's here and I'll take my leave." The voice of the man was gone

We went to jiyeon and I want to ask her so many questions, what does she knows.

"Hey what's happening?" Sana asked and hug her

"You might not be my unnies but I love you all like how I love them." Jiyeon mumbled so many confusing words to us

We were all silent and no one talked just jiyeon's crying and nothing more. We heard a thud upstairs. Jiyeon immediately let go of sana's hug and went upstairs running.

"What's happening maknaes?" I asked them looking down

"We don't know. It's confusing for me too." Chaeyoung said and look away

"Let's discuss later we need to follow areum." Nayeon unnie said we looked at her confused

"Who's areum?" Jeongyeon asked

"What why who's that?" She asked back

"You just litterally said her name just now." Sana said

"I did? But I don't know who's that." She mumbled

"Let's go." Mina interrupted

Jiyeon's POV

That guy I hate him so much even though I treat him as my second father. I don't even know why he's doing this taking my unnies away from me for 2 years is so heart breaking.

Confusing as hell but you'll understand me if the truth was told everyone needs to know but not this time I miss her. I went upstairs faster I roamed around the living room.

As I keep on roaming around I gave up I didn't see her I cried while standing, I'm such a bad dongsaeng. If I didn't made that mistake if I didn't tried to enter that place they should be here.

"Stop crying." I heard a voice and someone hugged me

"I'm here. Did you miss me?" I look at her and cried more I hugged her really tight

"P-please don't leave me again." I whispered

"I won't I came back and I promised the others to take care of you." She said and continued caressing my back

"Tell me what happened there." I said and wiped my tears

"Ok but you should tell what happened here too." She looks mature now she's not that goofy anymore every words she say sounds matured and the tone of her voice

"Momoring!" Mina unnie hugged her she looks shock and awkward I signaled her to play along

"Minari.." She said

"Where did you go?"

"Why the house is so messy?"

"And what's the call about earlier?"

"You scared us momo unnie.

"Don't do that again."

They said various of questions and statement and I just smiled. I still can't believe she's here they are the same person but different personalities. Come back from the future. Comeback from the past.

Now she's here she knows everything all of my plan all the missions and what happened two years ago. Sure SMC unnies know some of it but not the whole story cause they are not my maknae unnies they are the different unnies. But transferring world to each other I know it cause I can feel it.

"Let her rest unnies she came from a long adventure." I said and momo unnie smiled at me

She went to her room I know the others are confused but it's not the time to tell them. It's really hard when you lost your memories. But one thing momo unnie needs to do she must act like what she always does in the past here if not the others will be confused by her mature side.

*Phone ringing

"Yes?" I said when I picked up the phone

'Jiyeon.' I was stunned when I heard the voice I immediately hung up

"Hey what happened?" The unnies asked

"Umm..he called." I said maknae unnies look at me worried while the others are confused

"What who called?" Mina unnie asked

What excuse should I use!! Wait I feel like my brain is not cooperating with me right now I need to think. Wait this might be a ridiculous excuse.

"Ah hehehe..." I was about to say it when dahyun unnie spoke

"It's her suitor yeah suitor..." Dahyun unnie said awkwardly and I widened my eyes

"What?!" The others said and I glared at dahyun unnie

"Be thankful." She mouthed she just made the situation worst ughh

"No no... she's crazy I don't have a suitor geez no I don't have." I said denying but they are squinting their eyes at me

"Well gotta run!" I run to my room downstairs and lock the door

Phew that was close I will get my revenge dubu unnie just wait huhuhu.

A week has past and we are all here in the headquarters. Next week the reos gang will make their move so we are just waiting for the next plan. I avoided him for days even at school I just feel embarrassed and awkward with him.

When he always ask my friends where I am, I will immediately run and hide we always see each other in the classroom when it's class time but I will immediately leave after that just to escape him and he felt I'm avoiding him base on my actions which is true.

The unnies don't have any schedules they finished it already and it's october my birthday near one month more. I'm a bit sad and happy at the same time. It's complicated to explain.

"Unnies I'll just go to my office." I said to SMC unnies they are practicing together and I'm sitting at the bench watching them

"Uhh yeah sure. We'll follow you there later." Dahyun unnie said hesitatingly but I just shrugged off that thought

I stood up without energy and walk to my office but I caught a glimpse of hyuka eyeing me.

"Hey eyes on the sword." Rm oppa scolded him and I avoided his stares

"Sorry.." I heard he said to rm oppa and I finally went out the training ground

I sigh and go to my office I follow the path of the hallway my office is at the second last room and the last room is the emergency exit. The hallway is dark there's no light at all so when I opened my office door it's still dark.

I closed the door and turned on the lights. When I turn around I was shocked I held my hand on my chest. What's are they doing here and how did they get in.

"You shouldn't shock me!" I playfully said and went to my swivel chair and sat down

"Well we are here to have our meeting and make our first move." Unnie said and I look at her confusingly

"This morning I received a call from the head of the throne, and he said..."

Mina's POV

"And we're done!" We all thank the staffs and bowed showing smiles but deep inside we are tired

We are on a break but there is still some variety shows schedules and twice tv cause we don't want our fans to be worried about us. It's hard of course cause working 24/7 only sleeping for 2-3 hours a day every comeback or concert tours.

But hey I never regretted this dream, if it's not for jiyeon I won't be here standing in stage with twice members. She's the one who told me to join the auditions so I went here in korea leaving her behind in japan. Since our parents are businessman so she's always alone in the house.

I can't contact her everytime cause I'm training to be an idol I'm always with momo and sana, they really work hard and practice all night long so I always join them. I just hope she did well while I'm not around that time.

"Mitang~ let's go." Sana called me I followed them to the van

"Are we going home now?" Tzuyu asked

"No we are going to the amusement park." Jihyo said with jeongyeon and everybody smiled

We really need a break and going to the amusement park is not bad we just want to clear our minds that's all.

"Did our managers agreed?" Nayeon unnie asked while surfing on her phone

"Yeah and they let us free this day." Jihyo said and chuckled

"Who's driving?" Chaeyoung asked with her normal voice tone

Then everybody look at nayeon unnie when she felt that someone was looking at her she look at us confused but frown after.

"Really? Am I your driver, I always drive." She complain but went outside to go to the driver seat

"Do I look like a helper here or something."

"I feel like I'm not a member of this group."

"Did I already get myself a part time job."

"Why don't you guys let jihyo drive. That kid always tell me to drive her to daniel."

"I swear I won't drive her again there."

While nayeon unnies is blabbering we are preventing our self to laugh. She looks like an old lady who keeps naging to her neighbor.

"Quit laughing it's tiring to drive." She said and glared at us

"It's just that you are too funny." Sana said and laugh with jeongyeon unnie

"Thank you." She replied with sarcasm tone

"Don't worry unnie we love you." We all said and smiled teasingly at her

She then rolled her eyes and mumbled somethings which I know she's cursing at us right now.

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