The Gospel of Emely S'Anna

Bởi RebbekkahMorningstar

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This is a story of my favorite D&D character. She is a tiefling, succubus, her story of redemption, of findin... Xem Thêm



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Bởi RebbekkahMorningstar

Chapter One

This isn’t a story for the weak or the faint of heart.  This is a tale of a woman who has lived if you can call it living, many lives. This isn’t just another love song, this isn’t a ballad that the town bard will sing.  This is Emely’s story.

      Emely’s natural birth happened over eight centuries ago, at a time when the church ruled with an iron fist. If you were against their teachings you were cast out for heresy. The Catholic church had most kingdoms by the balls, many fell into the control of the Crusaders.

 Before the plague, before England was brought to its knees from war and famine, lived a poor family on the edge of town. A young girl with long blonde hair and chubby cheeks would play out in the woods.  Her name was Edith. She was the youngest child of ten. Her father calls her a gift, her mother said she was more like a curse. She wasn’t planned, her mother should have been well past her breeding years by the time that she came along. Her birth nearly killed her mother. 

Edith’s other brothers and sisters were much older than her and lived in other parts of the town.  She would only see them a handful of times a year. Edith would be raised as if she was an only child. The only child left in this small village, that consisted of four farms. Four, old, wise farmers. 

As she aged into her early teens, the drought began. The spring had run dry, so had the creek. The only water source the village had was the well at the center of the four farms.  Her father would walk with her through the cornfield and the wilted crop hung low to the ground. He would hang his head. He knew if he didn’t have crops to trade his family would surely starve to death.  At night she could hear her father pray for rain. 

The summer was unrelenting with dry heat, every breath felt like all the moisture inside was being pulled out.  The farmers had been defeated by the long dry season. They didn’t know how they would survive the cold season. 

Edith’s mother wasn’t a fool, she didn’t believe in prayer, or the one God, as the church forced on people. She knew that no god worth being worshiped would tithe their flock to the brink of death. She also knew that in matters like this it was best to keep your mouth shut, least risk being labeled a heretic. She quietly would try to teach Edith her way, it didn’t seem to take, she had been brainwashed by the Church and their rederick. She showed Edith where she kept her books, and tools, in a hidden compartment behind the wall in the kitchen, should she ever want to study on her own. 

The leaves would fall early that year, and the cold winds would blow. Edith’s father would be the first victim that old man winter would claim. Edith didn’t know this, but her father had starved himself to ensure that her mother and she would not go without. Her mother was heartbroken, the other villager would say that’s what killed her. Some would say she just fell to the cruelties of the winter. 

Edith watched as one by one all of the people in her village fell sick. She thought of her father often and the things the church had taught her. She prayed for survival, she prayed for food. Her prayers were left unanswered. She turned her back on God, just as he had turned his back on her.  She pulled her mother’s books out of the secret hiding spot. The crude images drawn in the book terrified her. The words Demon and Devil repeated. She was almost too afraid to continue. 

Days would turn to nights, nights to weeks, she was up all hours reading, studying, and planning. She knew deep in her soul that if she wanted to survive this would be the only way. She worked up her courage, took her mother’s jeweled dagger, book,  and walked off into the woods that she had been through many times as a child. She found a clearing with a large enough space to perform her ritual.

She laid the worn leather-bound book on a dry stump, her hand shook as she opened to the page. She took a deep breath, as she picked up a stick to draw the summoning circle. She followed the instructions in the book carefully, as the book had warned that one misstep could be catastrophic. Her heart raced as she pulled the dagger from her belt, the cool metal against her skin, she placed the blade in her other hand. She pulled the blade across her palm, it began to burn as her blood spilled. She dripped her blood at the five points as the book instructed. 

The ground shook, the wind blew hard around her, then the circle started to glow a bright red. In the center of the circle stood what looked like a man, dressed in red. He smiled up at her. His presents didn’t scare her as she thought it would, instead she found peace with him here. 

“You rang,” He said, his voice vibrating her very soul, “Tell me what you want, I haven’t gotten all day.” 

“My people have all starved, I would like to escape that fate. I ask for your help,” She bowed her head. 

“I don’t work for free, there is a small fee I will ask of you,” He said, gesturing for her to come closer.

“I don’t have anything to offer you,” She said in defeat as she stepped closer to him, waves of energy flooded her senses. 

“Oh but you do, I don’t ask for material things, treasures of the humans have no meaning to me, what I seek is a place to plant my seed.”

She looked at him, confusion written clearly on her face, did this demon not know that nothing has grown in this land for the season. Did he not know that the rain ceased, the ground dried up and everything and everybody had perished? Or that it was cold and snow covered the ground?

“Nothing will grow here! It’s a frozen wasteland!” She rebutted. 

The demon laughed, “ I do not speak of your land, I speak of your womb. Lay with me and bear me a son. I will send you a Lord first thing at dawn.”

Her face flushed, she had never laid with anyone, “I will carry your child, if it means that I survive.”

“Very well,” he smiled as he pulled her to him. 

She was lost in the throes of passion. Her body burned hot as he filled her with his seed. He laid her body on the ground. 

“I will keep my promise, you will survive and give birth to my son,” He said before he vanished from her sight. Edith passed out inside the circle. 

She was awakened the next morning as hands shoved at her shoulders. She opened her eyes, the spell circle was gone, covered in a fresh layer of snow, and before her stood the lord of the land. She blinked to clear her eyes, she was sure her sight was deceiving her. 

“Miss what are you doing out here, you will surely catch your death,” He smiled as he helped her to her feet. 

She couldn’t recall what she was doing in the woods, her eyes darted around for a clue as to why she was here. On the stump, she could see her mother’s book. She sighed, she couldn’t remember if she was able to summon a demon or not.

“I was hunting, the food supply ran out weeks ago, and to keep from starving I came to the woods in search of food,” She lied walking to her mother’s book, she picked it up and slid it inside her tunic, “I guess I passed out.”

The Lord smiled at her, “Well you’re lucky that I had to relieve myself or you would have died here.  When I saw that there was no one in the village I assumed the worst, but here you are. Please come back with me.”

“I’d be a fool to turn that down,” She smiled, “I’m Edith.

“I am Lord Bennet, but please call me Issac.” He offered her his hand, “Please Edith, follow me.”  He led her to his wagon and off they went.

He fell magically in love with her.  Before the snow could melt off the two were wed.  The court was pleased with his choice in the bride. As the trees and flowers blossomed so did Edith’s womb.  Issac was thrilled to have a child on the way. Edith didn’t want for anything.  

A hot summer night Edith lay in the bed, sweat pouring from her forehead as pain gripped her. Her abdomen tight with contractions, she screamed until her voice was gone.  The midwife watched over her, praying for safe delivery, knowing it would be her head if anything happened to the mother or infant.  

Issac grew weary of waiting for his child to arrive, ever so often he peeked his head in the door for a report. After the second sundown, he too feared for the lives of his wife and child. He paced the halls, he prayed, and he talked with other members of the court to calm him.

Just before the dawn of the third day, she was born, a small baby girl, with the tiniest of horns, and the palest skin. The midwife grew pale as she laid the baby on her mother’s chest.

“It’s the devil!” Her midwife shrieked in horror, as she ran from the room. 

"How are my wife and child?" Issac said seeing her run from the room. 

"There is no child, just an abomination," she replied, her head hung low.

“What do you mean?” Issac growled at her.

“See for yourself my Lord,” She pointed to the room. 

Edith laid upon the bed, the infant on the floor, tears flowed down her face.  She remembered the deal with the demon, she remembered it all. She feared what would happen to her. She wouldn’t even look at the child. She ignored the cries from it.

The door flung open and Issac ran inside, he saw the infant on the floor and picked her up. To his dismay, the infant was an abomination. He looked at his wife, malice in his eyes.

“This child isn’t mine! This child isn’t even human! Who have you been fornicating with! Tell me!” He demanded.

“I didn’t..” She sobbed trying to find the words.

“Whore!” Her husband shouted at her.

“I didn’t, I must have been raped!” She lied.

“You have three days to dispose of the infant, then you will stand trial for your betrayal,” he walked out of the room slamming the door. 

“I hate you,” she spat at the child.

The next day she got up and dug through her wardrobe and dug out her mother’s book, and dagger. This book got her into this mess, it would get her out. She picked up the infant and walked off the Lord’s property. She repeated the summoning that she had done that cold winter night.  The demon appeared before her.  

“Where is my son?” He looked around for the child.

Edith held out the swaddled baby, “Here is your baby.” 

The demon smiled taking the infant from her arms, he unwrapped the baby, his face fell, “This child isn’t my son!” he handed Edith back the unswaddled bundle.

“I don’t want her!” Edith yelled at the demon.

    “Then kill her,” He said coldly before he vanished. 

She laid the baby on the ground, she pulled the dagger above the child. As she looked into the eyes of her baby she couldn’t kill her. She didn’t know what to do. She thought of leaving the child in the woods but feared what would happen if she didn’t die. The only thing she could think to do was take her to the church. She knew that they would take care of her. 

She left the infant on a pew in the church, and what a punishment that was. She wasn’t seen leaving the child, but word travels fast in a small town. The canoness found the infant, the horns caused her quite the fright. She took the child to the Vicar. 

He was sitting in his office counting the tithes, as soon as he heard the door he turned his head to see who had entered. He smiled seeing the woman with the child, though he hadn’t seen her horns. 

“I do hate to disturb you, but we have a serious issue,” She said as she uncovered the child’s head.

He looked shocked but only for a second, the grimace replaced with a look of joy, “Oh dear, It seems that I have a house call to make.” 

He stood from his seat and took the infant in his arms, “I will return in two days, I know of a man who takes care of problems such as these.”

He hitched up a buggy, riding into the market. He could tell that the baby had been starved. He bought a small amount of milk. just enough to satisfy the hunger in her belly. He rode out of town alone. A journey he had made many times before, with other undesirables. 

He rode up the long dirt road that led to his childhood friend, Josh’s home. He had taken many children to Josh to dispose of, those children who defied his order, or the ones that he had his way with. He would bring them here, where they would be dealt with.  

Josh owned a stone manor that was a half days journey out of town. The land stretched for many miles. His wife had inherited the manor when her father passed away unexpectedly.  Behind the manor there were two tiny servant houses, that would house thirty adult servants. The manor would house him and his wife for a few years before Josh would acquire his first child.  He tied the child up the barn , and two of his friends, William and Reggie, would take turns raping and beating the young girl. When they had broken her in they sold her to the man that would be her husband. 

Josh, Willian and Reggie would spend two full years building the basement, the cages that would hold the children. They would carve archways to fit doors with locks, which they traded three very young boys for the materials. 

Josh was sitting outside when the carriage arrived. He smiled as he saw his friend.  He walked out to greet him. 

“Good evening, Josh,” he said as he picked the child up off of the floor of the cart, “I come bearing gifts.” 

“What ya got there?” He asked, reaching for the bundle.

“A demon baby,” He said, “What will you give me for the find?”

Josh grinned, handing his friend a few coins, “Come sample the wares.”

Emely was the first baby that he had ever had, she was fussy, the milk seemed to upset her stomach. She would cry most of the night and he would demand his wife to take her out of the house. She would take the child to the servants in hope that they could do something with her. 

     As she got older she went everywhere with him. He would beat and rape children in front of her. He would reward her when she didn’t cry. He would mold her to be his perfect daughter, his accomplice.  

     Most of the children locked in the basement were the servants' very own flesh and blood. They would be taken away from their parents as a form of punishment for breaking the rules, or even if the crop failed due to unfavorable weather. If any of the parents protested they would face a similar fate to that of their child. 

His wife would fall pregnant that fall.  She would suffer terribly through it. She was so sick and weak. Even the best midwife that money could buy wasn’t enough to save her in the end. She would die in childbirth. 

He couldn’t deal with the loss of his wife, his wrath even scared Emely.  She watched as he raped a young girl and choked her to death. She was only four. He threw the girl’s body out of a second-story window, then ran out back to get another. The boy was hung up by his wrist and beaten. He cried and begged for him to stop. Emely couldn’t stand to listen to him cry anymore. her heart hurt. She lunged at her Master biting his leg. He slung her into the wall. 

“What do you think you are doing?” he snatched her up by her horns, “Don’t forget who feeds you, missy!”

That night was the first night she had ever slept in a cage. She had broken her master’s trust.  As he led her down out to the dark barn, she could see that there were at least twenty children all locked in their own cage.  Inside each cage were a naked child, a thin sheet, and a bowl. Which she would learn would be for being fed and voiding her bowel and bladder. The basement had one small window that would be the only light for the room unless the master was down there with a lantern. 

The master walked back up the stairs the light from his lantern faded away, and for the first time in her life, she felt fear. She could feel the eyes on her. She wanted to cry out for her master, but her terror had her silenced. The stale, stagnant air filled her lungs, the air had a chill to it that she didn’t like. She cowered in the corner of her cage. 

“Look it’s the freak show,” she could hear one of the children say. 

“Now she is one of us, I knew it wouldn’t be long before he’d get tired of having a brat on his heels,” another taunted her.

“Don’t listen to them they are just being assholes,” a small voice said from beside her, “Just do as they say, and you’ll be alright.”

Morning came, but her master didn’t come for her.  He came into the room and pulled an older boy from his cage. That boy didn’t come back. She would come to find out that sometimes they just didn’t come back. The next time she would see her master would be when he brought food in. a loaf of bread, a half a piece for each child, and a pail of water to splash some in the bowl. He didn’t put food or water in the boy’s cage next to her. She could hear him sob out of hunger. She offered him a bite of her food. 

“Hey what do you think you are doing!” Her master snarled at her.

“Hungry, Master,” She whispered, hanging her head, “Sorry.”

Her master pulled her from her cage by her hair and dragged her body across the floor. He bashed her face into the floor, busting her mouth open, and breaking her nose. Emely wailed in pain. Her master laughed at her as he pulled the leather strap off the wall. He stripped her naked and swung wildly at the small girl.

Each crack of the strap ripped flesh from her body and produced a scream from Emely that sounded like it had come straight from the pits of Hell. Fire formed around the child’s finger and shot out. Her master’s hand was burned. He grabbed her up by her horns and threw her into the wall. Her ribs cracked, and her lungs filled with blood before she passed out. 

“Fucking, demon,” He growled throwing her back into her cage.  That’s how she got her name. 

She didn’t understand why she felt the way she did, anything her master did she wanted to do the opposite. If he wanted to punish a child by withholding food she wanted to give that child her food. If he wanted to beat a child she wanted to hug it. All she knew was her master, but she could feel a higher calling. This attitude left her with more beatings than one child should ever endure, but her will was iron, she would take the beating for her transgressions.

She stayed quiet in her cage, watching, learning. Trying to figure out how to survive when she had witnessed many that had been beat to death. She knew that her master had no remorse for killing these kids and that she wasn’t so special. The days passed into night, the beatings continued. She was present for some of them. 

Some days the master didn’t come at all with food, some days he would bring the children a treat and they would get a nibble of something other than bread, the later involved him making a great sale.  On the days that he didn’t come her belly would rumble and hurt terribly.

Days turned to nights, weeks into months, and months into years, Emely’s body was changing, hair growing in places it hadn’t before. Her chest started to grow, her nipples changed. She didn’t understand what was happening. Her master did, as he inspected her body he almost drooled. He pushed a dress over Emely’s shoulders. 

“Follow me,” He commanded.

“Yes, Master,” Emely obeyed. 

She followed him up from the basement. The bright light from the windows hurt her eyes. Her stomach growled as the aroma of cooking meat filled her nose. Her Master pushed her towards the staircase, she had never been taken upstairs before. The stairwell was dimly lit, she carefully took each step feeling that her legs would give out before she made it to the top. She was guided to a room down the hall. The dim-lit room had a strange table with straps, a couch where two other men sat.  The smell of stale smoke and sweat filled Emely’s nose as she stepped inside. She hung her head awaiting orders. 

“Strip,” her master demanded. 

Emely felt her face flush hot, “I don’t understand.”

Her reply was a slap across the face, “Take your clothes off.”

She shyly complied; she wanted to avoid another slap, or worse. Her master led her to the table and strapped her legs and hands down. Fear spiked in her. She didn’t know what they had intended to do to her but she knew that it wouldn’t be good.  

“Inspect her for yourselves, but her ample bosom and hair on her twat say that she is ready,” Her master said, squeezing her breast. 

The two men stood from the couch. They walked over to the table. One of the men sank to his knees between her legs. The other walked to her face, grabbing her head and turning it towards him.

“I love the smell of virgin pussy,” He said, his fingers ran across her vulva. 

Emely closed her eyes, not wanting to see what happened next. She felt something warm and slimy rub her lips. 

Her master watched as they pinched, clawed, and bit her.  She closed her eyes, trying hard not to cry out. knowing that it made the pain worse. She felt the pressure from the blunt head as her core burned red hot with pain. Her horns were grabbed and her mouth filled. The pain was more than she could handle as her Master forced his way inside her anus. She blacked out from pain. 

She woke up back in her cage, her bottom sore and achy, that’s the day she learned what sex was. That was the day that she vowed not to let the other girls endure that pain. Something deep in her soul ignited. 

She would spend days in her cage thinking of ways to best her master. She knew that if she just followed the rules made them trust her she could help these kids. At least save them some misery. 

The rays from the morning sun had just peeked through the small window in their containment room. She had her plan in her head, and she knew that her master would be coming in to get his victim for the day soon. She would make him choose her. She would endear the punishment meant for someone else. The door swung open and the foul excuse for a human walked in. He started for the cage at the far end of the room. 

“Master,” Emely moaned from her cage, “Please.”

“What do you want, Demon?” he snarled as he turned his head to her cage. 

“I need you,” she begged as she opened her legs.     

He almost drooled, “That’s a good girl.”

He walked to her cage and opened it up, “Thank you, Master.”

He smiled as he leashed her and walked her down the hall, “I have a special treat for you since you have been so good for me.” 

The lights in the hall were off, Emely could hear the sounds of leather hitting flesh, followed by the cries of pain coming from the room at the end of the hall. She took a deep breath, knowing that would be her in a few moments. Knowing that the sounds of pain pleased her master beyond any other favor she could give. 

“Be good for them,” he ordered, opening the door and tossing her inside. 

She hung her head knowing that her body would be used, abused and she would be thrown back in her cage without another thought. She sighed and took her clothes off. Her thin frame is covered in bruises. She closes her eyes and let the men pick her over. Being sure to be as loud as she could. Cries of pleasure and pain were forced from her.  When they were finished with her they tossed her out into the hallway. Even though her body was exhausted and she was in a massive amount of pain she got on her knees at his feet.

“How can I serve you, Master,” she said seductively, looking up at him.

“Did you not get enough?” he grabbed her by her hair.

“I want to serve you, please allow me,” She reached for his hips.

“I see you are finally understanding your place here,” he said as he pulled her head into his groin. 

Her body was passed around and used for weeks, every day she managed to keep another child out of her master's cruel game. Each time they were more brutal, and each time she bled just a little more. 

For weeks she endured pain for their pleasure, and debauchery. Until one morning her master pulled her from her cage with another girl. They were both led to the beating room. The other girl was held by two strong men. 

"You talk loyalty, you promise that you'll be good for me, prove it," her master said, handing her a leather strap, "beat her, prove to me that you are just like me." 

Emely took the strap, she swallowed her emotions. She stepped up to the other girl. She drew back her arm and swung, cracking the strap down her chest. The sickening sound of flesh being ripped echoed through the room. The young girl screamed out in pain. Bile filled Emely's mouth. She closed her eyes and drew back again. She swung willing herself to go deaf as she savagely beat the young girl. 

“That’s enough,” her master pulled the strap from her hand, “You go back to your cage.”

She hung her head and walked back down the hall. Her cage was welcoming, she crawled inside. Her mouth watered, her stomach lurched. She reached for her pot, emptying the contents of her stomach.  Her head was spinning, her thoughts jumbled. A sob ripped from her chest. 

“Demon!” Her Master shouted as he opened her cage, “I have a special case for you.”

Emely looked up to her master with waiting eyes, “Yes, Master.”

“Come, I’ll show you. If you do a good job you never have to see this cage again,” He promised. 

Emely nodded her head in understanding. She followed her master from the basement upstairs. He led her to the den, a room that she hadn’t been inside since she was a small child. Standing in the room was a small girl. she couldn’t have been more than eight. 

“Strip her, bathe her, and put her in your cage. When you are done come back to me” 

“Yes Master,” Emely said, leading the young girl to the washroom. 

“I don’t need your help,” the young girl snapped. 

Emely removed her dress, the young girl had been whipped recently, her wounds still fresh looked like a spider. 

“Better me than him,” Emely said, helping her clean up, “Who whipped you?”

“The priest,” she said, not making a move as Emely cleaned her wounds.

“Why?” Emely asked, handing the girl a clean sheet. 

“Because I have the devil in me,” She said. 

Emely took the child to the basement, put her in her cage. She closed and locked the door. She felt dirty doing it. She knew that in the eyes of these children she was no better than her master. She would prove herself to them. 

She walked back into the den where her master was waiting for her, he was sitting in a chair in front of the fireplace, “Did you get the girl settled?”

“Yes, sir,” Emely said.

“Good girl, now come here,” He said as he pushed his pants down around his legs. He stroked himself.

Emely obeyed letting him use her body.  She closed her eyes, her thoughts were with the children in the basement and how she could help them. He finished quickly and pushed her from his lap. 

“The child is yours, you must break her, and get her ready to be sold,” Her master said, “If you can’t break her, I’ll kill her and put you back in the cage.”

“Yes, sir,” Emely said from the floor. 

Her master stood from his chair and walked to the kitchen with a bottle filled with amber-colored liquid. He sat down in his chair and started drinking. Before long he was passed out cold.   She stayed up as long as she could watching him, she made loud noises, knocked things off, the only thing that seemed to make him stir was her reaching for the keys that hung around his neck. She made note of this, she knew that it would allow her to help the others. 

Over the next few months, she would take extra food to the kids, not much, nothing that her master would miss, mostly food she had salvaged from the dogs scraps. She would take extra to her charge, as the child had a special place in her heart. The child would look at her as she would beat her never speaking, she grit and bear it.  One time her master beat the child Emely swore she could see the fires from hell in her eyes. She fought him, spit at him, cursed him. Emely had to backhand her to shut her up. 

 She was growing more every day, her belly rounding out in her dress. Her master had taken notice of her growing middle. Her belly moved on its own. She didn’t understand that she had fallen pregnant. Climbing the stairs to and from the basement became harder, she was tired more, as men had taken a renewed interest in having sex with her, but she still made sure that she took care of her charge. 

“Master, why do you keep grabbing my belly?” She asked one night as they lay in bed. 

“Because there is a baby in there and as soon as it is born I will be a happy man,” He answered. 

She could hear her master talking with the other men, she knew that he planned to sell the infant that was growing inside her. That the Lord and Lady were looking to buy a child as they have fallen fruitless. Emely didn’t care if they sold the child she was no fool and knew it would only have a life of pain here. She had no attachment to the child. 

Late one winter evening Emely would go into labor, she would scream and thrash around on the bed. She had made one small request before the infant would be taken to its new home, that she got to hold it. Her master had agreed.  She pushed for hours, with only her master's help, the pressure in her bottom peeked, then she felt relief as the baby passed out of her. Her master cut the cord, holding the baby up.

“Goddamnit!” He cursed. 

The other two men rushed in, “Is there a problem?” 

Master turned so the other two could see the newborn, “Fucking thing’s a demon too!”

“Please, Master let me hold it,” Emely begged horsley from the bed. 

Her pleas would fall on deaf ears, the three men whispered in the corner. the next thing Emely knew her master held the newborn up, and snapped its neck, then threw his lifeless body on the floor. He stomped out of the room.  Emely screamed, her heart shattered, she dove to the floor to pick up the body of her newborn. She cried as she rocked him in her arms. 

“Fucking bastards!” She howled. 

That one cruel action, broke her to the core, she didn’t care about anything anymore, the only thing that got her through her day was seeing her special little girl. Her master didn’t touch her sexually anymore, he made sure that she was taking care of her charge. She didn’t even take extra food to the others anymore. She had one goal of keeping herself and her charge alive. 

Emely went to the basement to get her charge and she wasn’t there, she panicked fearing that the master had sold her, or worse. She ran back up the basement stairs, rounded the corner in the kitchen, and ran up the second staircase. She could hear the girl cursing and screaming, She flung open the door to the room where they were, Emely saw they had her strapped to the table. 

“Master she isn’t ready!” Emely spoke. 

“Who asked you Demon?” the other man spoke.

“Uncle, I had hair before you did me, she doesn’t, leave her alone!” She swallowed her fear. 

“Well, well, what about that smart mouth,” He said as he slapped her. 

“Fuck you,” she spat at him. 

He punched her in the face, knocking her down. The other two joined in, she didn’t care anymore the longer they beat her the longer she could save her girl from the punishment.  They kicked her, her ribs broke, her lungs filled with blood. She could feel the burning in her chest as each breath became labored. She closed her eyes, taking one final breath. 

“Fuck, Will! I think we killed her!” Reggie said.

Josh sunk to his knees to feel for a pulse. She was dead, “Stupid whore!”

“You fucking assholes,” they heard the girl from the table scream.

They turned to her, “This is your fucking fault!”

They ripped her from the table throwing her to the ground. With every kick, every blow, she cursed them, she promised them she was coming back for them, they would be sorry for this! It didn’t take long for them to put the fire in the young girls' eyes out. 

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She was lonely She wanted someone to calm the storm inside. She had waited for him for over 300 years. And when she finally found him... She wanted...
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A young dream succubus recently found out that she was a princess, something she wasn't expecting. She was betrayed by people she was closest to but...