Can Dreams Come True?

Door itssubu

839 40 8

what happens when your life suddenly takes a wrong turn ? what happens when you find out the people you love... Meer

Hello !
Not Again !
My Family
Let's Celebrate
The one with Negativity
Blurry days
Rays of sunshine
Moved on
Old is Gold
Welcome to Capital
Dancing ,Puking and confessing
Good things
Something New
The Storm
Bitter sweet good bye

It's a Yes!

17 1 0
Door itssubu

It was Saturday! I was more than happy. I was having a holiday and I decided to help Aditya in decorating his room. He was going to propose Aarushi in his apartment. When Aarushi left the house for work, I went to Aditya's apartment. 

I entered the house and saw Rahul and Aditya sitting in between the pool of red balloons. I stopped my urge from Popping the balloons.

"Morning boys"

"morning" they both said in unison

"How can I help?" I asked them

"well please select the best photo and make a presentation naaa" Aditya said with puppy eyes.

 I took his laptop and sprawled on his sofa. Doing my best to put a best presentation. After working for about an hour and replaying the slides for 100th time I was satisfied. If only I put my heart in office presentation like this, I would definitely get a raise.

*POP* * POP*

There was loud bursting of noise right behind my ears. I was so startled that I was about to fall down from couch. My heart beats were going super crazy and all I could hear this little beep in my ear. I looked up, it was Aditya and Rahul who had popped balloons. They were laughing like maniacs. I set the laptop aside and stood up to punch them

"You crazy little sons of biscuits. You both are d....."

I couldn't even complete the sentence because I was on ground rubbing my ass. I had stumbled upon laptops charging wire which was still tangled with my legs. Only sound in the room was of those bloody idiots laughing. uggh I hate myself. I stood and hit them on head with newspaper.

"Stop it you suckers".

Well they did stop. Oh, that was nice. They then looked at each other and started to laugh once again. Uggh I hate them! I hate them!

"Fine laugh your ass off! I am going do whatever the hell you want" I said and turned my back and started walking towards door.

In next second the laughter dried up and I felt someone's hand grabbing my wrist. I looked behind it was Rahul! Oh my! My heart screamed. He pinched his earlobe with both his hand and said sorry. Oh, so cute. No, you are mad at him Trisha I scolded myself

Aditya came in hugged me tightly " please stay help me I need you" he said and pouted.

Ahhhhh "fine! Only if you order the food " I said.

It was 4 in the evening. Aarushi will be back by 4.30 I should probably go before her inner detective takes a charge of her body and ruin all the surprise. I said good bye to boys.

"Remember to bring her here and don't tell anything "

"chill Aditya I kept my mouth shut for almost a week its only matter of hours now. "

"yeah bro she is right!" Rahul said looking at me but his face had a mischievous smirk. I narrowed my eyes at him

"I know Trisha will not ruin anything but, I am not sure if she could bring her here without tripping" he said now laughing loudly. Aditya join him too.

I knew it.  Idiots. I grabbed the nearest thing from my side and threw at him. Apparently, it was newspaper which just landed few steps ahead of me. Uggh stupid newspaper I groaned. Those two idiots just laughed out loud. I went back to my apartment. No use in staying with those maniacs.

Still half an hour more for Aarushi to come home. So I decided to take a hot shower. I came outside started to get ready. For once I wanted to help her to get ready. It's always the other way around.

"oooh come come barbie lets go party" Aaarushi started to sing. I couldn't help but giggle.

"so, where is your ken?" she asked as she plopped in my bed.

"forget ken. Go get ready. Everything is kept on your bed." I said to her by practically dragging her from my room. She kept on asking me thousands of questions but I didn't answer any of it. I just told her we are going to club to celebrate her birthday.

A while later I got a text form Aditya. "we are ready!! Lets do this"

Let's do this. I laughed. Aarushi turn her head towards me. Oh o. I bit my lower lip and I said to her "let's go! Aditya is waiting but he wants us to come to his apartment first."

"His apartment? Why?" She asked me by narrowing her eyes.

"How am I supposed to know" I shrugged at her trying hard to maintain a straight face.

"You know you have been acting weird lately"

Oh no. I don't want detective Aarushi to interrogate me. "let's go or Aditya will kill us" I said practically pushing her out the door.

"Is it something to do with your Mr. Spoiler

"What noooo! Rahul, No... no shut up"

The door to Aditya's room was open. I was beyond excited. We went inside. There were red balloons all over the floor. My presentation on Aarushi's and Aditya photos was playing on the white wall. It was Karan's little projector. Photos from childhood, from college to recent were zooming in and out on the wall.

The place smelled good. In the corner Rahul was standing with the camera in his hand and recording Aarushis expression. Oh, my he looked handsome as hell. He had a navy-blue shirt on which was sticking to his body making him look athletic. His blackish brownish hair were styled in messy way. He had a smile plastered on his face. I don't want myself in the video to look that I was drooling. So, I averted my attention to Aarushi

Aarushi was just in aww. She was about to cry. She hugged me tightly. "thank you "she whispered in my ears.

"oh, don't thank me. This is all boys work" I said.

 'Nothing goanna change my love' started playing. Aditya came out from his room looking all like a Calvin Klein model. He was wearing a white t-shirt and a black jacket with black jeans. His hairs were gelled perfectly and was grinning from ear to ear.

I was practically squealing in my mind. I grabbed something and hold it tight. "easy there" some on whispered in my ear. The hot breath sending shiver to my whole body. When I looked to my side it was Rahul. I quickly removed my hand from his hands and maintain a safe distance.

Aditya walked near the center of the living room. He looked at Rahul and did some signaling. Rahul immediately removed the remote control from his pocket and turned down the volume. Even before Aditya could say anything Aarushi started to cry. Oh dear. She looked so beautiful. She was wearing this a dress. It had cute boat neck. Over all she looked cute and sexy at same time. The dress was gifted by Aditya on her birthday.

Aditya took her hand in his and cleared his throat." Umm Aarushi what can I say. You know me so well I don't even know what to say. When you came in my life, we were oblivious of future. You made perfect sense for my Life. I am thankful for Trisha for introducing us." He then looked at me and winked I was already crying

"You always showed me the right way and from now I want you to show me the right way for rest if my life." He then went on his knees and took a box of ring. "will you be mine forever?"

"yes yes and yes. I love you so much!" he then put the ring on her finger. They both hugged and Aditya kissed her forehead. Just then there was confetti all over them. When did that happen? It was Karan who popped it. Omg I didn't even know when he came in.

I was now smiling and jumping and clapping and crying. I went towards them and hugged them both. "oh, you made me cry"

Just then I felt someone's weight on me. I could smell something strong I knew that scent. I know who it was. My heart and stomach were doing their routine dance. We four were hugging each other. Karan took a picture of us.

"Thank you thank you so much" Aarushi said. "This is so awesome."

"Show me the ring" 

"It's beautiful!" Just like she always wanted. It was a pearl ring. She had a little thing for pearls. It was oval in shape. It was shining so bright that almost any washing powder or fairness cream would be ashamed of it. Whatttttt! I should really stop with my analogy.

we reached the club. There were only humans and humans. Eww too much humans are dangerous I thought. We went near the bar counter. Aditya ordered us a drink. They were shots.

"Bottoms up every body" he shouted

"TO ADITYA AND AARUSHI" Rahul shouted.

We clinked our glasses and took a shot. Oh God it stings!. It stings! my throat. I don't know how much we had because by know we were dancing. I was swaying my hips to the song blasting and I never dance. I mean I love to dance it's just I can't.

I looked at new engaged couple. They were dancing so closely. I mean I was always the third wheel but this time it was way too intimate. So, I turned around and started to dance. Rahul was dancing as if his surroundings just disappeared. One girl was dancing behind him. When she saw him, she scooted near him and started to dance. There bodies where touching in wrong way. Well at least I thought it was wrong. I couldn't watch it anymore.

I don't know if it was me or alcohol. But next moment I marched towards them. I went and tapped his shoulders. He was unaware of my presence even her presence.

I tapped once again. He looked at me and smile appeared on his face. He took my hand and started to dance with me. I gave that bitch my toothy grin. She was shooting draggers at me. If only looks could kill. I thank God that they do not kill.

We were dancing. Macarena song started to play and we all were doing the iconic steps of the song.


Suddenly I saw the flash and my body stood still like I saw the ghost or something. But when I looked properly in the dim lights of club it was Karan. He was shooting a video, I guess. Thank God! When Karan saw me, he signaled me to dance and I started to dance again.

After the two or more songs I took a break and went and sat near the stool of the bar counter. I saw one of the couples kissing. Well kissing would be understatement they were sucking each other's souls. Cringing at the sight I turned my head. Our very own lovey dovey couple were dancing with less PDA . Thank God!. Just then I felled someone's presence near me. I turned around.

It was guy with black jacket. His hairs were mess in beautiful way. Those messy hairs reminded me of someone.  Maybe I have a think I have a thing for messy hairs. He ordered a scotch on the rocks. His eyes met mine and he flashed me a smile. "Like what you see huh" he winked at me.

My cheeks heated up. He had caught me staring at him. Fuck! "huh! No I was just looking at the..... umm... the bottles yes the bottles. Look how shinny they are." I said.

He just laughed. "Jai" he said while extending his hand. "Trisha" I said while shaking his hand.

Just then I heard familiar voice ordering the famous mocktail. He smiled at me and put a strand of my hair behind my ear. This was enough to set my whole body on fire. I looked at jai and saw his jaw tighten. I wanted to laugh out loud but I tried my best to keep a straight face.

"Hi Rahul here" he extended the hand towards jai. "jai" he said and they both shook their hands.

"Should we dance." Rahul said to me and extended his hand towards me. I was going to accept it but suddenly Karan pulled him by his shoulder and was talking something in his ears.

"well you got a very possessive boyfriend" Jai said to me while taking a sip from his glass.

"well no. He is not..... yeah, he is" I said and giggled. Did I just admit that he is my boyfriend? God, I need to stop drinking or I will go insane.

Just than Rahul dragged me to dance floor before I could dance to the rhythm of song, song changed to slow song. I took a deep breath and looked at Rahul. He put his hands on my waist. Even though there was no direct contact of skin I felt goose bumps all over me. I put my hands on his shoulders. We dance to the rhythm of song.

"Hmm good moves" I complimented him. He laughed.

"I wanted to dance with you in the wedding but you were busy with that idiot "he said while looking straight into my eyes

I laughed. "I don't even remember his name and do I smell jealousy?" I asked him

He faked laugh "ha ha. Why would I be jealous? I was not" he said shaking his head in a negative way.

"You do know right talking to stranger is dangerous" he said while looking at jai.

I laughed again." We were just never mind. I... I am dancing now with you right. Focus on me." Focus on me so bold of you Trisha.

"Well you look beautiful. Black really suits you". He said looking at me from head to toe.

"Thank you." I bet I look like a red as tomatoes.

We didn't talk much just kept staring at each other as we danced. His face was clam and he couldn't look more handsome. Alcohol was making me do things I never did before. I put my one hand in his soft hairs. Oh, his hairs were really soft. I should borrow his conditioner. Then I brought my hand on his cheeks. To which he widened his eyes. But then let go of it and I roam my fingers on his little perfect stubble.

I bit my lower lip when I touched his lips. "Tri... Trisha" he whispered my name. Bringing me back to my senses. He was leaning down. Our faces inches away. He was staring right at me right through my soul. I couldn't take the intense gaze. I hugged him tightly.

He put his head in the crook of my neck. His soft breath tickling my skin. I was lost in his beautiful scent. When I opened my eyes, I saw Aditya and Aarushi kissing. I giggled.

"What?" Rahul asked while looking at me

"someone is making out" I said. 

"Let's go and have some fun" Rahul said. I wrapped my hands around his arm and he wrapped his hands around my waist. Alcohol was really making me bold.


We both coughed loudly together. They both broke the kiss and looked at us. Aarushi was all red as tomatoes. Even in this dim light I could see the blush. Aditya just laughed and scratch the back of his neck.

"we have rooms at home" I said to them while wiggling my eyebrows.

"There is chemist store nearby. Do you want to make a quick stop Aditya?" Rahul winked at Aditya

 It was 12 in the midnight and we were drunk. I mean I was drunk. We were now heading home. I had a bottle of something I don't know. It tasted so good that I kept  drinking it. We reached home. I was stumbling through the stairs while walking but a strong grip on my waist stopped me from falling.

Once we entered my apartment. I removed my sandals and started to sing loudly to some song. Others were just laughing at me. 

"You should stop. It's too much" Rahul again said with a concern face.

"No.." I pushed him. I stood up on the couch. I held the bottle like it was a mic. "today I am sooooooo happy. My two best friends got engaged to one other or each other whatever. So, in my happy mood nothing is too much. Do you get it mister?" I completed my speech and took another sip.

"Okay okay! calm down. Just sit down please." Rahul said again

"NOOOOOO!!!" I took another sip.

"Guys! it's good that you are happy but will you stop running in round and round and ro...."

Suddenly I felt something dizzy and fell forward, waiting for hard tile to hit. But the hit never came. Instead I felt something soft against my back. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. After a while I also felt something wet on my forehead and a whisper of "Good night".

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