Baby Blue [Larry Stylinson]

بواسطة aimhjoey

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Every time he sees a field Bluebells, he can't help but stop as all of the memories flood into his mind once... المزيد



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بواسطة aimhjoey

The sun shone above the two boys laying on the grass, with their fingers intertwined and Louis' leg propped up on Harry's.  Harry's eyes were closed as he inhaled the clear air around him.  His curls danced around with the wind as he smiled and exhaled again.  Louis was next to him, his eyes open as he watched the clouds race by and the birds sore overhead.  He was happy.  They both were.

They took a simultaneous breath and giggled with adoration as they exhaled together.  Harry turned to Louis, propping himself up on his elbow with his hand under his head.  He grinned to himself as Louis turned himself to look back at Harry.  Louis really was a beautiful boy.  His eyes glistened with the sunlight that reflected off of them, and his smile was so beautiful Harry swore it should be painted and hung up in a museum.  How could these two boys, that had practically just met, felt so right in each other's company?  Why was this everything Louis had searched for and everything Harry had dreamed of?



"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you know your sexuality?"

Harry was hesitant to answer.  "No."

"Then how are you so calm?  I'm freaking out a little bit.  I've never thought about a guy the way, well the way I think about you."

Harry smirked slightly as he bit his bottom lip and giggled.  "I'm calm because I don't really think there's anything to worry about.  I like you, who cares that we're both guys, it doesn't matter to me.  It is what it is."  Harry shrugged.

Louis was jealous at how calm Harry was when he was sitting just a foot away from him, questioning his entire existence.  But Harry did have a good point.  Just because Harry and him were the same gender, why should that change the way Louis thinks about him.  He knew he liked Harry, so why is he stressing out so much.

"You're so smart Harry."  Louis grinned as he leaned himself closer to the lips he wanted so badly to kiss again.  He looked up and down between them and Harry's eyes as Harry started to lean forward too.

"Not smart, just stupidly in awe of this one boy."

"Oh really?  Describe him to me." 

They kept leaning closer and closer to each other, Harry repositioning his arms so that he could hold up his constantly shifting position.

He chuckled at Louis' remark.  "Well, to start, somehow he makes me want to actually talk, which by the way is a very rare thing, so he's quite interesting.  He can make me laugh, something I also don't do very often, so he's kind of funny," Harry shrugged his shoulders sarcastically underrating Louis' humor, "He also has these incredibly blue eyes that seem to take my breath away every time I see them,"

They kept leaning in every time Harry listed another thing.

"Oh really, what type of blue?"

"Well, they almost resemble a field of Bluebells, but I could be wrong."

Louis chuckled as he licked his lips and leaned even closer.  

"And he's got this smell to him, almost like caramel, and he's also got caramel hair and skin to match it."

At that statement, Louis took a moment to look himself over, and almost nod in agreement.

"And..."  Harry leaned as close as they could get without touching as he stared at Louis' lips and only Louis' lips.  He brought his thumb up and rested it on Louis' bottom lip, pulling it down slightly, revealing Louis' bottom set of teeth.  Louis was in complete awe of all of this as he practically drooled and melted at Harry's soft touch.

"He happens to be an excellent kisser."

Louis was ready to lose it all as he slowly leaned to meet Harry's lips.  

But, Harry pulled away, pushing Louis away with his pointer finger on his lips as he rolled over so that he had his back to the ground, holding himself up with his elbows behind him.  "You're just going to have to meet him."

Louis almost fell over from disappointment as he let out the loudest whine. 

"Harold!  You're so mean."

Harry only chuckled as he closed his eyes and shrugged his shoulders.  He never did anything like this, take the lead, tease a bit, none of it.  Harry was used to drooling over people that passed him, but not once had he gone after a single one of them.  But now he had Louis.  And he loved it.

"You know what, no.  I'm not allowing it."  Louis gruffed as he suddenly pulled himself over Harry so that he was straddling the boy, holding himself up with his hands grasping onto Harry's flexed shoulders.

He leaned his head down and licked the two lips that sat puckered in front of him.  He gave Harry a taste of his own medicine before leaning all the way in and connecting their lips.  This kiss was stunning.  The world seemed to stop around them as the wind blew their hair away from their face and their kiss was framed with beauty.  Harry ran one of his hands up Louis' thigh and rested it on Louis' side, grasping onto the fabric of his shirt and fisting it as he moved with their kiss.  Harry leaned up so that Louis was straddled over Harry's stretched out legs and his hands were pressed so passionately to either side of Harry's face.  Harry brought his other hand up and connected his fingers around Louis' slim waist as he tasted every inch of Louis' mouth, making sure to memorize how Louis' tongue felt against Harry's.  

Louis ran one of his hands through Harry's hair as he fiddled with a particular curl that was sticking up.  He loved the boy's curls.  They were the first thing he noticed when he met him, awkwardly sitting in Louis' family room, and he grew immediately fond of the curly brown locks that bounced with every step he took.  His other arm he used to snake around Harry's neck, letting his hand hold the back of Harry's head, pushing him even closer into their kiss.

Louis would never have expected this from the boy that had been wrapped up in his own sweatshirt, with just his arms poking out, so devotedly focused on the pages he was reading.  He would never have guessed that the awkwardly tall and lanky boy he seemed to annoy the first few minutes they had met, would've been kissing him with so much passion and would show his more vulnerable side as he let Louis hold him so delicately.  Louis immediately felt the need to protect him.  He wanted to wrap Harry in a hug and never let him go.  Even though he was much bigger than Louis, he wanted to hide Harry in one of his sweatshirts and never let anyone hurt him.

Their kiss stopped time.  Every release and re-connection of their lips seemed to cause a time warp that only proved further that they were the only two people in the world.  The Earth spun around the two boys and everyone else living on it were just side characters that froze whenever Louis and Harry left the scene.  It was Louis and Harry's world, and everyone else was just living in it.  

Louis released from their kiss and pulled away a bit as Harry tried to lean back in for another round.  He looked at Harry from the top of his curls to the bottom of his chin and smiled.

"I'm so glad I decided to go pee in the forest that night."

Harry chuckled as he pulled Louis into him even closer.  Louis shifted his position so that he was no longer on his knees, but sitting on his butt with his legs around Harry's waist.

"Did you ever even go pee?"

Louis shook his head as he laughed, "No.  How funny is that.  I got too caught up in our conversation, I forgot I needed to."

Harry blushed.  He had literally just finished kissing the boy, but he still seemed to get awkwardly nervous whenever he complimented him.

Harry lifted his chin in a babyish way as he looked into Louis' eyes.  He poked out his bottom lips and sighed.  "I'm hungry."

Louis cooed at how adorable Harry looked, with his doe eyes staring into Louis' and his bottom lip sticking out and glistening from the wetness of their kiss.

"Well then, let's get my baby Hazza some food."

"Baby Hazza?"

"Yeah, cute right?"  Louis stood up and reached down to give Harry a hand.  Harry was smiling like a loon as Louis turned and made their way to their bikes.

"Yeah.  Cute." Harry mumbled under his breath so Louis couldn't hear.  His heart fluttered as he replayed the words in his head over and over again.  He crossed his arms and bit his lip, trying to force his smile away, as he walked over to Louis who was bringing Harry's bike over to him.

He couldn't help but fond over how cute Louis looked, struggling to control both his and Harry's bike.  Harry walked over to him and grabbed his own bike, laughing at how adorable Louis was.

"Don't make fun of me.  Your bike is big."

"Hey, I didn't say anything!" Harry brought one of his hands up in an innocent manner.

"You didn't need to.  You were laughing at me."  Louis pouted as he turned to get on his way.

"Hey."  Harry called out and Louis turned around.  "I'm sowwy.  Forgive me?" Harry gave Louis his best baby eyes as he leaned forward, pushing their faces only inches apart.

"Only if you'll kiss me."

"Ugh, so demanding!" Harry rolled his eyes but was quick to lean in and smooch Louis.  Pulling away with red cheeks and a huge smile on his face.

"Now let's go get you some food."

"Yes please."  Harry begged as he straddled the bike and pushed off.

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