AU One Shots// A Supercorp Bo...

By Itsmeavalon

7.7K 208 21

This will be a book of one-shots all pertaining to Kara and Lena (Supercorp) If a one-shot is more than one p... More

I Didn't Want to Leave You
I'll Protect You from the Storm
The Dreams - Part Two
Across The Universe (Soulmate AU)
My Person When my Person Can't (Part 1)
Hi, It's Been a While.

The Dreams - Part One

1.3K 35 4
By Itsmeavalon

* Disclaimers: Mon-El doesn't exist. Kara was never attracted to James. Alex never lost her memories. Lex was never brought back to life. Alex never hated Kara as a teenager. Kara is bisexual. Alex came out earlier. (she felt encouraged because Kara came out)*


When Kara first landed on earth, she began having these dreams. Every night she would have a dream that always included one of the three people that had taken her in. The majority of the time it was her adoptive sister Alex in the dreams, then the second most it was Eliza, and every once in a while she had ones with Jeremiah in them.

For the first week that Kara was living in the Danvers household she didn't sleep a wink, how could she when she had already been asleep for the past 24 years, and on top of that the death of her family and her planet had felt like it had just happened? But finally, Kara closed her eyes one night and did the Kryptonian calming meditation in her head. Her mother always used to speak it to her when she couldn't sleep back on Krypton.

For the first time on Earth (about a week and a half after landing there) the blonde managed to actually fall asleep, and she had this dream. It was more vivid than anything she had ever experienced and even weirder, she knew she was dreaming. Lucid dreaming was also something that had never happened to her before.

The first thing she noticed was that the dream was located on Krypton, and the next was that Alex had shown up there as well. Without going into too much detail, this same thing continued to happen every night, and at first, it was only Alex in the dreams. Another thing that Kara noticed about these, is that even though she was always aware that she was dreaming, she wasn't always in control of the things she said or did in the dreams, she was sometimes, but not always.

After they had been happening for a while, maybe a couple of weeks, Alex had walked over to Kara one night before she could fall asleep and sat on her bed with her. They had a whole conversation about the dreams that night, and that's when Kara found out that Alex knew she was there too, almost as if Kara was somehow mentally transporting Alex into the dreams with her.

After telling Alex's parents and doing some testing, they figured out that Kara's mind was in fact able to transport other people into her dreams. Eliza said that based on her neural patterns and on the patterns of her emotions, the person who came into her dream was either chosen because they were near Kara while she was sleeping, or because of a specific emotional connection with the person within the last 12 hours.

From that point on, Kara's dreams became utterly normal, and everyone in the house was used to them. The Kryptonian would have them every single night, and every single night one of the three people in the Danvers household was in the dream. It was actually kind of good, it really helped Kara create stronger bonds with her adoptive family.

This continued for years, and never once had Kara not had a dream. (unless of course, she didn't fall asleep) As they kept happening over the years, Kara learned more and more about them. She learned that it was impossible (at least she was pretty sure) for her to choose who would be in the dream with her, and there could never be more than one person there. She learned that the locations of the dreams were only places that Kara had both been to, and had some sort of emotional connection to.

They were also just like any other Dreams in the sense that things were possible in them that weren't possible in real life, but every night Kara and whoever was with her (Usually Alex) felt like they were really there. All of their senses worked properly and fit with the given Environment. When the dreams were located on Krypton, for Example, Kara was unable to use her powers, but when they took place somewhere on earth she could.


The first person to be in one of the Dreams that wasn't a part of her adoptive family, was her college roommate (due to close proximity). After that Kara moved out of the dorms and into her sister's apartment so her roommate wouldn't be in any more dreams and start getting suspicious. The next non- family member was Winn, and then Cat Grant, James Olsen, J'onn J'onzz, Maggie Sawyer, and a few others. In between all of those people, it was pretty much always Alex, and occasionally Eliza.

Then Kara met Lena Luthor. Kara had come out as Bisexual in college and she was almost immediately attracted to the ravenette. She thought for sure Lena would be the one in the dream the night after they met and she figured she was screwed, but it ended up being her cousin Clark instead who was with her the entire day, and whom she had missed a lot. He knew about the dreams (he didn't have them though) so he wasn't surprised, and Kara confided in him about Lena in the dream that night.

As Kara's relationship with Lena blossomed and her feelings for the gorgeous woman continued to grow, Kara waited with anticipation for the day that Lena was the one in the dream... but it never happened. It was still her sister most of the time, and sometimes Winn. She figured it was because she would always confide in one of the two of them about Lena at the end of the day if something happened between them, and so they became the most recent people that she had an emotional connection with.

On one hand, Kara was relieved that Lena had never been in the dreams before because Lena was a genius and she would figure out that something was up. On the other hand, Kara secretly hoped that Lena would be in one. She figured if Lena was ever in one, the ravenette would probably just believe it to be a lucid dream about Kara, I mean she wouldn't really have any reason to think that Kara was actually there, at least not the first time anyway.

But for Kara, it was something more than that, she knew that she was falling hard for the woman and she felt as though Lena being in one of her dreams meant that they had a deeper connection. Of course, Kara had no idea if her best friend even felt the same way she did, and even more, pressing of a concern was that Lena believed that Kara and Supergirl were two different people.

There were just too many complicating factors, and so Kara always tried to avoid situations that assured Lena would be the one her dream, despite what her heart wanted. Then Lex told Lena that Kara Danvers was Supergirl and Lena killed him. Then Kara told Lena herself and Lena lied and pretended right back. Kara found out, they fought, and fought, and fought. Then the crisis happened (J'onn gave Lena her memories) and everything was complicated, and Kara completely forgot about the dreams.

Obviously, she still had them every night, but for Kara, the dreams were just a regular part of her routine. They weren't something that she thought about all the time, they just happened and it was normal. From the time of the big fight she and Lena had in The Fortress of Solitude up until Jeremiah's death, Alex was the only person in the dreams. They were practically having sister nights every night and Alex was always Letting Kara confide in her or break down, because the blonde was so lost without Lena, so it made sense that she was aways in them.

The point is, Kara didn't even think about the fact that Lena didn't know that the dreams existed. It truly was something that Kara had planned to tell Lena about, but she honestly just completely forgot. Especially since it had only been her sister in the dreams for months. Then one day Andrea was making a speech about obsidian and all Kara could think about was Jeremiah.

The Blonde left early and went to her office, and Lena saw her and followed. The ravenette offered her condolences and said she was sorry, she even gave Kara a book she thought might help with the grief. It was the first genuinely good moment that the two women had shared in months, and Kara felt that spark again. All of the emotions she used to feel when she was with Lena before she knew came rushing back, and she didn't even think about what might happen.

That night, Kara went to bed pretty late. The Superhero had just finished apprehending an alien that escaped from the DEO, and she was pretty tired when she got back to her apartment. Kara just quick changed into something comfortable, before flopping down on her bed and falling asleep. When Kara awoke in the dream, she knew immediately where she was.

She smiled as she climbed off of the bed and went to look out the window, this was her bedroom on Krypton. After taking a moment to admire the view, Kara began to look for Alex just assuming that it would be her adoptive sister in the dream, as that was the way it had been for months. When the Kryptonian turned around she gasped and stumbled backward a little.

Lena looked beautiful wearing a traditional Kryptponian dress, her shiny Raven locks splayed out on the pillow as she slept. Kara was taken aback, and she couldn't believe she didn't realize that Lena was likely to be the one here. The blonde used to always pay attention to the day, and she would take note in her head of who she thought would probably be in her dream before she went to bed. This time, she didn't.

Although it was a bit shocking, Kara was actually happy that Lena was finally the one in her Dream. This would be a great chance for them to just talk and maybe even make amends, and this also meant that there was a real emotional connection between them when they talked earlier that day.

Kara took a deep breath before walking back over to her bed, the fact that Lena hadn't woken up in the dream yet meant she had recently gone to bed and she wasn't completely asleep. Not sure what to do, the blonde just sat down on the edge of the bed next to Lena, before looking down at the woman and smiling, she was gorgeous and she looked so peaceful.

Kara reached out and brushed some hair out of the older woman's face before stroking her head lovingly a couple times, Rao she was still so in love with this woman, even after everything that had happened. The blonde then reached down and grabbed Lena's hand, intertwining their fingers as she waited for the ravenette to wake up. Kara smiled when Lena began to stir after a few minutes, and her eyes started fluttering open.

The Luthor was finally completely awake, and she frowned slightly as she locked eyes with the Alien looking down at her. "K-Kara?" Lena asked as she looked down at their joined hands before looking back into Kara's blue orbs, "Yeah, hey." The blonde said smiling slightly as Lena sat up and began looking around, "W-where am I?"

Kara looked again at the woman next to her before turning and pointing to the window, "You're on Krypton."



Hey guys, here's the second one-shot in this book! (1,890 Words) I decided to split the one-shot into two parts since this one was getting kind of long, and this felt like a good place to stop. I'll publish the second part whenever I have time but as I said this book isn't on a schedule and I only update when I have a moment or not enough time to update my other one. Anyway, thank you so much for reading and I really hope you all enjoyed it! I love you guys, bye!<3<3<3


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