Halloween Kidnapping [zukaang]

Por Pommerose25161

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🎃🖤🎃 The Gaang is at a loss, they need an firebending teacher and they need one soon. With the Winter Comet... Mais

Halloween Kidnapping
Part two
Part three
Part four

Part Five

977 32 42
Por Pommerose25161

I woke up slowly, trying to process everything that was happening. Please remember the actual absurdness that happened the day before. It's perfectly reasonable that it all could've been a dream, probable really. Alright fancy talk ends now. 

It had not been a dream. 

I slowly opened my eyes, yawning. Attempting to turn over, I found myself blocked. By a body. The body of Zuko the Fire Prince. You'd think I'd panic and begin to try to get away from his protective grip around my waist. I didn't panic, I was actually really pleased that it hadn't been a dream. The second thing I noticed, was the small body of Betee curled up pressing against my chest. The bight pink mended cut still looking tender and if strained would pop open at any second. I was relieved that I had healed it properly. The third thing I noticed was probably the thing I should have noticed first. 

A giant spear like icicle was poised threateningly over Zuko's head. Point down, floating in midair. A very angry water bender, bending it at the foot of the bed. I glanced around Toph and Sokka were hurriedly hiding what looked like the knocked out body of the creepy lodger. When Katara noticed I was awake, the icicle quivered. Her face split into an ecstatic grin, it looked like she was holding back tears. 

"Aang, thank the monks we found you!" She whispered so she didn't wake her snoring hostage. Who in fact was very warm, and comfy. The arm around my waist, was in the dip between my torso and lower parts. It was warm, and had a slightly protective edge to it. Instead of freaking out at the contact, I had grown used to touching him. And no not like that you perverts. 

I burrowed further into his chest, he smelled like cologne and apple cider. And sleepily glared up at the water bender. "Go away," I mumbled, "I wanna sleep." I say pulling Betee closer so Katara didn't try and take her away. I knew she wouldn't and maybe I just wanted a teddy bear. But that was the only logical reason I can come up with at this moment. 

"Aang?" She said confused, panic creeping into her voice. Sokka and Toph walked in, and saw me awake. 

"Aang! Buddy! Come on let's get out of here!" Sokka whispered, already reaching back for his boomerang if Zuko unexpectedly woke up. Even if the deadly icicle did a pretty good job already. 

I honestly just wanted to sleep, after all I had earned it. Plus my feet felt bruised just twitching them. "I appreciate you guys coming here." I mumbled, yawning and petting Betee. "But I'm good." I say closing my eyes, trying to sleep once more. 

"Aang- wa no, we're not leaving." Katara said, her voice holding a pinch of betrayal in it. I didn't want them get that idea though. They were my best friends. Even if they did let me get drugged and captured. No hard feelings though. 

"I'm good, jus' wanna sleep." I mumble, getting a bit annoyed. 

"Aang come on! We have to go before he wakes up." Sokka said, frantically gesturing towards the sleeping fire prince.

"Nah, he won' hurt us." I say, stubbornly keeping my eyes closed. Even if there was no way I'd be getting back to sleep. 

"Did you forget whose spooning you?" Sokka whispered. 

"Who? Zuko? This is the least weird thing that's happened this week." I say, attempting to pull up the blankets. Only to get them snagged on Zuko's feet. 

"Least weird?" Katara echoed, "Aang you're talking nonsense!" She said determined that that must be the answer. 

"Trust me it's not." I say giving up on going to sleep. I flipped to my back and glared at them. Stubbornly clutching Betee to my chest. Like she could protect me from the onslaught of disbelief. 

"Aang, buddy, old pal, you do realize that you are cuddling with the Fire prince of the FIRE NATION! You know? The enemies? Sound familiar, he's tried to capture for years." Sokka emphasized truly becoming panicked. I wondered where Suki and the others were. 

"Yeah, I remember." I say, wondering when Zuko would wake up and explain better. "So if you'd just let me wake him up-" 

"No!" Katara whisper shouted. "Are you crazy! He'll attack us!" I hummed in recognition of her suggestion and sat up. Suddenly remembering that I was only wearing my top tunic and Zuko's boxers. Oh well. I looked over at Zuko. His arm slipped onto my lap. I sighed, and brushed his bangs off his scar. Sokka and Katara were motionless, staring at me both in fear and shock. Toph was chilling in the corner, sensing the scene with a smirk. 

I put Betee down on the other side of Zuko. Moving around the giant icicle still poised to pierce his head. I leant down and kissed Zuko's cheek. His nose wrinkled, and he mumbled half awake. 

"Not right now Aang, lemme sleep. We'll leave in a bit..." He trailed off, gripping my waist a bit tighter. Trying to pull me back down to the bed. I chuckled softly. He wasn't even acknowledging what he was doing, he'll probably be mortified when he realizes. 

"Zuko, we have company." I murmur. His eyes shot open, sitting up so quickly that I barely saw his movements. He grabbed me, pulled me into his chest and glared daggers at our 'company'. I felt his grip relax slightly when he realized who surrounded us. I absentmindedly picked up Betee, the lazy koala otter was stubbornly refusing to wake up. I wish I had her stamina. 

The others stared at him in mostly confusion, Katara looked mildly angry. "YOU! You son of a  bit-" the rest was muffled, when Zuko put his hands over my ears. Which I personally thought was overkill. 

"Language." He said almost scoldingly to Katara. I slapped his hands away, and he chuckled softly. I made myself more comfortable on his lap. 

"Hypocrite," I murmured good jokingly.

"Aang! Do you remember who he is?!" Katara said exasperatedly. Her icicle starting to melt back into her water carrier. 

I hummed and jokingly thought back. I'm pretty sure the only ones who though it was funny was me, Zuko, and Toph. "My date." I finally settled on. Making Katara make a sound like a distressed squawk. Causing Toph to laugh. Katara glared at her and she quickly shut up. 

"Your what!?" She demanded, Sokka himself seemed to holding back laughs. 

"My date." I repeated. 

"Your date to what?!" 

"The Halloween ball." I clarified. Toph let out a low whistle. We all turned our attention to her. 

"What? The Halloween ball is a BIG deal for wealthy people. People have to pull some serious strings to get in. My parents would've killed to go if they were allies to the Fire Nation." Toph said, sounding genuinely impressed. "I heard rumors that Azula wasn't even on the guest list this year. Something about her deciding that she'd rather plot to take down the northern water tribe." Toph said. 

"Where did you hear that?" Zuko's voice sounded hard. I glanced up at him uneasily. 

"Rumors travel fast, plus I heard that one of the countess claiming that she took her spot instead on the roster instead." Toph said shrugging like she heard about this stuff all the time. And apparently she did. 

"Who was the countess?" Zuko questioned further. 

"Erm, Lady Foburin, Fortuns, For- " 

"Lady Forcurn?" I interupted. Toph snapped her fingers. 

"That's the one." She said leaning against the wall. I shared a look with Zuko. 

"You don't think..." Zuko trailed off. 

"I knew Tabitha wasn't there for the party!" I exclaimed grinning. She was too nice and more like a worried mother than a proper lady. Plus Topas barely acted like all the other gentlemen. More like some poor dude who got pulled into this, and had 24 hours to pull an proper act together.

"Aang, how do you know who Lady For-something is?" Sokka said, looking mildly interested. 

"I told you guys, I was his date." I say putting my head against the crook in Zuko's neck. Katara raised an eyebrow. 

"I thought you weren't allowed to bring a boy date?" Katara asked, now sounding more intrigued than hostile. I knew she would come around eventually. Well I could tell she was still wary of attacks, I can't honestly blame her. 

I cleared my throat, and set and shy smile on my face. The one I used the most when I was Angelica. "Miss Angelica, nice to meet you. I do hope you don't mind the colonist accent, humans are a creature of habit after all. I must admit that it would be especially tiresome if I amend the voice inaccuracy so far after dawn." I say in my best Angelica voice. Sokka snorted and Katara looked shocked. Well more shocked than she did a few seconds ago. 

"Y-you posed as a girl?" Katara said, sounding... envious? I wish I was standing on the tiled floor so I could sense her heartbeat. 

"Yup, it took Ty Lee and Mai hours to get me ready." I inwardly cringed when I remembered the eyebrow waxing. That crap hurt. 

"Mai? Ty Lee?" Sokka said. 

"Yeah they're still in the palace. Words probably already gotten out that the Avatar has escaped." Zuko said, now that the 'threat' was subdued his voice was laden with tiredness. It was scratchy and rough and to be perfectly honest with myself, a bit hot. Only a bit though. "They'll probably escape in the next week or so."

"Speaking of the palace do you think Tabitha knew that we were escaping through the ball?" I asked, mostly to Zuko. 

"If she somehow paid enough money to get one of the royal children off the guest list. And then was the first one to talk to us. Probably confirming somehow that you were the Avatar. Then talking to us throughout the entire ball. I'd say she had an idea of what we were up to." He said, then I could tell he went into thinking mode. When he moved so he could pet Betee as well. I got off his lap, to leave him to think. When Katara gave me a curious glance, I just shrugged. 

"He gets like that when he's trying to figure out something." I say, nodding back Zuko. Who's face had gone concentrated and his stare was blank. The hand that was petting Betee stalled for a few seconds then continued a moment later. 

I got off the springy bed and stretched. My back popping satisfyingly. I looked around for the small wooden bow that held essential clothing. Zuko had smartly kicked it under the bed. I found so soft green pants, and put them on. 

I could tell the others wanted to talk to me. So I followed them into the hallway "Alright I got three questions for you Aang." Katara said immediately after Toph closed the door. 

"Yeah?" I answered ready to most likely get scolded. 

"How on earth did you end up here? Why are you with Zuko? And how come you have a koala otter?" She listed off looking slightly impatient. 

"First off her name is Betee, second off she was wandering down the hallway making a lot of noise. Her vision was put off because of a giant cut on her face." I say recapping what I knew on Betee the koala otter. 

"Daughter? Seriously?" Sokka asked incredulously. 

"Yes because she is my daughter." I say defensively. I'd been about to pass out when I named her, it wasn't exactly my fault. 

"Enough about Aang's long lost daughter. I wanna hear about the juicy parts." Toph stated. Planting herself firmly on the ground, looking up at me expectantly. I sighed and tried to put into words what happened this week. Granted I was only conscious for a fraction of it. 

When I was finished, they all just stared at me. 

"So basically you dressed in drag, fooled the entire royal court, gathered crucial information on the war, ran away to this dump, and now thinks that there's a spy in the royal court." Toph summed up. And I nodded. 

"Yeah that's about it." I admit sheepishly. Sokka blinked and shook his head. 

"Wow Aang, you know we're going to use that as blackmail for the rest of your life right?"  Sokka said a teasing grin on his face as I groaned. 


"And that we still don't entirely believe you." Added Katara. 

I sighed, "Yep." 

"And that we don't exactly trust Zuko." Toph pointed out.

"Definitely." I say, understanding that they probably need to get to know him more. "Other than that..." I say, trying to prompt some sort of affirmation that everything will be fine.

"Other than that you need to go check up on your boyfriend. I don't trust him being alone for so long." Katara said, already walking for the girl.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I protested, yawning since it was still pretty early. What time was it anyway. Where's a giant wall of time telling fire when you need one?

"Uh-huh sure buddy, you keep telling yourself that." Sokka said, patting my shoulder as he walked back into the room. I glanced over at Toph, her eyes were focused on my feet.

"Interesting, looks like you're going to have a emotional dilemma in about an hour. Talk to me after you confess and kiss him." Toph said, going into one of the other rooms. Probably to keep guard. I didn't even try to protest to Toph. Arguing with Toph on the matter of your emotions wasalways hopeless. Besides kissing Zuko doesn't sound that bad. Maybe he'd even kiss back! However unlikely that maybe.

I sigh, and go back into the room. Betee was how walking in circles on the floor, trying to figure out to move when one eye is gone. Her vison must be extremely confusing. I smile at her and pick her up. She hurriedly climbed onto my shoulder. Her little clicks and clucks how she spoke. I giggled and reached up to scratch her ear. I wonder how Momo would react to having another tiny creature joining the group.

I turned my attention to the group, Sokka and Katara were watchung Zuko with guarded expressions.

"Well I think that idea is just the right amount of crazy. Could work though." Sokka exclaimed, stepping back a few steps. Probably processing whatever Zuko had just said.

"What's crazy?" I ask walking over to sit on the end of the bed. My feet still ached terribly.

"Your boyfriend." They both answered simultaneously.

"He is not my boyfriend!!!!" I exclaim, a bit annoyed at the shoot of glee that ran through me at the idea of Zuko being my boyfriend.

Zuko however didn't protest, only shrugging, and went back to rumaging through the small wooden box. He had changed so had no idea what he was looking for.

"But seriously what's the plan?" I ask.

"He wants to track down a carriage, to find your ball clothes, then go to this Lady Forcurn's estate. Then hopefully crash there for a few weeks, while you learn firebending." Sokka summed up, sounding doubtful. "After we set up base there, go get Suki and Appa on one of the outskirts." 

"Even if this lady's not with the Fire Nation how do we know that she'd help us?" Katara asked, clearly directing the question to Zuko. Who ignored her, because he apparently found what he was looking for.

It was a little leather drawstring bag. Like a miniature bag for Pai Sho pieces. He slipped it into his tunic. "We don't have to find all his clothes, just the wig." Zuko corrected, his voice still scratchy.

"Why just the wig?" I ask, ignoring Katara and Sokka's curious looks.

"You just need to look like Angelica, if she already knows your identity then you can take it off right after. And a bald monk with a blue arrow tattooed on his head might attract attention knocking on a countesses doorstep." Zuko clarified albeit rather sarcastically.

"But don't I need like all that make up and junk?"I say doubtfully. Zuko looked at me incredulously.

"Aang let me make this as clear as I can, you look absolutely wonderful. With or without makeup you look slightly feminine. With only the wig you could pull off looking like a girl." He said, looking at me completely seriously.

"But I'm not a girl!" I whined pettily. I know that's stupid to say, but it's true! I'm not a girl, and I don't like acting like one. I know that that's not the point of me dressing up, but I still don't like it. Zuko quirked a brow.

"I know you're not Aang." Was all he said before Toph came barreling in.

"ALRIGHT YOU PANSIES! Who the heck left a trail here?!" She demanded looking accusingly at Sokka. We all turned towards him, who looked very confused. Then he didn't. 

"Oh, you don't think that that would be traceable? I mean seriously all I did was order a few fireflakes. Not that big of a deal." He said like it would be preposterous for it to be any trouble.

Zuko groaned out loud, and rubbed his temples. "Please don't tell me you bought them from a shady guy selling by the east dock." He said, glaring up at Sokka. Who froze and chuckled guiltily.

"Well, I might of, uh done that yes." Sokka admitted getting glares from everyone. "I don't know what's bad about that!" Sokka defended weakly.

"Ozai knows that that dock is badly guarded, he sets up venders all along the boardwalk. Spies to record everyone and anyone stupid enough to buy something from them." He explained like it was a simple fact and everyone should already know. And if they didn't they were dumb.

Everyone gawked at him. "Dude! You just revealed your Dad's secret spy network!" Sokka exclaimed. I on the other hand was less surprised that he did that, and more shocked that he put a little bow in Betee's fur right above the scar. She looked really cute, and looked proud of it. 

"Well why wouldn't I?" He said still annoyed. Katara opened her mouth to answer, but Toph interupted her. 

"Alright who cares that Zuko exposed a secret spy network, we need to leave." Toph urged, and we all hopped up. Once everyone was out of the room, Zuko stayed back. Of course everyone stayed behind to see what he was up to. He flicked his fingers so a spark of fire burst out. Latching onto the dry wood of the box. Within second the box was thoroughly burnt to a crisp including all the contents. Most likely because of some added firebender pizazz.

He looked back at us scowling. "What?"

"Nothing." Sokka murmured hurriedly.

We quickly exited the crappy lodging. Sokka fumbled in his man purse, hastily looking between the path and the bag. He got out the crinkled almost unrecognizable map of this flank of the Fire Nation.

"Hold up let me find where we are." Sokka said fumbling uselessly with the map.

"We don't have time for that!" Zuko barked, already dashing into across the street into the underbrush. Without a second thought I followed him just as quickly. The others scrambling behind us.

Zuko looked rather bulky, but was quick and nimble on his feet. Navigating the terrain expertly. Like he accounted for every ledge and every tree. Weaving around them, barely leaving a foot print in the mud. I followed semi-used to this terrain as well. Kuzon and I always raced through the woods, scaring his sister and stuff. Katara and Sokka on the other hand were struggling slightly.  We spent a fair amount of time on the far off islands camping out. But nothing quite like this. Toph was just lazily running knowing every tree before we even saw it. 

"Where we going?" I asked vaulting over a fallen tree.

"Inland, the driver should've brought the carriage to a fall villa. We'll be able to stock up there. The Forcurn's live just a miles east of there." Zuko panted, ricocheting off a path of rocks onto an almost rotten tree. Then effortlessly jumping back onto a damp pile of leaves.

"Cool," was all I said before falling back to relay the message to Sokka. Who still protested on the idea, but without any other sane-ish solution he agreed.

We found the carriage easy enough.

The fall villa was almost exactly in the middle of the island. On a prized plot of land most of the lords would of killed for. And probably have attempted to. I considered rather sadly, as leaned against the villa's outer wall. Travelling cloak hood up.

The others were inside. Toph had offered to keep guard as well. But then realized that she could easily keep watch inside the villa. Aang had found the wig easily, as he precisely remembered where he had thrown it off in relief. It was mostly in the same thick braid as last night, only a bit dusty.

Katara had offered to clean it, but Aang declined. Apparently he wanted to try something. If that something accidentally destroyed the wig, then my father wasted almost fifty gold pieces. Not that is was even a dent in his funds. But still. Fifty gold pieces was no small amount of money. I know at least seven families back in Ba Sing Se who needed that money a lot more than we did.

Father didn't have the best grip on his bank account. I've stolen at least two hundred gold pieces and he's never noticed. A portion of which was in a small pouch against my hip. Only amateurs would put their money in such a stupid place outside of their clothing. I've robbed idiots like that. But only the fat ones sitting inside the bright gold carriages. To be fair I was once an idiot in the seat of a bright red carriage. Red not gold, there's a difference 

Anyway, Katara had insisted him wearing a proper girl's outfit. Aang agreed on a fact that he didn't have to wear a particular part of the outfit. I didn't hear what it was, but Toph did and she dissolved into laughs. Much to Aang's embarrassment.

They've been in there for awhile now. I heard someone coming out the front door and I quickly pushed off the wall to stand properly.

It was only Sokka, fiddling with an impressive sword on his back. I went back to leaning against the wall. Way too disappointed that it wasn't Aang. Yeah sure he had let me pull him onto my lap, and woke up to him kissing me on the cheek, and cuddled with him while sleeping. That doesn't mean he liked me. Sure he called me his date but that doesn't count. It was obvious he thought that title was a joke.

Sokka joined me, I noticed Betee scuttling around his feet. Seeing if the tall tan creature would step on her. He did not. So she proudly pranced up to me. I leaned down and put out my arm. She scambered up my arm. Flopping herself around my neck like a scarf. If I were alone I'd chuckle or maybe smile at her lazy actions. But I was not alone.

I turned my attentions to Sokka. Who was still fiddling nervously with his sword strap. I raised my one remaining eyebrow and waited for him to say something.

He groaned and finally looked up at me. I was a few inches taller than him. But we still could make decent eye contact. I waited impatiently for him to speak. "Look man," he began, "I know Aang trusts you. And that's the only reason I'm doing this, that any of us, are doing this. This is a collective message from Toph, Katara, and me by the way."

"What did you draw straws, because I apparently wouldn't shoot the messenger? I've shot the messenger before, just a warning." I say sarcastically, just wanting this conversation to end. Look I have a messed up sense of humor. Most people can't tell I was joking. Sokka, as an example as one of those people, flinched.

"Nah, actually Katara was busy picking out a dress. And Toph wanted to raid the kitchen for snacks." Sokka said a bit guiltily. "We just want you to know it you hurt Aang-" I raised my eyebrow again "-in any way shape or form. That includes emotionally-" I didn't physically react to that, only my stomach did a little twist. "-none of us would hesitate to attack, mame, or just report you anonymously Azula."

"That's fair." I said, quite used to those being the stakes. "But I would have you know from a collective message from me, and all of my various identities, won't even flick Aang with my pinky toe unless he deserved it." Maybe bite him, but with his permission and consent of course. But I kept that part to myself.

It was Sokka's turn to raise a brow.

"Look, I wouldn't go to the trouble of rescuing him if I wanted to hurt him. He was close to death when I found him. If I didn't get him out of there, he would've died within a few hours." Frowning at the image of Aang stuck against a wall in shackled. Not able to move an inch. With a cloth so dirty it was almost black gagging him. I would never leave someone like that. Not even my dad.

That seemed to calm Sokka down.

"Okay, cool man, we just wanted to make sure that you wouldn't hurt him." He said, his voice honestly portraying that he was in fact, worried out of his mind.

I sighed, and reached up to pet Betee. Who was snoring quietly, her little bow firmly above the daunting scar. When I was first burnt, not only was I going through... some things. But I also felt that I was the ugliest creature on the planet, and even if I did get my honor back that everyone would shame me because I was so ugly. I didn't want that state of mind on Betee. I don't even know if she knows what she looks like. Either way, I wanted her to be proud of the tiny scar and how she looked now. Not that I had much confidence now. 

I finished tying the ribbon around the simple loose bun I did the wig in. Some of the fake shorter strands had fallen and I tucked them behind my ear. I inspected my reflection in the vanity mirror. Apparently in the 'women's' suite of the house had a fully stocked closet filled with dresses of all kinds. Most of them red. I'd chosen a traditional two layered dress.

The first one was plain red and slipped on quite easily. The second was more of a long vest than a second layer. It was simply a long deep gray vest, with detailed embroidery of little silver flames on the edges. It all tied together with a thin silk sash. Tied in the back Katara had helpfully pointed out. I'd quickly found some suitable travelling boots. Old dark leather, but were fashioned for a woman. So it was fairly thin skinned and were comfy. After putting on some quick red rouge for my lips, and a bit of blush. I was done. It was nothing of the intricacy of last night. But it was fine. And if I'm being honest I wouldn't know if I wasn't a girl.

Unfortunately unlike the palace, they didn't have the weird head slip to place under the wig. So it rubbed roughly against my scalp, and had no certainty of staying on right.

I sighed and wondered if Katara would have anything that could work.

Speaking of Katara, she knocked on the door. "Hey Aang, I think I know..." she trailed off when she saw me. I smiled sheepishly, partially wondering if I'd gotten rouge on my teeth by accident.

"Uhm, do you like it?" I asked self consciously. I hadn't really doubted Ty Lee and Mai's talents of properly making me look like a girl. Left to my own devices I don't know if I got it right. Especially since I had never done anything like this before this week. 

Earlier I'd found some rose perfume. Not knowing exactly where to put it. I rubbed a very tiny amount on my wrists, neck, and around my ears. Not sure if I did that step right kind of put me off balance and uneasy.

Katara got over her surprise and put on a mother like smile. "Couldn't be better, though you do have some rouge on your teeth."

I groaned, and went back to inspecting my face in the mirror. I did in fact have some stray rouge on my teeth. I cleaned it off with a bit of tissue. "How bout now?" I ask turning towards her once more.

"Gloves." Katara reminded, I groaned again. And rooted through the drawers of the vanity. Looking for some gloves. The ones from last night were nice but they were bright red and went up to my elbows. Finally I found a dainty pair of light black gloves, lace of course.

I slipped them on. Now confident I had everything right. Katara inspected me again, nodding in approval when she saw nothing wrong.

"Katara, do you have anything that would do as a wig slip?" I asked, the scratchy netting getting very uncomfortable.

"Don't you have the one from last night?"

"Nope, lost it somewhere back at the palace." I answered.

"Well I could layer the bottom with unmelting snow." She suggested, but I grimaced. I'd take a scratchy wig to frostbite thank you very much.

"No thank you." I say sighing.

She gave me a sympathetic smile. "Alright then, let's get going."


Sokka had reacted more toned down than I assumed. I walked onto the porch, a annoying fan hanging off my wrist. I was fumbling around with it when I stepped outside. The decorative side just wouldn't stay on the outside.

A shocked gasp, and someone almost falling over caught my attention. I looked up just in time to see Sokka catch himself on the windowsill.

"Wha- Aang you look..." he trailed off, studying me. Not in that creepy way the old men did, but the way of someone very confused.

"Great," Katara filled in for him. Sokka quickly nodded.

"Yeah, that, I just didn't expect- you look so much like- how- I mean you look great. It's just that you- I guess look, um a lot more like a girl than a boy. And I've never actually seen someone- not that looking like a girl is bad, I just didn't expect- no that's not it. Um you look girly and that is fine but you look unexpectedly girly. And you just- I um, I- "

"Your digging the hole deeper." Toph informed not looking very impressed with my get up. Then I remembered she couldn't actually see my get up.

"Right, I'll shut." Sokka said, finally regaining his composure. His face still looking very confused.

Zuko on the other hand, was leaning against the wall next to him. Studying me as well, but more like he was inspecting me for any things that would indicate I was a boy. His eyes lingered on my face and hands. I tried not to squirm under his gaze. Earlier he said I was already pretty feminine. I'm not sure if that had been a compliment or not.

Finally his eyes rested on the wig, which I really wanted to throw off.

"The wig's crooked." He pointed out softly. His face still stony, but the others looked surprised by the tone.

"Ugh, yeah, couldn't find the wig slip." I complained, hoping that he would know what that was. Sokka obviously did not. Zuko obviously did, because he nodded sympathetically.

"Maybe it's still in the carriage?" He suggested, already pushing off to see if it was.

"I checked."

"Double checked?" He said with a bit of a smirk. I glared at him, and followed.

"No I did not double check, I thought the villa would have one." I said a bit annoyed.

"Lady Mercu never needed a wig, she died in her thirties." Zuko informed unhelpfully, as he flung the door of the carriage open. It was just as I remembered from last night. Except it was the day time, and now I noticed decorative spider webs clinging to the corners. Along with a playful splattering of blood. Hopefully it wasn't real.

He rooted down under the seat which I had already done. He took out one of the actual torture heels I wore last night and handed it to me. And Katara hissed, actually hissed.

"You wore that?" Katara in a disbelieving way. I sighed and nodded, looking at the four inches with distaste. I had no choice in shoes. Mai, surprisingly, didn't actually want me to wear the shoes. Saying it'd blow my cover. I secretly hoped that under all that gloom she was actually worried. Ty Lee said it brought the whole outfit together. And no one could really argue with Ty Lee about shoes. She, afterall, absolutely adored shoes, and wouldn't take no for an answer. Only definitely, yes, and absolutely.

"Yeah, Ty Lee picked them. I wanted the black flats." I say, remembering the pretty and sparkly shoes. Sokka looked confused, then Katara leaned over and whispered something in his ear.

"Gimme." Toph said holding out her hand for the shoe. I passed it to her, who felt the  shoe expertly determining the shape. "Four inches?" Said Toph sounding surprised. "Really?"

"Pssh four inches isn't that bad." Sokka said waving a hand dismissively. Even Zuko paused his searching to stare at him. Was this man serious. "What? Why is everyone looking at me like that?"he asked innocently.

"Sokka, I proclaim a challenge." Toph said in her official high class daughter voice.

"Toph no..." I trailed off.

"Toph yes, this is happening. You have the other shoe?' She asked holding out her hand. Zuko quickly grabbed it and gave it to her. "If you can stand and walk around the carriage in these, I will personally hand over my lychee nuts."

Sokka narrowed eyes. "No way, those are girl's shoes."

"Well Aang wore them, and he's not a girl." She pointed out gesturing for him to take the torturous heels. "Besides it's only your dignity on the line, not that you have much left." Toph murmured, causing Katara to snort. And me to hide my smile, and no I didn't use the fan. Ty Lee said that was show of bashfulness, and out of all the things I was right now it wasn't bashful. 

"I do to have dignity!" Sokka defended, his hand going to his sword strap. Both me and Katara caught the action. And gave Toph a warning look, not that she could see our faces. Yeah, it was fun to tease, but not when Sokka became insecure. Toph must've noticed something in his pulse because she stopped teasing. 

"Look, it's either lychees or no lychees. Your decision man." Toph said shrugging, the taunting edge in her voice gone. She still sounded teasing, but only a little bit. 

Sokka glared at her first, then the shoes. Gradually, he debated with himself. Finally he sighed and nodded, holding out his hand for the shoes. Toph gleefully gave them to him. "This is only because of the lychee nuts." He mumbled fumbling with his own shoes, to take them off. 

Finally he slipped both shoes on, he didn't lean against the carriage while standing up. Which is a mistake. Either you push off the wall, or stand up from a chair. There is no getting off the ground in heels. Well, at least in these heels. I bit my lip to keep from laughing, as he attempted to get up. Only to fall back on his butt. 

Katara snorted. "Hold up I got this." Sokka said, glaring down at the legs that failed him. I laughed quietly and turned to see what Zuko was doing. 

He was rooting around in the seat cushions, and he let out a satisfied grunt. Causing both me and Toph to turn, while Katara laughed as Sokka fell over again. "What is it?" I asked. 

Zuko hopped down from the carriage holding his prize; the wig slip. "Thanks! Where'd you find it?" I say eagerly taking it from his grip. 

"Under your seat," he said gruffly, nodding back to the open carriage. "We better get moving soon, it won't take long for the soldiers to figure out where we went." 

"He's right guys," Toph said glumly, as Katara attempted to pull her brother to his feet. Except Sokka didn't want her help. He was now determined to finish the challenge. "as much as I hate to say it, the soldiers are only about two miles away. Closing in closer than they think. I'll keep a foot out, but we need to get going." 

I nod gratefully, and turn the wig slip over in my hands. It was very thin silk that could act as a second skin over your scalp. Not only could you stick pins in it, but it also shielded your head from the wig's harsh netting. "Katara could you help me with this?" I ask her, as she dropped Sokka half way up. 

"Hey- oww" Sokka whined, rubbing his sore behind. Katara, winced in apology. 

"Sorry Sokka, and sure Aang." She answered, the motherly smile still on her face. I grinned back, and we got back in the villa. Where Katara attempted not to stick me with pins while she attached the wig over the slip. 


The carriage ride was bumpy and crowded. Zuko, Katara, Toph, and me were jammed into the small seating section. Sokka offered to be the horsemen, finally giving up walking in the heels. Me and Katara sat on the actual cushioned part of the back. Toph and Zuko were crammed in the foot space. Toph was hunched, with her knees up to her chin. Zuko was standing, his head bent so it didn't hit the ceiling. Originally Toph had offered to be another horseman, but Sokka didn't want to give up his glory. Plus we unanimously agreed that Betee would also be in the front. For reasons.  

So here we were. 

"You think we're almost there?" Katara asked uneasily, as she glared at Zuko. He was standing in front of me and avoided any eye contact with the annoyed waterbender. She still didn't fully trust Zuko. Or like him for that matter. But she was trying, which was nice enough for me. 

I ignore her venomous tone, and instead answer her question. "Yeah, it was only a mile right?" I ask. Zuko hummed, and I took that as a yes. We had decided that both me and Zuko would leave the carriage. But Zuko would stay below the steps. He was, afterall, the Fire Lords son and if Lady Forcurn really was a spy than she may not trust him. 

HOLD UP! When did I become the only person who trusted Zuko?  Yesterday I was the only one who didn't trust him. When did that change? Maybe when I started wanting to kiss him? And when was that exactly? The dance? Or maybe when he warded off Topas and Dorothy? Maybe when he cared enough to investigate the noisy hallway. Only to find a cowering Betee and be worried about her overall health. It could be after I started wanting to kiss him. I mean you could want to kiss anybody but not trust them. 

Maybe it was because he actually came back after he got the box. He could've hopped in a different carriage and rolled away. I would be none the wiser. It could of been when he actually took notice that I didn't want to do something and didn't make me. Braving the scary hallway himself, most likely to calm my nerves. But that could be just me overthinking things. 

Even if he looked for the wig slip. That was only because he didn't want my cover blown, I reasoned. 
What about him noticing I was worried in the ball? That was probably because he needed to know if something had gone wrong in the plan and simply not noticed it. 
What about him pointing out the elderly couple to me? That was simply admiration of one od the good parts of his court. 
What about making sure I didn't fall while we were dancing? It'd make a fool of himself if i did fall. 
What about agreeing that Betee was our daughter? Well he was the one to go out and find, he might as well get a child out of it. 
What about us cuddling when I woke up? That's because- 

I paused in my mental examination of the things we did. There wasn't a reason we woke up cuddling. I was delirious from exhaustion. Mentally, physically, and spiritually. Even after I passed out he could've easily gotten out from under me. Maybe he liked cuddling just as much as I had? Was that the reason he pulled me into his lap after he found we had intruders? Possibly. 

It was probable. Only probable, that he liked me that way back. After all it was the Halloween ball, and the most unlikely of things happen on Hallows Eve. 

Writers note:
So what you think? I know it's not very Halloween-y (Is that a word, I don't think it is) but eh, what are you gonna do about it. This should have about one more chapter. 

It will be out in about a week or so, sorry I didn't post this one on time. It was just super long, and I realized half of the plot wasn't going to work out the way I wanted it to. It was a lot of rewriting and editing to make this one sound good. 

Anyway, have a good earth rotation~ 🎃🌏

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