Because I am a Mother - BNHA...

By Crazy-Otaku-demigod

38.6K 1.2K 452

(y/n) is a single mother living in Musutafu with her twin boys Yuuma and Kei and in the minds of everyone who... More

Introduction to Characters and Story!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Love List
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Happy Birthday Boys!

Chapter 4

3.5K 123 103
By Crazy-Otaku-demigod

Thank you guys for being so patient with me! My brain just hasn't been working, I had written and re-written this chapter about four times and I wasn't happy with any of them, I want you guys to be reading something that I am happy with, only the best for you guys! I will finish that special eventually, but my brain is pretty fried being back in college! Enjoy xxx


Katsuki pov

'Why did I kiss her?' I thought to myself, lying in bed still wide awake, thank god I called in sick, there is no way in hell I would be able to work as tired as I am. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, completely stressed out about the stupid decision I made last night. 'Why did I kiss her?' I thought again, 'Yeah it was just on the cheek but still, she's a mom, she has two sons and obviously isn't going to be interested in me, she is too focused.' Once again I let out a sigh, walking to the kitchen to get some coffee.

"Mama! Let's go! Let's go!" I heard one of the twins shouting from the hallway, I can only assume that was Yuuma because I don't think I've ever heard the other one talk. I chuckled at the excited twins, probably tugging their Mama down the hall. 'That whole family is too god damn cute.'

Yuuma pov

"Bye Mama!" I called, waving frantically at her as she walked away. "Bye Mama..." Kei mumbled, his eyes filling with tears at the sight of Mama leaving. I grabbed his hand with one of mine and squished his cheek with the other, "It's okay Otouto, Mama will come and get us at the end of the day!" I cheered, watching him as he rubbed his eyes with his fist and nodded determinedly.

I smiled at Kei and we walked into the day-care room together, followed closely by one of the teachers, her name was Miss Fuyumi and she was really nice to me and Kei!

We had been in the day-care for a few hours now, it was lunch time. Mama had stayed up last night making us Bento boxes with little notes in them, telling us she loved us. I read the note, caught the kiss Mama said would get out and then began eating. I saw Kei catching his kiss too, but instead of eating, he just stared at the note, his eyes welling up again. I put down my chopsticks and leaned over to hug my little brother.

"We'll see Mama soon Kei, it'll be fine." I whispered, wiping his tears away as he nodded into my shoulder. Kei was a little bit smaller than me, Mama said it was because I ate all the food when we were inside her. I always felt like I needed to protect Kei, he was small and cried a lot, but I loved him anyway. I smiled as he started eating, but he froze mid-bite when a few of the other boys in our class came over to us.

"Hey Yuuma, why don't you come eat with us?" They asked, they seemed nice, but there was one I wasn't sure about. His name was Mosu, he kept making fun of some of the others and I knew that eventually he would try the same with Kei. I put on one of my best smiles and told them, "No thank you, I'm eating with my brother." They would often come over and offer to play with me or eat with me. But my answer was always the same, Kei isn't really comfortable around strangers, especially loud strangers.

I could see on his face that Mosu was put out with what I had said, but I wasn't planning on leaving Kei.

They came over again later on in the day, me and Kei were sat in the pillows and blankets reading together, Kei had his blankie, that hardly ever left his side, pulled close to his chest as I read to him. "Yuuma, come play with us!" Mosu almost shouted, he didn't exactly ask me, just yelled it at me. I could see the hand holding the blankie move closer to Kei's face, I knew he was sucking his thumb, which he always did when he was nervous.

"I told you Mosu, I don't want to hang out with you guys, I'm sorry, but I'm staying with my brother." I said sternly, I had to try very hard to remember my manners like Mama taught us, but it was very difficult when talking to Mosu. I went back to reading to Kei, watching as Mosu stomped away.

I had to leave Kei for a while because I was pulled away by Miss Fuyumi to talk about how I was doing with my reading and writing. I was a bit worried about Kei, I had left him watching a movie at the back of the daycare room with his blankie, Kei didn't really make friends, he always got too nervous and ran away. Anyway, I walked back to Kei only to see him crying and hiding his face, as Mosu and some of the meaner kids made fun of him.

I felt my face go red with anger, not realising the ground beginning to shake, but Miss Fuyumi seemed to. "Yuuma?" She asked, but I could hardly hear her as I was storming over to the boys. "You're nothing but a chicken are you? A cry baby and a mama's boy!" I heard Mosu shouting, "I heard your mom just works in a cafe, I bet that's all she's good at!" He cackled.

I walked up behind them and began talking, an angry aura around me, "You know, I was gonna hit you anyway, nobody makes fun of my brother," I began, watching as the boys turned to look at me in fear, "But now I'm going to destroy, because nobody and I mean nobody! Makes fun of my Mama!" I shouted, before tackling Mosu to the floor.

(y/n) pov

Something felt off as I walked into work today, I'm just not sure what. I walked into the back room, tying an apron around my waist, before walking out and immediately turning on the coffee maker. "Hey again." I heard a meek voice sitting at the bar behind me, turning to see a man with unkempt green hair and shy, sparkling emerald eyes, meeting my own.

"Izuku?" I asked, surprised that he had come back, it had been about a week and, I'll admit, I was hoping he'd come back. He gave me a precious close-eyed smile, "Hey, sorry it's been a while, I was busy with hero work." He told me, I forgot that Izuku was a Pro Hero, not just any hero, Izuku was the Number One Pro Hero: Deku. Kei has been almost obsessed with Deku in interviews since meeting him, even if he was a bit shocked and had a mini meltdown.

"It's good to see you again!" I told him, smiling my own smile. He nodded and agreed, we spent the next early hour or two talking to each other about many things, hero duty, my sons, work and so much more. It was really enjoyable but soon I was called away, the cafe becoming more busy, when I was walking away, I didn't notice the green haired hero posting a small piece of paper into my pocket.

"Hi, welcome, I'm (y/n), how can I help you?" I said, politely. Sitting in one of the booths, was another hero that had been on the television constantly for the last few years, the Pro Hero, Hawks. He was in his Hero Uniform, his wings took up most of the seat and he was looking up at me with a smile. "You're a sight for sore eyes, aren't ya?" He said, still with a lazy smile on his face.

I don't know if he was being serious or just teasing, either way, I felt my cheeks heating up with a blush. "Do you have an idea of what you want?" I asked him. He smiled again and said, "I'll have... a black coffee, a chocolate doughnut and if that isn't sweet enough I'll ask for you to dip your finger in it." He winked after he said that, causing me to blush even more. 'Is he implying that I'm sweet?' I thought.

I went away, with a blush on my face and thoughts swirling in my head about the flirtatious hero, I went to get his order. I composed myself before walking back to the booth, laying down the food and the receipt, "Is there anything else you need?" I asked sheepishly, once again seeming to ignore the glare that was coming from the breakfast bar. He smiled and shook his head but then held my hand and murmured, "I wouldn't mind some company, or maybe your number?" He asked.

I giggled and was going to answer him, only to get a call myself. I apologised and walked away, answering the phone. "Hello?" I said, listening to the voice on the other end which I decided must have been a shocked and worried Fuyumi. "(y/n), oh my goodness, I am so sorry to be disturbing you, this is highly unusual." She was rushing through her words and I immediately got worried, were the boys okay? "Its Yuuma, I guess Kei was being picked on a little and Yuuma got angry, he started fighting with one of the other children." Yuuma was fighting with someone?

That wasn't very like him, but if this child was picking on Kei then this was fairly probable for Yuuma. I untied the apron, keeping my phone to my cheek with my shoulder, I told my boss under my breath that I was leaving because the boys were acting up and quickly left.

Time Skip~

I had picked up Yuuma and Kei from daycare, the drive home being a mixture of Kei wailing because he was overwhelmed with emotions, first he was scared when Yuuma was fighting and he was being picked on, then it was sadness at Yuuma potentially getting in trouble and finally the relief of being picked up by me. Then there was Yuuma, who was crying thinking he would get shouted at.

As soon as I had picked up the boys, Kei ran straight into my legs and clutched onto me, I had to near pry him off of me to get him into the car, I think some decent snuggle time is needed when we get home. Then there was Yuuma, I think the reason he was crying was because he had decided I was angry at him. I wasn't. Of course I wasn't.

He did it to protect Kei and, as I found out from him (granted it was told in between sobs) to protect me. When we got to the apartment building, I helped the boys out of the car, keeping Kei on my hip when he refused to let go of my neck, but Yuuma didn't even look at me. I tried telling him I wasn't angry but every time I opened my mouth to talk, he did that wobbly lip thing that breaks me, so I left him to calm down a little.

We walked out of the elevator and down the hallway to our apartment, seeing Katsuki leaving his own. Kei had stopped crying now, as had Yuuma, but he still wouldn't talk or look up at me. He seemed to just be moping around, his arms hanging limply against his body, his eyes red from crying and he sniffled every now and then. Katsuki walked over and waved, a light blush on his cheeks, a blush that was nowhere near as noticeable as my own. "Hey (y/n), boys," He told us, a lazy smile on his face, which quickly dropped when Yuuma just walked into the flat.

"Is he okay?" He asked me, causing me to sigh. "He got in a fight at daycare today and thinks I am angry at him." I told him sadly, shaking my head. Kei's hands clenched on the neckline of my shirt, his runny nose was dripping so I lifted a hand with a handkerchief asking him to blow. Katsuki frowned even deeper, "Well let me know if he's okay, I'll talk to you later," He said.

I began blushing again at how he said goodbye the night before, I think he may have noticed because he smirked slightly with a light blush. I turned around walking into our home, waving goodbye.

Katsuki pov

I blushed slightly, remembering the moment me and (y/n) shared last night, she turned to go into her home, the young boy on her shoulder looking over at me. Kei gave me a small glare and stuck his tongue out at me. It seemed he wasn't that fond of me, or maybe the kid was as smart as his mother and noticed how I felt. I smirked even wider.

"Challenge accepted." I muttered under my breath. Step one, get the kid to like me. Step two, win (y/n)'s heart. Step three, keep them safe.

(y/n) pov

I let Kei down and sighed, leaning against the door and worriedly sticking my hands in my pockets, only to feel something crinkle. I pulled it out and saw a piece of paper, with a note and some numbers on it.

Hey (y/n),
I wanted to talk to you some more, when I have the time. So I decided to give you my number, I hope you think of calling or texting,
Izuku Midoriya.


Look at you winning the hearts of so many heroes! I hope you enjoyed the newest chapter and hopefully I won't wait so long before delivering the next one! Love you guys! Xxx

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