The Reason Why Mom Loves Dad...

By tenny10-10

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After Neji misses Tenten's birthday, Tenji gets mad and stumbles upon an ancient Chinese scroll. "If this s... More



283 13 13
By tenny10-10

This chapter is dedicated to the following people:

@Subby_star (Birthday girl)






Now onto the story. Ikuttebayo!!!


Neji had numerous emotions crossing his mind.

He was hurt.

He was scared.

He was sad.

He was in pain.

He felt vulnerable.

But above all....

Neji was furious.


"MULTI SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!!!!!" Neji did a Ram/Cross sign and 99 other Nejis appeared. They paired with each other and 50 formed a Jyuuken-shuriken for the other 50.

You all know how Naruto needs a shadow clone to make a Rasengan. That's what's happening to Neji.

They started making Jyuuken-shurikens to hurl at Madara.

"Lee, get Tenten out of here! I'm going to deal with this bastard!!"

Neji then looked at Lee.

"Please be careful. For my sake and for Tenten-chan." Lee asked with a sad look on his face.

He knew it was not the time but he decided to make Lee smile a bit.

"Don't worry Lee. I have the power of youth by my side."

It seemed to have done the trick, cause Lee was crying buckets of water. Tenji cringed at the sight.

"If I fail, I'll run 500 laps round backwards each village on my hands with my eyes closed."

Neji knew that if he didn't do this, he would actually run round each village. He was a man of his word but he also had his pride.

After Lee left with Tenten in his arms, shouting what sounded suspiciously like Sakura-Chan, he attacked Madara.

After he defeated Madara (and saved his pride, much to Tenji's disappointment), Naruto came by his side to plan on how to defeat Obito.

[A/N: I didn't really watch the war so I'm not sure what happened, but I know Madara was the evil one and it's too late to change the story line. So I just have a request. Please, just roll with it😅😅]

"How do you think we stop Obito?" Naruto asked.
"Since we are Jinchurikis, we could use their power and our jutsus to defeat him." Neji said.
".....No offense, but I didn't understand a word you said-ttebayo." Naruto chuckled.

Neji just gave him a 😐 face. Getting angry at him now won't do any good.

"What Hyuga means Dobe, is that we combine our most powerful jutsus with the power of the Nibi and Kyuubi to defeat him." Sasuke said, completely uninvited but they weren't complaining.
"What did you call me, Teme?!!" Naruto shouted.
"Thank you Uchiha." Neji said.
"No problem." Sasuke replied.

It was obvious they were both ignoring Naruto, but he was too dumb to realize that.

Not too long after, Obito came down to meet them and by the time, shinobis were being wrapped in vines and in their perfect dream world.

Those in the medical tents were not spared, and that made Neji and Tenji worried more than anything.

"I already said that this world will end. Why do you want to stop me?" Obito asked.
"We never go back on our word." Naruto said.
"It's our ninja way." Sasuke continued.
"Our will of fire." Neji ended.

For a brief moment, Tenji saw something flicker in Obito's eyes, thinking he could change. But it was gone.

"You will never stop me from creating a world with no war!!" Obito exclaimed.
"Then you leave us no choice." Sasuke replied.
"MASSIVE RASENSHURIKEN!!!" Naruto cried out.

The two Jinchurikis joined them together. The result produced a wind shuriken with yellow electric sparks and a lion at the center.

"AMATERASU!!!" Sasuke exclaimed.

It now had black flames at the tips.

"*scoffs* You can't do.... what..." Obito started but kept quiet. Soon they heard a voice.
"Naruto, Neji, Sasuke, this is Shikamaru. Hurry, I can't hold him any longer."

Naruto and Sasuke looked at Neji.

"Go get him Hyuga." Sasuke told him.
"Fight for what you love." Naruto said.

"For what I love.... Tenten...."

At this thought, the jutsu grew bigger. He looked at them and smiled.

"Thanks guys."

Tenji watched as Neji ran at Obito with top speed, eyes burning with determination. He jumped and as he landed near Obito, Neji cried out:


Then he hit Obito.


It was like a nuclear reaction took place.

Everywhere was still.....

Then the army of shinobis created by Madara slumped and died, the re-animated Hokages went back to the after life, those in the perfect dream world were released and the Ten Tails ceased to exist. Naruto and Sasuke looked at the damage caused by the war. Neji went to look for Tenten and Lee.

"We did it Teme!! We won the war-ttebayo!!!!" Naruto was so happy.
"Indeed, Dobe." Sasuke said in a tone that Naruto didn't notice.
"Let's go look for Sakura-Chan and Kakashi sensei."

As Naruto walked, Sasuke called his name.


Naruto stopped but didn't look back.

"I will become Hokage." Sasuke said.

That made Naruto face him in shock.


Sasuke ran and Naruto ran after him. They ended up going to the valley of the end.

You all know how the anime went.

            ~With Neji and Tenji~

Neji and Tenji were looking for Lee and Tenten among the rubble. Neji helped some shinobis and transferred chakra to them.

"Neji-kun!! Neji-kun!!!"

Only one person called him that.

Looking up, Neji saw Lee running towards him.

"Lee! Are you OK?! Where's Tenten?!!"

It was then that Tenji noticed the sad look on Lee's face. Neji must have noticed it too.

"Lee, what's with that face."
"Neji-kun, T-Tenten-Chan...."

That was enough to make Neji rush to the medical tent. There was not much damage.

The place was stuffy with the smell of blood in the air, but Neji was looking for Tenten.


At his right, he saw Sakura come out from a curtained room. And with the look she wore, Neji was sure Tenten was in there.

"Sakura, where is Tenny?!"

Lee came in at this point and put his hand on Neji's shoulder. Tenji was getting scared.

"She... She isn't..." Neji started.
"When Lee-san brought her here, I healed her, but then the vines wrapped her. When the vines left, I checked on her immediately.... but..." Sakura couldn't bring herself to talk.
"Sakura, what happened to Tenny!!!!"
"Her heart....stopped beating... I'm sorry...."

Neji rushed behind the curtained room, despite Lee's protests. Neji came face to face with Tenten's still face.

Neji put his ear on her chest, and true to Sakura's words, her heart wasn't beating anymore.

Tenji was crying. Fuck the Hyuga name, this was his mom.

Neji too was crying. This was the second time he cried, the first being when his father died. He couldn't lose everyone he loved.

"Tenny.... I'm so sorry..... I should have appreciated you and all you've done. I shouldn't have been mad at you when you wanted to help me..... I should have told you the truth about your powers..... Please wake up.... Don't leave me.... I can't lose you too....." Neji then cried in his position, with his head on her chest, not bothering if Hiashi came in and saw him in an inappropriate position.

Tenji was so sad. Why did his mom keep doing things for his dad?! First Kisame, then the shinobi Madara summoned and now Madara himself!!


Tenji stopped in his tracks. That was a female groan.

"....Who put a block on my chest?..." Tenten groaned.

Neji say up right and looked at Tenten, with tears and all. Tenten blushed, not because Neji was here, but because his head was on her chest.

"TENTEN!!! YOU ARE ALIVE!!!!" Neji shouted as he hugged her, which led him to straddle her. He, of course didn't know but she did.
"N-Neji-kun.... P-please get off m-me....."

Neji then realized how their position was wrong and got off her but still sat on the bed.

"Sorry. How are you? Are you feeling better?!! Why did your heart stop beating?!!"
"What do you mean my heart stopped beating?!!!"
"I mean it stopped beating....."
"I guess it was when I was in the spirit realm."
"The spirit realm?"
"Neji-kun, those with my powers are called avatars.We are the bridge between the physical realm and the spirit realm. Normally, there is only meant to be one, but I'm the second. The other is still training his powers. That's all I know."
"I see..."
"Neji-kun, what's wrong?"
"I knew of your powers."
".....NANII?!!!!" Tenten and Tenji screamed.
"What do you mean you knew?! For how long!!!"
"I'll tell what happened. The only ones that knew of your powers were your mother, my father, you and I. Our parents were teammates and you will always come to the Hyuga compound for sleepovers......"

           FLASHBACK BRAH!!!!

[A/N: This little part was inspired from the beginning of both Frozen and Frozen II]

It was night time in Konoha and the Hyuga branch member with his teammate were looking for their respective kids.

"Neji, Tenten, bedtime!" The Hyuga shouted, being careful not to be loud.
"Where are those two?!" His teammate was obviously not giving two shits about who heard her.

Meanwhile, in Neji's room, the two best friends were playing with dolls made from ice, since Tenten could make snow and ice from her hands using water and air.

Hizashi and Tian walked in and saw that they were concluding their play date.

"And they all get married!!" Tenten cried out as she held like 20 snow figures in her hands and Neji just laughed.
"What are you playing?" Hizashi asked.
"Playing avatars." Neji replied.
"Those aren't like any avatar I've seen." Tian said.
"You've seen an avatar?!" They both exclaimed.
"We both have." Hizashi piped.
"And you've never told us about this?!" Tenten asked as she stood with her tiny hands on her non existent hips, the way her mom stands when she demands an answer.
"I wanna tell you now." Hizashi said as he sat on Neji's bed.

The two chibis jumped on the bed and sat down.

"Let's go make a snowman later?!" Tenten whispered in Neji's ear and he nodded.
"Sit." Tian said.

And they both obeyed. Hizashi smiled and started to talk.

"Water, Earth, Fire and Air. In a distant land, way beyond the our country, these four elements were divided into nations."
"So those who stayed in the Water nation control water?" Neji asked.
"Correct. Those who could control all 4 of them were called avatars."
"Am I an avatar too?" Tenten asked.
"Of course. The Hyugas decided to make peace with the 4 nations and so we made a portal to cross to the other side. We were having a grand meeting in the fire nation with the leaders of all the nations and some people joined. I followed my grandfather to the fire nation, but was unprepared for what was going to come."
"The past avatar was present too?" Neji asked.
"Of course he was. As the ceremony went on, we were celebrating. We let down our guard. Suddenly, the fire nation started attacking. We lost many Hyugas that day, my grandfather included. Then I was knocked out. Suddenly, I was being lifted, like I was flying and I was saved. When we returned to Konoha, we destroyed the portal and the only ones to pass and destroy it is the avatar."

Everywhere was silent, till Tenten spoke.

"Woah! That was epic!! Whoever saved you, I love her!!"
"How do you know it's a girl?" Neji asked.
"It's obvious. As a boy saves a girl, a girl also save a boy. So it's a girl that saved him!" Tenten exclaimed.
"Well I wish I knew who it was." Hizashi said.

Neji didn't miss the look he gave Tenten's mom.

"But jokes asides, the fire nation is dangerous and we have to protect Tenten's powers."
"Hai!" They both said.
"And on that note, it's time to go to bed." Tian said.
"Aw man! But I'm not sleepy!!" Neji wailed.
"Me too!!" Tenten seconded.
"Good night you two." Hizashi said, ignoring them.

The moment their heads touched the pillow, they went to their dream world. Tian went to the guest room and Hizashi went to his room.

Around 12 in the morning, Neji noticed that he was being used as a bouncy house.

"Neji wake up!!" Tenten whispered.
"Go to sleep...." Neji mumbled.

Tenten then laid on his back.

"But I can't!! The sky is awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play!!"
"Go play by yourself." He then pushed her on the floor and had peace.

Which lasted 5 seconds cause she opened one of his eyes and asked a question he could never say no to.

"Do you want to build a snowman?"

Neji just chuckled.

Later they were in the grand hall. Tenten had made it a winter wonderland. Snowmen were everywhere, there was an ice rink and they were having a snowball fight.

Things escalated when Tenten slipped, and ice came out of her hand. Neji dodged it, but noticed it hit a mirror.

"Tenten look out!!"

But it was too late. It reflected and hit her head.

Neji quickly rushed to her but she was unconscious.

"FATHER, HELP US!!!" He cried out.

Hizashi and Tian ran in and saw everything. They decided to meet Inochi, since he deals with the mind, but before they left, Hizashi put a genjutsu on the hall in case Hiashi and the elders came in.

Not surprisingly, Inochi was with his teammates, Shikaku and Choza. They told him of what happened and he did a mind jutsu on her.

Nothing would happen to her, but she had to lose the memories of her powers.

"She won't remember her powers?" Neji asked.
"It's for the best." Hizashi said.
"Neji, look at me." Inochi told Neji.

Neji looked at him.

"Tenten's power will only grow. There is beauty in it, but also grave danger. If she can't control it, fear will be her enemy." Inochi told him

Neji looked at him in fear, and Tian held him close because Hizashi carried Tenten.

"Please team Ino-Shika-Cho, don't tell anyone about her powers." Hizashi said.

He then turned to Tian.

"This means we can't see each other anymore. We have to protect Tenten's powers and help her train. Neji, we'll see her again in 2 weeks. She would have woken up by tomorrow."
"OK father!"

Neji was happy. He would see her again. He couldn't wait.

But fate, being the sick twisted thing it is, made that impossible.

Because 2 days later, Tian died on a mission and 2 weeks later, Hizashi died.

When they met again at the academy, Tenten didn't remember Neji and he was devastated. But he followed his father's words to protect Tenten.

Even if it meant stopping her from awaking her powers again.

That's why he was shocked during the Chunnin Exams when she fought Temari. Neji wanted to know if Tenten already knew or remembered her powers.


Tenten and Tenji just looked at Neji as he hung his head in shame. He couldn't look at her face because of what he did.

Suddenly, Tenten hugged him.

"Even though I don't remember anything, I'm not mad at you. I forgive you."

Neji then hugged her back.

"Thank you. I promise I'll make it up to you. I could teach you how to properly use them in case something happens."
"Sure, thanks."

At that moment, Lee burst into the room and jumped on the bed.


Tenji walked out of the room and left the tent with a smile on his face. No matter what happened, those three will always be Team Gai.

He then saw the light that enveloped him when he left the hospital room when Neji and Tenten were Genins and stepped into it.

"Time to go home, I guess." Tenji said.

Then he was gone.


I'm finally done with the war part, even though this wasn't what happened.😅😅😅

Should Tenji go home or should he see how NejiTen meets the avatar and his team?!😎😎😎

Vote, comment and share.🤗🤗🤗

Ja ne.🤗🤗🤗

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