Melody of Love - Ai no merodī

By Kininaru_dango

220 3 0

They met by accident. They ran into each other by fate. They became friends by choice but falling in love hop... More

Koi No Yokan
Yúyīn- part A
Yúyīn- Part B
Gūzen- Part A
Gūzen- Part C

Gūzen- Part B

7 0 0
By Kininaru_dango

Ayumu freed himself from Haruto.

Haruto leaned in to say "Ayumu-san if you are not careful in a place as crowded as this, you might get pushed around and could get hurt. You should be alert don't you think?" He looked at the wrapper and again at Ayumu.

Ayumu couldn't contain his nervousness "Ah... Hai! Thank you?"

Haruto laughed out loud. "Hahaha Ayumu-san, you are so easy to tease."

Ayumu snapped out of it and came back to his usual self. "Fancy meeting you here Haruto-Kun, How are you doing?"

"I am fine Ayumu san, are you here by yourself?"

"Ah no, I'm accompanying my friend, he wanted to pick some clothes, he went to fetch his high school friend from a nearby bowling alley, he asked me to wait near that cat cafe over there."

"And here you are, attracted by the sweet smell of buns." He smiled. "What a coincidence I have my friends waiting at a bowling alley, they might be in the same place, there's only one around that corner." Haru pointed in the opposite direction.

"Let me call him once, he is supposed to be here by now." He said peering at the cafe in the sight.

"Are you sure you haven't missed them while enjoying your food?! Hahaha."

"Eh? I don't think so" He took out his mobile pouting his lips together as dialled Sawamura who picked it up almost immediately.

He turned away from Haruto with a slight polite bow and covered his mouth while talking. "Sawamura, where are you, did you find them?"

"Ah I found them, can you come over here to the bowling alley, it's just around the corner."

"Sure, I'll be there, bye"

Ayumu turned to look at Haruto who was already placing an order at the open counter. They handed him three buns in a brown cover and he reached for loose change in his back pocket and handed them the change respectfully.

Haruto came to Ayumu's side again and was expecting an answer from him.

"I called my friend, he's at the bowling alley, I'm headed over there, what about you?"

"I'm headed there as well if you don't mind, can I walk with you?"

"Hey, it's not a problem at all, this is such an unbelievable coincidence."

They began to move in the direction of the bowling alley. Haruto felt a warm feeling, ticklish spreading in his chest.

He walked closely next to Ayumu, shielding him from the crowd. "Ayumu-san, I'd appreciate it if you walk close to me, we can't have you swept away by the crowd." And he smirked at him.

Ayumu's eyebrows twitched at that comment "Haruto-Kun, I'll be fine." Ayumu blushed at the handsome man's effort trying to be protective about a stranger.

"Okie," He said lazily while keeping an eye on the crowd. They surf through the crowd and take a turn to reach the bowling alley.

Haruto and Ayumu spot Ikku and others standing outside.

Ikku points out that he can see Haru and it looks like he's bringing someone else with him.

Sawamura fills in after Ikku "Ahh that's my friend Ayumu, looks like he's headed this way, who's that guy by his side" Sawamura squinted his eyes in an attempt to recognise the new face.

"That's my buddy Haruto," Ikeda replied. "Why is he with your friend.?"

Haruto and Ayumu come to a standstill with Haruto leading the way and Ayumu standing behind him and then he shifts his place next to Sawamura and Ikku stands next to Haruto. Ikku tried to sneak a bun from him but Haruto seals them with his arms and away from Ikku's reach.

Sawamura introduces Ayumu to Ikeda and the group "This is Ayumu, my sworn brother and my best friend. We're classmates at the Uni. He helped me shop today." His teeth were showing. "Ayumu!" Sawamura wrapped his arm around Ikeda's shoulder "This is my high school bud, Ikeda Rin we were part of the high school track club. Hehe."

Ayumu bowed politely and the hair that was held delicately behind his ears fell over his eyes and he had to put those strands of hair with his fingers running through them behind his ears while spreading his lips earnestly as he greeted them. They had their eyes fixed on him which made him uncomfortable just a bit.

Ikeda who had a similar build as Sawamura was the first one to exchange the greetings "Hello, Ayumu-san, this is Ikeda, it's nice to meet you. Let me introduce my friends."

He first gestured to the girl standing next to him, she was wearing simple blue jeans and a white half-sleeved blouse, and a red backpack, her height was somewhere around 5'3 and Ikeda and Sawa are three to four inches taller than her. She was lean with a round face and eyes highlighted with a heavy liner which defined the outline of her eyes. "This is Toshinori Kanae; she's my classmate and my girlfriend." The girl blushed, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear.

The girls were checking out Ayumu head to toe and the boys were also making their judgments under their faces.

"Hello Ayumu san, I'm Kanae. Nice to meet you."

'Oh sweet mother of God, he is so handsome, my heart is beating so rapidly just looking at him. Awwww. Can't say anything out loud or Ikeda will pout' She thought to herself.

Ikeda then gestured to the two girls standing next to her, one of them was wearing a knee-length skirt with a tucked in a chiffon blouse and the other was in a mini skirt with stockings pulled over under her skirt, she matched it with a t-shirt that had a glittering heart in the centre. "This is Takumi Yuki and Yoshimura Chizu, Takumi is an art student and Yoshimura belongs to Biotechnology." He introduced the girl gesturing with his right hand.

"Hello, Ayumu san." They sang in unison. Yoshimura said, "Ayumu-san, I'm itching to ask, are you a model?"

Ayumu was used to being cornered by this question, so he learned to keep his calm. "Ah, no Yoshimura-san, I'm not a model." Ayumu's concern right now was that they were blocking the exit, there weren't many customers around so it seemed fine and they weren't many headed towards the bowling alley, yet Ayumu thought that they were being inconvenient for the staff at the reception. Other people were standing and talking in front of the entrance, Ayumu wanted to continue the conversation elsewhere and as he was about to say it out loud Haruto became his spokesman. He pointed out towards the shortest guy, "This is Toma Jun, creative sciences and engineering department". Same as us he gestured towards Haru and Ikku as well. "Hello Ayumu San. Toma wanted to ask something but he decided not to when Ikeda spoke over him. "Finally this is Sakurai Itsuki and Furuya Haruto."

Ayumu smiled at Haruto. "You two know each other?" Ikku asked doubtfully while the other displayed the same amount of curiosity.

"Guys, we are blocking the entrance, let's take our conversation else, you guys wanted to get dinner right? So let's talk in a restaurant. I'm sure Sawamura-san and Ayumu-san would appreciate that."

"There's this restaurant that serves really tasty meat. I went there a month ago with my classmates. Let's go there." Yoshimura san said joyfully, patting Ikeda's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, you guys go ahead, I plan to go home for today," Ayumu said, adjusting his backpack. Haruto didn't want Ayumu to leave but he downright didn't want to say it out loud. The girls were in chaos, surrounding Ayumu and asking him to stay for dinner so that they would get to know him.

"Sawamura is staying over for dinner and we don't want you to leave by yourself," Ikeda spoke looking at Ayumu and Sawamura.

Ayumu was hesitant, he was tired and just wanted to go home and sleep.


'Sawa, help me out here. I told you I'd be heading home.' Ayumu glanced at Sawamura with a desperate look.

"Guys, just a second." "Ayumu came over here." Sawamura grabbed him by the elbow and took him a few steps away from the group while they were discussing the menu for the night. Ikku was talking to Haruto about fried chicken and Haruto was completely distracted by what the two were talking about.

Sawamura held his palms in unison and begged Ayumu to stay for the night.

"Ayumu, please stay, I'd really appreciate it. It's a nice opportunity to meet people outside our university. I'll make sure to drop you home Please."

"I'm a little tired Sawa." He said with a sigh. "He's your high school friend and I don't think you'd need me here, and we just had dinner the other day, and I have already prepared dinner for tonight.."

"Well, I brought you here and don't want you to leave by yourself and I want you to have fun, please."

"You're unbelievable, Sawa."

"Come on, you seem friends with Furuya Kun so stay for Pete's sake."

Ayumu was not pleased. His eyebrows twitched.

"Sawa... why did you bring up Haruto-Kun? This has nothing to do with him, we just met a couple of times." Though they met only twice, he looked at Haruto from the corners of his eyes and instantly looked at Sawamura.

"Now you're pushing my limits young man, Ayumu stay or Imma leak your number in college, hungry people are waiting to prey on you at uni, I'll throw you under the bus."

The group noticed that the two were taking their own time and weren't bothered by it, they let them decide on their own terms.

"You wouldn't." Ayumu gaped thinking that Sawa is capable of doing it.

Ayumu wore a worrying expression giving into his pleading friend.

"Fine, I'll join you." He sighed while reluctantly agreeing to join the rest of the group.

"Ayumuuuuu... Thank you." He smiled gleefully and ruffled Ayumu's hair before they rejoined the group.

'This guy!'Ayumu stood in between Sawamura and Haruto.

While they were going inside the restaurant Haruto stood next to Ayumu with Ikku behind them.

"I don't know what your friend offered you but I'll share the sweet bean buns with you since you agreed to stay."

"I have got dibs on one." Ikku leapt in between them like a cat.

He turned around and flicked his forehead. "You're not getting any, go buy 'em yourself. Baka."

Ayumu just watched their playfulness as they entered and found seats at the corner of the restaurant. It was good enough for eight, the type with a leather seating with a long table in between and the staff were kind enough to add an extra chair for the noisy group.

Kocho, Ikeda, Sawamura and Ayumu sat on one side while Haruto sat facing Ayumu followed by Takumi, Yoshimura and Toma sat opposite to them. Ikku was oddly sitting on a chair next to the aisle.

"Ahhh, I don't like sitting here, I feel out of place," Ikku complained, asking for attention from others.

Toma placed a hand on Ikku's shoulder comforting him, He jokingly said "Ikku.." with a pause "Don't mind."

"If you're taking such a long pause say something worthwhile" Ikku nagged.

Everyone started laughing out loud and started ordering food along with some beers.

Ikeda and Sawamura were catching up on everything they had been up to so far. Ikku Toma and Haruto were arguing about the flavour of beers. The girls wanted to talk to Ayumu.

Yoshimura-san was the first to speak, she said "Ney Ney, Ayumu san, so you're in your first year of management degree. How's it going? Also, Do you have any girlfriends? Hehehehe." This caught Haru's attention, he continued talking with Toma and lkku, yet he eavesdropped on the girl's talk.

"Yoshimura stop teasing Ayumu san." Kocho interjected and looked at Ayumu "Don't mind her inquisitiveness Ayumu san." Yoshimura pointed her tiny pink tongue at Kocho.

"Ah, no, it's fine." he slid his hands under the table and said, "I don't have one". There it was, the look where his eyes lost their light for a moment and he immediately switched back to reality. He answered after a brief pause "I'm not seeing anybody."

"Ehhhh?! Is that so, it's such a waste." The girls' opinions unified.

Haruto lets out a sigh of relief. 'So, he is not seeing anyone huh? Wait for a second, why do I feel relieved?'

The food arrived and was served to save the day. Everyone started eating, there was a clanking of plates mixed in with laughter, the students' small talk about projects, deadlines, and plans. The mood was filled with the aroma of spices and beer. There was a smile on every face, with every ticking second they were just getting older and what's now has already become a thing of the past. I guess the freedom you have as a student is a beautiful thing. Learning to be independent, wanting to skip classes, sharing the food because you're broke, dirty jokes and the bitterness of adults that creeps in slowly, which is there before you know it, we live in denial and when it hits us it's no longer what it used to be and that you can no longer sit back and look at the stars with an empty mind, only anxiety and responsibilities, you begin to question your existence and everything around you, but, until that time comes, let's do our best.

Ayumu wasn't a picky eater except for pickles, Ayumu held his chopsticks delicately and slightly different from the others, he held them as if he was holding a paintbrush and slightly higher than the usual, he loved carrots so as he picked up the carrot as the most delicate treasure in the world and put in his mouth and relished the taste he caught Haru staring at him and smirking.

Ayumu had to admit that Haruto was indeed handsome. The bold jawline and streamlined cheeks, the well angled and chiselled jaw, the sharp edges of his hair reaching his eyebrows, the thick eyebrows and those dazzling black orbs. The ears with a shade of pink on the borders and the way his wrinkles peeked over whenever he smiled and his neatly lined up teeth, and those eyes filled with an unknown mystery hidden inside them, waiting to be unlocked.

Haruto picked up a carrot intending to offer to him making a face that read why not take a bite, Ayumu automatically leaned forward to take the round piece of carrot into his mouth and stuffed it in his cheeks, covered his lips those pinkish fingers finished with nails that looked smooth around the edges. Ayumu shook laughing at this act and Haruto laughed too avoiding a piercing feeling in his heart. Takumi tried to hide her frown and Itsuki was surprised too, Haru never displayed this gesture even among his friends.

Meanwhile, Ikeda, Sawamura and Yoshimura started a drinking challenge despite Toma and Kocho and also Ayumu warning them. They went ahead with their stupid contest anyway and the others were busy finishing their food and gulping down limited alcohol other than those two.

Meanwhile, Ikeda, Sawamura and Yoshimura started a drinking challenge despite Toma and Kocho and also Ayumu warning them. They went ahead with their stupid contest anyway and the others were busy finishing their food and gulping down limited alcohol other than those two.

When it was time to leave Sawamura insisted that he'd pay Ayumu's share and waved his hand off while sharing the tab. It was then he realized that Sawamura was drunk and wobbly, Ikeda was red from his cheeks to ears whereas Yoshimura san didn't wobble her poise the same as before. Ayumu sighed and let out a moan and supported Sawamura by taking his hand and placing it over his shoulder and holding him by the hip.

Ikeda and Sawamura were sprouting stuff like they miss each other and how they were close like brothers but lost touch for quite some time, they started being emotional about it and that they should catch up some other time. Toma stood by Ikeda just in case his friend tripped and fell flat on his face. Toma instantly took a snap and teased Ikku that he'd post it online, Toma let out one of his rare laughs first and then helped Ikku to stand up.

Ayumu was struggling to hold Sawamura in one place. "Sawamura gets a hold of yourself, don't embarrass yourself anymore. I apologize for his behaviour." Ayumu looked at them apologetically, his hair bangs falling over his eyes as he shook his head.

"Ayuumu... you're so meannnn."

Ikeda joined in "We shouldn't have drunk so much." He snickered.

Kocho said not to worry too much as everyone is a little drunk and Ikeda isn't being easy either, moreover she is worried as to how Sawamura will reach home.

"I'll take him to my place, Sawamura's place is kinda far from here and I don't think I can leave him by himself at this hour, in this condition."

Though Ayumu appeared lean he had the muscle to carry Sawamura around, yet Sawamura was weighing on him and he was worrying over how he'd carry him through the crowd in the streets.

Takumi was tugging on Haruto's jacket, glancing at him dizzily. Yoshimura spoke, asking "Ayumu-san, will you be able to manage him alone? Sawamura san seems to be too heavy for you and loud."

"Ah, I'll be fine." he laughed nervously.

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